forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Make TwitterStatusFetcher extend ParallelizingDaemon
This commit is contained in:
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class ParallelizingDaemon extends Daemon
function run()
if (isset($this->_debug)) {
echo $this->name() . " - debugging output enabled.\n";
echo $this->name() . " - Debugging output enabled.\n";
do {
@ -107,9 +107,10 @@ class ParallelizingDaemon extends Daemon
if ($pid) {
// Parent
if (isset($this->_debug)) {
echo $this->name() .
" (parent) forked new child - pid $pid.\n";
" - Forked new child - pid $pid.\n";
@ -120,22 +121,25 @@ class ParallelizingDaemon extends Daemon
// Child
// Do something with each object
// Remove child from ps list as it finishes
while (($c = pcntl_wait($status, WNOHANG OR WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
if (isset($this->_debug)) {
echo $this->name() . " child $c finished.\n";
echo $this->name() . " - Child $c finished.\n";
$this->removePs($this->_children, $c);
// Wait! We have too many damn kids.
if (sizeof($this->_children) >= $this->_max_children) {
if (isset($this->_debug)) {
@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ class ParallelizingDaemon extends Daemon
while (($c = pcntl_wait($status, WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
if (isset($this->_debug)) {
echo $this->name() . " child $c finished.\n";
echo $this->name() . " - Child $c finished.\n";
$this->removePs($this->_children, $c);
@ -54,6 +54,18 @@ require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/parallelizingdaemon.php';
class SyncTwitterFriendsDaemon extends ParallelizingDaemon
* Constructor
* @param string $id the name/id of this daemon
* @param int $interval sleep this long before doing everything again
* @param int $max_children maximum number of child processes at a time
* @param boolean $debug debug output flag
* @return void
function __construct($id = null, $interval = 60,
$max_children = 2, $debug = null)
@ -71,6 +83,12 @@ class SyncTwitterFriendsDaemon extends ParallelizingDaemon
return ('synctwitterfriendsdaemon.' . $this->_id);
* Find all the Twitter foreign links for users who have requested
* automatically subscribing to their Twitter friends locally.
* @return array flinks an array of Foreign_link objects
function getObjects()
$flinks = array();
@ -237,8 +255,6 @@ class SyncTwitterFriendsDaemon extends ParallelizingDaemon
declare(ticks = 1);
$id = null;
$debug = null;
@ -56,17 +56,23 @@ require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/daemon.php';
// NOTE: an Avatar path MUST be set in config.php for this
// script to work: e.g.: $config['avatar']['path'] = '/laconica/avatar';
class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
class TwitterStatusFetcher extends ParallelizingDaemon
private $_children = array();
function __construct($id=null, $daemonize=true)
* Constructor
* @param string $id the name/id of this daemon
* @param int $interval sleep this long before doing everything again
* @param int $max_children maximum number of child processes at a time
* @param boolean $debug debug output flag
* @return void
function __construct($id = null, $interval = 60,
$max_children = 2, $debug = null)
if ($id) {
parent::__construct($id, $interval, $max_children, $debug);
@ -81,123 +87,13 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
* Run the daemon
* Find all the Twitter foreign links for users who have requested
* importing of their friends' timelines
* @return void
* @return array flinks an array of Foreign_link objects
function run()
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug($this->name() .
': debugging log output enabled.');
do {
$flinks = $this->refreshFlinks();
foreach ($flinks as $f) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
die ("Couldn't fork!");
if ($pid) {
// Parent
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Parent: forked new status ".
" fetcher process " . $pid);
$this->_children[] = $pid;
} else {
// Child
// Each child ps needs its own DB connection
// Note: DataObject::getDatabaseConnection() creates
// a new connection if there isn't one already
$conn = &$f->getDatabaseConnection();
// XXX: Couldn't find a less brutal way to blow
// away a cached connection
// Remove child from ps list as it finishes
while (($c = pcntl_wait($status, WNOHANG OR WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Child $c finished.");
$this->removePs($this->_children, $c);
// Wait! We have too many damn kids.
if (sizeof($this->_children) > MAXCHILDREN) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Too many children. Waiting...');
if (($c = pcntl_wait($status, WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Finished waiting for $c");
$this->removePs($this->_children, $c);
// Remove all children from the process list before restarting
while (($c = pcntl_wait($status, WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Child $c finished.");
$this->removePs($this->_children, $c);
// Rest for a bit before we fetch more statuses
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Waiting ' . POLL_INTERVAL .
' secs before hitting Twitter again.');
if (POLL_INTERVAL > 0) {
} while (true);
* Refresh the foreign links for this user
* @return void
function refreshFlinks()
function getObjects()
@ -205,15 +101,8 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
$conn = &$flink->getDatabaseConnection();
$flink->service = TWITTER_SERVICE;
$cnt = $flink->find();
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Updating Twitter friends subscriptions' .
" for $cnt users.");
$flinks = array();
@ -234,39 +123,39 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
return $flinks;
* Unknown
* @param array &$plist unknown.
* @param string $ps unknown.
* @return unknown
* @todo document
function childTask($flink) {
function removePs(&$plist, $ps)
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($plist); $i++) {
if ($plist[$i] == $ps) {
$plist = array_values($plist);
// Each child ps needs its own DB connection
// Note: DataObject::getDatabaseConnection() creates
// a new connection if there isn't one already
$conn = &$flink->getDatabaseConnection();
$flink->last_friendsync = common_sql_now();
// XXX: Couldn't find a less brutal way to blow
// away a cached connection
function getTimeline($flink)
if (empty($flink)) {
"Can't retrieve Foreign_link for foreign ID $fid");
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() .
" - Can't retrieve Foreign_link for foreign ID $fid");
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Trying to get timeline for Twitter user ' .
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Trying to get timeline for Twitter user ' .
// XXX: Biggest remaining issue - How do we know at which status
// to start importing? How many statuses? Right now I'm going
@ -279,28 +168,28 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
try {
$timeline = $client->statuses_friends_timeline();
} catch (OAuthClientCurlException $e) {
'OAuth client unable to get friends timeline for user ' .
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() .
' - OAuth client unable to get friends timeline for user ' .
$flink->user_id . ' - code: ' .
$e->getCode() . 'msg: ' . $e->getMessage());
if (empty($timeline)) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Empty timeline.");
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name . " - Empty timeline.");
// Reverse to preserve order
foreach (array_reverse($timeline) as $status) {
// Hacktastic: filter out stuff coming from this Laconica
$source = mb_strtolower(common_config('integration', 'source'));
if (preg_match("/$source/", mb_strtolower($status->source))) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Skipping import of status ' . $status->id .
' with source ' . $source);
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Skipping import of status ' .
$status->id . ' with source ' . $source);
@ -308,6 +197,7 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
// Okay, record the time we synced with Twitter for posterity
$flink->last_noticesync = common_sql_now();
@ -319,8 +209,8 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
$profile = Profile::staticGet($id);
if (empty($profile)) {
'Problem saving notice. No associated Profile.');
common_log(LOG_ERR, $this->name() .
' - Problem saving notice. No associated Profile.');
return null;
@ -344,7 +234,7 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
$notice->content = common_shorten_links($status->text); // XXX
$notice->rendered = common_render_content($notice->content, $notice);
$notice->source = 'twitter';
$notice->reply_to = null; // XXX lookup reply
$notice->reply_to = null; // XXX: lookup reply
$notice->is_local = Notice::GATEWAY;
if (Event::handle('StartNoticeSave', array(&$notice))) {
@ -370,24 +260,22 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
function ensureProfile($user)
// check to see if there's already a profile for this user
$profileurl = '' . $user->screen_name;
$profile = Profile::staticGet('profileurl', $profileurl);
if (!empty($profile)) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Profile for $profile->nickname found.");
common_debug($this->name() .
" - Profile for $profile->nickname found.");
// Check to see if the user's Avatar has changed
$this->checkAvatar($user, $profile);
$this->checkAvatar($user, $profile);
return $profile->id;
} else {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Adding profile and remote profile ' .
"for Twitter user: $profileurl");
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Adding profile and remote profile ' .
"for Twitter user: $profileurl.");
$profile = new Profile();
@ -409,6 +297,7 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
// check for remote profile
$remote_pro = Remote_profile::staticGet('uri', $profileurl);
if (empty($remote_pro)) {
@ -448,23 +337,18 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
$oldname = $profile->getAvatar(48)->filename;
if ($newname != $oldname) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Avatar for Twitter user ' .
"$profile->nickname has changed.");
common_debug("old: $oldname new: $newname");
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Avatar for Twitter user ' .
"$profile->nickname has changed.");
common_debug($this->name() . " - old: $oldname new: $newname");
$this->updateAvatars($twitter_user, $profile);
if ($this->missingAvatarFile($profile)) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug('Twitter user ' . $profile->nickname .
' is missing one or more local avatars.');
common_debug("old: $oldname new: $newname");
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Twitter user ' .
$profile->nickname .
' is missing one or more local avatars.');
common_debug($this->name() ." - old: $oldname new: $newname");
$this->updateAvatars($twitter_user, $profile);
@ -544,23 +428,20 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
if ($this->fetchAvatar($url, $filename)) {
$this->newAvatar($id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
} else {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Problem fetching Avatar: $url", __FILE__);
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->id() .
" - Problem fetching Avatar: $url");
function updateAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Updating avatar: $size");
common_debug($this->name() . " - Updating avatar: $size");
$profile = Profile::staticGet($profile_id);
if (empty($profile)) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Couldn't get profile: $profile_id!");
common_debug($this->name() . " - Couldn't get profile: $profile_id!");
@ -568,6 +449,7 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
$avatar = $profile->getAvatar($sizes[$size]);
// Delete the avatar, if present
if ($avatar) {
@ -605,9 +487,7 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
$avatar->filename = $filename;
$avatar->url = Avatar::url($filename);
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("new filename: $avatar->url");
common_debug($this->name() . " - New filename: $avatar->url");
$avatar->created = common_sql_now();
@ -618,9 +498,8 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
return null;
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Saved new $size avatar for $profile_id.");
common_debug($this->name() .
" - Saved new $size avatar for $profile_id.");
return $id;
@ -633,13 +512,12 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
$out = fopen($avatarfile, 'wb');
if (!$out) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't open file $filename", __FILE__);
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() .
" - Couldn't open file $filename");
return false;
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
common_debug("Fetching avatar: $url");
common_debug($this->name() . " - Fetching Twitter avatar: $url");
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
@ -656,7 +534,8 @@ class TwitterStatusFetcher extends Daemon
declare(ticks = 1);
$id = null;
$debug = null;
if (have_option('i')) {
$id = get_option_value('i');
@ -669,9 +548,9 @@ if (have_option('i')) {
if (have_option('d') || have_option('debug')) {
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
$debug = true;
$fetcher = new TwitterStatusFetcher($id);
$fetcher = new TwitterStatusFetcher($id, 60, 2, $debug);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user