forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
[COMPONENT][Attachment] Vinculate note information with attachment controllers
Various minor bug fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ class Attachment extends Component
public function onAddRoute(RouteLoader $r): bool
$r->connect('attachment_show', '/object/attachment/{id<\d+>}', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachment_show']);
$r->connect('attachment_view', '/object/attachment/{id<\d+>}/view', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachment_view']);
$r->connect('attachment_download', '/object/attachment/{id<\d+>}/download', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachment_download']);
$r->connect('attachment_thumbnail', '/object/attachment/{id<\d+>}/thumbnail/{size<big|medium|small>}', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachment_thumbnail']);
$r->connect('note_attachment_show', '/object/note/{note_id<\d+>}/attachment/{attachment_id<\d+>}', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachmentShowWithNote']);
$r->connect('note_attachment_view', '/object/note/{note_id<\d+>}/attachment/{attachment_id<\d+>}/view', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachmentViewWithNote']);
$r->connect('note_attachment_download', '/object/note/{note_id<\d+>}/attachment/{attachment_id<\d+>}/download', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachmentDownloadWithNote']);
$r->connect('note_attachment_thumbnail', '/object/note/{note_id<\d+>}/attachment/{attachment_id<\d+>}/thumbnail/{size<big|medium|small>}', [C\Attachment::class, 'attachmentThumbnailWithNote']);
return Event::next;
@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\Event;
use App\Core\GSFile;
use function App\Core\I18n\_m;
use App\Core\Log;
use App\Core\Router\Router;
use App\Entity\Note;
use App\Util\Common;
use App\Util\Exception\ClientException;
use App\Util\Exception\NoSuchFileException;
@ -46,22 +45,23 @@ class Attachment extends Controller
* Generic function that handles getting a representation for an attachment
private function attachment(int $id, callable $handle)
private function attachment(int $attachment_id, Note|int $note, callable $handle)
if ($id <= 0) { // This should never happen coming from the router, but let's bail if it does
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
Log::critical("Attachment controller called with {$id}, which should not be possible");
throw new ClientException(_m('No such attachment.'), 404);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
} else {
$res = null;
if (Event::handle('AttachmentFileInfo', [$id, &$res]) != Event::stop) {
// If no one else claims this attachment, use the default representation
try {
$res = GSFile::getAttachmentFileInfo($id);
} catch (NoSuchFileException $e) {
// Continue below
$attachment = DB::findOneBy('attachment', ['id' => $attachment_id]);
$note = \is_int($note) ? Note::getById($note) : $note;
// Before anything, ensure proper scope
if (!$note->isVisibleTo(Common::actor())) {
throw new ClientException(_m('You don\'t have permissions to view this attachment.'), 401);
$res = null;
if (Event::handle('AttachmentFileInfo', [$attachment, $note, &$res]) !== Event::stop) {
// If no one else claims this attachment, use the default representation
try {
$res = GSFile::getAttachmentFileInfo($attachment_id);
} catch (NoSuchFileException $e) {
// Continue below
@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ class Attachment extends Controller
throw new ServerException('This attachment is not stored locally.');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
} else {
$res['attachment'] = $attachment;
$res['note'] = $note;
$res['title'] = $attachment->getBestTitle($note);
return $handle($res);
@ -81,16 +84,17 @@ class Attachment extends Controller
* The page where the attachment and it's info is shown
public function attachment_show(Request $request, int $id)
public function attachmentShowWithNote(Request $request, int $note_id, int $attachment_id)
try {
$attachment = DB::findOneBy('attachment', ['id' => $id]);
return $this->attachment($id, function ($res) use ($id, $attachment) {
return $this->attachment($attachment_id, $note_id, function ($res) use ($note_id, $attachment_id) {
return [
'_template' => '/cards/attachments/show.html.twig',
'download' => Router::url('attachment_download', ['id' => $id]),
'attachment' => $attachment,
'right_panel_vars' => ['attachment_id' => $id],
'download' => $res['attachment']->getDownloadUrl(note: $note_id),
'title' => $res['title'],
'attachment' => $res['attachment'],
'note' => $res['note'],
'right_panel_vars' => ['attachment_id' => $attachment_id],
} catch (NotFoundException) {
@ -101,27 +105,29 @@ class Attachment extends Controller
* Display the attachment inline
public function attachment_view(Request $request, int $id)
public function attachmentViewWithNote(Request $request, int $note_id, int $attachment_id)
return $this->attachment(
fn (array $res) => GSFile::sendFile(
GSFile::ensureFilenameWithProperExtension($res['filename'], $res['mimetype']) ?? $res['filename'],
GSFile::ensureFilenameWithProperExtension($res['title'], $res['mimetype']) ?? $res['filename'],
public function attachment_download(Request $request, int $id)
public function attachmentDownloadWithNote(Request $request, int $note_id, int $attachment_id)
return $this->attachment(
fn (array $res) => GSFile::sendFile(
GSFile::ensureFilenameWithProperExtension($res['filename'], $res['mimetype']) ?? $res['filename'],
GSFile::ensureFilenameWithProperExtension($res['title'], $res['mimetype']) ?? $res['filename'],
@ -130,16 +136,21 @@ class Attachment extends Controller
* Controller to produce a thumbnail for a given attachment id
* @param int $id Attachment ID
* @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID
* @throws \App\Util\Exception\DuplicateFoundException
* @throws ClientException
* @throws NotFoundException
* @throws ServerException
public function attachment_thumbnail(Request $request, int $id, string $size = 'small'): Response
public function attachmentThumbnailWithNote(Request $request, int $note_id, int $attachment_id, string $size = 'small'): Response
$attachment = DB::findOneBy('attachment', ['id' => $id]);
// Before anything, ensure proper scope
if (!Note::getById($note_id)->isVisibleTo(Common::actor())) {
throw new ClientException(_m('You don\'t have permissions to view this thumbnail.'), 401);
$attachment = DB::findOneBy('attachment', ['id' => $attachment_id]);
$crop = Common::config('thumbnail', 'smart_crop');
@ -347,9 +347,19 @@ class Attachment extends Entity
return \is_null($filename) ? null : Common::config('attachments', 'dir') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
public function getUrl(int $type = Router::ABSOLUTE_URL): string
public function getUrl(Note|int $note, int $type = Router::ABSOLUTE_URL): string
return Router::url(id: 'attachment_view', args: ['id' => $this->getId()], type: $type);
return Router::url(id: 'note_attachment_view', args: ['note_id' => \is_int($note) ? $note : $note->getId(), 'attachment_id' => $this->getId()], type: $type);
public function getShowUrl(Note|int $note, int $type = Router::ABSOLUTE_URL): string
return Router::url(id: 'note_attachment_show', args: ['note_id' => \is_int($note) ? $note : $note->getId(), 'attachment_id' => $this->getId()], type: $type);
public function getDownloadUrl(Note|int $note, int $type = Router::ABSOLUTE_URL): string
return Router::url(id: 'note_attachment_download', args: ['note_id' => \is_int($note) ? $note : $note->getId(), 'attachment_id' => $this->getId()], type: $type);
@ -364,9 +374,9 @@ class Attachment extends Entity
return AttachmentThumbnail::getOrCreate(attachment: $this, size: $size, crop: $crop);
public function getThumbnailUrl(?string $size = null)
public function getThumbnailUrl(Note|int $note, ?string $size = null)
return Router::url('attachment_thumbnail', ['id' => $this->getId(), 'size' => $size ?? Common::config('thumbnail', 'default_size')]);
return Router::url('note_attachment_thumbnail', ['note_id' => \is_int($note) ? $note : $note->getId(), 'attachment_id' => $this->getId(), 'size' => $size ?? Common::config('thumbnail', 'default_size')]);
public static function schemaDef(): array
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class Note extends Model
$attr['attachment'][] = [
'type' => 'Document',
'mediaType' => $attachment->getMimetype(),
'url' => $attachment->getUrl(Router::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'url' => $attachment->getUrl(note: $object, type: Router::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'name' => AttachmentToNote::getByPK(['attachment_id' => $attachment->getId(), 'note_id' => $object->getId()])->getTitle(),
'width' => $attachment->getWidth(),
'height' => $attachment->getHeight(),
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class AttachmentShowRelated extends Plugin
public function onAppendRightPanelBlock($vars, $request, &$res): bool
if ($vars['path'] === 'attachment_show') {
if ($vars['path'] === 'note_attachment_show') {
$related_notes = DB::dql('select n from attachment_to_note an '
. 'join note n with = an.note_id '
. 'where an.attachment_id = :attachment_id', ['attachment_id' => $vars['vars']['attachment_id']], );
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ class AudioEncoder extends Plugin
'attachment' => $vars['attachment'],
'note' => $vars['note'],
'title' => $vars['title'],
return Event::stop;
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
{% if attachment.getFilename() is not null %}
<audio class="u-audio" src="{{ attachment.getUrl() }}" controls>
<audio class="u-audio" src="{{ attachment.getUrl(note) }}" controls>
{% if attachment.getFilename() is not null %}
<a href="{{ path('attachment_show', {'id': attachment.getId()}) }}">{{ attachment.getBestTitle(note) }}</a>
<a href="{{ attachment.getShowUrl(note) }}">{{ title }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ attachment.getBestTitle(note) }}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class Embed extends Plugin
$res[] = Formatting::twigRenderFile(
['embed' => $embed, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'link' => $link],
['embed' => $embed, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'link' => $link, 'note' => $vars['note']],
return Event::stop;
@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
{% if attributes['has_attachment'] != false %}
{% set thumbnail_parameters = {
'id': embed.getAttachmentId(),
'note_id': note.getId(),
'attachment_id': embed.getAttachmentId(),
'size': 'medium'
} %}
<img alt="{{embed.getTitle() | escape}}" class="{{attributes['class']}}"
width="{{attributes['width']}}" height="{{attributes['height']}}"
src="{{ path('attachment_thumbnail', thumbnail_parameters) }}" />
src="{{ path('note_attachment_thumbnail', thumbnail_parameters) }}" />
{% endif %}
<div class="p-summary">
@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ class ImageEncoder extends Plugin
'attachment' => $vars['attachment'],
'note' => $vars['note'],
'title' => $vars['title'],
'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<img class="u-photo"
alt="{{ attachment.getBestTitle(note) }}"
src="{{ attachment.getThumbnailUrl() }}"
alt="{{ title }}"
src="{{ attachment.getThumbnailUrl(note) }}"
width="{{ thumbnail.getWidth() }}"
height="{{ thumbnail.getHeight() }}">
{% if attachment.getFilename() is not null %}
<a href="{{ path('attachment_show', {'id': attachment.getId()}) }}">{{ attachment.getBestTitle(note) }}</a>
<a href="{{ attachment.getShowUrl(note) }}">{{ title }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ attachment.getBestTitle(note) }}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class VideoEncoder extends Plugin
'attachment' => $vars['attachment'],
'note' => $vars['note'],
'title' => $vars['title'],
return Event::stop;
@ -7,15 +7,18 @@
{% else %}
{% endif %}
src="{{ attachment.getUrl() }}" controls
src="{{ attachment.getUrl(note) }}" controls
{% if attachment.getWidth() is not null %}
poster="{{ attachment.getThumbnailUrl('medium')}}"
poster="{{ attachment.getThumbnailUrl(note, 'medium')}}"
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ path('attachment_show', {'id': attachment.getId()}) }}">{{ attachment.getBestTitle(note) }}</a>
{% if attachment.getFilename() is not null %}
<a href="{{ attachment.getShowUrl(note) }}">{{ title }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %} </figcaption>
{% else %}
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class GSFile
* @param null|string $ext Extension we believe to be best
* @param bool $force Should we force the extension we believe to be best? Defaults to false
* @return null|string the most appropriate filename or null if we deem it imposible
* @return null|string the most appropriate filename or null if we deem it impossible
public static function ensureFilenameWithProperExtension(string $title, string $mimetype, ?string $ext = null, bool $force = false): string|null
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class Note extends Entity
return false;
case VisibilityScope::GROUP:
// Only for the group to see
return DB::dql(
return !\is_null($actor) && DB::dql(
select m from group_member m
join group_inbox i with m.group_id = i.group_id
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class Note extends Entity
case VisibilityScope::COLLECTION:
case VisibilityScope::MESSAGE:
// Only for the collection to see
return in_array($actor->getId(), $this->getNotificationTargetIds());
return !\is_null($actor) && in_array($actor->getId(), $this->getNotificationTargetIds());
Log::error("Unknown scope found: {$this->getScope()}.");
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<div class="page">
<section class="section-widget section-padding">
{% include '/cards/attachments/view.html.twig' with {'attachment': attachment, 'note': null} only %}
{% include '/cards/attachments/view.html.twig' with {'attachment': attachment, 'note': note, 'title': title} only %}
<a class="section-widget-button-like" href="{{ download }}"> {{ 'Download link' | trans }}</a>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{% set handled = false %}
{% for block in handle_event('ViewAttachment', {'attachment': attachment, 'note': note}) %}
{% for block in handle_event('ViewAttachment', {'attachment': attachment, 'note': note, 'title': title}) %}
{% set handled = true %}
<div class="note-attachments-unit">
{{ block | raw }}
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
{% endfor %}
{% if not handled %}
<div class="note-attachments-unit">
<i> <a href="{{ path('attachment_show', {'id': attachment.getId()}) }}">{{ attachment.getBestTitle(note) }}</a> </i>
{% if attachment.getFilename() is not null %}
<a href="{{ attachment.getShowUrl(note) }}">{{ title }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
{% if note.getAttachments() is not empty %}
<section class="note-attachments" tabindex="0" title="{{ 'Note attachments.' | trans }}">
{% for attachment in note.getAttachments() %}
{% include '/cards/attachments/view.html.twig' with {'attachment': attachment, 'note': note} only%}
{% include '/cards/attachments/view.html.twig' with {'attachment': attachment, 'note': note, 'title': attachment.getBestTitle(note)} only%}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user