forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Twitter Import + avatar fixes (cleaning up + fixing)
...there was also a typo in OstatussubAction ($avatarUrl not defined)
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class Avatar extends Managed_DataObject
} catch (NoResultException $e) {
return false;
return !file_exists(Avatar::path($avatar->filename));
return file_exists(Avatar::path($avatar->filename));
public static function getProfileAvatars(Profile $target) {
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class OStatusSubAction extends Action
$ok = true;
$avatar = $profile->avatarUrl(AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE);
$avatarUrl = $profile->avatarUrl(AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE);
@ -49,14 +49,17 @@ require_once INSTALLDIR . '/plugins/TwitterBridge/twitter.php';
class TwitterImport
public $avatarsizename = 'reasonably_small'; // a Twitter size name for 128x128 px
public $avatarsize = 128; // they're square...
public function importStatus($status)
// Hacktastic: filter out stuff coming from this StatusNet
$source = mb_strtolower(common_config('integration', 'source'));
if (preg_match("/$source/", mb_strtolower($status->source))) {
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Skipping import of status ' .
twitter_id($status) . ' with source ' . $source);
common_debug(__METHOD__ . ' - Skipping import of status ' .
twitter_id($status) . " with source {$source}");
return null;
@ -81,8 +84,7 @@ class TwitterImport
$profile = $this->ensureProfile($status->user);
if (empty($profile)) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, $this->name() .
' - Problem saving notice. No associated Profile.');
common_log(LOG_ERR, __METHOD__ . ' - Problem saving notice. No associated Profile.');
return null;
@ -95,8 +97,7 @@ class TwitterImport
if (!empty($n2s)) {
$this->name() .
" - Ignoring duplicate import: {$statusId}"
__METHOD__ . " - Ignoring duplicate import: {$statusId}"
return Notice::getKV('id', $n2s->notice_id);
@ -181,8 +182,7 @@ class TwitterImport
if (!$id) {
common_log_db_error($notice, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
common_log(LOG_ERR, $this->name() .
' - Problem saving notice.');
common_log(LOG_ERR, __METHOD__ . ' - Problem saving notice.');
Event::handle('EndNoticeSave', array($notice));
@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ class TwitterImport
* @return mixed value the first Profile with that url, or null
function getProfileByUrl($nickname, $profileurl)
protected function getProfileByUrl($nickname, $profileurl)
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->nickname = $nickname;
$profile->profileurl = $profileurl;
if ($profile->find()) {
return $profile;
if (!$profile->find()) {
throw new NoResultException($profile);
return null;
return $profile;
@ -261,135 +261,112 @@ class TwitterImport
return null;
function ensureProfile($user)
protected function ensureProfile($twuser)
// check to see if there's already a profile for this user
$profileurl = '' . $user->screen_name;
$profile = $this->getProfileByUrl($user->screen_name, $profileurl);
if (!empty($profile)) {
common_debug($this->name() .
" - Profile for $profile->nickname found.");
// Check to see if the user's Avatar has changed
$this->checkAvatar($user, $profile);
$profileurl = '' . $twuser->screen_name;
try {
$profile = $this->getProfileByUrl($twuser->screen_name, $profileurl);
$this->checkAvatar($twuser, $profile);
return $profile;
} else {
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Adding profile and remote profile ' .
} catch (NoResultException $e) {
common_debug(__METHOD__ . ' - Adding profile and remote profile ' .
"for Twitter user: $profileurl.");
$profile = new Profile();
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->nickname = $twuser->screen_name;
$profile->fullname = $twuser->name;
$profile->homepage = $twuser->url;
$profile->bio = $twuser->description;
$profile->location = $twuser->location;
$profile->profileurl = $profileurl;
$profile->created = common_sql_now();
$profile->nickname = $user->screen_name;
$profile->fullname = $user->name;
$profile->homepage = $user->url;
$profile->bio = $user->description;
$profile->location = $user->location;
$profile->profileurl = $profileurl;
$profile->created = common_sql_now();
try {
$id = $profile->insert(); // insert _should_ throw exception on failure
if (empty($id)) {
throw new Exception('Failed insert');
} catch(Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, __METHOD__ . " Couldn't insert profile: " . $e->getMessage());
common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
// check for remote profile
$remote_pro = Remote_profile::getKV('uri', $profileurl);
if (!($remote_pro instanceof Remote_profile)) {
$remote_pro = new Remote_profile();
$remote_pro->id = $id;
$remote_pro->uri = $profileurl;
$remote_pro->created = common_sql_now();
try {
$id = $profile->insert();
} catch(Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() . ' Couldn\'t insert profile - ' . $e->getMessage());
if (empty($id)) {
$rid = $remote_pro->insert();
if (empty($rid)) {
throw new Exception('Failed insert');
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, __METHOD__ . " Couldn't save remote profile: " . $e->getMessage());
common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
// check for remote profile
$remote_pro = Remote_profile::getKV('uri', $profileurl);
if (empty($remote_pro)) {
$remote_pro = new Remote_profile();
$remote_pro->id = $id;
$remote_pro->uri = $profileurl;
$remote_pro->created = common_sql_now();
try {
$rid = $remote_pro->insert();
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() . ' Couldn\'t save remote profile - ' . $e->getMessage());
if (empty($rid)) {
common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
$this->saveAvatars($user, $id);
return $profile;
$this->updateAvatar($twuser, $profile);
return $profile;
function checkAvatar($twitter_user, $profile)
protected function checkAvatar($twuser, Profile $profile)
global $config;
$newname = 'Twitter_' . $twitter_user->id . '_' . basename($twitter_user->profile_image_url);
$path_parts = pathinfo($twuser->profile_image_url);
$ext = isset($path_parts['extension'])
? '.'.$path_parts['extension']
: ''; // some lack extension
$img_root = basename($path_parts['basename'], '_normal'.$ext); // cut off extension
$newname = "Twitter_{$twuser->id}_{$img_root}_{$this->avatarsizename}{$ext}";
try {
$avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE);
$avatar = Avatar::getUploaded($profile);
$oldname = $avatar->filename;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$oldname = null;
if ($newname != $oldname) {
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Avatar for Twitter user ' .
"$profile->nickname has changed.");
common_debug($this->name() . " - old: $oldname new: $newname");
$this->updateAvatars($twitter_user, $profile);
if (Avatar::hasUploaded($profile)) {
common_debug($this->name() . ' - Twitter user ' .
$profile->nickname .
' is missing one or more local avatars.');
common_debug($this->name() ." - old: $oldname new: $newname");
$this->updateAvatars($twitter_user, $profile);
if ($newname != $oldname || !Avatar::hasUploaded($profile)) {
common_debug(__METHOD__ . " - Avatar for {$profile->nickname} has changed.");
$this->updateAvatar($twuser, $profile);
function updateAvatars($twitter_user, $profile) {
protected function updateAvatar($twuser, Profile $profile)
$path_parts = pathinfo($twuser->profile_image_url);
$ext = isset($path_parts['extension'])
? '.'.$path_parts['extension']
: ''; // some lack extension
$img_root = basename($path_parts['basename'], '_normal'.$ext); // cut off extension
$url = "{$path_parts['dirname']}/{$img_root}_{$this->avatarsizename}{$ext}";
$filename = "Twitter_{$twuser->id}_{$img_root}_{$this->avatarsizename}{$ext}";
$mediatype = $this->getMediatype(substr($ext, 1));
global $config;
$path_parts = pathinfo($twitter_user->profile_image_url);
$ext = (isset($path_parts['extension']) ? '.'.$path_parts['extension'] : ''); // some lack extension
$img_root = basename($path_parts['basename'], '_normal'.$ext); // cut off extension
$mediatype = $this->getMediatype(substr($ext, 1));
foreach (array('mini', 'normal', 'bigger') as $size) {
$url = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' .
$img_root . '_' . $size . $ext;
$filename = 'Twitter_' . $twitter_user->id . '_' .
$img_root . '_' . $size . $ext;
$this->updateAvatar($profile->id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
$this->fetchAvatar($url, $filename);
try {
$this->newAvatar($profile, $url, $filename, $mediatype);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (file_exists(Avatar::path($filename))) {
function getMediatype($ext)
protected function getMediatype($ext)
$mediatype = null;
@ -408,91 +385,36 @@ class TwitterImport
return $mediatype;
function saveAvatars($user, $id)
protected function newAvatar(Profile $profile, $url, $filename, $mediatype)
global $config;
$path_parts = pathinfo($user->profile_image_url);
$ext = (isset($path_parts['extension']) ? '.'.$path_parts['extension'] : '');
$img_root = basename($path_parts['basename'], '_normal'.$ext);
$mediatype = $this->getMediatype(substr($ext, 1));
foreach (array('mini', 'normal', 'bigger') as $size) {
$url = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' .
$img_root . '_' . $size . $ext;
$filename = 'Twitter_' . $user->id . '_' .
$img_root . '_' . $size . $ext;
if ($this->fetchAvatar($url, $filename)) {
$this->newAvatar($id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
} else {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $id() .
" - Problem fetching Avatar: $url");
function updateAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename) {
common_debug($this->name() . " - Updating avatar: $size");
$profile = Profile::getKV($profile_id);
if (empty($profile)) {
common_debug($this->name() . " - Couldn't get profile: $profile_id!");
// Clear out old avatars, won't do anything if there are none
$this->newAvatar($profile->id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
function newAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename)
global $config;
// throws exception if unable to fetch
$this->fetchRemoteUrl($url, Avatar::path($filename));
$avatar = new Avatar();
$avatar->profile_id = $profile_id;
switch($size) {
case 'mini':
$avatar->width = 24;
$avatar->height = 24;
case 'normal':
$avatar->width = 48;
$avatar->height = 48;
// Note: Twitter's big avatars are a different size than
// StatusNet's (StatusNet's = 96)
$avatar->width = 73;
$avatar->height = 73;
$avatar->original = 0; // we don't have the original
$avatar->mediatype = $mediatype;
$avatar->filename = $filename;
$avatar->url = Avatar::url($filename);
$avatar->profile_id = $profile->id;
$avatar->original = 1; // this is an original/"uploaded" avatar
$avatar->mediatype = $mediatype;
$avatar->filename = $filename;
$avatar->url = Avatar::url($filename);
$avatar->width = $this->avatarsize;
$avatar->height = $this->avatarsize;
$avatar->created = common_sql_now();
try {
$id = $avatar->insert();
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() . ' Couldn\'t insert avatar - ' . $e->getMessage());
$id = $avatar->insert();
if (empty($id)) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, __METHOD__ . " Couldn't insert avatar - " . $e->getMessage());
common_log_db_error($avatar, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return null;
throw new ServerException('Could not insert avatar');
common_debug($this->name() .
" - Saved new $size avatar for $profile_id.");
common_debug(__METHOD__ . " - Saved new avatar for {$profile->id}.");
return $id;
return $avatar;
@ -502,24 +424,20 @@ class TwitterImport
* @param string $filename bare local filename for download
* @return bool true on success, false on failure
function fetchAvatar($url, $filename)
protected function fetchRemoteUrl($url, $filename)
common_debug($this->name() . " - Fetching Twitter avatar: $url");
common_debug(__METHOD__ . " - Fetching Twitter avatar: {$url} to {$filename}");
$request = HTTPClient::start();
$request->setConfig('connect_timeout', 3); // I had problems with throttling
$request->setConfig('timeout', 6); // and locking the process sucks.
$response = $request->get($url);
if ($response->isOk()) {
$avatarfile = Avatar::path($filename);
$ok = file_put_contents($avatarfile, $response->getBody());
if (!$ok) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() .
" - Couldn't open file $filename");
return false;
if (!file_put_contents($filename, $response->getBody())) {
throw new ServerException('Failed saving fetched file');
} else {
return false;
throw new Exception('Unexpected HTTP status code');
return true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user