forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Noone uses Facebook anymore.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011, StatusNet, Inc.
* A plugin for integrating Facebook with StatusNet. Includes single-sign-on
* and publishing notices to Facebook using Facebook's Graph API.
* PHP version 5
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2011 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license AGPL 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
define("FACEBOOK_SERVICE", 2);
* Main class for Facebook Bridge plugin
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010-2011 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license AGPL 3.0
* @link
class FacebookBridgePlugin extends Plugin
public $appId; // Facebook application ID
public $secret; // Facebook application secret
public $facebook = null; // Facebook application instance
public $dir = null; // Facebook plugin dir
* Initializer for this plugin
* Gets an instance of the Facebook API client object
* @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop.
function initialize()
// Allow the id and key to be passed in
// Control panel will override
if (isset($this->appId)) {
$appId = common_config('facebook', 'appid');
if (empty($appId)) {
if (isset($this->secret)) {
$secret = common_config('facebook', 'secret');
if (empty($secret)) {
Config::save('facebook', 'secret', $this->secret);
$this->facebook = Facebookclient::getFacebook(
return true;
* Load related modules when needed
* @param string $cls Name of the class to be loaded
* @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop.
function onAutoload($cls)
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
switch ($cls)
case 'Facebook': // Facebook PHP SDK
include_once $dir . '/extlib/base_facebook.php';
include_once $dir . '/extlib/facebook.php';
return false;
return parent::onAutoload($cls);
* Database schema setup
* We maintain a table mapping StatusNet notices to Facebook items
* @see Schema
* @see ColumnDef
* @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop.
function onCheckSchema()
$schema = Schema::get();
$schema->ensureTable('notice_to_item', Notice_to_item::schemaDef());
return true;
* Does this $action need the Facebook JavaScripts?
function needsScripts($action)
static $needy = array(
if (in_array(get_class($action), $needy)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Map URLs to actions
* @param URLMapper $m path-to-action mapper
* @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop.
public function onRouterInitialized(URLMapper $m)
// Always add the admin panel route
$m->connect('panel/facebook', array('action' => 'facebookadminpanel'));
array('action' => 'facebooklogin')
array('action' => 'facebookfinishlogin')
array('action' => 'facebooksettings')
array('action' => 'facebookdeauthorize')
return true;
* Add a login tab for Facebook, but only if there's a Facebook
* application defined for the plugin to use.
* @param Action $action the current action
* @return void
function onEndLoginGroupNav($action)
$action_name = $action->trimmed('action');
if ($this->hasApplication()) {
// TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" login.
_m('MENU', 'Facebook'),
// TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
_m('Login or register using Facebook.'),
'facebooklogin' === $action_name
return true;
* If the plugin's installed, this should be accessible to admins
function onAdminPanelCheck($name, &$isOK)
if ($name == 'facebook') {
$isOK = true;
return false;
return true;
* Add a Facebook tab to the admin panels
* @param Widget $nav Admin panel nav
* @return boolean hook value
function onEndAdminPanelNav($nav)
if (AdminPanelAction::canAdmin('facebook')) {
$action_name = $nav->action->trimmed('action');
// TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
// TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
_m('Facebook integration configuration.'),
$action_name == 'facebookadminpanel',
return true;
* Add a tab for user-level Facebook settings if the user
* has a link to Facebook
* @param Action $action the current action
* @return void
function onEndConnectSettingsNav($action)
if ($this->hasApplication()) {
$action_name = $action->trimmed('action');
$user = common_current_user();
$flink = null;
if (!empty($user)) {
$flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID(
if (!empty($flink)) {
// TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
// TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
_m('Facebook settings.'),
$action_name === 'facebooksettings'
* Is there a Facebook application for the plugin to use?
* Checks to see if a Facebook application ID and secret
* have been configured and a valid Facebook API client
* object exists.
function hasApplication()
if (!empty($this->facebook)) {
$appId = $this->facebook->getAppId();
$secret = $this->facebook->getApiSecret();
if (!empty($appId) && !empty($secret)) {
return true;
return false;
* Output a Facebook div for the Facebook JavaSsript SDK to use
* @param Action $action the current action
function onStartShowHeader($action)
// output <div id="fb-root"></div> as close to <body> as possible
$action->element('div', array('id' => 'fb-root'));
return true;
* Load the Facebook JavaScript SDK on pages that need them.
* @param Action $action the current action
function onEndShowScripts($action)
if ($this->needsScripts($action)) {
$script = <<<ENDOFSCRIPT
function setCookie(name, value) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (5 * 60 * 1000)); // 5 mins
var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
FB.init({appId: %1\$s, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true, oauth: true});
$('#facebook_button').bind('click', function(event) {
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
// put the access token in a cookie for the next step
setCookie('fb_access_token', response.authResponse.accessToken);
window.location.href = '%2\$s';
} else {
// NOP (user cancelled login)
}, {scope:'read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access,user_status,user_location,user_website,email'});
* Log the user out of Facebook, per the Facebook authentication guide
* @param Action action the current action
function onStartLogout($action)
if ($this->hasApplication()) {
$cur = common_current_user();
$flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($cur->id, FACEBOOK_SERVICE);
if (!empty($flink)) {
if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) {
$user = User::singleUser();
$destination = common_local_url(
array('nickname' => $user->nickname)
} else {
$destination = common_local_url('public');
$logoutUrl = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl(
array('next' => $destination)
"Logging user out of Facebook (fbuid = %s)",
common_redirect($logoutUrl, 303);
return true;
* Add fbml namespace to our HTML, so Facebook's JavaScript SDK can parse
* and render XFBML tags
* @param Action $action the current action
* @param array $attrs array of attributes for the HTML tag
* @return nothing
function onStartHtmlElement($action, $attrs) {
if ($this->needsScripts($action)) {
$attrs = array_merge(
array('xmlns:fb' => '')
return true;
* Add a Facebook queue item for each notice
* @param Notice $notice the notice
* @param array &$transports the list of transports (queues)
* @return boolean hook return
function onStartEnqueueNotice($notice, &$transports)
if (self::hasApplication() && $notice->isLocal() && $notice->inScope(null)) {
array_push($transports, 'facebook');
return true;
* Register Facebook notice queue handler
* @param QueueManager $manager
* @return boolean hook return
function onEndInitializeQueueManager($manager)
if (self::hasApplication()) {
$manager->connect('facebook', 'FacebookQueueHandler');
return true;
* If a notice gets deleted, remove the Notice_to_item mapping and
* delete the item on Facebook
* @param User $user The user doing the deleting
* @param Notice $notice The notice getting deleted
* @return boolean hook value
function onStartDeleteOwnNotice(User $user, Notice $notice)
$client = new Facebookclient($notice);
return true;
* Notify remote users when their notices get favorited.
* @param Profile or User $profile of local user doing the faving
* @param Notice $notice being favored
* @return hook return value
function onEndFavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice)
$client = new Facebookclient($notice, $profile);
return true;
* Notify remote users when their notices get de-favorited.
* @param Profile $profile Profile person doing the de-faving
* @param Notice $notice Notice being favored
* @return hook return value
function onEndDisfavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice)
$client = new Facebookclient($notice, $profile);
return true;
* Add links in the user's profile block to their Facebook profile URL.
* @param Profile $profile The profile being shown
* @param Array &$links Writeable array of arrays (href, text, image).
* @return boolean hook value (true)
function onOtherAccountProfiles($profile, &$links)
$fuser = null;
$flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($profile->id, FACEBOOK_SERVICE);
if (!empty($flink)) {
$fuser = $this->getFacebookUser($flink->foreign_id);
if (!empty($fuser)) {
$links[] = array("href" => $fuser->link,
"text" => sprintf(_("%s on Facebook"), $fuser->name),
"image" => $this->path("images/f_logo.png"));
return true;
function getFacebookUser($id) {
$key = Cache::key(sprintf("FacebookBridgePlugin:userdata:%s", $id));
$c = Cache::instance();
if ($c) {
$obj = $c->get($key);
if ($obj) {
return $obj;
$url = sprintf("", $id);
$client = new HTTPClient();
$resp = $client->get($url);
if (!$resp->isOK()) {
return null;
$user = json_decode($resp->getBody());
if ($user->error) {
return null;
if ($c) {
$c->set($key, $user);
return $user;
* Add version info for this plugin
* @param array &$versions plugin version descriptions
function onPluginVersion(array &$versions)
$versions[] = array(
'name' => 'Facebook Bridge',
'author' => 'Craig Andrews, Zach Copley',
'homepage' => '',
'rawdescription' =>
// TRANS: Plugin description.
_m('A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook.')
return true;
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
Facebook Bridge Plugin
The Facebook Bridge plugin allows you to integrate your StatusNet site
with Facebook. It uses Facebook's new SDKs, the Graph API and OAuth
2.0, and supercedes the previous "Facebook" plugin, which relied on the
Facebook's now deprecated "Old REST API". The other major difference is
the troublesome and confusing Facebook Canvas Application has been
Note: Do NOT try to run the old Facebook plugin and this plugin at the same
time. It won't work.
Features for the new Facebook Bridge Plugin:
- "Login with Facebook" (AKA single-sign-on using Facebook Connect for
- Registration with Facebook Connect, including automatic profile creation
based on users' Facebook accounts.
- Post mirroring -- posting a notice on StatusNet automatically creates a post
on Facebook, deleting it on StatusNet deletes it on Facebook, and faving it
"likes" it on Facebook.
Upgrading from the old Facebook plugin
Remove the addPlugin('Facebook') statement for the old Facebook plugin
from your config.php and adjust your existing Facebook application using
the setup instructions below as a guide, then enable the new plugin (also
described below). Existing users who have setup post mirroring shouldn't
have to do anything. The new Facebook Bridge plugin will keep their notices
flowing to Facebook.
There are two parts configuring the Facebook Bridge plugin -- setup on the
Facebook side, and setup on the StatusNet side.
Setup (Facebook side)
The first step is to login to Facebook and register a Facebook application
to get an application ID and secret.
Use the handy Facebook application setup wizard:
Once you've set up your application, you'll need to enter the Facebook Developer
dashboard (
and customize a few things:
About tab
Set your logos, application description, etc. as you see fit.
Web Site tab
Make a note of the "Application ID" and "Application Secret" Facebook generated
for your application. You'll need both of those later.
Make sure "Site URL" points to your StatusNet installation
- Special Note for multi-site Status Networks: enter your domain (SLD and TLD)
in the "Site Domain" field. (e.g.: This will allow a single
Facebook Application to work with all your network subdomains (*
Facebook Integration tab
Use the default settings.
Mobile and Devices tab
Use the default settings.
Advanced tab
In the Authentication section, set the "Deauthorize Callback" to
http://YOURSITE/facebook/deauthorize (e.g.:
In the Migrations section, ensure that "OAuth 2.0 for Canvas" is set to
"Enabled". It probably already will be, but double check.
The default settings should suffice for everything else.
Setup (StatusNet side)
To enable the Facebook Bridge plugin, add
to you config.php.
Next login to your StatusNet site as a user with the administrator role, and
navigate to the admin menu. You should see a new tab for the Facebook admin
panel, titled "Facebook". Enter your Facebook application ID and secret in
that admin panel and hit save. After that, the Facebook Bridge Plugin should
be ready to use.
@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Facebook integration administration panel
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Settings
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
* Administer global Facebook integration settings
* @category Admin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
class FacebookadminpanelAction extends AdminPanelAction
* Returns the page title
* @return string page title
function title()
// TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
return _m('TITLE','Facebook integration settings');
* Instructions for using this form.
* @return string instructions
function getInstructions()
// TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
return _m('Facebook integration settings');
* Show the Facebook admin panel form
* @return void
function showForm()
$form = new FacebookAdminPanelForm($this);
* Save settings from the form
* @return void
function saveSettings()
static $settings = array(
'facebook' => array('appid', 'secret'),
$values = array();
foreach ($settings as $section => $parts) {
foreach ($parts as $setting) {
= $this->trimmed($setting);
// This throws an exception on validation errors
// assert(all values are valid);
$config = new Config();
foreach ($settings as $section => $parts) {
foreach ($parts as $setting) {
Config::save($section, $setting, $values[$section][$setting]);
function validate(&$values)
// appId, key and secret (can't be too long)
if (mb_strlen($values['facebook']['appid']) > 255) {
// TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook application ID.
_m("Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters.")
if (mb_strlen($values['facebook']['secret']) > 255) {
// TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret key.
_m("Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters.")
class FacebookAdminPanelForm extends AdminForm
* ID of the form
* @return int ID of the form
function id()
return 'facebookadminpanel';
* class of the form
* @return string class of the form
function formClass()
return 'form_settings';
* Action of the form
* @return string URL of the action
function action()
return common_local_url('facebookadminpanel');
* Data elements of the form
* @return void
function formData()
array('id' => 'settings_facebook-application')
// TRANS: Fieldset legend.
$this->out->element('legend', null, _m('Facebook application settings'));
$this->out->elementStart('ul', 'form_data');
// TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
_m('Application ID'),
// TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
_m('ID of your Facebook application.'),
// TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
// TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
_m('Application secret.'),
* Action elements
* @return void
function formActions()
// TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
$this->out->submit('submit', _m('BUTTON','Save'),
// TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
'submit', null, _m('Save Facebook settings.'));
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011, StatusNet, Inc.
* An action that handles deauthorize callbacks from Facebook
* PHP version 5
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010-2011 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license AGPL 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
* Action class for handling deauthorize callbacks from Facebook. If the user
* doesn't have a password let her know she'll need to contact the site
* admin to get back into her account (if possible).
class FacebookdeauthorizeAction extends Action
private $facebook;
* For initializing members of the class.
* @param array $args misc. arguments
* @return boolean true
function prepare(array $args = array())
$this->facebook = Facebookclient::getFacebook();
return true;
* Handler method
* @param array $args is ignored since it's now passed in in prepare()
function handle()
$data = $this->facebook->getSignedRequest();
if (isset($data['user_id'])) {
$fbuid = $data['user_id'];
$flink = Foreign_link::getByForeignID($fbuid, FACEBOOK_SERVICE);
$user = $flink->getUser();
// Remove the link to Facebook
$result = $flink->delete();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($flink, 'DELETE', __FILE__);
'Unable to delete Facebook foreign link '
. 'for %s (%d), fbuid %d',
'Facebook callback: %s (%d), fbuid %d has deauthorized '
. 'the Facebook application.',
// Warn the user about being locked out of their account
// if we can.
if (empty($user->password) && !empty($user->email)) {
} else {
'%s (%d), fbuid %d has deauthorized his/her Facebook '
. 'connection but hasn\'t set a password so s/he '
. 'is locked out.',
} else {
if (!empty($data)) {
'Facebook called the deauthorize callback '
. ' but didn\'t provide a user ID.'
} else {
// It probably wasn't Facebook that hit this action,
// so redirect to the public timeline
common_redirect(common_local_url('public'), 303);
@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Login or register a local user based on a Facebook user
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010-2011 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
class FacebookfinishloginAction extends Action
private $fbuid = null; // Facebook user ID
private $fbuser = null; // Facebook user object (JSON)
private $accessToken = null; // Access token provided by Facebook JS API
function prepare(array $args = array()) {
// Check cookie for a valid access_token
if (isset($_COOKIE['fb_access_token'])) {
$this->accessToken = $_COOKIE['fb_access_token'];
if (empty($this->accessToken)) {
$this->clientError(_m("Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."));
$graphUrl = '' . urlencode($this->accessToken);
$this->fbuser = json_decode(file_get_contents($graphUrl));
if (empty($this->fbuser)) {
// log badness
list($proxy, $ip) = common_client_ip();
'Failed Facebook authentication attempt, proxy = %s, ip = %s.',
// TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not logged in.
_m('You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook.')
$this->fbuid = $this->fbuser->id;
// OKAY, all is well... proceed to register
return true;
function handle()
if (common_is_real_login()) {
// This will throw a client exception if the user already
// has some sort of foreign_link to Facebook.
// Possibly reconnect an existing account
} else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
} else {
function checkForExistingLink() {
// User is already logged in, are her accounts already linked?
$flink = Foreign_link::getByForeignID($this->fbuid, FACEBOOK_SERVICE);
if (!empty($flink)) {
// User already has a linked Facebook account and shouldn't be here!
// TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account that is already linked
// TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
_m('There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account.')
$cur = common_current_user();
$flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($cur->id, FACEBOOK_SERVICE);
if (!empty($flink)) {
// There's already a local user linked to this Facebook account.
// TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account that is already linked
// TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
_m('There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account.')
function handlePost()
$token = $this->trimmed('token');
// CSRF protection
if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
// TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is not given.
_m('There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please.')
if ($this->arg('create')) {
if (!$this->boolean('license')) {
// TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the license.
_m('You cannot register if you do not agree to the license.'),
// We has a valid Facebook session and the Facebook user has
// agreed to the SN license, so create a new user
} else if ($this->arg('connect')) {
} else {
// TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
_m('An unknown error has occured.'),
function showPageNotice()
if ($this->error) {
$this->element('div', array('class' => 'error'), $this->error);
} else {
'div', 'instructions',
// TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
// TRANS: %s is the site name.
_m('This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or connect with an existing local account.'),
common_config('site', 'name')
function title()
// TRANS: Page title.
return _m('Facebook Setup');
function showForm($error=null, $username=null)
$this->error = $error;
$this->username = $username;
function showPage()
* @todo FIXME: Much of this duplicates core code, which is very fragile.
* Should probably be replaced with an extensible mini version of
* the core registration form.
function showContent()
if (!empty($this->message_text)) {
$this->element('p', null, $this->message);
$this->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post',
'id' => 'form_settings_facebook_connect',
'class' => 'form_settings',
'action' => common_local_url('facebookfinishlogin')));
$this->elementStart('fieldset', array('id' => 'settings_facebook_connect_options'));
// TRANS: Fieldset legend.
$this->element('legend', null, _m('Connection options'));
$this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data');
$this->element('input', array('type' => 'checkbox',
'id' => 'license',
'class' => 'checkbox',
'name' => 'license',
'value' => 'true'));
$this->elementStart('label', array('class' => 'checkbox', 'for' => 'license'));
// TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status updates.
$message = _m('My text and files are available under %s ' .
'except this private data: password, ' .
'email address, IM address, and phone number.');
$link = '<a href="' .
htmlspecialchars(common_config('license', 'url')) .
'">' .
htmlspecialchars(common_config('license', 'title')) .
$this->raw(sprintf(htmlspecialchars($message), $link));
$this->hidden('token', common_session_token());
$this->element('legend', null,
// TRANS: Fieldset legend.
_m('Create new account'));
$this->element('p', null,
// TRANS: Form instructions.
_m('Create a new user with this nickname.'));
$this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data');
// Hook point for captcha etc
Event::handle('StartRegistrationFormData', array($this));
// TRANS: Field label.
$this->input('newname', _m('New nickname'),
($this->username) ? $this->username : '',
// TRANS: Field title.
_m('1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces.'));
// Hook point for captcha etc
Event::handle('EndRegistrationFormData', array($this));
// TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
$this->submit('create', _m('BUTTON','Create'));
$this->element('legend', null,
// TRANS: Fieldset legend.
_m('Connect existing account'));
$this->element('p', null,
// TRANS: Form instructions.
_m('If you already have an account, login with your username and password to connect it to your Facebook.'));
$this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data');
// TRANS: Field label.
$this->input('nickname', _m('Existing nickname'));
// TRANS: Field label.
$this->password('password', _m('Password'));
// TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet account.
$this->submit('connect', _m('BUTTON','Connect'));
function message($msg)
$this->message_text = $msg;
function createNewUser()
if (!Event::handle('StartRegistrationTry', array($this))) {
if (common_config('site', 'closed')) {
// TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
$this->clientError(_m('Registration not allowed.'));
$invite = null;
if (common_config('site', 'inviteonly')) {
$code = $_SESSION['invitecode'];
if (empty($code)) {
// TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
$this->clientError(_m('Registration not allowed.'));
$invite = Invitation::getKV($code);
if (empty($invite)) {
// TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
$this->clientError(_m('Not a valid invitation code.'));
try {
$nickname = Nickname::normalize($this->trimmed('newname'), true);
} catch (NicknameException $e) {
$args = array(
'nickname' => $nickname,
'fullname' => $this->fbuser->name,
'homepage' => $this->fbuser->website,
'location' => $this->fbuser->location->name
// It's possible that the email address is already in our
// DB. It's a unique key, so we need to check
if ($this->isNewEmail($this->fbuser->email)) {
$args['email'] = $this->fbuser->email;
if (isset($this->fuser->verified) && $this->fuser->verified == true) {
$args['email_confirmed'] = true;
if (!empty($invite)) {
$args['code'] = $invite->code;
$user = User::register($args);
$result = $this->flinkUser($user->id, $this->fbuid);
if (!$result) {
// TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
$this->serverError(_m('Error connecting user to Facebook.'));
// Add a Foreign_user record
'Registered new user %s (%d) from Facebook user %s, (fbuid %d)',
Event::handle('EndRegistrationTry', array($this));
* Attempt to download the user's Facebook picture and create a
* StatusNet avatar for the new user.
function setAvatar($user)
try {
$picUrl = sprintf(
// fetch the picture from Facebook
$client = new HTTPClient();
// fetch the actual picture
$response = $client->get($picUrl);
if ($response->isOk()) {
// seems to always be jpeg, but not sure
$tmpname = "facebook-avatar-tmp-" . common_random_hexstr(4);
$ok = file_put_contents(
if (!$ok) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Couldn\'t save tmp Facebook avatar: ' . $tmpname, __FILE__);
} else {
// save it as an avatar
$imagefile = new ImageFile(null, Avatar::path($tmpname));
$filename = Avatar::filename($user->id, image_type_to_extension($imagefile->preferredType()),
180, common_timestamp());
// Previous docs said 180 is the "biggest img we get from Facebook"
$imagefile->resizeTo(Avatar::path($filename, array('width'=>180, 'height'=>180)));
// No need to keep the temporary file around...
$profile = $user->getProfile();
if ($profile->setOriginal($filename)) {
'Saved avatar for %s (%d) from Facebook picture for '
. '%s (fbuid %d), filename = %s',
// clean up tmp file
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Couldn\'t save Facebook avatar: ' . $e->getMessage(), __FILE__);
// error isn't fatal, continue
function connectNewUser()
$nickname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
$password = $this->trimmed('password');
if (!common_check_user($nickname, $password)) {
// TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination is incorrect.
$this->showForm(_m('Invalid username or password.'));
$user = User::getKV('nickname', $nickname);
// clear out the stupid cookie
setcookie('fb_access_token', '', time() - 3600); // one hour ago
function connectUser()
$user = common_current_user();
// clear out the stupid cookie
setcookie('fb_access_token', '', time() - 3600); // one hour ago
common_redirect(common_local_url('facebookfinishlogin'), 303);
function tryLinkUser($user)
$result = $this->flinkUser($user->id, $this->fbuid);
if (empty($result)) {
// TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
$this->serverError(_m('Error connecting user to Facebook.'));
function tryLogin()
try {
$flink = Foreign_link::getByForeignID($this->fbuid, FACEBOOK_SERVICE);
$user = $flink->getUser();
'Logged in Facebook user %s as user %d (%s)',
// clear out the stupid cookie
setcookie('fb_access_token', '', time() - 3600); // one hour ago
} catch (NoResultException $e) {
$this->showForm(null, $this->bestNewNickname());
function goHome($nickname)
$url = common_get_returnto();
if ($url) {
// We don't have to return to it again
} else {
$url = common_local_url('all',
array('nickname' =>
common_redirect($url, 303);
function flinkUser($user_id, $fbuid)
$flink = new Foreign_link();
$flink->user_id = $user_id;
$flink->foreign_id = $fbuid;
$flink->service = FACEBOOK_SERVICE;
$flink->credentials = $this->accessToken;
$flink->created = common_sql_now();
$flink_id = $flink->insert();
return $flink_id;
function bestNewNickname()
try {
$nickname = Nickname::normalize($this->fbuser->username, true);
return $nickname;
} catch (NicknameException $e) {
// Failed to normalize nickname, but let's try the full name
try {
$nickname = Nickname::normalize($this->fbuser->name, true);
return $nickname;
} catch (NicknameException $e) {
// Any more ideas? Nope.
return null;
* Do we already have a user record with this email?
* (emails have to be unique but they can change)
* @param string $email the email address to check
* @return boolean result
function isNewEmail($email)
// we shouldn't have to validate the format
$result = User::getKV('email', $email);
if (empty($result)) {
return true;
return false;
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2010, StatusNet, Inc.
* An action for logging in with Facebook
* PHP version 5
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010-2011 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license AGPL 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
class FacebookloginAction extends Action
function handle()
if (common_is_real_login()) {
// TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
$this->clientError(_m('Already logged in.'));
} else {
function getInstructions()
// TRANS: Form instructions.
return _m('Login with your Facebook Account');
function showPageNotice()
$instr = $this->getInstructions();
$output = common_markup_to_html($instr);
$this->elementStart('div', 'instructions');
function title()
// TRANS: Page title.
return _m('Login with Facebook');
function showContent() {
$facebook = Facebookclient::getFacebook();
$params = array(
'scope' => 'read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access,user_status,user_location,user_website,email',
'redirect_uri' => common_local_url('facebookfinishlogin')
// Degrade to plain link if JavaScript is not available
'href' => $facebook->getLoginUrl($params),
'id' => 'facebook_button'
$attrs = array(
'src' => Plugin::staticPath('FacebookBridge', 'images/login-button.png'),
// TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
'alt' => _m('Login with Facebook'),
// TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
'title' => _m('Login with Facebook.')
$this->element('img', $attrs);
function showLocalNav()
$nav = new LoginGroupNav($this);
@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Edit user settings for Facebook
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Settings
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('GNUSOCIAL')) { exit(1); }
* Edit user settings for Facebook
* @category Settings
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
* @see SettingsAction
class FacebooksettingsAction extends SettingsAction {
private $facebook; // Facebook PHP-SDK client obj
protected $flink;
protected function doPreparation()
$this->facebook = new Facebook(
'appId' => common_config('facebook', 'appid'),
'secret' => common_config('facebook', 'secret'),
'cookie' => true,
$this->flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID(
protected function doPost()
if ($this->arg('save')) {
return $this->saveSettings();
} else if ($this->arg('disconnect')) {
return $this->disconnect();
throw new ClientException(_('No action to take on POST.'));
* Returns the page title
* @return string page title
function title() {
// TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
return _m('TITLE','Facebook settings');
* Instructions for use
* @return instructions for use
function getInstructions() {
// TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
return _m('Facebook settings');
* Show the settings form if he/she has a link to Facebook
* @return void
function showContent() {
if (!$this->flink instanceof Foreign_link) {
throw new ServerException(_m('You have not linked this account to Facebook.'));
'method' => 'post',
'id' => 'form_settings_facebook',
'class' => 'form_settings',
'action' => common_local_url('facebooksettings')
$this->hidden('token', common_session_token());
// TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
$this->element('p', 'form_note', _m('Connected Facebook user'));
$this->elementStart('p', array('class' => 'facebook-user-display'));
'uid' => $this->flink->foreign_id,
'size' => 'small',
'linked' => 'true',
'facebook-logo' => 'true'
array('uid' => $this->flink->foreign_id, 'useyou' => 'false')
$this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data');
// TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
_m('Publish my notices to Facebook.'),
$this->flink->noticesync & FOREIGN_NOTICE_SEND
// TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
_m('Send "@" replies to Facebook.'),
$this->flink->noticesync & FOREIGN_NOTICE_SEND_REPLY
// TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
$this->submit('save', _m('BUTTON', 'Save'));
// TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
$this->element('legend', null, _m('Disconnect my account from Facebook'));
if (!$this->scoped->hasPassword()) {
$this->elementStart('p', array('class' => 'form_guide'));
$msg = sprintf(
// TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local StatusNet password.
_m('Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to '.
'log in! Please [set a password](%s) first.'),
} else {
// @todo FIXME: i18n: This message is not being used.
// TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
// TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
$msg = sprintf(_m('Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. ' .
'You\'ll use your %1$s password to log in.'),
common_config('site', 'name')
// TRANS: Submit button.
$this->submit('disconnect', _m('BUTTON', 'Disconnect'));
* Save the user's Facebook settings
* @return void
function saveSettings() {
$noticesync = $this->boolean('noticesync');
$replysync = $this->boolean('replysync');
$original = clone($this->flink);
$this->flink->set_flags($noticesync, false, $replysync, false);
$result = $this->flink->update($original);
if ($result === false) {
// TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
throw new ServerException(_m('There was a problem saving your sync preferences.'));
// TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the system.
return _m('Sync preferences saved.');
* Disconnect the user's Facebook account - deletes the Foreign_link
* and shows the user a success message if all goes well.
function disconnect() {
$result = $this->flink->delete();
$this->flink = null;
if ($result === false) {
common_log_db_error($this->flink, 'DELETE', __FILE__);
// TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account fails.
throw new ServerException(_m('Could not delete link to Facebook.'));
// TRANS: Confirmation message. GNU social account was unlinked from Facebook.
return _m('You have disconnected this account from Facebook.');
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
* Data class for storing notice-to-Facebook-item mappings
* PHP version 5
* @category Data
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @license AGPLv3
* @link
* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2010, StatusNet, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/classes/Memcached_DataObject.php';
* Data class for mapping notices to Facebook stream items
* Note that notice_id is unique only within a single database; if you
* want to share this data for some reason, get the notice's URI and use
* that instead, since it's universally unique.
* @category Action
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @license AGPLv3
* @link
* @see DB_DataObject
class Notice_to_item extends Managed_DataObject
public $__table = 'notice_to_item'; // table name
public $notice_id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $item_id; // varchar(191) not null not 255 because utf8mb4 takes more space
public $created; // datetime
* return table definition for DB_DataObject
* DB_DataObject needs to know something about the table to manipulate
* instances. This method provides all the DB_DataObject needs to know.
* @return array array of column definitions
function table()
return array(
static function schemaDef()
return array(
new ColumnDef('notice_id', 'integer', null, false, 'PRI'),
new ColumnDef('item_id', 'varchar', 191, false, 'UNI'),
new ColumnDef('created', 'datetime', null, false)
* return key definitions for DB_DataObject
* DB_DataObject needs to know about keys that the table has, since it
* won't appear in StatusNet's own keys list. In most cases, this will
* simply reference your keyTypes() function.
* @return array list of key field names
function keys()
return array_keys($this->keyTypes());
* return key definitions for Memcached_DataObject
* Our caching system uses the same key definitions, but uses a different
* method to get them. This key information is used to store and clear
* cached data, so be sure to list any key that will be used for static
* lookups.
* @return array associative array of key definitions, field name to type:
* 'K' for primary key: for compound keys, add an entry for each component;
* 'U' for unique keys: compound keys are not well supported here.
function keyTypes()
return array('notice_id' => 'K', 'item_id' => 'U');
* Magic formula for non-autoincrementing integer primary keys
* If a table has a single integer column as its primary key, DB_DataObject
* assumes that the column is auto-incrementing and makes a sequence table
* to do this incrementation. Since we don't need this for our class, we
* overload this method and return the magic formula that DB_DataObject needs.
* @return array magic three-false array that stops auto-incrementing.
function sequenceKey()
return array(false, false, false);
* Save a mapping between a notice and a Facebook item
* @param integer $notice_id ID of the notice in StatusNet
* @param integer $item_id ID of the stream item on Facebook
* @return Notice_to_item new object for this value
static function saveNew($notice_id, $item_id)
$n2i = Notice_to_item::getKV('notice_id', $notice_id);
if (!empty($n2i)) {
return $n2i;
$n2i = Notice_to_item::getKV('item_id', $item_id);
if (!empty($n2i)) {
return $n2i;
"Mapping notice {$notice_id} to Facebook item {$item_id}",
$n2i = new Notice_to_item();
$n2i->notice_id = $notice_id;
$n2i->item_id = $item_id;
$n2i->created = common_sql_now();
return $n2i;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
require_once "base_facebook.php";
* Extends the BaseFacebook class with the intent of using
* PHP sessions to store user ids and access tokens.
class Facebook extends BaseFacebook
* Identical to the parent constructor, except that
* we start a PHP session to store the user ID and
* access token if during the course of execution
* we discover them.
* @param Array $config the application configuration.
* @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php
public function __construct($config) {
if (!session_id()) {
protected static $kSupportedKeys =
array('state', 'code', 'access_token', 'user_id');
* Provides the implementations of the inherited abstract
* methods. The implementation uses PHP sessions to maintain
* a store for authorization codes, user ids, CSRF states, and
* access tokens.
protected function setPersistentData($key, $value) {
if (!in_array($key, self::$kSupportedKeys)) {
self::errorLog('Unsupported key passed to setPersistentData.');
$session_var_name = $this->constructSessionVariableName($key);
$_SESSION[$session_var_name] = $value;
protected function getPersistentData($key, $default = false) {
if (!in_array($key, self::$kSupportedKeys)) {
self::errorLog('Unsupported key passed to getPersistentData.');
return $default;
$session_var_name = $this->constructSessionVariableName($key);
return isset($_SESSION[$session_var_name]) ?
$_SESSION[$session_var_name] : $default;
protected function clearPersistentData($key) {
if (!in_array($key, self::$kSupportedKeys)) {
self::errorLog('Unsupported key passed to clearPersistentData.');
$session_var_name = $this->constructSessionVariableName($key);
protected function clearAllPersistentData() {
foreach (self::$kSupportedKeys as $key) {
protected function constructSessionVariableName($key) {
return implode('_', array('fb',
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 481 B |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Queuehandler for Facebook transport
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
class FacebookQueueHandler extends QueueHandler
function transport()
return 'facebook';
function handle($notice)
if ($notice->isLocal()) {
return Facebookclient::facebookBroadcastNotice($notice);
return true;
@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-27 16:31+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password, "
"email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set "
"a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Afrikaans (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: af\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Stoor"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "U is reeds aangeteken."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wagwoord"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registrasie nie toegelaat nie."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam of wagwoord."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ar\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "إعدادات تكامل فيسبك"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "إعدادات تكامل فيسبك"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "احفظ"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "احفظ إعدادات فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "والج بالفعل."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "لُج بحسابك على فيسبك"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "لُج بفيسبك"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "لُج بفيسبك."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "يجب أن تلج إلى فيسبك لتسجل حسابًا محليًا باستخدام فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "لا يمكن أن تسجل ما لم توافق على الرخصة."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "حدث خطأ غير معروف."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "ضبط فيسبك"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "خيارات الربط"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "تخضع نصوصي وملفاتي ل%s إلا البيانات الخاصة التالية: كلمة السر وعنوان البريد الإلكتروني وعنوان المراسلة الفورية ورقم الهاتف."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "أنشئ حسابًا جديدًا"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "أنشئ مستخدمًا جديدًا بهذا الاسم المستعار."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "الاسم المستعار الجديد"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 حرفًا إنجليزيًا أو رقمًا، بدون نقاط أو مسافات."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "أنشئ"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "اربط حسابا موجودا"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "الاسم المستعار الموجود"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "كلمة السر"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "اربط"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "لا يُسمح بالتسجيل."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "رمز الدعوة غير صالح."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "خطأ في ربط المستخدم بفيسبك."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "اسم مستخدم أو كلمة سر غير صالحة."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "إعدادات فيسبك"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "إعدادات فيسبك"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "مستخدم فيسبك مربوط"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "انشر إشعاراتي على فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "أرسل الردود \"@\" إلى فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "اقطع ربط حسابي بفيسبك."
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "قطع ربط حسابك بفيسبك سيجعل دخولك مستحيلا! الرجاء [تعيين كلمة سر](%s) أولا."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "أبقِ حسابك على %1$s واقطع الربط بفيسبك. سوف يتعين عليك استخدام كلمة السر على %1$s للدخول."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "اقطع الربط"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "حُفظت تفضيلات المزامنة."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "تعذر حذف ارتباط فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "لقد قطعت الربط بفيسبك."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "فيسبك"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "لُج أو سجّل باستخدام فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "ضبط تكامل فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "إعدادات فيسبك."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "أزيل ارتباطك بفيسبك"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic (Egypt) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ar_EG\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "أرسل"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "والج بالفعل."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "كلمه السر"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "لا يُسمح بالتسجيل."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "اسم مستخدم أو كلمه سر غير صالحه."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Asturian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ast\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Belarusian (Tarask) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: be@tarask\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Захаваць"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Ужо ўвайшлі ў сыстэму."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Узьнікла праблема з ключом Вашай сэсіі. Калі ласка, паспрабуйце зноў."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Вы ня можаце стварыць рахунак, калі ня згодзіцеся з ліцэнзійным пагадненьнем."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Мой тэкст і файлы даступныя на ўмовах %s за выключэньнем гэтых прыватных зьвестак: паролю, адрасу электроннай пошты, IM-адрасу і нумару тэлефона."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 малых літараў ці лічбаў, без сымбаляў пунктуацыі і прагалаў."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Пароль"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Стварэньне рахунку не дазволенае."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Няслушнае імя карыстальніка ці пароль."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Bulgarian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: bg\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Запазване"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Вече сте влезли."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Имаше проблем със сесията ви в сайта. Моля, опитайте отново!"
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Парола"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Записването не е позволено."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Неправилно име или парола."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Bengali (India) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: bn_IN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Breton (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: br\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Arventennoù enframmañ Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Arventennoù enframmañ Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Arventennoù poellad Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID ar poellad"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID ho poellad Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Kuzh"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enrollañ"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Enrollañ arventennoù Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Kevreet oc'h dija."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Kevreit gant ho kont Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Kevreañ gant Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Kevreañ gant Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Un implijer lec'hel liammet d'ar gont Facebook-se a zo dija."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Ur gudenn 'zo bet gant ho jedaouer dalc'h. Mar plij adklaskit."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "C'hoarvezet ez eus ur gudenn dianav."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Kefluniadur Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Dibarzhioù kevreañ"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Krouiñ ur gont nevez"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Krouiñ un implijer nevez gant al lesanv-se."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Lesanv nevez"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Krouiñ"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Kevreañ d'ur gont a zo dioutañ"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Lesanv a zo dioutañ"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Ger-tremen"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Kevreañ"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "N'eo ket aotreet krouiñ kontoù."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "N'eo ket reizh ar c'hod pedadenn."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Anv implijer pe ger-tremen direizh."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Arventennoù Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Arventennoù Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Implijer Facebook kevreet"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Kas respontoù \"@\" da Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Digevreañ ma c'hont deus Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Digevrañ"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Digevreet ho peus deus Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ca\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres d'integració del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres d'integració del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "El títol de la llicència no és vàlid. La longitud màxima és 255 caràcters."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "La clau secreta del Facebook no és vàlida. La longitud màxima són 255 caràcters."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres d'aplicació del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID de l'aplicació"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID de la vostra aplicació de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Clau secreta"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Clau secreta de l'aplicació."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Desa"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Desa els paràmetres del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Ja heu iniciat una sessió."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Inicieu una sessió amb el compte del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Inicia una sessió amb el Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Inicia una sessió amb el Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "No s'ha pogut autenticar-vos amb el Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Heu d'haver iniciat una sessió al Facebook per registrar un compte local fent servir el Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Ja hi ha un compte local enllaçat amb aquest compte del Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "S'ha produït un problema amb el testimoni de sessió. Proveu-ho de nou."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "No podeu registrar-vos-hi si no accepteu la llicència."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "S'ha produït un error desconegut."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "És la primera vegada que inicieu una sessió a %s, per tant, hem de connectar el vostre Facebook a un compte local. Podeu crear un compte local nou, o bé connectar-vos amb un compte ja existent."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Configuració del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Opcions de connexió"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "El meu text i fitxers es troben disponibles sota %s excepte pel que fa a les dades privades: contrasenya, adreça electrònica, adreça de MI i número de telèfon."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Crea un compte nou"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Crea un usuari nou amb aquest sobrenom"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nou sobrenom"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 lletres en minúscules o nombres, sense puntuacions o espais."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crea"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Connecta el compte ja existent"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Si ja teniu un compte, inicieu una sessió amb el vostre nom d'usuari i contrasenya per connectar-lo al Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "ja existeix el sobrenom"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrasenya"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecta"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "El registre no està permès"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "No és un codi d'invitació vàlid"
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "S'ha produït un error en connectar l'usuari al Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nom d'usuari o contrasenya no vàlids"
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Usuari del Facebook connectat"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publica els meus avisos al Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Envia respostes amb «@» al Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Desconnecta el meu compte del Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "En desconnectar el Facebook serà impossible que inicieu una sessió! [set a password](%s) primer."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Mantingueu el vostre compte %1$s però desconnecteu-vos del Facebook. Fareu servir la vostra contrasenya de %1$s per iniciar una sessió."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconnecta"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "S'ha produït un problema en desar les preferències de sincronització."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "S'han desat les preferències de sincronització."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "No s'ha pogut eliminar l'enllaç al Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Us heu desconnectat del Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Inicieu-hi una sessió o registreu-vos-hi des del Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Configuració de la integració del Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Paràmetres del Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Un connector per integrar l'StatusNet amb el Facebook"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "S'ha eliminat la connexió amb el Facebook"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Hola %1$s,\n\nlamentem informar-vos que no podem publicar el vostre avís al\nFacebook, i hem eliminat la connexió entre el vostre compte %2$s i el\nFacebook.\n\nAixò pot haver passat perquè heu eliminat els permisos de %2$s\nper a publicar en nom vostre, o potser heu desactivat el vostre compte del\nFacebook. Podeu reconnectar el vostre compte de %2$s al Facebook en tot moment\niniciant de nou una sessió al Facebook.\n\nAtentament,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Contacteu amb l'administrador de %s per recuperar el vostre compte"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Hola %1$s,\n\nhem notat que heu desautoritzat la connexió del Facebook del vostre\ncompte %2$s. No heu definit encara una contrasenya per al vostre compte de %2$s, per tant\nno podreu iniciar una sessió. Si voleu continuar fent servir el vostre compte de %2$s,\ncontacteu amb l'administrador del lloc (%3$s) per definir una contrasenya.\n\nAtentament,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Uložit"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Jste již přihlášen(a)."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Nastal problém s vaším session tokenem. Zkuste to znovu, prosím."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Nemůžete se zaregistrovat, pokud nesouhlasíte s licencí."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Došlo k neznámé chybě."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mé texty a soubory jsou k dispozici pod %s, kromě těchto soukromých údajů: heslo, emailová adresa, Jabberová adresa a telefonní číslo."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Vytvořit nový účet"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Vytvořit nový účet s touto přezdívkou."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nová přezdívka"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 znaků, pouze malá písmena a čísla, bez teček, čárek a mezer."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Vytvořit"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Propojit existující účet"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Existující přezdívka"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Propojit"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registrace není povolena."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Kód pozvánky je neplatný."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Neplatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: da\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gem"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Allerede logget ind"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Der var et problem med din session token. Venligst prøv igen."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Adgangskode"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen der Facebook-Integration"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen der Facebook-Integration"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Ungültige Facebook-ID. Die maximale Länge beträgt 255 Zeichen."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Ungültiges Facebook-Geheimnis. Die maximale Länge beträgt 255 Zeichen."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen der Facebook-Anwendung"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Anwendungs-ID"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID deiner Facebook-Anwendung."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Geheimnis"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Geheimer Schlüssel der Anwendung"
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Facebook-Einstellungen speichern."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Bereits angemeldet."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Mit ihrem Facebook-Konto anmelden"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Mit Facebook anmelden"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Über Facebook anmelden."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Konnte dich nicht mit Facebook authentifizieren."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Du musst bei Facebook angemeldet sein, um ein lokales Konto mit Facebook zu registrieren."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Es gibt bereits ein lokales Konto, das mit diesem Facebook-Konto verbunden ist."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Es gab ein Problem mit deinem Sitzungstoken. Versuche es bitte erneut."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Du kannst dich nicht registrieren, falls du die Lizenz nicht akzeptierst."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Dies ist das erste Mal, dass du dich bei %s angemeldet hast, also müssen wir Facebook mit deinem lokalen Konto verbinden. Du kannst entweder ein neues lokales Konto erstellen, oder mit einem bestehenden verbinden."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Facebook-Einrichtung"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Verbindungsoptionen"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mein Text und meine Dateien sind mit Ausnahme dieser privaten Daten unter %s verfügbar: Passwort, E-Mail-Adresse, IM-Adresse und Telefonnummer."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Neues Konto erstellen"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Einen neuen Benutzer mit diesem Spitznamen erstellen."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Neuer Spitzname"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1–64 Kleinbuchstaben oder Zahlen, keine Satz- oder Leerzeichen."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Erstellen"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Verbinde vorhandenes Konto"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Falls de bereits ein Konto hast, melde dich mit deinem Benutzernamen und Passwort an, um es mit deinem Facebook zu verbinden."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Vorhandener Spitzname"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passwort"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registrierung nicht erlaubt."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Ungültiger Einladungs-Code."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Fehler bei der Verbindung des Benutzers zu Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Benutzername oder Kennwort ungültig."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook-Einstellungen"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook-Einstellungen"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Verbundene Facebook-Benuter"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Meine Nachrichten auf Facebook veröffentlichen."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "\"@\"-Antworten zu Facebook senden."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Mein Konto von Facebook trennen"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Die Trennung von Facebook würde es unmöglich machen, sich anzumelden! Bitte zuerst ein [Passwort setzen](%s)."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Du behältst dein %1$s-Konto, trennst es aber von Facebook. Du wirst dein %1$s-Passwort benutzen, um dich anzumelden."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Trennen"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Es ist ein Problem beim Speichern ihrer Synchronisations-Einstellungen aufgetreten."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Synchronisations-Einstellungen gespeichert."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Konnte die Verbindung zu Facebook nicht löschen."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Du bist nun nicht mehr mit Facebook verbunden."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Über Facebook anmelden oder registrieren."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Konfiguration der Facebook-Integration."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Facebook-Einstellungen."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Ein Plugin zur Integration von StatusNet mit Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Ihre Facebook-Verbindung wurde entfernt"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Hallo %1$s,\n\nLeider müssen wir dir mitteilen, dass wir deine Nachricht nicht auf Facebook veröffentlichen können und wir deshalb die Verbindung zwischen deinem Konto auf %2$s und Facebook gelöscht haben.\n\nDies kann passiert sein, weil du die Berechtigung für %2$s entfernt hast, in deinem Namen zu schreiben, oder weil du deinen Facebookzugang deaktiviert hast. Du kannst dein Konto auf %2$s jederzeit wieder mit Facebook verbinden, indem du dich mit Facebook anmeldest.\n\nFreundliche Grüße,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Kontaktiere den %s-Administrator um dein Konto zurück zu bekommen"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Hallo %1$s,\n\nwir haben bemerkt, dass du die Facebookverbindung für dein Konto auf %2$s deautorisiert hast. Du hast noch kein Passwort für dein Konto auf %2$s gesetzt, sodass du dich nicht anmelden kannst. Wenn du dein Konto auf %2$s weiterhin verwenden willst, dann kontaktiere bitte den Siteadministrator (%3$s), um ein Passwort zu setzen.\n\nFreundliche Grüße,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Greek (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: el\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Αποθήκευση"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Ήδη συνδεδεμένος."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Κωδικός"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Luke Hollins <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-07 18:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Luke Hollins <>\n"
"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Facebook integration settings"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Facebook integration settings"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Facebook application settings"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Application ID"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID of your Facebook application."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Secret"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Application secret."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Save"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Save Facebook settings."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Already logged in."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Login with your Facebook Account"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Login with Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Login with Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "An unknown error has occured."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or connect with an existing local account."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Facebook Setup"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Connection options"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password, email address, IM address, and phone number."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Create new account"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Create a new user with this nickname."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "New nickname"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Create"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Connect existing account"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "If you already have an account, login with your username and password to connect it to your Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Existing nickname"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registration not allowed."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Not a valid invitation code."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Error connecting user to Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Invalid username or password."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook settings"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook settings"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Connected Facebook user"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publish my notices to Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set a password](%s) first."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s password to log in."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnect"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Sync preferences saved."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Could not delete link to Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "You have disconnected from Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Login or register using Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Facebook integration configuration."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Facebook settings."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Hi %1$s,\n\nWe are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\nFacebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\nFacebook.\n\nThis may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\nto post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\naccount. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\nlogging in with Facebook again.\n\nSincerely,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Hi %1$s,\n\nWe have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\nyou will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\naccount, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n\nSincerely,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: eo\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Konservi"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Vi jam ensalutis."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Estis problemo pri via seanco. Bonvolu provi refoje."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mia teksto kaj dosiero estas atingebla per %s krom jene: pasvorto, retpoŝtadreso, tujmesaĝilo-adreso, kaj telefonnumero."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasvorto"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registriĝo ne permesita."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nevalida uzantnomo aŭ pasvorto."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Juan Riquelme González <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-28 20:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Juan Riquelme González <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Configuración de la integración con Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Configuración de la integración con Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Identificador de Facebook no válido. No puede superar los 255 caracteres."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Secreto de Facebook no válido. No puede superar los 255 caracteres."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Configuración de la aplicación de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Identificador de la aplicación"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "Identificador de tu aplicación de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Secreto"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Secreto de la aplicación."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Guardar ajustes de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Ya estás conectado"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Inicio de sesión con Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Inicio de sesión con Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "No se te pudo autentificar con Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Debes estar identificado en Facebook para poder registrar una cuenta local usando Facebok."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Ya existe una cuenta local vinculada con esa cuenta de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Hubo un problema con tu identificador de sesión. Inténtalo de nuevo, por favor."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "No puedes registrarte si no aceptas la licencia."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error desconocido."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Esta es la primera vez que inicias sesión en %s, así que debemos vincular tu Facebook a una cuenta local. Puedes crear una nueva o conectarte a una ya existente."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Configuración de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Opciones de conexión"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Todos mis textos y archivos están disponibles bajo licencia %s, con excepción de la siguiente información privada: contraseña, dirección de correo electrónico, dirección de mensajería instantánea y número de teléfono."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Crear nueva cuenta"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Crear un nuevo usuario con este nombre."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nuevo nombre de usuario"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "De 1 a 64 letras en minúscula o números, sin signos de puntuación ni espacios."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Conectar a una cuenta ya existente"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Si ya tienes una cuenta, inicia sesión con tu nombre de usuario y contraseña para vincularla a tu Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario ya registrado"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Vincular"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registro no permitido."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "No es un código de invitación válido."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Error vinculando la cuenta de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Usuario o contraseña no válidos."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Configuración de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Configuración de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Usuario de Facebook vinculado"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publicar mis mensajes en Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Enviar mis respuestas a otros a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Desvincular mi cuenta de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "¡Si desvinculas tu Faceboook ahora no podrás volver a iniciar sesión! Por favor, [establece una contraseña] (%s) primero."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Mantener tu cuenta %1$s pero desvincularla de Facebook. Iniciarás sesión con tu contraseña de %1$s."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desvincular"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Hubo un problema guardando tus preferencias de sincronización."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Preferencias de sincronización guardadas."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "No se pudo eliminar el enlace a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Has desvinculado tu cuenta de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Inicia sesión o regístrate usando Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Configuración de integración con Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Configuración de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Un complemento para integrar GNU social con Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Tu vínculo con Facebook ha sido eliminado"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Hola %1$s,\n\nSentimos informarte de que se ha roto el vínculo de tu cuenta %2$s \ncon Facebook y, por tanto, no podemos publicar tu mensaje allí.\n\nTal vez le retiraste el permiso a %2$s para publicar en tu nombre, o \nbien desactivaste tu Facebook. En cualquier caso, puedes restaurar el \nvínculo de tu cuenta %2$s con la red privativa cuando quieras: \nsólo tienes que iniciar sesión otra vez con ella.\n\nSinceramente,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Contacta con el administrador de %s para recuperar tu cuenta"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Hola %1$s,\n\nHemos notado que has desvinculado tu cuenta %2$s de Facebook. \nAún no has definido una contraseña local en %2$s, por lo que no \npodrás iniciar sesión. Si quieres seguir usando tu cuenta %2$s, \nponte en contacto con el administrador del sitio (%3$s) para que te \nayude a establecer una.\n\nSinceramente\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Integrazio aukerak Facebookekin"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Integrazio aukerak Facebookekin"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Facebook ID baliogabea. Luzera maximoa 255 karakterekoa da."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Facebook sekretu baliogabea. Luzera maximoa 255 karakterekoa da."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Aplikazio aukerak Facebookekin"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Aplikazio IDa"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "Zure Facebook aplikazioaren IDa."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Sekretua"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Aplikazio sekretua."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gorde"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Gorde Facebook aukerak."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Dagoeneko saioa hasita."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Saioa hasi zure Facebook kontuarekin"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Saioa hasi Facebookekin"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Saioa hasi Facebookekin."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Ezin izan zara Facebookekin autentikatu."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Facebooken saioa hasi behar duzu kontu lokal bat Facebookeekin erregistratu nahi baduzu."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Dagoeneko kontu lokal bat dago Facebook kontu horrekin loturik."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Zure saio tokenarekin arazo bat egon da. Saiatu berriro, mesedez."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Ezin duzu izenik eman ez bazaude lizentziarekin ados."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Akats ezezaguna."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Hau da lehenbiziko aldia %s(e)n saioa hasten duzuna, zure Facebook kontua kontu lokal batekin batuko dugu. Kontu berri bat sor dezakezu baita ere, edo dagoeneko bat baldin baduzu kontu horrekin konektatu zaitezke."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Facebook Konfigurazioa"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Koneksio aukerak"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Nire testu eta fitxategiak %s lizentziapean daude, datu pribatu hauek izan ezik: pasahitza, helbide elektronikoa, BM helbidea eta telefono zenbakia."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Sortu kontu berria"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Sortu erabiltzaile berri bat goitizen honekin."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Goitizen berria"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 letra xehe edo zenbaki, puntuazio edo espaziorik gabe."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Sortu"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Konektatu sorturiko kontuarekin"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Dagoeneko kontu bat baduzu, hasi saioa zure erabiltzaile eta pasahitzarekin zure Facebookera konektatzeko."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Goitizena existitzen da"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasahitza"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Konektatu"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Ezin da izen eman."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Gonbidapen kodea ez da baliozkoa."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Akatsa erabiltzailea Facebookera konektatzean."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile edo pasahitz baliogabea."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook aukerak."
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook aukerak."
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Konektaturiko Facebook erabiltzailea"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Argitaratu nere oharrak Facebooken."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Bidali \"@\" erantzunak Facebookera."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Deskonektatu nere kontua Facebooketik"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Zure Facebooketik deskonektatzen bazara ezinezkoa izango da saioa hastea! Mesedez aurretik [sartu pasahitza](%s)."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Mantendu zure %1$s kontua baina Facebooketik deskonektatu. Zure %1$s pasahitza erabiliko duzu saioa hasteko."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Deskonektatu"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Arazo bat egon da zure sinkronizazio hobespenak gordetzerakoan."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Sinkronizazio hobespenak gordeta."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Ezin izan da Facebookera esteka ezabatu."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Facebooketik deskonektatu zara."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Saioa hasi edo erregistratu Facebook erabiliz."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Facebook integrazio konfigurazioa."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Facebook aukerak."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "StatusNet Facebookekin lotzeko plugina."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Zure Facebookera lotura ezabatua izan da"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Kaixo %1$s,\n\nSentitzen dugu jakinarazi behar izatea zure oharra Facebooken ezin izan dugula argitaratu \neta zure %2$s(e)ko kontua eta Facebooken arteko koneksioa ezabatu dela.\n\n%2$s(e)ri Facebooken argitaratzeko baimenak kendu dizkiozulako izan daiteke, edo beharbada\nzure Facebook kontua ezgaitu duzu. %2$s(e)ko kontua Facebookekin lotu dezakezu berriro \nFacebookekin saio hasita.\n\nOndo segi,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Kontaktatu %s(e)ko administratzailearekin zure kontua berreskuratzeko"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Kaixo%1$s,\n\nKonturatu gara Facebookekin konektatzeko %2$s(e)ko kontua baliogabetu duzula. Oraindik ez duzu \nzure %2$s(e)ko konturako pasahitzik zehaztu, beraz ezingo duzu saiorik hasi. %2$s(e)ko kontua\nerabiltzen jarraitu nahi baduzu jar zaitez guneko administratzailearekin (%3$s) kontaktuan pasahitz\nbat lortzeko.\n\nOndo segi,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Persian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: fa\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "ذخیرهکردن"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "قبلا وارد شده"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "مشکلی در دریافت نشست شما وجود دارد. لطفا بعدا سعی کنید."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "تنظیمات اتصال"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "نوشتهها و پروندههای من به جز دادههای خصوصی گذرواژه، نشانی پست الکترونیک، نشانی پیامرسان فوری و شماره تلفن زیر مجوز %s هستند."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "ایجاد حساب کاربری جدید"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "ایجاد یک کاربر جدید با این نام مستعار."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "نام مستعار جدید"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "اتصال به حساب کاربری موجود"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "نام مستعار موجود"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "گذرواژه"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "اجازهٔ ثبتنام داده نشده است."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "کد دعوت نامعتبر است."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "نام کاربری یا گذرواژه نا معتبر است."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Tallenna"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Olet jo kirjautunut sisään."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Istuntosi avaimen kanssa oli ongelmia. Olisitko ystävällinen ja kokeilisit uudelleen."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Et voi rekisteröityä, jos et hyväksy lisenssiä."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Tekstini ja tiedostoni ovat saatavilla %s alaisuudessa, paitsi tämä yksityinen tieto: salasana, sähköpostiosoite, pikaviestitunnus ja puhelinnumero."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Salasana"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Rekisteröityminen ei ole sallittu."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus tai salasana ei kelpaa."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-09 18:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: French (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'intégration Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'intégration Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Identifiant Facebook invalide. La longueur maximale est de 255 caractères."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Phrase secrète de Facebook invalide. La longueur maximale est de 255 caractères."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de l'application Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID de l'application"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID de votre application Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Phrase secrète"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Phrase secrète de l'application."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Enregistrer les paramètres Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Déjà connecté."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Se connecter avec un compte Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Se connecter avec Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Se connecter avec Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Impossible de vous authentifier avec Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté à Facebook pour créer un compte local à l'aide de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Il existe déjà un compte local lié à ce compte Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Un problème est survenu avec votre session. Merci d'essayer de nouveau."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas vous inscrire si vous n’acceptez pas la licence."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "C'est la première fois que vous vous connectez à %s, c'est pourquoi nous devons connecter votre compte Facebook à un compte local. Vous pouvez soit créer un nouveau compte local, soit vous connecter avec un compte local existant."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Configuration Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Options de connexion"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mes textes et mes fichiers sont disponibles sous %s à l’exception de ces données confidentielles : mot de passe, adresse de courriel, adresse de messagerie instantanée et numéro de téléphone."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau compte"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Créer un nouvel utilisateur avec ce pseudonyme."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nouveau pseudonyme"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1 à 64 lettres minuscules ou chiffres, sans ponctuation ni espaces."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Créer"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Se connecter à un compte existant"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Si vous avez déjà un compte ici, connectez-vous avec votre nom d’utilisateur et mot de passe pour l’associer à votre compte Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Pseudonyme existant"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connexion"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Inscriptions non autorisées."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Code d’invitation invalide."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Erreur de connexion de l’utilisateur à Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nom d’utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Paramètres Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Paramètres Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Utilisateur Facebook connecté"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publier mes avis sur Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Envoyer les réponses \"@\" sur Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Déconnecter mon compte de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "La déconnexion de votre Facebook rendrait impossible votre connexion! Veuillez [entrer un mot de passe] (%s) d'abord."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Conserver votre compte %1$s mais se déconnecter de Facebook. Vous pourrez utiliser votre mot de passe %1$s pour vous connecter."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Se déconnecter"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Un problème est survenu lors de la sauvegarde de vos préférences de synchronisation."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Les préférences de synchronisation ont été sauvegardées."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le lien vers Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Vous avez été déconnecté de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Se connecter ou s’inscrire via Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Configuration de l’intégration Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Paramètres Facebook"
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Un plugin pour intégrer StatusNet avec Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Votre connexion Facebook a été supprimée"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Bonjour %1$s,\n\nNous sommes désolés de vous informer que nous sommes incapables de publier votre statut sur Facebook, et que nous avons enlevé la connexion entre votre compte %2$s et Facebook.\n\nCela peut se produire si vous avez retiré l'autorisation de %2$s de poster à votre nom, ou peut-être que vous avez désactivé votre compte Facebook. Vous pouvez reconnecter votre compte %2$s à Facebook à tout moment en vous connectant sur Facebook à nouveau.\n\nCordialement,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Contactez l’administrateur de %s pour récupérer votre compte"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Bonjour %1$s,\n\nNous avons remarqué que vous avez déconnecté la liaison entre votre compte %2$s et Facebook. Comme vous n'avez pas défini de mot de passe pour votre compte %2$s pour le moment, vous ne serez pas autorisé à vous connecter. Si vous souhaitez continuer en utilisant votre compte %2$s, veuillez contacter l'administrateur du site (%3$s) pour définir un mot de passe.\n\nCordialement,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Friulian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: fur\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Impuestazions pe integrazion cun Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Impuestazions pe integrazion cun Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salve"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Salve lis impuestazions di Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Tu sês za jentrât."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Jentre cu la to identitât di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Jentre cun Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Jentre cun Facebook"
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "No tu puedis regjistrâti se no tu sês dacuardi cu la licence."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Al è capitât un erôr no cognossût."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Opzions di conession"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Cree une gnove identitât"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Cree un gnûf utent cun chest sorenon."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Gnûf sorenon"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 letaris minusculis o numars, cence segns di puntuazion o spazis."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Cree"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Conet une identitât che esist za"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Sorenon esistint"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conetiti"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Regjistrazion no permitude."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Il non utent o la password no son valits."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Impuestazions di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Impuestazions di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publiche i miei avîs su Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Mande lis rispuestis cun \"@\" a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconetiti"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Impuestazions di Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Un plugin par integrâ StatusNet cun Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Configuración da integración do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Configuración da integración do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "ID do Facebook incorrecto. A extensión máxima é de 255 caracteres."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Frase secreta do Facebook incorrecta. A extensión máxima é de 255 caracteres."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Configuración da aplicación do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID da aplicación"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID da súa aplicación do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Frase secreta"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Frase secreta da aplicación."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gardar"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Gardar a configuración do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Xa se identificou."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Acceder coa conta do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Acceda co Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Acceda co Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Non foi posible facer a autenticación co Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Cómpre iniciar sesión no Facebook para rexistrar unha conta local a través do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Xa hai unha conta local ligada con esa conta do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Houbo un erro co seu pase. Inténteo de novo."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Non pode rexistrarse se non acepta a licenza."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Houbo un erro descoñecido."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Esta é a primeira vez que accede ao sistema de %s, de modo que debemos conectar o seu Facebook cunha conta local. Pode crear unha nova conta local ou ben conectar con outra conta local existente."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Configuración do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Opcións de conexión"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Os meus textos e ficheiros están dispoñibles baixo %s, salvo os seguintes datos privados: contrasinais, enderezos de correo electrónico e mensaxería instantánea e números de teléfono."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Crear unha conta nova"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Crear un novo usuario con este alcume."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Novo alcume"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "Entre 1 e 64 letras minúsculas ou números, sen signos de puntuación, espazos, tiles ou eñes."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Conectar cunha conta existente"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Se xa ten unha conta, acceda ao sistema co seu nome de usuario e contrasinal para conectala coa do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Alcume existente"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrasinal"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Non se permite o rexistro."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "O código da invitación é incorrecto."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Erro ao conectar o usuario co Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "O nome de usuario ou contrasinal non son correctos."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Configuración do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Configuración do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Usuario do Facebook conectado"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publicar as miñas notas no Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Enviar as respostas \"@\" ao Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Desconectar a miña conta do Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Ao desconectar o Facebook será imposible acceder ao sistema! [Defina un contrasinal](%s) primeiro."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Manter a conta de %1$s pero desconectala do Facebook. Agora usará o seu contrasinal de %1$s para acceder ao sistema."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectarse"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Houbo un problema ao gardar as súas preferencias de sincronización."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Gardáronse as preferencias de sincronización."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Non se puido borrar a ligazón co Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Desconectouse do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Acceda ou rexístrese mediante o Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Configuración da integración do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Configuración do Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Un complemento para integrar StatusNet co Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Eliminouse a súa conexión co Facebook"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Ola, %1$s:\n\nSentimos informar de que somos incapaces de publicar a súa nota no\nFacebook e de que eliminamos a conexión entre a súa conta de %2$s e o\nFacebook.\n\nIsto puido ocorrer porque eliminou os permisos que %2$s tiña\npara publicar no seu nome ou quizais desactivou a súa conta do\nFacebook. Pode volver conectar a súa conta de %2$s coa do Facebook en\ncalquera momento iniciando sesión no Facebook de novo.\n\nAtentamente,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Póñase en contacto co administrador de %s para recuperar a súa conta"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Ola, %1$s:\n\nDecatámonos de que desautorizou a conexión co Facebook para a súa\nconta de %2$s. Aínda non definiu un contrasinal para a conta de %2$s,\nde modo que non poderá iniciar sesión. Se quere seguir usando a súa conta\nde %2$s, póñase en contacto cun administrador (%3$s) para establecer un contrasinal.\n\nAtentamente,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Hebrew (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: he\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "שמור"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "כבר מחובר."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "הייתה בעיה עם אסימון השיח שלך. נא לנסות שוב."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "ססמה"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "שם המשתמש או הססמה לא תקינים."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Upper Sorbian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: hsb\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Składować"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Hižo přizjewjeny."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Bě problem z twojim posedźenskim tokenom. Spytaj prošu hišće raz."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Njemóžeš so registrować, jeli njezwoliš do licency."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 małopisanych pismikow abo ličbow, žane interpunkciske znamješka abo mjezery."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Hesło"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registracija njedowolena."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Njepłaćiwe wužiwarske mjeno abo hesło."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: hu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Mentés"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Már be vagy jelentkezve."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Probléma volt a munkameneted tokenjével. Kérlek, próbáld újra."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Jelszó"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "A regisztráció nem megengedett."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Érvénytelen felhasználónév vagy jelszó."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Armenian (Armenia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: hy_AM\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Interlingua (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ia\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Configurationes de integration de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Configurationes de integration de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "ID de Facebook invalide. Longitude maxime es 255 characteres."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Secreto de Facebook invalide. Longitude maxime es 255 characteres."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Configurationes del application de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID de application"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "Le ID de tu application Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Secreto"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Secreto del application."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salveguardar"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Salveguardar configuration Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Tu es jam authenticate."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Aperir session con tu conto de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Aperir session con Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Aperir session con Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Impossibile authenticar te con Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Tu debe aperir session in Facebook pro registrar un conto local usante Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Il ha jam un conto local ligate a iste conto de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Occurreva un problema con le indicio de tu session. Per favor reproba."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Tu non pote crear un conto si tu non accepta le licentia."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Un error incognite ha occurrite."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Isto es le prime vice que tu ha aperite un session in %s; dunque, nos debe connecter tu conto de Facebook a un conto local. Tu pote crear un nove conto local, o connecter con un conto local existente."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Configuration de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Optiones de connexion"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mi texto e files es disponibile sub %s excepte iste datos private: contrasigno, adresse de e-mail, adresse de messageria instantanee, numero de telephono."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Crear nove conto"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Crear un nove usator con iste pseudonymo."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nove pseudonymo"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 minusculas o numeros, sin punctuation o spatios."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Connecter conto existente"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Si tu ha jam un conto, aperi session con tu nomine de usator e contrasigno pro connecter lo a tu Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Pseudonymo existente"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrasigno"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecter"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Creation de conto non permittite."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Le codice de invitation es invalide."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Error durante le connexion del usator a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nomine de usator o contrasigno invalide."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Configuration de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Configuration de Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Usator de Facebook connectite"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publicar mi notas in Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Inviar responsas \"@\" a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Disconnecter mi conto ab Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Per disconnecter tu Facebook, tu non plus poterea aperir session! Per favor [defini un contrasigno](%s) primo."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Retene tu conto de %1$s ma disconnecte ab Facebook. Tu pote usar tu contrasigno de %1$s pro aperir session."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnecter"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Occurreva un problema durante le salveguarda de tu preferentias de synchronisation."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Preferentias de synchronisation salveguardate."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Non poteva deler le ligamine a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Tu te ha disconnectite de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Aperir session o crear conto usante Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Configuration del integration de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Configuration de Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Un plug-in pro integrar StatusNet con Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Tu connexion a Facebook ha essite removite"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Salute %1$s,\n\nNos regretta deber informar te que nos non poteva publicar tu nota in\nFacebook, e que nos ha removite le connexion inter tu conto de %2$s e\nillo de Facebook.\n\nIsto pote haber evenite proque tu ha removite le permission pro %2$s\nde publicar in tu nomine, o forsan tu ha disactivate tu conto de\nFacebook. Tu pote sempre reconnecter tu conto de %2$s a Facebook per\naperir session con Facebook de novo.\n\nCordialmente,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Contacta le administrator de %s pro recuperar tu conto"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Salute %1$s,\n\nNos ha remarcate que tu ha de-autorisate le connexion a Facebook pro tu\nconto de %2$s. TU non ha ancora definite un contrasigno pro tu conto de %2$s,\ndunque tu non potera aperir session. Si tu vole continuar a usar tu conto de\n%2$s, per favor contacta le administrator del sito (%3$s) pro definir un contrasigno.\n\nCordialmente,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# zk <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-04 15:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: zk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: id\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan integrasi facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan integrasi facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Simpan"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Sudah masuk."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Ada masalah dengan token sesi anda. Mohon coba lagi."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Sandi"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nama pengguna atau sandi tidak valid."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Ciencisto Dementa <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-17 17:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ciencisto Dementa <>\n"
"Language-Team: Ido (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: io\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Facebook inserto-ajusti"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Facebook inserto-ajusti"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Nevalida Facebook-identifikilo. La longeso maxima es de 255 signi."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Nevalida Facebook-sekretajo. La longeso maxima es de 255 signi."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Ajusti dil Facebook-aplikilo"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Identifikilo dil aplikilo"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "Identifikilo dil Facebook-aplikilo."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Sekretajo"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Aplikilo-sekretajo."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Konservar"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Konservar la Facebook-ajusti."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Ja identifikita."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Identifikez vu per vua Facebook-konto"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Identifikar me per Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Identifikez vu per Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Lu ne povis autentikigar vu per Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Vu mustas esar identifikita aden Facebook por registragar lokala konto per Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Esas ja lokala konto ligita kun ta Facebook-konto."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Esis problemo kun vua kunsido-ficho. Voluntez probar itere."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Vu ne povas registragar vu se vu ne konsentas al permiso."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Nekonocata eroro eventis."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Es l'unesma foyo ke vu identifikis su aden %s, do ni mustas konektar vua Facebook-konto a lokala konto. Vu povas sive krear nova lokala konto, sive konektar vu kun lokala konto existanta."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Facebook-ajusto"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Konekto-selekti"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mea texti e dokumenti es disponebla per %s ecepte ca privata datumi: pasovorto, elektronikal adreso, adreso dil instantala mesajilo, e telefonilo-nombro."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Krear nova konto"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Kreez nova uzanto kun ica uzantonomo."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nova uzantonomo"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 minuskuli o nombri, nula puntizosigno nek spaco."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Krear"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Konektar existanta konto"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Se vu ja havas konto, identifikez vu per vua uzantonomo e pasovorto por konektar ol a vua Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Existanta uzantonomo"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasovorto"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Konektar"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "La registrago ne permisesas."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Nevalida invito-kodexo."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Eroro dum la konekto dil uzanto a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nevalida uzantonomo o pasovorto."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook-ajusti"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook-ajusti"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Konektita Facebook-uzanto"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Publikigar mea avizi en Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Sendar l'\"@\"-respondi en Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Deskonektar mea konto ek Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Deskonektar vua Facebook-konto neposibligus identifikar vu! Volontez [enskribar pasovorto](%s) unesme."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Konservar vua %1$s-konto ma diskonektar vu ek Facebook. Vu uzos vua %1$s-pasovorto por identifikar vu."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Deskonektar"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Esis problemo kun la konservo di vua sinkroneso-preferi."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Sinkroneso-preferi konservata."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Lu ne povis ruptar la ligilo a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Vu es deskonektita ek Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Identifikez vu o registragez vu per Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Ajusto dil Facebook-inserto."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Facebook-ajusti."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Extensilo por juntar GNU social kun Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Vua Facebook-konekto esas efacita."
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Hola %1$s,\nNi regretas informar vu ke ni ne povis publikigar vua avizo en Facebook, e ke ni supresis la konekto inter vua %2$s-konto e Facebook.\n\nCa problemo posible eventis pro ke vu revokis la permiso ek %2$s por sendar mesaji en vua nomo, o forsan vu ekswichis vua Facebook-konto. Vu povas rikonektar vua %2$s-konto a Facebook irgekande per identifikar vu kun Facebook itere.\n\nSincere,\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Kontaktez l'administranto di %s por rekuperar vua konto."
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Hola %1$s,\nNi remarkis ke vu despermisis la Facebook-konekto por vua %2$s-konto. Vu ne enskribis pasovorto por vua %2$s-konto ankore, do vu ne povos identifikar vu. Se vu deziras durar uzar vua %2$s-konto, voluntez kontaktar l'administranto dil situo (%3$s) por enskribar pasovorto.\n\nSincere,\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: is\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Vista"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Þú hefur nú þegar skráð þig inn."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Það kom upp vandamál með setutókann þinn. Vinsamlegast reyndu aftur."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Lykilorð"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Nýskráning ekki leyfð."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Ótækt notendanafn eða lykilorð."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: it\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Integrazione delle impostazioni di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Integrazione delle impostazioni di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "ID di Facebook non valido. La lunghezza massima è di 255 caratteri."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Chiave segreta di Facebook non valida. La lunghezza massima è di 255 caratteri."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni dell'applicazione Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID applicazione"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID dell'applicazione Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Chiave segreta"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Chiave segreta dell' applicazione."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Salva le impostazioni di Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Accesso già effettuato."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Autenticati tramite il tuo account Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Autenticati tramite Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Autenticati tramite Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Impossibile eseguire l'autenticazione tramite Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Devi effettuare l'accesso a Facebook per registrare un account locale utilizzando Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Esiste già un account locale collegato a questo account di Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Si è verificato un problema con il tuo token di sessione. Prova di nuovo."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Non puoi registrarti se non accetti la licenza."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Questo è il tuo primo accesso a %s perciò dovremo connettere il tuo account Facebook ad un account locale. Puoi inoltre creare un nuovo account locale, o connetterti tramite un account locale già esistente."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Installazione di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Opzioni di connessione"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "I miei testi e file sono disponibili nei termini di %s a eccezione di questi dati personali: password, indirizzo email, indirizzo messaggistica istantanea e numero di telefono."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Crea nuovo account"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Crea un nuovo utente con questo nickname."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nuovo nickname"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 lettere minuscole o numeri, senza punteggiatura o spazi."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crea"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Connettere un account esistente"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Se hai già un account, effettua l'accesso con lo username e la password corrispondenti per collegarlo al tuo Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Nickname esistente"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connetti"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registrazione non consentita."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Il codice di invito non è valido."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Errore durante la connessione dell'utente a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nome utente o password non validi."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni di Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Utente Facebook connesso"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Pubblica le mie notizie su Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Invia le \"@\" risposte a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Disconnetti il mio account da Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Se disconnetti il tuo account da Facebook non puoi effettuare il login! Per favore [imposta una password] (%s) prima."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Mantieni il tuo account %1$s ma disconnettiti da Facebook. Per accedere potrai usare la tua password %1$s."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnetti"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Si è verificato un problema durante il salvataggio delle preferenze di sincronizzazione."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Preferenze di sincronizzazione salvate."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Impossibile eliminare il collegamento a Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Sei stato disconnesso da Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Accedi o registrati tramite Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Integrazione della configurazione di Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Impostazioni di Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Un plugin per integrare StatusNet con Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "La tua connessione Facebook è stata rimossa"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Ciao %1$s,\n\nSiamo spiacenti di informarti che ci è impossibile pubblicare la tua notizia su\nFacebook, e di conseguenza abbiamo dovuto rimuovere il collegamento tra l'account %2$s e\nFacebook.\n\nCiò può essere accaduto perché hai rimosso i permessi che consentivano a %2$s \ndi postare a tuo nome, o forse perché hai disattivato il tuo account di Facebook. \nPuoi ricollegare il tuo account %2$s a Facebook, in qualsiasi momento, \neffettuando nuovamente l'accesso tramite Facebook.\n\nCordiali saluti,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Contatta l'amministratore di %s per recuperare il tuo account"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Ciao %1$s,\n\nAbbiamo notato che hai revocato l'autorizzazione a Facebook ad accedere al tuo account %2$s. \nNon avendo ancora impostato la password per il tuo account %2$s, non potrai più accedervi. \nSe desideri continuare ad utilizzare il tuo account %2$s, ti invitiamo a contattare l'amministratore \ndel sito (%3$s) per impostare una password.\n\nCordiali saluti,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ja\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "既にログインしています。"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "セッション トークンに問題がありました。もう一度試してください。"
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "ライセンスに同意しない場合、登録することはできません。"
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "テキストとファイルは以下の個人情報以外は %s の下で利用できるようにする:パスワード、メールメールアドレス、IMアドレス、電話番号。"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1~64 文字の、小文字アルファベットまたは数字、スペースや句読点は除く。"
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "パスワード"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "登録は許可されていません。"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "無効なユーザー名またはパスワード。"
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Georgian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ka\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "შენახვა"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "უკვე ავტორიზირებული ხართ."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "ჩემი ტექსტი და ფაილები ხელმისაწვდომია %s–ით, გარდა ამ პირადი ინფორმაციისა: პაროლი, ელ. ფოსტის მისამართი, IM მისამართი და ტელეფონის ნომერი."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "პაროლი"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "რეგისტრაცია არ არის დაშვებული."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "არასწორი მომხმარებლის სახელი ან პაროლი."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "저장"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "이미 로그인했습니다."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "세션 토큰에 문제가 있습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "약관에 동의하지 않으면 가입할 수 없습니다."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "연결 옵션"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "내 글과 파일은 %s 조건에 따릅니다. 다음 개인 데이터는 제외합니다: 비밀 번호, 메일 주소, 메신저 주소, 전화 번호."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "새 계정 만들기"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "이 이름으로 새 사용자 만들기"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "새 이름"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 사이의 영소문자 또는 숫자, 기호나 공백을 쓰면 안 됩니다."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "만들기"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "기존 계정에 연결"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "기존 이름"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "비밀 번호"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "연결"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "가입이 허용되지 않습니다."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "초대 코드가 잘못되었습니다."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "사용자 이름이나 비밀 번호가 틀렸습니다."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Colognian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ksh\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==0) ? 0 : (n==1) ? 1 : 2;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Luxembourgish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: lb\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Späicheren"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: lt\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Išsaugoti"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 09:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: lv\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Malagasy (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: mg\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Parametatra fampiaraha-mandeha amin'i Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Parametatra fampiarah-mandeha amin'i Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Hadisoana amin'ny isa mamantatra Facebook. 255 soratra ny halavan'ny ID farafahabetsany."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Hadisoana tamin'ny fehezanteny miafina Facebook. 255 soratra ny halavan'ilay fehezanteny farafahabetsany."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Parametatry ny application Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID ny application"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "Isa mamantatra ny application Facebook anao."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Fehezanteny miafina"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Fehezanteny miafin'ilay application."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Tehirizina"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Hitahiry ny parametatra Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Efa tafiditra."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Hiditra amin'ny kaontinao Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Hiditra amin'i Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Hiditra amin'i Facebook"
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Mila tafiditra eo amin'i Facebook ianao mba hahafahanao manokatra kaonty eto antoerana amin'ny alalan'ny Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Efa misy kaonty antoerana ho an'io kaonty Facebook io eto."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Nisy olana nitranga tamin'ny fidiranao. Andramo fanindroany azafady."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Tsy afaka misoratra anarana ianao raha tsy ekenao ny lisansa."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Nisy hadisoana tsy fantatra nitranga."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Voalohany indrindra ianao no miditra eto amin'i %s, izay ny antony idiranao eo amin'ny eto amin'ny alalan'ny kaonty Facebook anao. Na ianao manokatra kaonty eto antoerana, na ianao miditra amin'ny alalana kaonty efa misy."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Configuration Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Safidim-pidirana"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mitondra ny lisansa %s ny lahatsoratro ary ny rakitro afatsy ireo fampahalalana tsy sarababembahoaka : tenimiafina, adiresy imailaka, adiresim-pifandraisana antsoratra mivantana ary ny niomerao telefaona."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Hanokatra kaonty vaovao"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Hamorona mpikambana vaovao miaraka amin'ilay solonanarana."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Solonanarana vaovao"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "litera zanatsoratra 1 hatramin'ny 63, tsy misy teboteboka na fotsy."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Foronona"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Hiditra amin'ny kaonty efa misy"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Efa manana kaonty ianao eto, midira miaraka amin'ny anaram-pikambanao ary ny tenimiafina mba hampikambana azy amin'ny kaonty Facebook anao."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Solonanarana efa misy"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Tenimiafina"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Hiditra"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Fidirana tsy nahazo alalana"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Kaodim-panasaina diso."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Hadisoana teo am-pidirana ilay mpikambana teo amin'i Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Solonanarana na tenimiafina diso."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Parametatra Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Parametatra Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Mpikambana Facebook efa tafiditra"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Avoaka eo amin'i Facebook ny hevitro."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Alefa eo amin'i Facebook ny valinkafatra \"@\"."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Hivoaka amin'i Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Tsy hahatafitra anao ny fivoahanao amin'i Facebook ! Atsofohy aloha ny [hampiditra tenimiafina] (%s)"
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Hitazona ny kaontinao fa hivoaka amin'i Facebook. Azonao ampiasaina ny tenimafina %1$s rehefa hiditra ianao."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Hivoaka"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Niolana nitranga teo ampitahirizana ny safidy sync anao."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Voatahiry ny safidy sync."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Tsy afaka mamafa ilay rohy mankany amin'i Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Efa nivoaka tamin'i Facebook ianao"
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Hisoratra anarana na hiditra amin'ny alalan'i Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Parametatra Facebook"
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Plugin iray hampifanaraka an'i StatusNet amin'i Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Nalàna ny fidiranao teo amin'i Facebook"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Miarahaba anao %1$s,\n\nMiala tsiny aminao izahay fa tsy nahavao ny satanao teo amin'i Facebook, ary nesorinao ny fidirana amin'ny kaontinao %2$s ary ny fidiranao amin'ny alalan'i Facebook.\n\nMety mitranga izany raha nesorinao ny fanomezandalan'i %2$s mametraka hafatra amin'ny anaranao, na mety notapahanao ny kaontinao Facebook. Afaka miverina miditra amin'ny kaontinao %2$s amin'i Facebook ianao na ohaviana na ohaviana amin'ny alalan'ny fidiranao eo amin'ny tranonkala Facebook.\n\nMisaotra indrindra,\n\n%2$s \n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Mifandraisa amin'ny mpandrindran'i %s raha hiverina haka ny kaontinao"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Miarahaba %1$s,\n\nHitanay fa nanala ny fifandraisana amin'ny kaontinao %2$s sy Facebook ianao. Noho ianao tsy nampiditra tenimiafina ho an'ny kaontinao %2$s hatramin'izao, tsy havela hiditra ianao. Raha mbola te-hampiasa ny kaontinao ianao, dia mifandraisa amin'ny mpandrindran'ny tranonkala %3$s mba hampiditra tenimiafina iray.\n\nMisaotra indrindra,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Macedonian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: mk\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Зачувај"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Веќе сте најавени."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Се поајви проблем со Вашиот сесиски жетон. Обидете се повторно."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Не можете да се регистрирате ако не се согласувате со лиценцата."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Се појави непозната грешка."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Нагодувања за врска"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Мојот текст и податотеки се достапни под %s, освен следниве приватни податоци: лозинка, е-пошта, НП-адреса и телефонски број."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Создај нова сметка"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Создај нов корисник со овој прекар."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Нов прекар"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 мали букви или бројки, без интерпункциски знаци и празни места."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Создај"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Поврзи постоечка сметка"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Постоечки прекар"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Лозинка"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Поврзи се"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Регистрацијата не е дозволена."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Ова не е важечки код за покана."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Неважечко корисничко име или лозинка."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Прекрати"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Malayalam (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ml\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "സേവ് ചെയ്യുക"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "മുമ്പേ തന്നെ ലോഗിൻ ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ട്."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "താങ്കളുടെ സെഷൻ ചീട്ടിൽ ഒരു ചെറിയ പ്രശ്നം. ദയവായി വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "താങ്കൾ അനുവാദ പത്രം അംഗീകരിക്കുകയില്ലെങ്കിൽ ഭാഗമാകാനാകില്ല."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക്"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "അംഗത്വമെടുക്കൽ അനുവദിച്ചിട്ടില്ല."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "ഉപയോക്തൃനാമമോ രഹസ്യവാക്കോ അസാധുവാണ്."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Malay (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ms\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Simpan"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Sudah log masuk."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Opsyen sambungan"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Buka akaun baru"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Sambungkan akaun yang sedia ada"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Burmese (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: my\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "သိမ်းရန်"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: nb\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lagre"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Allerede innlogget."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Det var et problem med din sesjons-autentisering. Prøv igjen."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mine tekster og filer er tilgjengelig under %s med unntak av disse private dataene: passord, e-postadresse, direktemeldingsadresse og telefonnummer."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Opprett ny konto"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Opprett en ny bruker med dette kallenavnet."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nytt kallenavn"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1‒64 små bokstaver eller tall, ingen tegnsetting eller mellomrom."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Opprett"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passord"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Koble til"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registrering ikke tillatt."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Ugyldig brukernavn eller passord."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 09:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Nepali (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ne\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "nstellingen voor Facebookkoppeling"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Instellingen voor Facebookkoppeling"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Ongeldig Facebook-ID. De maximale lengte is 255 tekens."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Ongeldig Facebookgeheim. De maximale lengte is 255 tekens."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Applicatieinstellingen voor Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Applicatie-ID"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID van uw Facebookapplicatie."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Geheim"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Applicatiegeheim."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Opslaan"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Facebookinstellingen opslaan."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "U bent al aangemeld."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Aanmelden met uw Facebookgebruiker"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Aanmelden met Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Aanmelden met Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Het was niet mogelijk u via Facebook aan te melden."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "U moet aangemeld zijn bij Facebook om een lokale gebruiker via Facebook te kunnen registreren."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Er is al een lokale gebruiker verbonden met deze Facebookgebruiker."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Er is een probleem ontstaan met uw sessie. Probeer het nog een keer, alstublieft."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "U kunt zich niet registreren als u niet met de licentie akkoord gaat."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Dit is de eerste keer dat u aanmeldt bij %s en dan moeten we uw Facebookgebruiker koppelen met uw lokale gebruiker. U kunt een nieuwe lokale gebruiker aanmaken of koppelen met een bestaande gebruiker als u die al hebt."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Facebookinstellingen"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Koppelingsinstellingen"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mijn teksten en bestanden zijn beschikbaar onder %s, behalve de volgende privégegevens: wachtwoord, e-mailadres, IM-adres, telefoonnummer."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Nieuwe gebruiker aanmaken"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Nieuwe gebruiker aanmaken met deze gebruikersnaam."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nieuwe gebruikersnaam"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 kleine letters of cijfers, geen leestekens of spaties."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Aanmaken"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Verbinden met een bestaande gebruiker"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Als u al een gebruiker hebt, meld dan aan met uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord om deze daarna te koppelen met uw Facebookgebruiker."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Bestaande gebruikersnaam"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Koppelen"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registratie is niet toegestaan."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "De uitnodigingscode is ongeldig."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Fout bij het verbinden van de gebruiker met Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebookinstellingen"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebookinstellingen"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Gekoppelde Facebookgebruiker"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Mijn mededelingen publiceren op Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Antwoorden met \"@\" naar Facebook verzenden."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Mijn gebruiker loskoppelen van Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Door los te koppelen van Faceboook zou u niet meer kunnen aanmelden! [Stel eerst een wachtwoord in](%s)."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Uw gebruiker bij %1$s behouden maar deze loskoppelen van Facebook. U kunt uw wachtwoord van %1$s gebruiken om aan te melden."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Loskoppelen"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het opslaan van uw synchronisatievoorkeuren."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Uw synchronisatievoorkeuren zijn opgeslagen."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Het was niet mogelijk de verwijzing naar Facebook te verwijderen."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "U bent losgekoppeld van Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Aanmelden of registreren via Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Instellingen voor Facebookintegratie."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Facebookinstellingen."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Een plug-in voor het integreren van StatusNet met Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Uw koppeling met Facebook is verwijderd"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Hallo %1$s,\n\nHet spijt ons dat we u moeten meedelen dat het niet mogelijk is uw mededelingen\nbij Facebook te publiceren. De koppeling tussen uw gebruiker op %1$s en\nFacebook is verbroken.\n\nDit is mogelijk gebeurd doordat u de rechten om namens u berichten te plaatsen\nvoor %2$s hebt verwijderd of wellicht hebt u uw gebruiker bij Facebook\nverwijderd. U kunt op ieder moment opnieuw met Facebook koppelen door bij\nFacebook aan te melden.\n\nMet vriendelijke groet,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Neem contact op met de beheerder van %s om uw gebruikersgegevens te verkrijgen"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Hallo %1$s,\n\nWe hebben geconstateerd dat u de koppeling met Facebook voor uw gebruiker bij\n%2$s hebt verbroken. U hebt nog geen wachtwoord ingesteld voor uw gebruiker\nbij %2$s, dus u kunt niet aanmelden. Als u uw gebruiker by %2$s nog langer wilt\ngebruiken, neem dan contact op met de sitebeheerder via %3$s\nom een wachtwoord in te stellen.\n\nMet vriendelijke groet,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: nn\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lagra"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Allereie logga inn."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Der var eit problem med sesjonen din. Vennlegst prøv på nytt."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passord"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registrering ikkje tillatt."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Ugyldig brukarnamn eller passord."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Zapisz"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Jesteś już zalogowany."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Wystąpił problem z tokenem sesji. Spróbuj ponownie."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Nie możesz się zarejestrować, jeśli nie zgadzasz się z warunkami licencji."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Tekst i pliki są dostępne na warunkach licencji %s, poza tymi prywatnymi danymi: hasło, adres e-mail, adres komunikatora i numer telefonu."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 małe litery lub liczby, bez spacji i znaków przestankowych."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Hasło"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Rejestracja nie jest dozwolona."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika lub hasło."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pt\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gravar"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Sessão já foi iniciada."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Ocorreu um problema com a sua sessão. Por favor, tente novamente."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Os meus textos e ficheiros são disponibilizados nos termos da %s excepto estes dados privados: senha, endereço de correio electrónico, endereço de mensageiro instantâneo, número de telefone."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Senha"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registo não é permitido."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nome de utilizador ou senha inválidos."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salvar"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Já está autenticado."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Ocorreu um problema com o seu token de sessão. Tente novamente, por favor."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Você não pode se registrar se não aceitar a licença."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Meus textos e arquivos estão disponíveis sob a %s, exceto estes dados particulares: senha, endereço de e-mail, endereço do mensageiro instantâneo e número de telefone."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Criar nova conta"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Novo nome"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 letras minúsculas ou números, sem pontuações ou espaços."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Criar"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Senha"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Não é permitido o registro."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "O código de convite é inválido."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nome de usuário e/ou senha inválido(s)."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian (Romania) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ro_RO\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Сохранить"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Вы уже вошли."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Проблема с вашим ключом сессии. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Вы не можете зарегистрироваться без подтверждения лицензионного соглашения."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Мои тексты и файлы доступны на условиях %s, за исключением следующей личной информации: пароля, почтового адреса, номера мессенджера и номера телефона."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 латинских строчных буквы или цифры, без знаков препинания и пробелов"
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Пароль"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Регистрация недопустима."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Неверное имя или пароль."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: sl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: sr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Сачувај"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Дошло је до грешке са сесијом. Покушајте поново."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Лозинка"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Kristoffer Grundström <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-16 02:18+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kristoffer Grundström <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: sv\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Integrationsinställningar för Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Integrationsinställningar för Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Ogiligt Facebook-ID. Maximal längd är 255 tecken."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Ogiltig Facebook-hemlighet. Maximal längd är 255 tecken."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Inställningar för Facebook-applikationen"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Applikation-ID"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID't för din Facebook-applikation."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Hemlighet"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Spara"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Redan inloggad."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Det var ett problem med din sessions-token. Var vänlig försök igen."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Du kan inte registrera dig om du inte accepterar licensen."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Ett okänt fel uppstod."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Mina texter och filer är tillgängliga under %s med undantag av den här privata datan: lösenord, e-postadress, IM-adress, telefonnummer."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Skapa nytt konto"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Skapa en ny användare med detta smeknamn."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nytt smeknamn"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 gemener eller siffror, inga skiljetecken eller mellanslag."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Skapa"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Anslut befintligt konto"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Befintligt smeknamn"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Lösenord"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Anslut"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Registrering inte tillåten."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Inte en giltig inbjudningskod."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Ogiltigt användarnamn eller lösenord."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 08:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Tamil (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ta\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Telugu (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: te\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "భద్రపరచు"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "ఇప్పటికే లోనికి ప్రవేశించారు."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "నా పాఠ్యం మరియు దస్త్రాలు %s క్రింద లభ్యం, ఈ అంతరంగిక భోగట్టా తప్ప: సంకేతపదం, ఈమెయిల్ చిరునామా, IM చిరునామా, మరియు ఫోన్ నంబర్."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 చిన్నబడి అక్షరాలు లేదా అంకెలు, విరామచిహ్నాలు మరియు ఖాళీలు తప్ప."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "సంకేతపదం"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "నమోదు అనుమతించబడదు."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "వాడుకరిపేరు లేదా సంకేతపదం తప్పు."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Tagalog (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: tl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Mga katakdaan sa pagsasama ng Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Mga katakdaan ng pagsasama ng Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Hindi katanggap-tanggap na ID ng Facebook. Ang pinakamataas na haba ay 255 mga panitik."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Hindi katanggap-tanggap na lihim ng Facebook. Ang pinakamataas na haba ay 255 mga panitik."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Mga katakdaan ng aplikasyon ng Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "ID ng aplikasyon"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "ID ng iyong aplikasyon ng Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Lihim"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Lihim ng aplikasyon."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sagipin"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Sagipin ang mga katakdaan ng Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Nakalagda na."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng Akawnt mo sa Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Lumagdang may Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr "Hindi ka napatunayan sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Dapat na nakalagda ka sa Facebook upang makapagpatala ng isang katutubong akawnt na ginagamit ang Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Mayroon nang isang katutubong akawnt na nakakawing sa ganyang akawnt ng Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Nagkaroon ng isang suliranin sa kahalip ng sesyon mo. Pakisubukan uli."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Hindi ka makakapagpatala kung hindi ka sumasang-ayon sa lisensiya."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Naganap ang isang hindi nalalamang kamalian."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Ito ang iyong unang pagkakataon ng paglagda sa %s kaya't kailangan naming iugnay ang iyong Facebook papunta sa isang katutubong akawnt. Maaari kang lumikha ng isang bagong katutubong akawnt, o umugnay sa pamamagitan ng umiiral na katutubong akawnt."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Pagkakahanda ng Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Mga mapagpipilian ng ugnay"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Makukuha ang teksto at mga talaksan ko sa ilalim ng %s maliban na lamang ang pribadong datong ito: hudyat, tirahan ng e-liham, tirahan ng IM, at numero ng telepono."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Lumikha ng bagong akawnt"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Lumikha ng isang bagong tagagamit na may ganitong palayaw."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Bagong palayaw"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1 hanggang 64 maliliit na mga titik o mga bilang, walang bantas o mga patlang."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Likhain"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Iugnay ang umiiral na akawnt"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Kung mayroon ka nang akawnt, lumagda sa pamamagitan ng iyong pangalan ng tagagamit at hudyat upang iugnay ito sa iyong Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Umiiral na palayaw"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Hudyat"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Umugnay"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Hindi pinayagan ang pagpapatala."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Hindi isang tanggap na kodigo ng paanyaya."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Kamalian sa pag-uugnay ng tagagamit sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Hindi katanggap-tanggap na pangalan ng tagagamit o hudyat."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Mga katakdaan sa Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Mga katakdaan ng Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Nakaugnay na tagagamit ng Facebook"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Ilathala ang mga pabatid ko sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Ipadala ang mga tugong \"@\" papunta sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Huwag iugnay ang akawnt ko mula sa Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Ang pagtanggal ng ugnay ng Facebook mo ay makapagdurulot ng hindi makalagda! Mangyaring [magtakda muna ng isang hudyat](%s)."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Panatilihin ang akawnt mong %1$s subalit kumalas mula sa Facebook. Maaari mong gamitin ang hudyat mo sa %1$s upang lumagdang papasok."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Huwag umugnay"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Nagkaroon ng isang suliranin sa pagsagip ng mga nais mo sa pagsasabay."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Nasagip ang mga nais sa pagsabay."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Hindi mabura ang kawing sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Kumalas ka na mula sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Lumagda o magpatala sa pamamagitan ng Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Pagsasaayos ng pagsasama sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Mga katakdaan sa Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Isang pampasak para sa pagsasama ng StatusNet na may Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Natanggal na ang iyong ugnay sa Facebook"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Kumusta %1$s,\n\nIkinalulungkot namin na ipabatid sa iyo na hindi namin nagawang mailathala ang patabid mo sa Facebook, at tinanggal ang ugnayan sa pagitan ng iyong akawnt sa %2$s at Facebook.\n\nMaaaring nangyari ito dahil inalis mo ang pahintulot para sa %2$s na makapagpaskil para sa iyo, o kaya hindi mo na binubuhay ang akawnt mo sa Facebook. Maaari kang iugnay na muli ang iyong akawnt na %2$s sa Facebook sa anumang oras sa pamamagitan ng muling paglagdang papasok sa Facebook.\n\nMay katapatan,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Makipag-ugnayan sa tagapangasiwa ng %s upang makuhang muli ang akawnt mo"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Kumusta %1$s,\n\nNapansin naming hindi mo na pinapahintulutan ang pag-ugnay sa Facebook para sa iyong akawnt sa %2$s. Hindi ka pa nagtatakda ng isang hudyat para sa iyong akawnt sa %2$s, kaya’t hindi mo magagawang lumagdang papasok. Kung nais mong magpatuloy sa paggamit ng iyong akawnt sa %2$s, mangyaring makipag-ugnayan sa tagapangasiwa ng sityo (%3$s) upang makapagtaka ng isang hudyat.\n\nMay kataimtiman,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: tr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Kaydet"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Zaten giriş yapılmış."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Oturum belirtecinizde bir sorun var. Lütfen, tekrar deneyin."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Bağlantı seçenekleri"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Parola, e-posta adresi, anlık mesajlaşma adresi ve telefon numarası gibi özel verilerim dışındaki tüm yazı ve dosyalarım %s dahilinde kullanılabilir."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Yeni hesap oluştur"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Bu kullanıcı adıyla yeni bir kullanıcı oluştur."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Yeni kullanıcı adı"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Oluştur"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Varolan hesaba bağlan"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Varolan kullanıcı adı"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parola"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Bağlan"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Kayıt yapılmasına izin verilmiyor."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Geçerli bir davet kodu değil."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Geçersiz kullanıcı adı veya parola."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: uk\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Налаштування інтеграції з Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Налаштування інтеграції з Facebook"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Неприпустимий ідентифікатор Facebook. Максимальна довжина — 255 символів."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr "Помилковий секретний код Facebook. Максимальна довжина — 255 символів."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Налаштування додатку для Facebook"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Ідентифікатор додатку"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr "Ідентифікатор вашого додатку Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Секретний код"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr "Секретний код додатку."
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Зберегти"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr "Зберегти налаштування Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Ви вже увійшли."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "Увійти з акаунтом Facebook"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "Увійти з Facebook"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr "Увійти з Facebook."
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "Спочатку ви маєте увійти до Facebook, аби мати змогу зареєструвати акаунт на цьому сервісі за допомогою Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "Один з тутешніх акаунтів вже прив’язаний до цього профілю у Facebook."
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Виникла проблема з вашим токеном сесії. Спробуйте пізніше, будь ласка."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "Ви не можете зареєструватись, якщо не погодитесь з умовами ліцензії."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "Сталася невідома помилка."
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr "Ви вперше увійшли до сайту %s, отже ми мусимо приєднати ваш акаунт Facebook до акаунту на даному сайті. Ви маєте можливість створити новий локальний акаунт або використати такий, що вже існує."
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Установки Facebook"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "Опції з’єднання"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "Мої дописи і файли доступні на умовах %s, окрім цих приватних даних: пароль, електронна адреса, адреса IM, телефонний номер."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Створити новий акаунт"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Створити нового користувача з цим нікнеймом."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Новий псевдонім"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1-64 рядкові літери і цифри, ніякої пунктуації або інтервалів."
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Створити"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Приєднати акаунт, який вже існує"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "Якщо ви вже маєте акаунт, увійдіть з вашим ім’ям користувача та паролем, аби приєднати їх до Facebook."
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Нікнейм, який вже існує"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Пароль"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Під’єднати"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Реєстрацію не дозволено."
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "Це не дійсний код запрошення."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Помилка при підключенні до Facebook."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Недійсне ім’я або пароль."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Налаштування Facebook"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Налаштування Facebook"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "Під’єднаний користувач Facebook"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "Публікувати мої дописи у Facebook."
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "Надсилати «@» відповіді до Facebook."
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "Від’єднати мій акаунт від Facebook"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr "Якщо від’єднати ваш акаунт від Faceboook зараз, то це унеможливить вхід до сервісу у майбутньому! Будь ласка, спочатку [встановіть пароль](%s)."
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr "Зберегти ваш акаунт %1$s, але від’єднати його від Facebook. Ви можете використовувати пароль від %1$s для входу на сайт."
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Від’єднати"
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr "Виникла проблема при збереженні параметрів синхронізації."
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr "Параметри синхронізації збережено."
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr "Не можу видалити посилання на Facebook."
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr "Ви від’єдналися від Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr "Увійти або зареєструватися з Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr "Налаштування інтеграції з Facebook."
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr "Налаштування Facebook."
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "Додаток для інтеграції StatusNet з Facebook."
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "З’єднання з Facebook було видалено"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr "Вітаємо, %1$s\n\nНам прикро вас про це повідомляти, але ми не в змозі опублікувати ваш допис на Facebook, також ми скасували з’єднання між вашим акаунтом на %2$s і Facebook.\n\nТаке могло трапитися тому, що ви видалили дозвіл %2$s на публікацію дописів від вашого імені, або ж, можливо, ви вимкнули свій акаунт на Facebook. Ви можете під’єднати свій акаунт на %2$s до Facebook у будь-який час знову, просто зайшовши на наш сайт через вхід для Facebook.\n\nЩиро ваші,\n\n%2$s\n"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "Зверніться до адміністратора %s, аби відновити свій обліковий запис"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr "Привіт, %1$s\n\nМи зауважили, що ви скасували дозвіл на з’єднання між Facebook та вашим акаунтом на %2$s. Перед цим ви не встановили пароль для свого акаунту на %2$s, тож тепер не зможете увійти на наш сайт знову. Якщо ви все ж таки бажаєте користуватися своїм акаунтом на %2$s далі, то зв’яжіться, будь ласка, з адміністратором сайту (%3$s), аби встановити пароль для входу.\n\nЩиро ваші,\n\n%2$s\n"
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Urdu (Pakistan) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ur_PK\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "تبدیلیاں محفوظ کریں"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: vi\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lưu"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Đã đăng nhập."
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "Có lỗi xảy ra khi thao tác. Hãy thử lại lần nữa."
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mật khẩu"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Đăng ký"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Tên đăng nhập hoặc mật khẩu không hợp lệ."
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-06 16:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-07 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: digitaldreamer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Facebook 集成设置"
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr "Facebook 集成设置"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr "Facebook 应用程序设置"
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "应用程序 ID"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "秘密"
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "已登录。"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr "与您的 Facebook 帐户登录"
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr "使用 Facebook 登录"
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr "您必须登录到 Facebook 注册使用 Facebook 的本地帐户。"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr "已存在与该 Facebook 帐户相关的本地帐户。"
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr "有一个与您的会话令牌的问题。请再次尝试。"
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr "你必须同意许可协议才能注册。"
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr "出现了一个未知的错误。"
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr "Facebook 安装程序"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr "连接选项"
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr "我的文字和文件在%s下提供,除了如下隐私内容:密码、电子邮件地址、IM 地址和电话号码。"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "创建新的帐户"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "此别名与创建新用户。"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "新的昵称"
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr "1 到 64 个小写字母或数字,不包含标点或空格。"
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "创建"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "连接现有的帐户"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr "如果您已经有一个的帐户使用您的用户名和密码以连接到在 Facebook 的登录。"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "现有的昵称"
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "连接"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "不允许注册。"
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr "不是一个有效的邀请代码。"
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr "Facebook 中连接用户时出错。"
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "无效的用户名或密码。"
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook 的设置"
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr "Facebook 的设置"
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr "已连接的 Facebook 用户"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr "将我的通知发布到 Facebook。"
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr "发送 \"@\" Facebook 的答复。"
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr "从 Facebook 拔下我的账户"
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr "StatusNet 与结合 Facebook 的插件。"
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr "Facebook 的连接已被删除"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr "与 %s 管理员联系,以检索您的帐户"
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Po-Chun Huang <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU social\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-02 17:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-26 09:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Po-Chun Huang <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. TRANS: Title for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:53
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instruction for Facebook administration panel.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:64
msgid "Facebook integration settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook
#. application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:126
msgid "Invalid Facebook ID. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when providing too long a Facebook secret
#. key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:133
msgid "Invalid Facebook secret. Maximum length is 255 characters."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:183
msgid "Facebook application settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:190
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook application ID.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:192
msgid "ID of your Facebook application."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:201
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title for Facebook secret key.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:203
msgid "Application secret."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button text to save Facebook integration settings.
#. TRANS: Submit button to save synchronisation settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:220 actions/facebooksettings.php:188
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Button title to save Facebook integration settings.
#: actions/facebookadminpanel.php:222
msgid "Save Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to login while already logged in.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:43
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "已登入"
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:52
msgid "Login with your Facebook Account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#. TRANS: Alt text for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:67 actions/facebooklogin.php:92
msgid "Login with Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Title for "Login with Facebook" image.
#: actions/facebooklogin.php:94
msgid "Login with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:50
msgid "Unable to authenticate you with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to Facebook while not
#. logged in.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:73
msgid ""
"You must be logged into Facebook to register a local account using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to connect to a Facebook account
#. that is already linked
#. TRANS: in the same StatusNet site.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:117 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:131
msgid "There is already a local account linked with that Facebook account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is
#. not given.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:144 actions/facebooksettings.php:87
msgid "There was a problem with your session token. Try again, please."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when user has not agreed to the
#. license.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:154
msgid "You cannot register if you do not agree to the license."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when an unhandled error occurs.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:172
msgid "An unknown error has occured."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions for connecting to Facebook.
#. TRANS: %s is the site name.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:191
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you have logged into %s so we must connect your "
"Facebook to a local account. You can either create a new local account, or "
"connect with an existing local account."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Page title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:201
msgid "Facebook Setup"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:235
msgid "Connection options"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: %s is the name of the license used by the user for their status
#. updates.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:245
#, php-format
msgid ""
"My text and files are available under %s except this private data: password,"
" email address, IM address, and phone number."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:262
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:265
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:273
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field title.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:276
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to create a new account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:284
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:290
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form instructions.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:293
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:297
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Field label.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:301
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button to connect a Facebook account to an existing StatusNet
#. account.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:305
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations not allowed.
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with registrations 'invite only'.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:326 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:335
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Client error trying to register with an invalid invitation code.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:342
msgid "Not a valid invitation code."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when connecting to Facebook fails.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:378 actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:511
msgid "Error connecting user to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form validation error displayed when username/password combination
#. is incorrect.
#: actions/facebookfinishlogin.php:478
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "使用者名稱或密碼無效。"
#. TRANS: Page title for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:106
msgctxt "TITLE"
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Instructions for Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:116
msgid "Facebook settings"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Form note. User is connected to facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:140
msgid "Connected Facebook user"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:168
msgid "Publish my notices to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Checkbox label in Facebook settings.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:179
msgid "Send \"@\" replies to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Fieldset legend for form to disconnect from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:197
msgid "Disconnect my account from Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in disconnect from Facebook form if user has no local
#. StatusNet password.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:204
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Disconnecting your Faceboook would make it impossible to log in! Please [set"
" a password](%s) first."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Message displayed when initiating disconnect of a StatusNet user
#. TRANS: from a Facebook account. %1$s is the StatusNet site name.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:215
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Keep your %1$s account but disconnect from Facebook. You'll use your %1$s "
"password to log in."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Submit button.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:221
msgctxt "BUTTON"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Notice in case saving of synchronisation preferences fail.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:245
msgid "There was a problem saving your sync preferences."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation that synchronisation settings have been saved into the
#. system.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:248
msgid "Sync preferences saved."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Server error displayed when deleting the link to a Facebook account
#. fails.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:263
msgid "Could not delete link to Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Confirmation message. StatusNet account was unlinked from Facebook.
#: actions/facebooksettings.php:267
msgid "You have disconnected from Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#. TRANS: Menu item for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:202 FacebookBridgePlugin.php:241
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:281
msgctxt "MENU"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" login.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:204
msgid "Login or register using Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in administration panel.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:243
msgid "Facebook integration configuration."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Menu title for "Facebook" in user settings.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:283
msgid "Facebook settings."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: Plugin description.
#: FacebookBridgePlugin.php:624
msgid "A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook."
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:790
msgid "Your Facebook connection has been removed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username, %2$s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:793
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We are sorry to inform you we are unable to publish your notice to\n"
"Facebook, and have removed the connection between your %2$s account and\n"
"This may have happened because you have removed permission for %2$s\n"
"to post on your behalf, or perhaps you have deactivated your Facebook\n"
"account. You can reconnect your %2$s account to Facebook at any time by\n"
"logging in with Facebook again.\n"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail subject. %s is the StatusNet sitename.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:846
#, php-format
msgid "Contact the %s administrator to retrieve your account"
msgstr ""
#. TRANS: E-mail body. %1$s is a username,
#. TRANS: %2$s is the StatusNet sitename, %3$s is the site contact e-mail
#. address.
#: lib/facebookclient.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"We have noticed you have deauthorized the Facebook connection for your\n"
"%2$s account. You have not set a password for your %2$s account yet, so\n"
"you will not be able to login. If you wish to continue using your %2$s\n"
"account, please contact the site administrator (%3$s) to set a password.\n"
msgstr ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user