forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
htmLawed 1.1.19, 19 January 2015
htmLawed 1.1.20, 9 June 2015
Copyright Santosh Patnaik
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
A PHP Labware internal utility;
@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ if(!empty($m[1])){
// open tag & attr
static $aN = array('abbr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'accept-charset'=>array('form'=>1), 'accept'=>array('form'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'accesskey'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'action'=>array('form'=>1), 'align'=>array('caption'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'alt'=>array('applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'archive'=>array('applet'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'axis'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'bgcolor'=>array('embed'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'border'=>array('table'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'bordercolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'cellpadding'=>array('table'=>1), 'cellspacing'=>array('table'=>1), 'char'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charoff'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charset'=>array('a'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'checked'=>array('input'=>1), 'cite'=>array('blockquote'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'classid'=>array('object'=>1), 'clear'=>array('br'=>1), 'code'=>array('applet'=>1), 'codebase'=>array('object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'codetype'=>array('object'=>1), 'color'=>array('font'=>1), 'cols'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'colspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'compact'=>array('dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'coords'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'data'=>array('object'=>1), 'datetime'=>array('del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'declare'=>array('object'=>1), 'defer'=>array('script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('bdo'=>1), 'disabled'=>array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'enctype'=>array('form'=>1), 'face'=>array('font'=>1), 'flashvars'=>array('embed'=>1), 'for'=>array('label'=>1), 'frame'=>array('table'=>1), 'frameborder'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'headers'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'height'=>array('embed'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'href'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1), 'hreflang'=>array('a'=>1), 'hspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'ismap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'label'=>array('option'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1), 'language'=>array('script'=>1), 'longdesc'=>array('img'=>1, 'iframe'=>1), 'marginheight'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'marginwidth'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'maxlength'=>array('input'=>1), 'method'=>array('form'=>1), 'model'=>array('embed'=>1), 'multiple'=>array('select'=>1), 'name'=>array('button'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'param'=>1), 'nohref'=>array('area'=>1), 'noshade'=>array('hr'=>1), 'nowrap'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'object'=>array('applet'=>1), 'onblur'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onchange'=>array('input'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onfocus'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onreset'=>array('form'=>1), 'onselect'=>array('input'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onsubmit'=>array('form'=>1), 'pluginspage'=>array('embed'=>1), 'pluginurl'=>array('embed'=>1), 'prompt'=>array('isindex'=>1), 'readonly'=>array('textarea'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'rel'=>array('a'=>1), 'rev'=>array('a'=>1), 'rows'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'rowspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'rules'=>array('table'=>1), 'scope'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'scrolling'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'selected'=>array('option'=>1), 'shape'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'size'=>array('hr'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'select'=>1), 'span'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1), 'src'=>array('embed'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1), 'standby'=>array('object'=>1), 'start'=>array('ol'=>1), 'summary'=>array('table'=>1), 'tabindex'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'target'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'form'=>1), 'type'=>array('a'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'button'=>1), 'usemap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'valign'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'value'=>array('input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'li'=>1), 'valuetype'=>array('param'=>1), 'vspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'width'=>array('embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'pre'=>1), 'wmode'=>array('embed'=>1), 'xml:space'=>array('pre'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'style'=>1)); // Ele-specific
static $aNE = array('checked'=>1, 'compact'=>1, 'declare'=>1, 'defer'=>1, 'disabled'=>1, 'ismap'=>1, 'multiple'=>1, 'nohref'=>1, 'noresize'=>1, 'noshade'=>1, 'nowrap'=>1, 'readonly'=>1, 'selected'=>1); // Empty
static $aN = array('abbr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'accept-charset'=>array('form'=>1), 'accept'=>array('form'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'accesskey'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'action'=>array('form'=>1), 'align'=>array('caption'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'allowfullscreen'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'alt'=>array('applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'archive'=>array('applet'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'axis'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'bgcolor'=>array('embed'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'border'=>array('table'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'bordercolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'cellpadding'=>array('table'=>1), 'cellspacing'=>array('table'=>1), 'char'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charoff'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charset'=>array('a'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'checked'=>array('input'=>1), 'cite'=>array('blockquote'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'classid'=>array('object'=>1), 'clear'=>array('br'=>1), 'code'=>array('applet'=>1), 'codebase'=>array('object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'codetype'=>array('object'=>1), 'color'=>array('font'=>1), 'cols'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'colspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'compact'=>array('dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'coords'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'data'=>array('object'=>1), 'datetime'=>array('del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'declare'=>array('object'=>1), 'defer'=>array('script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('bdo'=>1), 'disabled'=>array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'enctype'=>array('form'=>1), 'face'=>array('font'=>1), 'flashvars'=>array('embed'=>1), 'for'=>array('label'=>1), 'frame'=>array('table'=>1), 'frameborder'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'headers'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'height'=>array('embed'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'href'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1), 'hreflang'=>array('a'=>1), 'hspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'ismap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'label'=>array('option'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1), 'language'=>array('script'=>1), 'longdesc'=>array('img'=>1, 'iframe'=>1), 'marginheight'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'marginwidth'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'maxlength'=>array('input'=>1), 'method'=>array('form'=>1), 'model'=>array('embed'=>1), 'multiple'=>array('select'=>1), 'name'=>array('button'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'param'=>1), 'nohref'=>array('area'=>1), 'noshade'=>array('hr'=>1), 'nowrap'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'object'=>array('applet'=>1), 'onblur'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onchange'=>array('input'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onfocus'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onreset'=>array('form'=>1), 'onselect'=>array('input'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onsubmit'=>array('form'=>1), 'pluginspage'=>array('embed'=>1), 'pluginurl'=>array('embed'=>1), 'prompt'=>array('isindex'=>1), 'readonly'=>array('textarea'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'rel'=>array('a'=>1), 'rev'=>array('a'=>1), 'rows'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'rowspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'rules'=>array('table'=>1), 'scope'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'scrolling'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'selected'=>array('option'=>1), 'shape'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'size'=>array('hr'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'select'=>1), 'span'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1), 'src'=>array('embed'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1), 'standby'=>array('object'=>1), 'start'=>array('ol'=>1), 'summary'=>array('table'=>1), 'tabindex'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'target'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'form'=>1), 'type'=>array('a'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'button'=>1), 'usemap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'valign'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'value'=>array('input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'li'=>1), 'valuetype'=>array('param'=>1), 'vspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'width'=>array('embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'pre'=>1), 'wmode'=>array('embed'=>1), 'xml:space'=>array('pre'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'style'=>1)); // Ele-specific
static $aNE = array('allowfullscreen'=>1, 'checked'=>1, 'compact'=>1, 'declare'=>1, 'defer'=>1, 'disabled'=>1, 'ismap'=>1, 'multiple'=>1, 'nohref'=>1, 'noresize'=>1, 'noshade'=>1, 'nowrap'=>1, 'readonly'=>1, 'selected'=>1); // Empty
static $aNP = array('action'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'classid'=>1, 'codebase'=>1, 'data'=>1, 'href'=>1, 'longdesc'=>1, 'model'=>1, 'pluginspage'=>1, 'pluginurl'=>1, 'usemap'=>1); // Need scheme check; excludes style, on* & src
static $aNU = array('class'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'id'=>array('script'=>1), 'lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'xml:lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'ondblclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeydown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeypress'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeyup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousedown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousemove'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseout'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseover'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'style'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'title'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1)); // Univ & exceptions
@ -629,10 +629,10 @@ if($e == 'font'){
$a2 .= ' font-family: '. str_replace('"', '\'', trim($m[2])). ';';
if(preg_match('`color\s*=\s*(\'|")?(.+?)(\\1|\s|$)`i', $a, $m)){
$a2 .= ' color: '. trim($m[2]). ';';
$a2 .= ' color: '. str_replace('"', '\'', trim($m[2])). ';';
if(preg_match('`size\s*=\s*(\'|")?(.+?)(\\1|\s|$)`i', $a, $m) && isset($fs[($m = trim($m[2]))])){
$a2 .= ' font-size: '. $fs[$m]. ';';
$a2 .= ' font-size: '. str_replace('"', '\'', $fs[$m]). ';';
$e = 'span'; return ltrim($a2);
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ return str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), array(
function hl_version(){
// rel
return '1.1.19';
return '1.1.20';
// eof
@ -720,4 +720,4 @@ function kses_hook($t, &$C, &$S){
// kses compat
return $t;
// eof
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
htmLawedTest.php, 28 May 2013
htmLawed 1.1.19, 19 January 2015
htmLawed 1.1.20, 9 June 2015
Copyright Santosh Patnaik
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
A PHP Labware internal utility -
@ -647,4 +647,4 @@ if($_w3c_validate){
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ span.totop a, span.totop a:visited {color: #6699cc;}
<div id="body">
<br />
<div class="comment">htmLawed_README.txt, 19 January 2015<br />
htmLawed 1.1.19, 19 January 2015<br />
<div class="comment">htmLawed_README.txt, 9 June 2015<br />
htmLawed 1.1.20, 9 June 2015<br />
Copyright Santosh Patnaik<br />
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+<br />
A PHP Labware internal utility - <a href=""></a> </div>
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - <a href="
<a name="s3.4" id="s3.4"></a><span class="item-no">3.4</span>  Attributes
</h3><span class="totop"><a href="#peak">(to top)</a></span><br style="clear: both;" />
<br />
  htmLawed will only permit attributes described in the HTML specs (including deprecated ones). It also permits some attributes for use with the <span class="term">embed</span> element (the non-standard <span class="term">embed</span> element is supported in htmLawed because of its widespread use), and the the <span class="term">xml:space</span> attribute (valid only in XHTML 1.1). A list of such 111 attributes and the elements they are allowed in is in <a href="#s5.2">section 5.2</a>. Using the <span class="term">$spec</span> argument, htmLawed can be forced to permit custom, non-standard attributes as well as custom rules for standard attributes (<a href="#s2.3">section 2.3</a>).<br />
  htmLawed will only permit attributes described in the HTML specs (including deprecated ones). It also permits some attributes for use with the <span class="term">embed</span> element (the non-standard <span class="term">embed</span> element is supported in htmLawed because of its widespread use), and the <span class="term">allowfullscreen</span> (in <span class="term">iframe</span>, because of its widespread use), <span class="term">bordercolor</span> (in <span class="term">table</span>, <span class="term">td</span> and <span class="term">tr</span>, because of its widespread use), and <span class="term">xml:space</span> (valid only in XHTML 1.1) attributes. A list of such 112 attributes and the elements they are allowed in is in <a href="#s5.2">section 5.2</a>. Using the <span class="term">$spec</span> argument, htmLawed can be forced to permit custom, non-standard attributes as well as custom rules for standard attributes (<a href="#s2.3">section 2.3</a>).<br />
<br />
  When <span class="term">$config["deny_attribute"]</span> is not set, or set to <span class="term">0</span>, or empty (<span class="term">""</span>), all the 111 attributes are permitted. Otherwise, <span class="term">$config["deny_attribute"]</span> can be set as a list of comma-separated names of the denied attributes. <span class="term">on*</span> can be used to refer to the group of potentially dangerous, script-accepting attributes: <span class="term">onblur</span>, <span class="term">onchange</span>, <span class="term">onclick</span>, <span class="term">ondblclick</span>, <span class="term">onfocus</span>, <span class="term">onkeydown</span>, <span class="term">onkeypress</span>, <span class="term">onkeyup</span>, <span class="term">onmousedown</span>, <span class="term">onmousemove</span>, <span class="term">onmouseout</span>, <span class="term">onmouseover</span>, <span class="term">onmouseup</span>, <span class="term">onreset</span>, <span class="term">onselect</span> and <span class="term">onsubmit</span>.<br />
<br />
@ -1773,6 +1773,9 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - <a href="
<br />
  <em>Version number - Release date. Notes</em><br />
<br />
<br />
  1.1.20 - 9 June 2015. Fix for a potential security vulnerability arising from unescaped double-quote character in single-quoted attribute value of some deprecated elements when tag transformation is enabled; recognition for non-(HTML4) standard <span class="term">allowfullscreen</span> attribute of <span class="term">iframe.</span><br />
<br />
  1.1.19 - 19 January 2015. Fix for a bug in cleaning of soft-hyphens in URL values, etc.<br />
<br />
  1.1.18 - 2 August 2014. Fix for a potential security vulnerability arising from specially encoded text with serial opening tags<br />
@ -1908,7 +1911,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - <a href="
<a name="s4.10" id="s4.10"></a><span class="item-no">4.10</span>  Acknowledgements
</h3><span class="totop"><a href="#peak">(to top)</a></span><br style="clear: both;" />
<br />
  Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Dac Chartrand, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Psych0tr1a, Lincoln Russell, Tomas Sykorka, Harro Verton, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users.<br />
  Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Dac Chartrand, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Hakre, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Psych0tr1a, Lincoln Russell, Tomas Sykorka, Harro Verton, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users.<br />
<br />
  Thank you!<br />
@ -1932,7 +1935,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - <a href="
<br />
  Valid attribute-element combinations as per <a href="">W3C</a> specs.<br />
<br />
  *  includes deprecated attributes (marked <span class="term">^</span>), attributes for the non-standard <span class="term">embed</span> element (marked <span class="term">*</span>), and the proprietary <span class="term">bordercolor</span> (marked <span class="term">~</span>)<br />
  *  includes deprecated attributes (marked <span class="term">^</span>), attributes for the non-standard <span class="term">embed</span> element (marked <span class="term">*</span>), and the non-standard <span class="term">allowfullscreen</span> and <span class="term">bordercolor</span> (marked <span class="term">~</span>)<br />
  *  only non-frameset, HTML body elements<br />
  *  <span class="term">name</span> for <span class="term">a</span> and <span class="term">map</span>, and <span class="term">lang</span> are invalid in XHTML 1.1<br />
  *  <span class="term">target</span> is valid for <span class="term">a</span> in XHTML 1.1 and higher<br />
@ -1944,6 +1947,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - <a href="
  accesskey - a, area, button, input, label, legend, textarea<br />
  action - form<br />
  align - caption^, embed, applet, iframe, img^, input^, object^, legend^, table^, hr^, div^, h1^, h2^, h3^, h4^, h5^, h6^, p^, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr<br />
  allowfullscreen - iframe~<br />
  alt - applet, area, img, input<br />
  archive - applet, object<br />
  axis - td, th<br />
@ -2177,7 +2181,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - <a href="
<br />
<hr /><br /><br /><span class="subtle"><small>HTM version of <em><a href="htmLawed_README.txt">htmLawed_README.txt</a></em> generated on 19 Jan, 2015 using <a href="">rTxt2htm</a> from PHP Labware</small></span>
<hr /><br /><br /><span class="subtle"><small>HTM version of <em><a href="htmLawed_README.txt">htmLawed_README.txt</a></em> generated on 10 Jun, 2015 using <a href="">rTxt2htm</a> from PHP Labware</small></span>
</div><!-- ended div body -->
</div><!-- ended div top -->
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
htmLawed_README.txt, 19 January 2015
htmLawed 1.1.19, 19 January 2015
htmLawed_README.txt, 9 June 2015
htmLawed 1.1.20, 9 June 2015
Copyright Santosh Patnaik
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
A PHP Labware internal utility -
@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility -
-- 3.4 Attributes ------------------------------------------------oo
htmLawed will only permit attributes described in the HTML specs (including deprecated ones). It also permits some attributes for use with the 'embed' element (the non-standard 'embed' element is supported in htmLawed because of its widespread use), and the the 'xml:space' attribute (valid only in XHTML 1.1). A list of such 111 attributes and the elements they are allowed in is in section:- #5.2. Using the '$spec' argument, htmLawed can be forced to permit custom, non-standard attributes as well as custom rules for standard attributes (section:- #2.3).
htmLawed will only permit attributes described in the HTML specs (including deprecated ones). It also permits some attributes for use with the 'embed' element (the non-standard 'embed' element is supported in htmLawed because of its widespread use), and the 'allowfullscreen' (in 'iframe', because of its widespread use), 'bordercolor' (in 'table', 'td' and 'tr', because of its widespread use), and 'xml:space' (valid only in XHTML 1.1) attributes. A list of such 112 attributes and the elements they are allowed in is in section:- #5.2. Using the '$spec' argument, htmLawed can be forced to permit custom, non-standard attributes as well as custom rules for standard attributes (section:- #2.3).
When '$config["deny_attribute"]' is not set, or set to '0', or empty ('""'), all the 111 attributes are permitted. Otherwise, '$config["deny_attribute"]' can be set as a list of comma-separated names of the denied attributes. 'on*' can be used to refer to the group of potentially dangerous, script-accepting attributes: 'onblur', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'ondblclick', 'onfocus', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onmousedown', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onreset', 'onselect' and 'onsubmit'.
@ -1342,7 +1342,10 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility -
(The release date for the downloadable package of files containing documentation, demo script, test-cases, etc., besides the 'htmLawed.php' file, may be updated without a change-log entry if the secondary files, but not htmLawed per se, are revised.)
`Version number - Release date. Notes`
`Version number - Release date. Notes`
1.1.20 - 9 June 2015. Fix for a potential security vulnerability arising from unescaped double-quote character in single-quoted attribute value of some deprecated elements when tag transformation is enabled; recognition for non-(HTML4) standard 'allowfullscreen' attribute of 'iframe.'
1.1.19 - 19 January 2015. Fix for a bug in cleaning of soft-hyphens in URL values, etc.
@ -1472,7 +1475,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility -
-- 4.10 Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------o
Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Dac Chartrand, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Psych0tr1a, Lincoln Russell, Tomas Sykorka, Harro Verton, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users.
Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Dac Chartrand, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Hakre, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Psych0tr1a, Lincoln Russell, Tomas Sykorka, Harro Verton, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users.
Thank you!
@ -1493,7 +1496,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility -
Valid attribute-element combinations as per W3C:- specs.
* includes deprecated attributes (marked '^'), attributes for the non-standard 'embed' element (marked '*'), and the proprietary 'bordercolor' (marked '~')
* includes deprecated attributes (marked '^'), attributes for the non-standard 'embed' element (marked '*'), and the non-standard 'allowfullscreen' and 'bordercolor' (marked '~')
* only non-frameset, HTML body elements
* 'name' for 'a' and 'map', and 'lang' are invalid in XHTML 1.1
* 'target' is valid for 'a' in XHTML 1.1 and higher
@ -1505,6 +1508,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility -
accesskey - a, area, button, input, label, legend, textarea
action - form
align - caption^, embed, applet, iframe, img^, input^, object^, legend^, table^, hr^, div^, h1^, h2^, h3^, h4^, h5^, h6^, p^, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
allowfullscreen - iframe~
alt - applet, area, img, input
archive - applet, object
axis - td, th
@ -1737,4 +1741,4 @@ ___________________________________________________________________oo
@@encoding: utf-8
@@keywords: htmLawed, HTM, HTML, HTML Tidy, converter, filter, formatter, purifier, sanitizer, XSS, input, PHP, software, code, script, security, cross-site scripting, hack, sanitize, remove, standards, tags, attributes, elements
@@language: en
@@title: htmLawed documentation
@@title: htmLawed documentation
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt, 19 January 2015
htmLawed 1.1.19, 19 January 2015
htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt, 9 June 2015
htmLawed 1.1.20, 9 June 2015
Copyright Santosh Patnaik
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
A PHP Labware internal utility -
@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ na Alemanha.
<img src="java script:alert('xss');" /><br />
src=javascript:alert('XSS') /><br />
<font color='#FF6699"onmouseover="alert(1)//'>test</font>
<div style="javascript:alert('xss');"></div><br />
<div style="background-image:url(javascript:alert('xss'));"></div><br />
<div style="background-image:url("javascript:alert('xss')" );"></div><br />
@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ age < 51 and a smoking history of < 51 pack-years <b>was</b> <br />
<b>age >51 and a smoking history of >51 pack-years</b> <br />
<b>age > 51 and a smoking history of >51 pack-years</b> <br />
<b>age <51 and a smoking history of <51 pack-years</b> <br />
<b>age < 51 and a smoking history of < 51 pack-years</b> <br />
<b>age < 51 and a smoking history of < 51 pack-years</b> <br />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user