forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
[ActivityPub][Ostatus] Fetch avatars in accordance to the new media system
This commit is contained in:
@ -164,8 +164,13 @@ class Avatar extends Managed_DataObject
* Where should the avatar go for this user?
* @param int $id user id
* @param string $extension file extension
* @param int|null $size file size
* @param string|null $extra extra bit for the filename
* @return string
public static function filename($id, $extension, $size = null, $extra = null)
public static function filename(int $id, string $extension, ?int $size = null, ?string $extra = null)
if ($size) {
return $id . '-' . $size . (($extra) ? ('-' . $extra) : '') . $extension;
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class File extends Managed_DataObject
* @param string $filename
* @return string|bool Value from the 'extblacklist' array, in the config
* @return null|string|bool Value from the 'extblacklist' array, in the config
* @throws ServerException
public static function getSafeExtension(string $filename)
@ -248,6 +248,33 @@ class ImageFile extends MediaFile
* Process a file upload
* Uses MediaFile's `fromURL` to do the majority of the work
* and ensures the uploaded file is in fact an image.
* @param string $url Remote image URL
* @param Profile|null $scoped
* @return ImageFile
* @throws ClientException
* @throws ServerException
public static function fromUrl(string $url, ?Profile $scoped = null): self
$mediafile = parent::fromUrl($url, $scoped);
if ($mediafile instanceof self) {
return $mediafile;
} else {
// We can conclude that we have failed to get the MIME type
// TRANS: Client exception thrown trying to upload an invalid image type.
// TRANS: %s is the file type that was denied
$hint = sprintf(_m('"%s" is not a supported file type on this server. ' .
'Try using another image format.'), $mediafile->mimetype);
throw new ClientException($hint);
* Several obscure file types should be normalized to PNG on resize.
@ -247,10 +247,13 @@ class MediaFile
* Encodes a file name and a file hash in the new file format, which is used to avoid
* having an extension in the file, removing trust in extensions, while keeping the original name
* @param mixed $original_name
* @param null|mixed $ext
* @param null|string $original_name
* @param string $filehash
* @param null|string|bool $ext from File::getSafeExtension
* @return string
* @throws ClientException
* @throws ServerException
public static function encodeFilename($original_name, string $filehash, $ext = null): string
@ -331,18 +334,17 @@ class MediaFile
* format ("{$hash}.{$ext}")
* @param string $param Form name
* @param null|Profile $scoped
* @param Profile|null $scoped
* @return ImageFile|MediaFile
* @throws ClientException
* @throws InvalidFilenameException
* @throws NoResultException
* @throws NoUploadedMediaException
* @throws ServerException
* @throws UnsupportedMediaException
* @throws UseFileAsThumbnailException
* @throws ClientException
public static function fromUpload(string $param = 'media', Profile $scoped = null)
public static function fromUpload(string $param = 'media', ?Profile $scoped = null)
// The existence of the "error" element means PHP has processed it properly even if it was ok.
if (!(isset($_FILES[$param], $_FILES[$param]['error']))) {
@ -434,6 +436,87 @@ class MediaFile
return new self($filepath, $mimetype, $filehash);
* Create a new MediaFile or ImageFile object from an url
* Tries to set the mimetype correctly, using the most secure method available and rejects the file otherwise.
* In case the url is an image, this function returns an new ImageFile (which extends MediaFile)
* The filename has the following format: bin2hex("{$original_name}.{$ext}")."-{$filehash}"
* @param string $url Remote media URL
* @param Profile|null $scoped
* @return ImageFile|MediaFile
* @throws ServerException
public static function fromUrl(string $url, ?Profile $scoped = null)
if (!common_valid_http_url($url)) {
// TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URL.
throw new ServerException(sprintf('Invalid remote media URL %s.', $url));
$temp_filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'tmp' . common_timestamp());
try {
$fileData = HTTPClient::quickGet($url);
file_put_contents($temp_filename, $fileData);
unset($fileData); // No need to carry this in memory.
$filehash = strtolower(self::getHashOfFile($temp_filename));
try {
$file = File::getByHash($filehash);
// If no exception is thrown the file exists locally, so we'll use that and just add redirections.
// but if the _actual_ locally stored file doesn't exist, getPath will throw FileNotFoundException
$filepath = $file->getPath();
$mimetype = $file->mimetype;
} catch (FileNotFoundException | NoResultException $e) {
// We have to save the downloaded as a new local file. This is the normal course of action.
if ($scoped instanceof Profile) {
// Throws exception if additional size does not respect quota
// This test is only needed, of course, if we're uploading something new.
File::respectsQuota($scoped, filesize($temp_filename));
$mimetype = self::getUploadedMimeType($temp_filename);
$media = common_get_mime_media($mimetype);
$basename = basename($temp_filename);
if ($media == 'image') {
// Use -1 for the id to avoid adding this temporary file to the DB
$img = new ImageFile(-1, $temp_filename);
// Validate the image by re-encoding it. Additionally normalizes old formats to PNG,
// keeping JPEG and GIF untouched
$outpath = $img->resizeTo($img->filepath);
$ext = image_type_to_extension($img->preferredType(), false);
$filename = self::encodeFilename($basename, $filehash, isset($ext) ? $ext : File::getSafeExtension($basename));
$filepath = File::path($filename);
if ($media == 'image') {
$result = rename($outpath, $filepath);
} else {
$result = rename($temp_filename, $filepath);
if (!$result) {
// TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation fails because the file could
// TRANS: not be moved from the temporary folder to the permanent file location.
throw new ServerException(_m('File could not be moved to destination directory.'));
if ($media == 'image') {
return new ImageFile(null, $filepath);
return new self($filepath, $mimetype, $filehash);
} catch (Exception $e) {
unlink($temp_filename); // Garbage collect
throw $e;
public static function fromFilehandle($fh, Profile $scoped = null)
$stream = stream_get_meta_data($fh);
@ -281,72 +281,6 @@ class Activitypub_explorer
return $profile;
* Download and update given avatar image
* @param Profile $profile
* @param string $url
* @return Avatar The Avatar we have on disk.
* @throws Exception in various failure cases
* @author GNU social
public static function update_avatar(Profile $profile, $url)
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Started grabbing remote avatar from: ' . $url);
if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
// TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URL.
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Failed because it is an invalid url: ' . $url);
throw new ServerException(sprintf('Invalid avatar URL %s.', $url));
// @todo FIXME: This should be better encapsulated
// ripped from oauthstore.php (for old OMB client)
$temp_filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'listener_avatar');
try {
$imgData = HTTPClient::quickGet($url);
// Make sure it's at least an image file. ImageFile can do the rest.
if (false === getimagesizefromstring($imgData)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Failed because the downloaded avatar: ' . $url . 'is not a valid image.');
throw new UnsupportedMediaException('Downloaded avatar was not an image.');
file_put_contents($temp_filename, $imgData);
unset($imgData); // No need to carry this in memory.
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Stored dowloaded avatar in: ' . $temp_filename);
$id = $profile->getID();
$imagefile = new ImageFile(null, $temp_filename);
$filename = Avatar::filename(
rename($temp_filename, Avatar::path($filename));
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Moved avatar from: ' . $temp_filename . ' to ' . $filename);
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Something went wrong while processing the avatar from: ' . $url . ' details: ' . $e->getMessage());
throw $e;
// @todo FIXME: Hardcoded chmod is lame, but seems to be necessary to
// keep from accidentally saving images from command-line (queues)
// that can't be read from web server, which causes hard-to-notice
// problems later on:
chmod(Avatar::path($filename), 0644);
$orig = clone($profile);
$profile->avatar = $url;
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Seted Avatar from: ' . $url . ' to profile.');
return Avatar::getUploaded($profile);
* Validates a remote response in order to determine whether this
* response is a valid profile or not
@ -417,6 +351,47 @@ class Activitypub_explorer
return false;
* Download and update given avatar image
* TODO: Avoid updating an avatar if its URL didn't change. (this is something OStatus already does)
* TODO: Should be in AProfile instead?
* @param Profile $profile
* @param string $url
* @return Avatar The Avatar we have on disk. (seldom used)
* @throws Exception in various failure cases
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public static function update_avatar(Profile $profile, string $url): Avatar
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Started grabbing remote avatar from: ' . $url);
// ImageFile throws exception if something goes wrong, which we'll let go on its merry way
$imagefile = ImageFile::fromURL($url);
$id = $profile->getID();
$type = $imagefile->preferredType();
$filename = Avatar::filename(
'tmp' . common_timestamp()
$filepath = Avatar::path($filename);
/*$imagefile = */$imagefile->copyTo($filepath);
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Stored avatar in: ' . $filepath);
// XXX: Do we need this?
chmod($filepath, 0644);
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Seted Avatar from: ' . $url . ' to profile.');
return Avatar::getUploaded($profile);
* Allows the Explorer to transverse a collection of persons.
@ -909,56 +909,38 @@ class Ostatus_profile extends Managed_DataObject
// If avatar URL differs: update. If URLs were identical but we're forced: update.
if ($url == $this->avatar && !$force) {
// If there's no locally stored avatar, throw an exception and continue fetching below.
$avatar = Avatar::getUploaded($this->localProfile()) instanceof Avatar;
$avatar = Avatar::getUploaded($this->localProfile());
return $avatar;
} catch (NoAvatarException $e) {
// No avatar available, let's fetch it.
if (!common_valid_http_url($url)) {
// TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URL.
throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Invalid avatar URL %s.'), $url));
// ImageFile throws exception if something goes wrong, which we'll let go on its merry way
$imagefile = ImageFile::fromURL($url);
$self = $this->localProfile();
// @todo FIXME: This should be better encapsulated
// ripped from oauthstore.php (for old OMB client)
$temp_filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'listener_avatar');
try {
$imgData = HTTPClient::quickGet($url);
// Make sure it's at least an image file. ImageFile can do the rest.
if (false === getimagesizefromstring($imgData)) {
throw new UnsupportedMediaException(_('Downloaded group avatar was not an image.'));
file_put_contents($temp_filename, $imgData);
unset($imgData); // No need to carry this in memory.
$id = $self->getID();
$type = $imagefile->preferredType();
$filename = Avatar::filename(
'tmp' . common_timestamp()
$filepath = Avatar::path($filename);
/*$imagefile = */$imagefile->copyTo($filepath);
if ($this->isGroup()) {
$id = $this->group_id;
} else {
$id = $this->profile_id;
$imagefile = new ImageFile(null, $temp_filename);
$filename = Avatar::filename(
rename($temp_filename, Avatar::path($filename));
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// @todo FIXME: Hardcoded chmod is lame, but seems to be necessary to
// keep from accidentally saving images from command-line (queues)
// that can't be read from web server, which causes hard-to-notice
// problems later on:
chmod(Avatar::path($filename), 0644);
chmod($filepath, 0644);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user