Instructions below
To extend an Activity properties do:
public function onActivityPubValidateActivityStreamsTwoData(string $type_name, array &$validators): bool {
if ($type_name === '{Type}') {
$validators['attribute'] = myValidator::class;
return Event::next;
The Validator should be of the form:
use ActivityPhp\Type;
use ActivityPhp\Type\Util;
use Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\ModelValidator;
class myValidator extends ModelValidator
* Validate Attribute's value
* @param mixed $value from JSON's attribute
* @param mixed $container A {Type}
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function validate($value, $container): bool
// Validate that container is a {Type}
Util::subclassOf($container, Type\Extended\Object\{Type}::class, true);
return {Validation Result};
To act on received activities do:
public function onActivityPubNew{Type}(&$obj): bool {
To add information to Activities being federated by ActivityPub do:
public function ActivityPubAddActivityStreamsTwoData(string $type_name, &$type): bool {
To implement an ActivityStreams 2.0 representation do:
public function onActivityPubActivityStreamsTwoResponse(string $route, arrray $vars, ?TypeResponse &$response = null): bool {
if ($route === '{Object route}') {
$response = ModelResponse::handle($vars[{Object}]);
return Event::stop;
return Event::next;
[StoreRemoteMedia] Upgrade plugin to use the new Media system
API Changes:
- Added getters to File to better formalize the ideas of the commit "[Media] Fix issues with database file storage"
UI Changes:
- Now presented thumbnails are actual thumbnails (bug fix)
- Attachment actions have a slightly more extended behaviour
Many other minor bug fixes...
This adds a requirement for all definitions that have foreign keys to also
require indices for all source (local) attributes mentioned in foreign keys.
MariaDB/MySQL creates indices for source attributes automatically, so this
serves as a way to get rid of those automatic indices and create clean explicit
ones instead.
In PostgreSQL, most of the time, indices on the source are necessary to
decrease performance penalty of foreign keys (like in MariaDB), but they aren't
created automatically, so this serves to remove that difference between
PostgreSQL and MariaDB.
There was no checking of attributedTo, actors and referent object IDs to make
sure they exist in the same domain. Therefore, one could spoof messages from
people by doing attributedTo: whoever-i-want-to-spoof
Avoid the use of deprecated MariaDB "zero dates" globally. If they're present
as attribute defaults somewhere, they will be replaced with NULL implicitly.
The existing "zero dates" in MariaDB storage will be left intact and this
should not present any issues.
The "timestamp" type in table definitions now corresponds to DATETIME in
should be close enough to the original behaviour for compatibility purposes.
It is now the recommended type for "modified" attributes, because of the
update trigger on MariaDB. But there is no such trigger implemented on
PostgreSQL as of this moment.
Make common_sql_weight employ standard SQL functions for the timestamp
difference in seconds.
Also replace UTC_TIMESTAMP in the MariaDB-specific part with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
as it is the only occurence and GNU social sets UTC as a default timezone.
In a delete_orphan_files.php script simplify the main query considerably.
In clean_profiles.php stop using COUNT as if it is ANY, that is unnecessary
punishment for the database. Instead implement the anti-join with a
left outer join.
In Autocomplete and Activitypub_profile use joins instead of a WHERE OR
anti-pattern for the semi-joins.
In lib/ui/galleryaction.php replace a CROSS JOIN with an INNER JOIN.
In actions/sup.php remove a redundant subquery: WHERE is applied before
grouping either way.
- Update do_insert to trigger TFN's assistance in inserting the profile
- Use the new LRDD's method for grabbing profile aliases
This should fix nulls on explorer lookups inputed by postman after generate_followers/getSubscribers, that I think were caused by calling common_profile_uri that, curiously, only handles local profiles
- Rework onProfileDeleteRelated to account for the tables _rsa and _pending_follow_requests
- Update onEndShowAccountProfileBlock to stop creating the ap_profile if it doesn't exist (we'll handle this in a different manner)
- Remove unnecessary code from from_profile method and add return type information
- Update travel_collection to call itself instead of _lookup, that was wrong