require_once lines were required since _plugins_ don't __autoload
Also, Realtime would load the wrong URL for css/js since $this->name()
returns get_class($this) instead of the calling class' __CLASS__.
Many of the microapps are pretty javascript dependant, but at least
we should allow users to get to the new notice field without allowing
javascript to run in the browser. :)
Minutely will NOT necessarily run by the minute, because it depends on
site visitors. Busy sites will be able to do this, but sites where the
visitors (or search engine stuff or api calls) are more than a minute
apart, the interval will be much larger.
Among other things (such as permanent subscriptions), Pubsubhubbub 0.4
removed the "sync" verification method. This means that any incoming
PuSH subscription requests that follow the 0.4 spec won't really
_require_that we handle it as a background process, but if we were to
try direct verification of the subscription - and fail - there's no way
we could pick up the ball again. So _essentially_ we require background
processing with retries.
This means we must implement something like the "poorman cron" or
similar, so background processing can be handled
on-demand/on-site-visit. This is how Friendica, Drupal etc. handles it
and is necessary for environments where we can't run separate queue
When the poorman-cron-ish thing is implemented, auto-renewal will work
for all users.
PuSH 0.4 spec:
More on PuSH 0.4 release (incl. breaking changes):!msg/pubsubhubbub/7RPlYMds4RI/2mIHQTdV3aoJ
This is more of a proof of concept and will likely not stay in exactly
this form. We should reasonably deliver the entire notice upon webfinger
If you're using XMPP by setting $config['xmpp'][*] then you should do:
addPlugin('Xmpp', $config['xmpp']);
because setting it directly in $config[''] won't do anything.
Also, default resource for XMPP is now 'gnusocial'. If you want something
more random, set it in your addPlugin config array.
Also removed the entirely unused saveGroups function.
Now avoiding multiGet and using listFind in Profile->getGroups()
so we don't have to deal with ArrayWrapper.
"[...] posts _local_ users (like you) make won't get data about "repeated by"
from federated users"
This was because the ActivityObject would processShare where the shared object
has a _local_ 'actor' URI. Ostatus_profile would complain this meant that a
"Local user cannot be referenced as remote.".
So we see if the shared activity object's id (URI) is in our Notice table, so
we don't have to processActivity - and can skip ensureActivityObjectProfile.