GLOB_MARK, self::GLOB_NOSORT => GLOB_NOSORT, self::GLOB_NOCHECK => GLOB_NOCHECK, self::GLOB_NOESCAPE => GLOB_NOESCAPE, self::GLOB_BRACE => defined('GLOB_BRACE') ? GLOB_BRACE : 0, self::GLOB_ONLYDIR => GLOB_ONLYDIR, self::GLOB_ERR => GLOB_ERR, ]; $globFlags = 0; foreach ($flagMap as $internalFlag => $globFlag) { if ($flags & $internalFlag) { $globFlags |= $globFlag; } } } else { $globFlags = 0; } ErrorHandler::start(); $res = glob($pattern, $globFlags); $err = ErrorHandler::stop(); if ($res === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException("glob('{$pattern}', {$globFlags}) failed", 0, $err); } return $res; } /** * Expand braces manually, then use the system glob. * * @param string $pattern * @param int $flags * @return array * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ protected static function fallbackGlob($pattern, $flags) { if (!$flags & self::GLOB_BRACE) { return static::systemGlob($pattern, $flags); } $flags &= ~self::GLOB_BRACE; $length = strlen($pattern); $paths = []; if ($flags & self::GLOB_NOESCAPE) { $begin = strpos($pattern, '{'); } else { $begin = 0; while (true) { if ($begin === $length) { $begin = false; break; } elseif ($pattern[$begin] === '\\' && ($begin + 1) < $length) { $begin++; } elseif ($pattern[$begin] === '{') { break; } $begin++; } } if ($begin === false) { return static::systemGlob($pattern, $flags); } $next = static::nextBraceSub($pattern, $begin + 1, $flags); if ($next === null) { return static::systemGlob($pattern, $flags); } $rest = $next; while ($pattern[$rest] !== '}') { $rest = static::nextBraceSub($pattern, $rest + 1, $flags); if ($rest === null) { return static::systemGlob($pattern, $flags); } } $p = $begin + 1; while (true) { $subPattern = substr($pattern, 0, $begin) . substr($pattern, $p, $next - $p) . substr($pattern, $rest + 1); $result = static::fallbackGlob($subPattern, $flags | self::GLOB_BRACE); if ($result) { $paths = array_merge($paths, $result); } if ($pattern[$next] === '}') { break; } $p = $next + 1; $next = static::nextBraceSub($pattern, $p, $flags); } return array_unique($paths); } /** * Find the end of the sub-pattern in a brace expression. * * @param string $pattern * @param int $begin * @param int $flags * @return int|null */ protected static function nextBraceSub($pattern, $begin, $flags) { $length = strlen($pattern); $depth = 0; $current = $begin; while ($current < $length) { if (!$flags & self::GLOB_NOESCAPE && $pattern[$current] === '\\') { if (++$current === $length) { break; } $current++; } else { if (($pattern[$current] === '}' && $depth-- === 0) || ($pattern[$current] === ',' && $depth === 0)) { break; } elseif ($pattern[$current++] === '{') { $depth++; } } } return ($current < $length ? $current : null); } }