* @copyright 2008-2010 Phergie Development Team (http://phergie.org) * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Plugin_Cron */ /** * Allows callbacks to be registered for asynchronous execution. * * @category Phergie * @package Phergie_Plugin_Cron * @author Phergie Development Team * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Plugin_Cron */ class Phergie_Plugin_Cron extends Phergie_Plugin_Abstract { /** * Array of all registered callbacks with delays and arguments * * @var array */ protected $callbacks; /** * Returns a human-readable representation of a callback for debugging * purposes. * * @param callback $callback Callback to analyze * * @return string|boolean String representation of the callback or FALSE * if the specified value is not a valid callback */ protected function getCallbackString($callback) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { return false; } if (is_array($callback)) { $class = is_string($callback[0]) ? $callback[0] : get_class($callback[0]); $method = $class . '::' . $callback[1]; return $method; } return $callback; } /** * Registers a callback for execution sometime after a given delay * relative to now. * * @param callback $callback Callback to be registered * @param int $delay Delay in seconds from now when the callback * will be executed * @param array $arguments Arguments to pass to the callback when * it's executed * @param bool $repeat TRUE to automatically re-register the * callback for the same delay after it's executed, FALSE * otherwise * * @return void */ public function registerCallback($callback, $delay, array $arguments = array(), $repeat = false) { $callbackString = $this->getCallbackString($callback); if ($callbackString === false) { echo 'DEBUG(Cron): Invalid callback specified - ', var_export($callback, true), PHP_EOL; return; } $registered = time(); $scheduled = $registered + $delay; $this->callbacks[] = array( 'callback' => $callback, 'delay' => $delay, 'arguments' => $arguments, 'registered' => $registered, 'scheduled' => $scheduled, 'repeat' => $repeat, ); echo 'DEBUG(Cron): Callback ', $callbackString, ' scheduled for ', date('H:i:s', $scheduled), PHP_EOL; } /** * Handles callback execution. * * @return void */ public function onTick() { $now = time(); foreach ($this->callbacks as $key => &$callback) { $callbackString = $this->getCallbackString($callback); $scheduled = $callback['scheduled']; if ($time < $scheduled) { continue; } if (empty($callback['arguments'])) { call_user_func($callback['callback']); } else { call_user_func_array( $callback['callback'], $callback['arguments'] ); } echo 'DEBUG(Cron): Callback ', $callbackString, ' scheduled for ', date('H:i:s', $scheduled), ',', ' executed at ', date('H:i:s', $now), PHP_EOL; if ($callback['repeat']) { $callback['scheduled'] = $time + $callback['delay']; echo 'DEBUG(Cron): Callback ', $callbackString, ' scheduled for ', date('H:i:s', $callback['scheduled']), PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'DEBUG(Cron): Callback ', $callbackString, ' removed from callback list', PHP_EOL; unset($this->callbacks[$key]); } } } }