<?php namespace PhpParser; use PhpParser\Node\Expr; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt; abstract class PrettyPrinterAbstract { protected $precedenceMap = array( // [precedence, associativity] where for the latter -1 is %left, 0 is %nonassoc and 1 is %right 'Expr_BinaryOp_Pow' => array( 0, 1), 'Expr_BitwiseNot' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_PreInc' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_PreDec' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_PostInc' => array( 10, -1), 'Expr_PostDec' => array( 10, -1), 'Expr_UnaryPlus' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_UnaryMinus' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Cast_Int' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Cast_Double' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Cast_String' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Cast_Array' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Cast_Object' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Cast_Bool' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Cast_Unset' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_ErrorSuppress' => array( 10, 1), 'Expr_Instanceof' => array( 20, 0), 'Expr_BooleanNot' => array( 30, 1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Mul' => array( 40, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Div' => array( 40, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Mod' => array( 40, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Plus' => array( 50, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Minus' => array( 50, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Concat' => array( 50, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_ShiftLeft' => array( 60, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_ShiftRight' => array( 60, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Smaller' => array( 70, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_SmallerOrEqual' => array( 70, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Greater' => array( 70, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_GreaterOrEqual' => array( 70, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Equal' => array( 80, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_NotEqual' => array( 80, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Identical' => array( 80, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_NotIdentical' => array( 80, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Spaceship' => array( 80, 0), 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseAnd' => array( 90, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseXor' => array(100, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseOr' => array(110, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_BooleanAnd' => array(120, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_BooleanOr' => array(130, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_Coalesce' => array(140, 1), 'Expr_Ternary' => array(150, -1), // parser uses %left for assignments, but they really behave as %right 'Expr_Assign' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignRef' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_Plus' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_Minus' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_Mul' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_Div' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_Concat' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_Mod' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseAnd' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseOr' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseXor' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_ShiftLeft' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_ShiftRight' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_AssignOp_Pow' => array(160, 1), 'Expr_YieldFrom' => array(165, 1), 'Expr_Print' => array(168, 1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalAnd' => array(170, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalXor' => array(180, -1), 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalOr' => array(190, -1), 'Expr_Include' => array(200, -1), ); protected $noIndentToken; protected $canUseSemicolonNamespaces; public function __construct() { $this->noIndentToken = '_NO_INDENT_' . mt_rand(); } /** * Pretty prints an array of statements. * * @param Node[] $stmts Array of statements * * @return string Pretty printed statements */ public function prettyPrint(array $stmts) { $this->preprocessNodes($stmts); return ltrim(str_replace("\n" . $this->noIndentToken, "\n", $this->pStmts($stmts, false))); } /** * Pretty prints an expression. * * @param Expr $node Expression node * * @return string Pretty printed node */ public function prettyPrintExpr(Expr $node) { return str_replace("\n" . $this->noIndentToken, "\n", $this->p($node)); } /** * Pretty prints a file of statements (includes the opening <?php tag if it is required). * * @param Node[] $stmts Array of statements * * @return string Pretty printed statements */ public function prettyPrintFile(array $stmts) { $p = rtrim($this->prettyPrint($stmts)); $p = preg_replace('/^\?>\n?/', '', $p, -1, $count); $p = preg_replace('/<\?php$/', '', $p); if (!$count) { $p = "<?php\n\n" . $p; } return $p; } /** * Preprocesses the top-level nodes to initialize pretty printer state. * * @param Node[] $nodes Array of nodes */ protected function preprocessNodes(array $nodes) { /* We can use semicolon-namespaces unless there is a global namespace declaration */ $this->canUseSemicolonNamespaces = true; foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node instanceof Stmt\Namespace_ && null === $node->name) { $this->canUseSemicolonNamespaces = false; } } } /** * Pretty prints an array of nodes (statements) and indents them optionally. * * @param Node[] $nodes Array of nodes * @param bool $indent Whether to indent the printed nodes * * @return string Pretty printed statements */ protected function pStmts(array $nodes, $indent = true) { $result = ''; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $result .= "\n" . $this->pComments($node->getAttribute('comments', array())) . $this->p($node) . ($node instanceof Expr ? ';' : ''); } if ($indent) { return preg_replace('~\n(?!$|' . $this->noIndentToken . ')~', "\n ", $result); } else { return $result; } } /** * Pretty prints a node. * * @param Node $node Node to be pretty printed * * @return string Pretty printed node */ protected function p(Node $node) { return $this->{'p' . $node->getType()}($node); } protected function pInfixOp($type, Node $leftNode, $operatorString, Node $rightNode) { list($precedence, $associativity) = $this->precedenceMap[$type]; return $this->pPrec($leftNode, $precedence, $associativity, -1) . $operatorString . $this->pPrec($rightNode, $precedence, $associativity, 1); } protected function pPrefixOp($type, $operatorString, Node $node) { list($precedence, $associativity) = $this->precedenceMap[$type]; return $operatorString . $this->pPrec($node, $precedence, $associativity, 1); } protected function pPostfixOp($type, Node $node, $operatorString) { list($precedence, $associativity) = $this->precedenceMap[$type]; return $this->pPrec($node, $precedence, $associativity, -1) . $operatorString; } /** * Prints an expression node with the least amount of parentheses necessary to preserve the meaning. * * @param Node $node Node to pretty print * @param int $parentPrecedence Precedence of the parent operator * @param int $parentAssociativity Associativity of parent operator * (-1 is left, 0 is nonassoc, 1 is right) * @param int $childPosition Position of the node relative to the operator * (-1 is left, 1 is right) * * @return string The pretty printed node */ protected function pPrec(Node $node, $parentPrecedence, $parentAssociativity, $childPosition) { $type = $node->getType(); if (isset($this->precedenceMap[$type])) { $childPrecedence = $this->precedenceMap[$type][0]; if ($childPrecedence > $parentPrecedence || ($parentPrecedence == $childPrecedence && $parentAssociativity != $childPosition) ) { return '(' . $this->{'p' . $type}($node) . ')'; } } return $this->{'p' . $type}($node); } /** * Pretty prints an array of nodes and implodes the printed values. * * @param Node[] $nodes Array of Nodes to be printed * @param string $glue Character to implode with * * @return string Imploded pretty printed nodes */ protected function pImplode(array $nodes, $glue = '') { $pNodes = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $pNodes[] = $this->p($node); } return implode($glue, $pNodes); } /** * Pretty prints an array of nodes and implodes the printed values with commas. * * @param Node[] $nodes Array of Nodes to be printed * * @return string Comma separated pretty printed nodes */ protected function pCommaSeparated(array $nodes) { return $this->pImplode($nodes, ', '); } /** * Signals the pretty printer that a string shall not be indented. * * @param string $string Not to be indented string * * @return mixed String marked with $this->noIndentToken's. */ protected function pNoIndent($string) { return str_replace("\n", "\n" . $this->noIndentToken, $string); } protected function pComments(array $comments) { $result = ''; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $result .= $comment->getReformattedText() . "\n"; } return $result; } }