/* * StatusNet - a distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @category UI interaction * @package StatusNet * @author Sarven Capadisli * @author Evan Prodromou * @author Brion Vibber * @copyright 2009,2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ var SN = { // StatusNet C: { // Config I: { // Init CounterBlackout: false, MaxLength: 140, PatternUsername: /^[0-9a-zA-Z\-_.]*$/, HTTP20x30x: [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307] }, /** * @fixme are these worth the trouble? They seem to mostly just duplicate * themselves while slightly obscuring the actual selector, so it's hard * to pop over to the HTML and find something. * * In theory, minification could reduce them to shorter variable names, * but at present that doesn't happen with yui-compressor. */ S: { // Selector Disabled: 'disabled', Warning: 'warning', Error: 'error', Success: 'success', Processing: 'processing', CommandResult: 'command_result', FormNotice: 'form_notice', NoticeDataText: 'notice_data-text', NoticeTextCount: 'notice_text-count', NoticeInReplyTo: 'notice_in-reply-to', NoticeDataAttach: 'notice_data-attach', NoticeDataAttachSelected: 'notice_data-attach_selected', NoticeActionSubmit: 'notice_action-submit', NoticeLat: 'notice_data-lat', NoticeLon: 'notice_data-lon', NoticeLocationId: 'notice_data-location_id', NoticeLocationNs: 'notice_data-location_ns', NoticeGeoName: 'notice_data-geo_name', NoticeDataGeo: 'notice_data-geo', NoticeDataGeoCookie: 'NoticeDataGeo', NoticeDataGeoSelected: 'notice_data-geo_selected', StatusNetInstance:'StatusNetInstance' } }, /** * Map of localized message strings exported to script from the PHP * side via Action::getScriptMessages(). * * Retrieve them via SN.msg(); this array is an implementation detail. * * @access private */ messages: {}, /** * Grabs a localized string that's been previously exported to us * from server-side code via Action::getScriptMessages(). * * @example alert(SN.msg('coolplugin-failed')); * * @param {String} key: string key name to pull from message index * @return matching localized message string */ msg: function(key) { if (typeof SN.messages[key] == "undefined") { return '[' + key + ']'; } else { return SN.messages[key]; } }, U: { // Utils /** * Setup function -- DOES NOT trigger actions immediately. * * Sets up event handlers on the new notice form. * * @param {jQuery} form: jQuery object whose first matching element is the form * @access private */ FormNoticeEnhancements: function(form) { if (jQuery.data(form[0], 'ElementData') === undefined) { MaxLength = form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeTextCount).text(); if (typeof(MaxLength) == 'undefined') { MaxLength = SN.C.I.MaxLength; } jQuery.data(form[0], 'ElementData', {MaxLength:MaxLength}); SN.U.Counter(form); NDT = form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText); NDT.bind('keyup', function(e) { SN.U.Counter(form); }); var delayedUpdate= function(e) { // Cut and paste events fire *before* the operation, // so we need to trigger an update in a little bit. // This would be so much easier if the 'change' event // actually fired every time the value changed. :P window.setTimeout(function() { SN.U.Counter(form); }, 50); }; // Note there's still no event for mouse-triggered 'delete'. NDT.bind('cut', delayedUpdate) .bind('paste', delayedUpdate); NDT.bind('keydown', function(e) { SN.U.SubmitOnReturn(e, form); }); } else { form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeTextCount).text(jQuery.data(form[0], 'ElementData').MaxLength); } if ($('body')[0].id != 'conversation' && window.location.hash.length === 0 && $(window).scrollTop() == 0) { form.find('textarea').focus(); } }, /** * To be called from keydown event handler on the notice import form. * Checks if return or enter key was pressed, and if so attempts to * submit the form and cancel standard processing of the enter key. * * @param {Event} event * @param {jQuery} el: jQuery object whose first element is the notice posting form * * @return {boolean} whether to cancel the event? Does this actually pass through? * @access private */ SubmitOnReturn: function(event, el) { if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 10) { el.submit(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('#'+el[0].id+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).blur(); $('body').focus(); return false; } return true; }, /** * To be called from event handlers on the notice import form. * Triggers an update of the remaining-characters counter. * * Additional counter updates will be suppressed during the * next half-second to avoid flooding the layout engine with * updates, followed by another automatic check. * * The maximum length is pulled from data established by * FormNoticeEnhancements. * * @param {jQuery} form: jQuery object whose first element is the notice posting form * @access private */ Counter: function(form) { SN.C.I.FormNoticeCurrent = form; var MaxLength = jQuery.data(form[0], 'ElementData').MaxLength; if (MaxLength <= 0) { return; } var remaining = MaxLength - SN.U.CharacterCount(form); var counter = form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeTextCount); if (remaining.toString() != counter.text()) { if (!SN.C.I.CounterBlackout || remaining === 0) { if (counter.text() != String(remaining)) { counter.text(remaining); } if (remaining < 0) { form.addClass(SN.C.S.Warning); } else { form.removeClass(SN.C.S.Warning); } // Skip updates for the next 500ms. // On slower hardware, updating on every keypress is unpleasant. if (!SN.C.I.CounterBlackout) { SN.C.I.CounterBlackout = true; SN.C.I.FormNoticeCurrent = form; window.setTimeout("SN.U.ClearCounterBlackout(SN.C.I.FormNoticeCurrent);", 500); } } } }, /** * Pull the count of characters in the current edit field. * Plugins replacing the edit control may need to override this. * * @param {jQuery} form: jQuery object whose first element is the notice posting form * @return number of chars */ CharacterCount: function(form) { return form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).val().length; }, /** * Called internally after the counter update blackout period expires; * runs another update to make sure we didn't miss anything. * * @param {jQuery} form: jQuery object whose first element is the notice posting form * @access private */ ClearCounterBlackout: function(form) { // Allow keyup events to poke the counter again SN.C.I.CounterBlackout = false; // Check if the string changed since we last looked SN.U.Counter(form); }, /** * Grabs form data and submits it asynchronously, with 'ajax=1' * parameter added to the rest. * * If a successful response includes another form, that form * will be extracted and copied in, replacing the original form. * If there's no form, the first paragraph will be used. * * @fixme can sometimes explode confusingly if returnd data is bogus * @fixme error handling is pretty vague * @fixme can't submit file uploads * * @param {jQuery} form: jQuery object whose first element is a form * * @access public */ FormXHR: function(form) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'xml', url: form.attr('action'), data: form.serialize() + '&ajax=1', beforeSend: function(xhr) { form .addClass(SN.C.S.Processing) .find('.submit') .addClass(SN.C.S.Disabled) .attr(SN.C.S.Disabled, SN.C.S.Disabled); }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(errorThrown || textStatus); }, success: function(data, textStatus) { if (typeof($('form', data)[0]) != 'undefined') { form_new = document._importNode($('form', data)[0], true); form.replaceWith(form_new); } else { form.replaceWith(document._importNode($('p', data)[0], true)); } } }); }, /** * Setup function -- DOES NOT trigger actions immediately. * * Sets up event handlers for special-cased async submission of the * notice-posting form, including some pre-post validation. * * Unlike FormXHR() this does NOT submit the form immediately! * It sets up event handlers so that any method of submitting the * form (click on submit button, enter, submit() etc) will trigger * it properly. * * Also unlike FormXHR(), this system will use a hidden iframe * automatically to handle file uploads via * controls. * * @fixme tl;dr * @fixme vast swaths of duplicate code and really long variable names clutter this function up real bad * @fixme error handling is unreliable * @fixme cookieValue is a global variable, but probably shouldn't be * @fixme saving the location cache cookies should be split out * @fixme some error messages are hardcoded english: needs i18n * @fixme special-case for bookmarklet is confusing and uses a global var "self". Is this ok? * * @param {jQuery} form: jQuery object whose first element is a form * * @access public */ FormNoticeXHR: function(form) { SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo = {}; form.append(''); form.ajaxForm({ dataType: 'xml', timeout: '60000', beforeSend: function(formData) { if (form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText)[0].value.length === 0) { form.addClass(SN.C.S.Warning); return false; } form .addClass(SN.C.S.Processing) .find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit) .addClass(SN.C.S.Disabled) .attr(SN.C.S.Disabled, SN.C.S.Disabled); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLat = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLon = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLNS = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLID = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NDG = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked'); cookieValue = $.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie); if (cookieValue !== null && cookieValue != 'disabled') { cookieValue = JSON.parse(cookieValue); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLat = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(cookieValue.NLat).val(); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLon = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(cookieValue.NLon).val(); if ($('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(cookieValue.NLNS)) { SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLNS = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(cookieValue.NLNS).val(); SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLID = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(cookieValue.NLID).val(); } } if (cookieValue == 'disabled') { SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NDG = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked', false).attr('checked'); } else { SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NDG = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked', true).attr('checked'); } return true; }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { form .removeClass(SN.C.S.Processing) .find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit) .removeClass(SN.C.S.Disabled) .removeAttr(SN.C.S.Disabled, SN.C.S.Disabled); form.find('.form_response').remove(); if (textStatus == 'timeout') { form.append('

Sorry! We had trouble sending your notice. The servers are overloaded. Please try again, and contact the site administrator if this problem persists.

'); } else { var response = SN.U.GetResponseXML(xhr); if ($('.'+SN.C.S.Error, response).length > 0) { form.append(document._importNode($('.'+SN.C.S.Error, response)[0], true)); } else { if (parseInt(xhr.status) === 0 || jQuery.inArray(parseInt(xhr.status), SN.C.I.HTTP20x30x) >= 0) { form .resetForm() .find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected).remove(); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements(form); } else { form.append('

(Sorry! We had trouble sending your notice ('+xhr.status+' '+xhr.statusText+'). Please report the problem to the site administrator if this happens again.

'); } } } }, success: function(data, textStatus) { form.find('.form_response').remove(); var result; if ($('#'+SN.C.S.Error, data).length > 0) { result = document._importNode($('p', data)[0], true); result = result.textContent || result.innerHTML; form.append('


'); } else { if($('body')[0].id == 'bookmarklet') { self.close(); } if ($('#'+SN.C.S.CommandResult, data).length > 0) { result = document._importNode($('p', data)[0], true); result = result.textContent || result.innerHTML; form.append('


'); } else { // New notice post was successful. If on our timeline, show it! var notice = document._importNode($('li', data)[0], true); var notices = $('#notices_primary .notices'); if (notices.length > 0 && SN.U.belongsOnTimeline(notice)) { if ($('#'+notice.id).length === 0) { var notice_irt_value = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeInReplyTo).val(); var notice_irt = '#notices_primary #notice-'+notice_irt_value; if($('body')[0].id == 'conversation') { if(notice_irt_value.length > 0 && $(notice_irt+' .notices').length < 1) { $(notice_irt).append('
    '); } $($(notice_irt+' .notices')[0]).append(notice); } else { notices.prepend(notice); } $('#'+notice.id) .css({display:'none'}) .fadeIn(2500); SN.U.NoticeWithAttachment($('#'+notice.id)); SN.U.NoticeReplyTo($('#'+notice.id)); } } else { // Not on a timeline that this belongs on? // Just show a success message. result = document._importNode($('title', data)[0], true); result_title = result.textContent || result.innerHTML; form.append('


    '); } } form.resetForm(); form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeInReplyTo).val(''); form.find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected).remove(); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements(form); } }, complete: function(xhr, textStatus) { form .removeClass(SN.C.S.Processing) .find('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeActionSubmit) .removeAttr(SN.C.S.Disabled) .removeClass(SN.C.S.Disabled); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLat); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLon); if ($('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs)) { $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLNS); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NLID); } $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked', SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo.NDG); } }); }, /** * Fetch an XML DOM from an XHR's response data. * * Works around unavailable responseXML when document.domain * has been modified by Meteor or other tools, in some but not * all browsers. * * @param {XMLHTTPRequest} xhr * @return DOMDocument */ GetResponseXML: function(xhr) { try { return xhr.responseXML; } catch (e) { return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xhr.responseText, "text/xml"); } }, /** * Setup function -- DOES NOT trigger actions immediately. * * Sets up event handlers on all visible notice's reply buttons to * tweak the new-notice form with needed variables and focus it * when pushed. * * (This replaces the default reply button behavior to submit * directly to a form which comes back with a specialized page * with the form data prefilled.) * * @access private */ NoticeReply: function() { if ($('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText).length > 0 && $('#content .notice_reply').length > 0) { $('#content .notice').each(function() { SN.U.NoticeReplyTo($(this)); }); } }, /** * Setup function -- DOES NOT trigger actions immediately. * * Sets up event handlers on the given notice's reply button to * tweak the new-notice form with needed variables and focus it * when pushed. * * (This replaces the default reply button behavior to submit * directly to a form which comes back with a specialized page * with the form data prefilled.) * * @param {jQuery} notice: jQuery object containing one or more notices * @access private */ NoticeReplyTo: function(notice) { notice.find('.notice_reply').live('click', function() { var nickname = ($('.author .nickname', notice).length > 0) ? $($('.author .nickname', notice)[0]) : $('.author .nickname.uid'); SN.U.NoticeReplySet(nickname.text(), $($('.notice_id', notice)[0]).text()); return false; }); }, /** * Updates the new notice posting form with bits for replying to the * given user. Adds replyto parameter to the form, and a "@foo" to the * text area. * * @fixme replyto is a global variable, but probably shouldn't be * * @param {String} nick * @param {String} id */ NoticeReplySet: function(nick,id) { if (nick.match(SN.C.I.PatternUsername)) { var text = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataText); if (text.length > 0) { replyto = '@' + nick + ' '; text.val(replyto + text.val().replace(RegExp(replyto, 'i'), '')); $('#'+SN.C.S.FormNotice+' #'+SN.C.S.NoticeInReplyTo).val(id); text[0].focus(); if (text[0].setSelectionRange) { var len = text.val().length; text[0].setSelectionRange(len,len); } } } }, /** * Setup function -- DOES NOT apply immediately. * * Sets up event handlers for favor/disfavor forms to submit via XHR. * Uses 'live' rather than 'bind', so applies to future as well as present items. */ NoticeFavor: function() { $('.form_favor').live('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); return false; }); $('.form_disfavor').live('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); return false; }); }, /** * Setup function -- DOES NOT trigger actions immediately. * * Sets up event handlers for repeat forms to toss up a confirmation * popout before submitting. * * Uses 'live' rather than 'bind', so applies to future as well as present items. */ NoticeRepeat: function() { $('.form_repeat').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); SN.U.NoticeRepeatConfirmation($(this)); return false; }); }, /** * Shows a confirmation dialog box variant of the repeat button form. * This seems to use a technique where the repeat form contains * _both_ a standalone button _and_ text and buttons for a dialog. * The dialog will close after its copy of the form is submitted, * or if you click its 'close' button. * * The dialog is created by duplicating the original form and changing * its style; while clever, this is hard to generalize and probably * duplicates a lot of unnecessary HTML output. * * @fixme create confirmation dialogs through a generalized interface * that can be reused instead of hardcoded text and styles. * * @param {jQuery} form */ NoticeRepeatConfirmation: function(form) { var submit_i = form.find('.submit'); var submit = submit_i.clone(); submit .addClass('submit_dialogbox') .removeClass('submit'); form.append(submit); submit.bind('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR(form); return false; }); submit_i.hide(); form .addClass('dialogbox') .append('') .closest('.notice-options') .addClass('opaque'); form.find('button.close').click(function(){ $(this).remove(); form .removeClass('dialogbox') .closest('.notice-options') .removeClass('opaque'); form.find('.submit_dialogbox').remove(); form.find('.submit').show(); return false; }); }, /** * Setup function -- DOES NOT trigger actions immediately. */ NoticeAttachments: function() { $('.notice a.attachment').each(function() { SN.U.NoticeWithAttachment($(this).closest('.notice')); }); }, NoticeWithAttachment: function(notice) { if (notice.find('.attachment').length === 0) { return; } var attachment_more = notice.find('.attachment.more'); if (attachment_more.length > 0) { $(attachment_more[0]).click(function() { var m = $(this); m.addClass(SN.C.S.Processing); $.get(m.attr('href')+'/ajax', null, function(data) { m.parent('.entry-content').html($(data).find('#attachment_view .entry-content').html()); }); return false; }).attr('title', SN.msg('showmore_tooltip')); } }, NoticeDataAttach: function() { NDA = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttach); NDA.change(function() { S = '
    '; NDAS = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected); if (NDAS.length > 0) { NDAS.replaceWith(S); } else { $('#'+SN.C.S.FormNotice).append(S); } $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected+' button').click(function(){ $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected).remove(); NDA.val(''); return false; }); if (typeof this.files == "object") { // Some newer browsers will let us fetch the files for preview. for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) { SN.U.PreviewAttach(this.files[i]); } } }); }, /** * For browsers with FileAPI support: make a thumbnail if possible, * and append it into the attachment display widget. * * Known good: * - Firefox 3.6.6, 4.0b7 * - Chrome 8.0.552.210 * * Known ok metadata, can't get contents: * - Safari 5.0.2 * * Known fail: * - Opera 10.63, 11 beta (no input.files interface) * * @param {File} file * * @todo use configured thumbnail size * @todo detect pixel size? * @todo should we render a thumbnail to a canvas and then use the smaller image? */ PreviewAttach: function(file) { var tooltip = file.type + ' ' + Math.round(file.size / 1024) + 'KB'; var preview = true; var blobAsDataURL; if (typeof window.createObjectURL != "undefined") { /** * createObjectURL lets us reference the file directly from an * This produces a compact URL with an opaque reference to the file, * which we can reference immediately. * * - Firefox 3.6.6: no * - Firefox 4.0b7: no * - Safari 5.0.2: no * - Chrome 8.0.552.210: works! */ blobAsDataURL = function(blob, callback) { callback(window.createObjectURL(blob)); } } else if (typeof window.FileReader != "undefined") { /** * FileAPI's FileReader can build a data URL from a blob's contents, * but it must read the file and build it asynchronously. This means * we'll be passing a giant data URL around, which may be inefficient. * * - Firefox 3.6.6: works! * - Firefox 4.0b7: works! * - Safari 5.0.2: no * - Chrome 8.0.552.210: works! */ blobAsDataURL = function(blob, callback) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(event) { callback(reader.result); } reader.readAsDataURL(blob); } } else { preview = false; } var imageTypes = ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/svg+xml']; if ($.inArray(file.type, imageTypes) == -1) { // We probably don't know how to show the file. preview = false; } var maxSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024; if (file.size > maxSize) { // Don't kill the browser trying to load some giant image. preview = false; } if (preview) { blobAsDataURL(file, function(url) { var img = $('') .attr('title', tooltip) .attr('alt', tooltip) .attr('src', url) .attr('style', 'height: 120px'); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected).append(img); }); } else { var img = $('
    ').text(tooltip); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataAttachSelected).append(img); } }, NoticeLocationAttach: function() { var NLat = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(); var NLon = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(); var NLNS = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(); var NLID = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(); var NLN = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeGeoName).text(); var NDGe = $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo); function removeNoticeDataGeo() { $('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']') .attr('title', jQuery.trim($('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']').text())) .removeClass('checked'); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(''); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(''); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(''); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(''); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked', false); $.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie, 'disabled', { path: '/' }); } function getJSONgeocodeURL(geocodeURL, data) { $.getJSON(geocodeURL, data, function(location) { var lns, lid; if (typeof(location.location_ns) != 'undefined') { $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(location.location_ns); lns = location.location_ns; } if (typeof(location.location_id) != 'undefined') { $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(location.location_id); lid = location.location_id; } if (typeof(location.name) == 'undefined') { NLN_text = data.lat + ';' + data.lon; } else { NLN_text = location.name; } $('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']') .attr('title', NoticeDataGeo_text.ShareDisable + ' (' + NLN_text + ')'); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(data.lat); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(data.lon); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(lns); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(lid); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked', true); var cookieValue = { NLat: data.lat, NLon: data.lon, NLNS: lns, NLID: lid, NLN: NLN_text, NLNU: location.url, NDG: true }; $.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie, JSON.stringify(cookieValue), { path: '/' }); }); } if (NDGe.length > 0) { if ($.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie) == 'disabled') { NDGe.attr('checked', false); } else { NDGe.attr('checked', true); } var NGW = $('#notice_data-geo_wrap'); var geocodeURL = NGW.attr('title'); NGW.removeAttr('title'); $('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']') .attr('title', jQuery.trim($('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']').text())); NDGe.change(function() { if ($('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked') === true || $.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie) === null) { $('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']') .attr('title', NoticeDataGeo_text.ShareDisable) .addClass('checked'); if ($.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie) === null || $.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie) == 'disabled') { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( function(position) { $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(position.coords.latitude); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(position.coords.longitude); var data = { lat: position.coords.latitude, lon: position.coords.longitude, token: $('#token').val() }; getJSONgeocodeURL(geocodeURL, data); }, function(error) { switch(error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: removeNoticeDataGeo(); break; case error.TIMEOUT: $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked', false); break; } }, { timeout: 10000 } ); } else { if (NLat.length > 0 && NLon.length > 0) { var data = { lat: NLat, lon: NLon, token: $('#token').val() }; getJSONgeocodeURL(geocodeURL, data); } else { removeNoticeDataGeo(); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).remove(); $('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']').remove(); } } } else { var cookieValue = JSON.parse($.cookie(SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeoCookie)); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLat).val(cookieValue.NLat); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLon).val(cookieValue.NLon); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationNs).val(cookieValue.NLNS); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeLocationId).val(cookieValue.NLID); $('#'+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo).attr('checked', cookieValue.NDG); $('label[for='+SN.C.S.NoticeDataGeo+']') .attr('title', NoticeDataGeo_text.ShareDisable + ' (' + cookieValue.NLN + ')') .addClass('checked'); } } else { removeNoticeDataGeo(); } }).change(); } }, NewDirectMessage: function() { NDM = $('.entity_send-a-message a'); NDM.attr({'href':NDM.attr('href')+'&ajax=1'}); NDM.bind('click', function() { var NDMF = $('.entity_send-a-message form'); if (NDMF.length === 0) { $(this).addClass(SN.C.S.Processing); $.get(NDM.attr('href'), null, function(data) { $('.entity_send-a-message').append(document._importNode($('form', data)[0], true)); NDMF = $('.entity_send-a-message .form_notice'); SN.U.FormNoticeXHR(NDMF); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements(NDMF); NDMF.append(''); $('.entity_send-a-message button').click(function(){ NDMF.hide(); return false; }); NDM.removeClass(SN.C.S.Processing); }); } else { NDMF.show(); $('.entity_send-a-message textarea').focus(); } return false; }); }, GetFullYear: function(year, month, day) { var date = new Date(); date.setFullYear(year, month, day); return date; }, StatusNetInstance: { Set: function(value) { var SNI = SN.U.StatusNetInstance.Get(); if (SNI !== null) { value = $.extend(SNI, value); } $.cookie( SN.C.S.StatusNetInstance, JSON.stringify(value), { path: '/', expires: SN.U.GetFullYear(2029, 0, 1) }); }, Get: function() { var cookieValue = $.cookie(SN.C.S.StatusNetInstance); if (cookieValue !== null) { return JSON.parse(cookieValue); } return null; }, Delete: function() { $.cookie(SN.C.S.StatusNetInstance, null); } }, /** * Check if the current page is a timeline where the current user's * posts should be displayed immediately on success. * * @fixme this should be done in a saner way, with machine-readable * info about what page we're looking at. */ belongsOnTimeline: function(notice) { var action = $("body").attr('id'); if (action == 'public') { return true; } var profileLink = $('#nav_profile a').attr('href'); if (profileLink) { var authorUrl = $(notice).find('.entry-title .author a.url').attr('href'); if (authorUrl == profileLink) { if (action == 'all' || action == 'showstream') { // Posts always show on your own friends and profile streams. return true; } } } // @fixme tag, group, reply timelines should be feasible as well. // Mismatch between id-based and name-based user/group links currently complicates // the lookup, since all our inline mentions contain the absolute links but the // UI links currently on the page use malleable names. return false; } }, Init: { NoticeForm: function() { if ($('body.user_in').length > 0) { SN.U.NoticeLocationAttach(); $('.'+SN.C.S.FormNotice).each(function() { SN.U.FormNoticeXHR($(this)); SN.U.FormNoticeEnhancements($(this)); }); SN.U.NoticeDataAttach(); } }, Notices: function() { if ($('body.user_in').length > 0) { SN.U.NoticeFavor(); SN.U.NoticeRepeat(); SN.U.NoticeReply(); } SN.U.NoticeAttachments(); }, EntityActions: function() { if ($('body.user_in').length > 0) { $('.form_user_subscribe').live('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); return false; }); $('.form_user_unsubscribe').live('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); return false; }); $('.form_group_join').live('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); return false; }); $('.form_group_leave').live('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); return false; }); $('.form_user_nudge').live('click', function() { SN.U.FormXHR($(this)); return false; }); SN.U.NewDirectMessage(); } }, Login: function() { if (SN.U.StatusNetInstance.Get() !== null) { var nickname = SN.U.StatusNetInstance.Get().Nickname; if (nickname !== null) { $('#form_login #nickname').val(nickname); } } $('#form_login').bind('submit', function() { SN.U.StatusNetInstance.Set({Nickname: $('#form_login #nickname').val()}); return true; }); } } }; $(document).ready(function(){ if ($('.'+SN.C.S.FormNotice).length > 0) { SN.Init.NoticeForm(); } if ($('#content .notices').length > 0) { SN.Init.Notices(); } if ($('#content .entity_actions').length > 0) { SN.Init.EntityActions(); } if ($('#form_login').length > 0) { SN.Init.Login(); } }); // Formerly in xbImportNode.js /* is this stuff defined? */ if (!document.ELEMENT_NODE) { document.ELEMENT_NODE = 1; document.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; document.TEXT_NODE = 3; document.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4; document.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5; document.ENTITY_NODE = 6; document.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7; document.COMMENT_NODE = 8; document.DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; document.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10; document.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; document.NOTATION_NODE = 12; } document._importNode = function(node, allChildren) { /* find the node type to import */ switch (node.nodeType) { case document.ELEMENT_NODE: /* create a new element */ var newNode = document.createElement(node.nodeName); /* does the node have any attributes to add? */ if (node.attributes && node.attributes.length > 0) /* add all of the attributes */ for (var i = 0, il = node.attributes.length; i < il;) { if (node.attributes[i].nodeName == 'class') { newNode.className = node.getAttribute(node.attributes[i++].nodeName); } else { newNode.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].nodeName, node.getAttribute(node.attributes[i++].nodeName)); } } /* are we going after children too, and does the node have any? */ if (allChildren && node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) /* recursively get all of the child nodes */ for (var i = 0, il = node.childNodes.length; i < il;) newNode.appendChild(document._importNode(node.childNodes[i++], allChildren)); return newNode; break; case document.TEXT_NODE: case document.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case document.COMMENT_NODE: return document.createTextNode(node.nodeValue); break; } }; // A shim to implement the W3C Geolocation API Specification using Gears or the Ajax API if (typeof navigator.geolocation == "undefined" || navigator.geolocation.shim ) { (function(){ // -- BEGIN GEARS_INIT (function() { // We are already defined. Hooray! if (window.google && google.gears) { return; } var factory = null; // Firefox if (typeof GearsFactory != 'undefined') { factory = new GearsFactory(); } else { // IE try { factory = new ActiveXObject('Gears.Factory'); // privateSetGlobalObject is only required and supported on WinCE. if (factory.getBuildInfo().indexOf('ie_mobile') != -1) { factory.privateSetGlobalObject(this); } } catch (e) { // Safari if ((typeof navigator.mimeTypes != 'undefined') && navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-googlegears"]) { factory = document.createElement("object"); factory.style.display = "none"; factory.width = 0; factory.height = 0; factory.type = "application/x-googlegears"; document.documentElement.appendChild(factory); } } } // *Do not* define any objects if Gears is not installed. This mimics the // behavior of Gears defining the objects in the future. if (!factory) { return; } // Now set up the objects, being careful not to overwrite anything. // // Note: In Internet Explorer for Windows Mobile, you can't add properties to // the window object. However, global objects are automatically added as // properties of the window object in all browsers. if (!window.google) { google = {}; } if (!google.gears) { google.gears = {factory: factory}; } })(); // -- END GEARS_INIT var GearsGeoLocation = (function() { // -- PRIVATE var geo = google.gears.factory.create('beta.geolocation'); var wrapSuccess = function(callback, self) { // wrap it for lastPosition love return function(position) { callback(position); self.lastPosition = position; }; }; // -- PUBLIC return { shim: true, type: "Gears", lastPosition: null, getCurrentPosition: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { var self = this; var sc = wrapSuccess(successCallback, self); geo.getCurrentPosition(sc, errorCallback, options); }, watchPosition: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { geo.watchPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options); }, clearWatch: function(watchId) { geo.clearWatch(watchId); }, getPermission: function(siteName, imageUrl, extraMessage) { geo.getPermission(siteName, imageUrl, extraMessage); } }; }); var AjaxGeoLocation = (function() { // -- PRIVATE var loading = false; var loadGoogleLoader = function() { if (!hasGoogleLoader() && !loading) { loading = true; var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:"?"https://":"http://") + 'www.google.com/jsapi?callback=_google_loader_apiLoaded'; s.type = "text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(s); } }; var queue = []; var addLocationQueue = function(callback) { queue.push(callback); }; var runLocationQueue = function() { if (hasGoogleLoader()) { while (queue.length > 0) { var call = queue.pop(); call(); } } }; window['_google_loader_apiLoaded'] = function() { runLocationQueue(); }; var hasGoogleLoader = function() { return (window['google'] && google['loader']); }; var checkGoogleLoader = function(callback) { if (hasGoogleLoader()) { return true; } addLocationQueue(callback); loadGoogleLoader(); return false; }; loadGoogleLoader(); // start to load as soon as possible just in case // -- PUBLIC return { shim: true, type: "ClientLocation", lastPosition: null, getCurrentPosition: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { var self = this; if (!checkGoogleLoader(function() { self.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options); })) { return; } if (google.loader.ClientLocation) { var cl = google.loader.ClientLocation; var position = { coords: { latitude: cl.latitude, longitude: cl.longitude, altitude: null, accuracy: 43000, // same as Gears accuracy over wifi? altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null }, // extra info that is outside of the bounds of the core API address: { city: cl.address.city, country: cl.address.country, country_code: cl.address.country_code, region: cl.address.region }, timestamp: new Date() }; successCallback(position); this.lastPosition = position; } else if (errorCallback === "function") { errorCallback({ code: 3, message: "Using the Google ClientLocation API and it is not able to calculate a location."}); } }, watchPosition: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { this.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options); var self = this; var watchId = setInterval(function() { self.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options); }, 10000); return watchId; }, clearWatch: function(watchId) { clearInterval(watchId); }, getPermission: function(siteName, imageUrl, extraMessage) { // for now just say yes :) return true; } }; }); // If you have Gears installed use that, else use Ajax ClientLocation navigator.geolocation = (window.google && google.gears) ? GearsGeoLocation() : AjaxGeoLocation(); })(); }