<?php /* * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ if (!defined('STATUSNET') && !defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); } define('LISTENER', 1); define('LISTENEE', -1); define('BOTH', 0); class FoafAction extends Action { function isReadOnly($args) { return true; } function prepare($args) { parent::prepare($args); $nickname_arg = $this->arg('nickname'); if (empty($nickname_arg)) { $this->clientError(_('No such user.'), 404); return false; } $this->nickname = common_canonical_nickname($nickname_arg); // Permanent redirect on non-canonical nickname if ($nickname_arg != $this->nickname) { common_redirect(common_local_url('foaf', array('nickname' => $this->nickname)), 301); return false; } $this->user = User::staticGet('nickname', $this->nickname); if (!$this->user) { $this->clientError(_('No such user.'), 404); return false; } $this->profile = $this->user->getProfile(); if (!$this->profile) { $this->serverError(_('User has no profile.'), 500); return false; } return true; } function handle($args) { parent::handle($args); header('Content-Type: application/rdf+xml'); $this->startXML(); $this->elementStart('rdf:RDF', array('xmlns:rdf' => 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#', 'xmlns:rdfs' => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#', 'xmlns:geo' => 'http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#', 'xmlns:bio' => 'http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/', 'xmlns:sioc' => 'http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#', 'xmlns' => 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/')); // This is the document about the user $this->showPpd('', $this->user->uri); // Would be nice to tell if they were a Person or not (e.g. a #person usertag?) $this->elementStart('Agent', array('rdf:about' => $this->user->uri)); $this->element('mbox_sha1sum', null, sha1('mailto:' . $this->user->email)); if ($this->profile->fullname) { $this->element('name', null, $this->profile->fullname); } if ($this->profile->homepage) { $this->element('homepage', array('rdf:resource' => $this->profile->homepage)); } if ($this->profile->profileurl) { $this->element('weblog', array('rdf:resource' => $this->profile->profileurl)); } if ($this->profile->bio) { $this->element('bio:olb', null, $this->profile->bio); } $location = $this->profile->getLocation(); if ($location) { $attr = array(); if ($location->getRdfURL()) { $attr['rdf:about'] = $location->getRdfURL(); } $location_name = $location->getName(); $this->elementStart('based_near'); $this->elementStart('geo:SpatialThing', $attr); if ($location_name) { $this->element('name', null, $location_name); } if ($location->lat) { $this->element('geo:lat', null, $location->lat); } if ($location->lon) { $this->element('geo:long', null, $location->lat); } if ($location->getURL()) { $this->element('page', array('rdf:resource'=>$location->getURL())); } $this->elementEnd('geo:SpatialThing'); $this->elementEnd('based_near'); } $avatar = $this->profile->getOriginalAvatar(); if ($avatar) { $this->elementStart('img'); $this->elementStart('Image', array('rdf:about' => $avatar->url)); foreach (array(AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE, AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE, AVATAR_MINI_SIZE) as $size) { $scaled = $this->profile->getAvatar($size); if (!$scaled->original) { // sometimes the original has one of our scaled sizes $this->elementStart('thumbnail'); $this->element('Image', array('rdf:about' => $scaled->url)); $this->elementEnd('thumbnail'); } } $this->elementEnd('Image'); $this->elementEnd('img'); } $person = $this->showMicrobloggingAccount($this->profile, common_root_url(), $this->user->uri, false); // Get people who subscribe to user $sub = new Subscription(); $sub->subscribed = $this->profile->id; $sub->whereAdd('subscriber != subscribed'); if ($sub->find()) { while ($sub->fetch()) { $profile = Profile::staticGet('id', $sub->subscriber); if (empty($profile)) { common_debug('Got a bad subscription: '.print_r($sub,true)); continue; } $user = $profile->getUser(); $other_uri = $profile->getUri(); if (array_key_exists($other_uri, $person)) { $person[$other_uri][0] = BOTH; } else { $person[$other_uri] = array(LISTENER, $profile->id, $profile->nickname, $user ? 'local' : 'remote'); } unset($profile); } } unset($sub); foreach ($person as $uri => $p) { list($type, $id, $nickname, $local) = $p; if ($type == BOTH) { $this->element('knows', array('rdf:resource' => $uri)); } } $this->elementEnd('Agent'); foreach ($person as $uri => $p) { $foaf_url = null; list($type, $id, $nickname, $local) = $p; if ($local == 'local') { $foaf_url = common_local_url('foaf', array('nickname' => $nickname)); } $profile = Profile::staticGet($id); $this->elementStart('Agent', array('rdf:about' => $uri)); if ($type == BOTH) { $this->element('knows', array('rdf:resource' => $this->user->uri)); } $this->showMicrobloggingAccount($profile, ($local == 'local') ? common_root_url() : null, $uri, true); if ($foaf_url) { $this->element('rdfs:seeAlso', array('rdf:resource' => $foaf_url)); } $this->elementEnd('Agent'); if ($foaf_url) { $this->showPpd($foaf_url, $uri); } $profile->free(); $profile = null; unset($profile); } $this->elementEnd('rdf:RDF'); $this->endXML(); } function showPpd($foaf_url, $person_uri) { $this->elementStart('PersonalProfileDocument', array('rdf:about' => $foaf_url)); $this->element('maker', array('rdf:resource' => $person_uri)); $this->element('primaryTopic', array('rdf:resource' => $person_uri)); $this->elementEnd('PersonalProfileDocument'); } function showMicrobloggingAccount($profile, $service=null, $useruri=null, $isSubscriber=false) { $attr = array(); if ($useruri) { $attr['rdf:about'] = $useruri . '#acct'; } // Their account $this->elementStart('account'); $this->elementStart('OnlineAccount', $attr); if ($service) { $this->element('accountServiceHomepage', array('rdf:resource' => $service)); } $this->element('accountName', null, $profile->nickname); $this->element('accountProfilePage', array('rdf:resource' => $profile->profileurl)); if ($useruri) { $this->element('sioc:account_of', array('rdf:resource'=>$useruri)); } $person = array(); if ($isSubscriber) { $this->element('sioc:follows', array('rdf:resource'=>$this->user->uri . '#acct')); } else { // Get people user is subscribed to $sub = new Subscription(); $sub->subscriber = $profile->id; $sub->whereAdd('subscriber != subscribed'); if ($sub->find()) { while ($sub->fetch()) { $profile = Profile::staticGet('id', $sub->subscribed); if (empty($profile)) { common_debug('Got a bad subscription: '.print_r($sub,true)); continue; } $user = $profile->getUser(); $other_uri = $profile->getUri(); $this->element('sioc:follows', array('rdf:resource' => $other_uri.'#acct')); $person[$other_uri] = array(LISTENEE, $profile->id, $profile->nickname, $user ? 'local' : 'remote'); unset($profile); } } unset($sub); } $this->elementEnd('OnlineAccount'); $this->elementEnd('account'); return $person; } }