
 * Some notes...
 * Drupal docs don't list a bool type, but it might be nice to use rather than 'tinyint'
 * Note however that we use bitfields and things as well in tinyints, and PG's
 * "bool" type isn't 100% compatible with 0/1 checks. Just keeping tinyints. :)
 * decimal <-> numeric
 * MySQL 'timestamp' columns were formerly used for 'modified' files for their
 * auto-updating properties. This didn't play well with changes to cache usage
 * in 0.9.x, as we don't know the timestamp value at INSERT time and never
 * have a chance to load it up again before caching. For now I'm leaving them
 * in, but we may want to clean them up later.
 * Current code should be setting 'created' and 'modified' fields explicitly;
 * this also avoids mismatches between server and client timezone settings.
 * fulltext indexes?
 * got one or two things wanting a custom charset setting on a field?
 * foreign keys are kinda funky...
 *     those specified in inline syntax (as all in the original .sql) are NEVER ENFORCED on mysql
 *     those made with an explicit 'foreign key' WITHIN INNODB and IF there's a proper index, do get enforced
 *     double-check what we've been doing on postgres?

$classes = array('Schema_version',

foreach ($classes as $cls) {
    $schema[strtolower($cls)] = call_user_func(array($cls, 'schemaDef'));