 * StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
 * Base API action
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @category  API
 * @package   StatusNet
 * @author    Craig Andrews <candrews@integralblue.com>
 * @author    Dan Moore <dan@moore.cx>
 * @author    Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net>
 * @author    Jeffery To <jeffery.to@gmail.com>
 * @author    Toby Inkster <mail@tobyinkster.co.uk>
 * @author    Zach Copley <zach@status.net>
 * @copyright 2009-2010 StatusNet, Inc.
 * @copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org
 * @license   http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
 * @link      http://status.net/

/* External API usage documentation. Please update when you change how the API works. */

/*! @mainpage StatusNet REST API

    @section Introduction

    Some explanatory text about the API would be nice.

    @section API Methods

    @subsection timelinesmethods_sec Timeline Methods

    @li @ref publictimeline
    @li @ref friendstimeline

    @subsection statusmethods_sec Status Methods

    @li @ref statusesupdate

    @subsection usermethods_sec User Methods

    @subsection directmessagemethods_sec Direct Message Methods (now a plugin)

    @subsection friendshipmethods_sec Friendship Methods

    @subsection socialgraphmethods_sec Social Graph Methods

    @subsection accountmethods_sec Account Methods

    @subsection favoritesmethods_sec Favorites Methods

    @subsection blockmethods_sec Block Methods

    @subsection oauthmethods_sec OAuth Methods

    @subsection helpmethods_sec Help Methods

    @subsection groupmethods_sec Group Methods

    @page apiroot API Root

    The URLs for methods referred to in this API documentation are
    relative to the StatusNet API root. The API root is determined by the
    site's @b server and @b path variables, which are generally specified
    in config.php. For example:

    $config['site']['server'] = 'example.org';
    $config['site']['path'] = 'statusnet'

    The pattern for a site's API root is: @c protocol://server/path/api E.g:

    @c http://example.org/statusnet/api

    The @b path can be empty.  In that case the API root would simply be:

    @c http://example.org/api


if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {

class ApiValidationException extends Exception

 * Contains most of the Twitter-compatible API output functions.
 * @category API
 * @package  StatusNet
 * @author   Craig Andrews <candrews@integralblue.com>
 * @author   Dan Moore <dan@moore.cx>
 * @author   Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net>
 * @author   Jeffery To <jeffery.to@gmail.com>
 * @author   Toby Inkster <mail@tobyinkster.co.uk>
 * @author   Zach Copley <zach@status.net>
 * @license  http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
 * @link     http://status.net/
class ApiAction extends Action
    const READ_ONLY = 1;
    const READ_WRITE = 2;
    public static $reserved_sources = ['web', 'omb', 'ostatus', 'mail', 'xmpp', 'api'];
    public $user = null;
    public $auth_user = null;
    public $page = null;
    public $count = null;
    public $offset = null;
    public $limit = null;
    public $max_id = null;
    public $since_id = null;
    public $source = null;
    public $callback = null;
    public $format = null;  // read (default) or read-write
    public $access = self::READ_ONLY;

    public function twitterRelationshipArray($source, $target)
        $relationship = [];

        $relationship['source'] =
            $this->relationshipDetailsArray($source->getProfile(), $target->getProfile());
        $relationship['target'] =
            $this->relationshipDetailsArray($target->getProfile(), $source->getProfile());

        return ['relationship' => $relationship];

    public function relationshipDetailsArray(Profile $source, Profile $target)
        $details = [];

        $details['screen_name'] = $source->getNickname();
        $details['followed_by'] = $target->isSubscribed($source);

        try {
            $sub = Subscription::getSubscription($source, $target);
            $details['following'] = true;
            $details['notifications_enabled'] = ($sub->jabber || $sub->sms);
        } catch (NoResultException $e) {
            $details['following'] = false;
            $details['notifications_enabled'] = false;

        $details['blocking'] = $source->hasBlocked($target);
        $details['id'] = intval($source->id);

        return $details;

    public function showTwitterXmlRelationship($relationship)

        foreach ($relationship as $element => $value) {
            if ($element == 'source' || $element == 'target') {


    public function showXmlRelationshipDetails($details)
        foreach ($details as $element => $value) {
            $this->element($element, null, $value);

     * Overrides XMLOutputter::element to write booleans as strings (true|false).
     * See that method's documentation for more info.
     * @param string $tag Element type or tagname
     * @param array|string|null $attrs Array of element attributes, as key-value pairs
     * @param string|null $content string content of the element
     * @return void
    public function element(string $tag, $attrs = null, $content = null)
        if (is_bool($content)) {
            $content = ($content ? "true" : "false");

        parent::element($tag, $attrs, $content);

    public function showSingleXmlStatus($notice)
        $twitter_status = $this->twitterStatusArray($notice);
        $this->showTwitterXmlStatus($twitter_status, 'status', true);

    public function initDocument($type = 'xml')
        switch ($type) {
            case 'xml':
                header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
            case 'json':
                header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

                // Check for JSONP callback
                if (isset($this->callback)) {
                    print $this->callback . '(';
            case 'rss':
                header("Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8");
            case 'atom':
                header('Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8');
                // TRANS: Client error on an API request with an unsupported data format.
                $this->clientError(_('Not a supported data format.'));


    public function initTwitterRss()
                'version' => '2.0',
                'xmlns:atom' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom',
                'xmlns:georss' => 'http://www.georss.org/georss'
        Event::handle('StartApiRss', [$this]);

    public function initTwitterAtom()
        // FIXME: don't hardcode the language here!
        $this->elementStart('feed', ['xmlns' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom',
            'xml:lang' => 'en-US',
            'xmlns:thr' => 'http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0']);

    public function twitterStatusArray($notice, $include_user = true)
        $base = $this->twitterSimpleStatusArray($notice, $include_user);

        if (!empty($notice->repeat_of)) {
            $original = Notice::getKV('id', $notice->repeat_of);
            if ($original instanceof Notice) {
                $orig_array = $this->twitterSimpleStatusArray($original, $include_user);
                $base['retweeted_status'] = $orig_array;

        return $base;

    public function twitterSimpleStatusArray($notice, $include_user = true)
        $profile = $notice->getProfile();

        $twitter_status = [];
        $twitter_status['text'] = $notice->content;
        $twitter_status['truncated'] = false; # Not possible on StatusNet
        $twitter_status['created_at'] = self::dateTwitter($notice->created);
        try {
            // We could just do $notice->reply_to but maybe the future holds a
            // different story for parenting.
            $parent = $notice->getParent();
            $in_reply_to = $parent->id;
        } catch (NoParentNoticeException $e) {
            $in_reply_to = null;
        } catch (NoResultException $e) {
            // the in_reply_to message has probably been deleted
            $in_reply_to = null;
        $twitter_status['in_reply_to_status_id'] = $in_reply_to;

        $source = null;
        $source_link = null;

        $ns = $notice->getSource();
        if ($ns instanceof Notice_source) {
            $source = $ns->code;
            if (!empty($ns->url)) {
                $source_link = $ns->url;
                if (!empty($ns->name)) {
                    $source = $ns->name;

        $twitter_status['uri'] = $notice->getUri();
        $twitter_status['source'] = $source;
        $twitter_status['source_link'] = $source_link;
        $twitter_status['id'] = intval($notice->id);

        $replier_profile = null;

        if ($notice->reply_to) {
            $reply = Notice::getKV(intval($notice->reply_to));
            if ($reply) {
                $replier_profile = $reply->getProfile();

        $twitter_status['in_reply_to_user_id'] =
            ($replier_profile) ? intval($replier_profile->id) : null;
        $twitter_status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] =
            ($replier_profile) ? $replier_profile->nickname : null;

        try {
            $notloc = Notice_location::locFromStored($notice);
            // This is the format that GeoJSON expects stuff to be in
            $twitter_status['geo'] = ['type' => 'Point',
                'coordinates' => [(float)$notloc->lat,
        } catch (ServerException $e) {
            $twitter_status['geo'] = null;

        // Enclosures
        $attachments = $notice->attachments();

        if (!empty($attachments)) {
            $twitter_status['attachments'] = [];

            foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                try {
                    $enclosure_o = $attachment->getEnclosure();
                    $enclosure = [];
                    $enclosure['url'] = $enclosure_o->url;
                    $enclosure['mimetype'] = $enclosure_o->mimetype;
                    $enclosure['size'] = $enclosure_o->size;
                    $twitter_status['attachments'][] = $enclosure;
                } catch (ServerException $e) {
                    // There was not enough metadata available

        if ($include_user && $profile) {
            // Don't get notice (recursive!)
            $twitter_user = $this->twitterUserArray($profile, false);
            $twitter_status['user'] = $twitter_user;

        // StatusNet-specific

        $twitter_status['statusnet_html'] = $notice->getRendered();
        $twitter_status['statusnet_conversation_id'] = intval($notice->conversation);

        // The event call to handle NoticeSimpleStatusArray lets plugins add data to the output array
        Event::handle('NoticeSimpleStatusArray', [$notice, &$twitter_status, $this->scoped,
            ['include_user' => $include_user]]);

        return $twitter_status;

    public static function dateTwitter($dt)
        $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', strtotime($dt));
        $d = new DateTime($dateStr, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone()));
        return $d->format('D M d H:i:s O Y');

    public function twitterUserArray($profile, $get_notice = false)
        $twitter_user = [];

        try {
            $user = $profile->getUser();
        } catch (NoSuchUserException $e) {
            $user = null;

        $twitter_user['id'] = $profile->getID();
        $twitter_user['name'] = $profile->getBestName();
        $twitter_user['screen_name'] = $profile->getNickname();
        $twitter_user['location'] = $profile->location;
        $twitter_user['description'] = $profile->getDescription();

        // TODO: avatar url template (example.com/user/avatar?size={x}x{y})
        $twitter_user['profile_image_url'] = Avatar::urlByProfile($profile, AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE);
        $twitter_user['profile_image_url_https'] = $twitter_user['profile_image_url'];

        // START introduced by qvitter API, not necessary for StatusNet API
        $twitter_user['profile_image_url_profile_size'] = Avatar::urlByProfile($profile, AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE);
        try {
            $avatar = Avatar::getUploaded($profile);
            $origurl = $avatar->displayUrl();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $origurl = $twitter_user['profile_image_url_profile_size'];
        $twitter_user['profile_image_url_original'] = $origurl;

        $twitter_user['groups_count'] = $profile->getGroupCount();
        foreach (['linkcolor', 'backgroundcolor'] as $key) {
            $twitter_user[$key] = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'theme', $key);
        // END introduced by qvitter API, not necessary for StatusNet API

        $twitter_user['url'] = ($profile->homepage) ? $profile->homepage : null;
        $twitter_user['protected'] = (!empty($user) && $user->private_stream) ? true : false;
        $twitter_user['followers_count'] = $profile->subscriberCount();

        // Note: some profiles don't have an associated user

        $twitter_user['friends_count'] = $profile->subscriptionCount();

        $twitter_user['created_at'] = self::dateTwitter($profile->created);

        $timezone = 'UTC';

        if (!empty($user) && $user->timezone) {
            $timezone = $user->timezone;

        $t = new DateTime;
        $t->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));

        $twitter_user['utc_offset'] = $t->format('Z');
        $twitter_user['time_zone'] = $timezone;
        $twitter_user['statuses_count'] = $profile->noticeCount();

        // Is the requesting user following this user?
        // These values might actually also mean "unknown". Ambiguity issues?
        $twitter_user['following'] = false;
        $twitter_user['statusnet_blocking'] = false;
        $twitter_user['notifications'] = false;

        if ($this->scoped instanceof Profile) {
            try {
                $sub = Subscription::getSubscription($this->scoped, $profile);
                // Notifications on?
                $twitter_user['following'] = true;
                $twitter_user['notifications'] = ($sub->jabber || $sub->sms);
            } catch (NoResultException $e) {
                // well, the values are already false...
            $twitter_user['statusnet_blocking'] = $this->scoped->hasBlocked($profile);

        if ($get_notice) {
            $notice = $profile->getCurrentNotice();
            if ($notice instanceof Notice) {
                // don't get user!
                $twitter_user['status'] = $this->twitterStatusArray($notice, false);

        // StatusNet-specific

        $twitter_user['statusnet_profile_url'] = $profile->profileurl;

        // The event call to handle NoticeSimpleStatusArray lets plugins add data to the output array
        Event::handle('TwitterUserArray', [$profile, &$twitter_user, $this->scoped, []]);

        return $twitter_user;

    public function showTwitterXmlStatus($twitter_status, $tag = 'status', $namespaces = false)
        $attrs = [];
        if ($namespaces) {
            $attrs['xmlns:statusnet'] = 'http://status.net/schema/api/1/';
        $this->elementStart($tag, $attrs);
        foreach ($twitter_status as $element => $value) {
            switch ($element) {
                case 'user':
                case 'text':
                    $this->element($element, null, common_xml_safe_str($value));
                case 'attachments':
                case 'geo':
                case 'retweeted_status':
                    // FIXME: MOVE TO SHARE PLUGIN
                    $this->showTwitterXmlStatus($value, 'retweeted_status');
                    if (strncmp($element, 'statusnet_', 10) == 0) {
                        if ($element === 'statusnet_in_groups' && is_array($value)) {
                            // QVITTERFIX because it would cause an array to be sent as $value
                            // THIS IS UNDOCUMENTED AND SHOULD NEVER BE RELIED UPON (qvitter uses json output)
                            $value = json_encode($value);
                        $this->element('statusnet:' . substr($element, 10), null, $value);
                    } else {
                        $this->element($element, null, $value);

    public function showTwitterXmlUser($twitter_user, $role = 'user', $namespaces = false)
        $attrs = [];
        if ($namespaces) {
            $attrs['xmlns:statusnet'] = 'http://status.net/schema/api/1/';
        $this->elementStart($role, $attrs);
        foreach ($twitter_user as $element => $value) {
            if ($element == 'status') {
            } elseif (strncmp($element, 'statusnet_', 10) == 0) {
                $this->element('statusnet:' . substr($element, 10), null, $value);
            } else {
                $this->element($element, null, $value);

    public function showXmlAttachments($attachments)
        if (!empty($attachments)) {
            $this->elementStart('attachments', ['type' => 'array']);
            foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                $attrs = [];
                $attrs['url'] = $attachment['url'];
                $attrs['mimetype'] = $attachment['mimetype'];
                $attrs['size'] = $attachment['size'];
                $this->element('enclosure', $attrs, '');

    public function showGeoXML($geo)
        if (empty($geo)) {
            // empty geo element
        } else {
            $this->elementStart('geo', ['xmlns:georss' => 'http://www.georss.org/georss']);
            $this->element('georss:point', null, $geo['coordinates'][0] . ' ' . $geo['coordinates'][1]);

    public function endDocument($type = 'xml')
        switch ($type) {
            case 'xml':
            case 'json':
                // Check for JSONP callback
                if (isset($this->callback)) {
                    print ')';
            case 'rss':
            case 'atom':
                // TRANS: Client error on an API request with an unsupported data format.
                $this->clientError(_('Not a supported data format.'));

    public function endTwitterRss()

    public function showSingleAtomStatus($notice)
        header('Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry;charset="utf-8"');
        print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
        print $notice->asAtomEntry(true, true, true, $this->scoped);

    public function show_single_json_status($notice)
        $status = $this->twitterStatusArray($notice);

    public function showJsonObjects($objects)
        $json_objects = json_encode($objects);
        if ($json_objects === false) {
            $this->clientError(_('JSON encoding failed. Error: ') . json_last_error_msg());
        } else {
            print $json_objects;

    public function showXmlTimeline($notice)
        $this->elementStart('statuses', ['type' => 'array',
            'xmlns:statusnet' => 'http://status.net/schema/api/1/']);

        if (is_array($notice)) {
            //FIXME: make everything calling showJsonTimeline use only Notice objects
            $ids = [];
            foreach ($notice as $n) {
                $ids[] = $n->getID();
            $notice = Notice::multiGet('id', $ids);

        while ($notice->fetch()) {
            try {
                $twitter_status = $this->twitterStatusArray($notice);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());


    public function showRssTimeline($notice, $title, $link, $subtitle, $suplink = null, $logo = null, $self = null)

        $this->element('title', null, $title);
        $this->element('link', null, $link);

        if (!is_null($self)) {
                    'type' => 'application/rss+xml',
                    'href' => $self,
                    'rel' => 'self'

        if (!is_null($suplink)) {
            // For FriendFeed's SUP protocol
            $this->element('link', ['xmlns' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom',
                'rel' => 'http://api.friendfeed.com/2008/03#sup',
                'href' => $suplink,
                'type' => 'application/json']);

        if (!is_null($logo)) {
            $this->element('link', null, $link);
            $this->element('title', null, $title);
            $this->element('url', null, $logo);

        $this->element('description', null, $subtitle);
        $this->element('language', null, 'en-us');
        $this->element('ttl', null, '40');

        if (is_array($notice)) {
            //FIXME: make everything calling showJsonTimeline use only Notice objects
            $ids = [];
            foreach ($notice as $n) {
                $ids[] = $n->getID();
            $notice = Notice::multiGet('id', $ids);

        while ($notice->fetch()) {
            try {
                $entry = $this->twitterRssEntryArray($notice);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());
                // continue on exceptions


    public function twitterRssEntryArray($notice)
        $entry = [];

        if (Event::handle('StartRssEntryArray', [$notice, &$entry])) {
            $profile = $notice->getProfile();

            // We trim() to avoid extraneous whitespace in the output

            $entry['content'] = common_xml_safe_str(trim($notice->getRendered()));
            $entry['title'] = $profile->nickname . ': ' . common_xml_safe_str(trim($notice->content));
            $entry['link'] = common_local_url('shownotice', ['notice' => $notice->id]);
            $entry['published'] = common_date_iso8601($notice->created);

            $taguribase = TagURI::base();
            $entry['id'] = "tag:$taguribase:$entry[link]";

            $entry['updated'] = $entry['published'];
            $entry['author'] = $profile->getBestName();

            // Enclosures
            $attachments = $notice->attachments();
            $enclosures = [];

            foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                try {
                    $enclosure_o = $attachment->getEnclosure();
                    $enclosure = [];
                    $enclosure['url'] = $enclosure_o->url;
                    $enclosure['mimetype'] = $enclosure_o->mimetype;
                    $enclosure['size'] = $enclosure_o->size;
                    $enclosures[] = $enclosure;
                } catch (ServerException $e) {
                    // There was not enough metadata available

            if (!empty($enclosures)) {
                $entry['enclosures'] = $enclosures;

            // Tags/Categories
            $tag = new Notice_tag();
            $tag->notice_id = $notice->id;
            if ($tag->find()) {
                $entry['tags'] = [];
                while ($tag->fetch()) {
                    $entry['tags'][] = $tag->tag;

            // RSS Item specific
            $entry['description'] = $entry['content'];
            $entry['pubDate'] = common_date_rfc2822($notice->created);
            $entry['guid'] = $entry['link'];

            try {
                $notloc = Notice_location::locFromStored($notice);
                // This is the format that GeoJSON expects stuff to be in.
                // showGeoRSS() below uses it for XML output, so we reuse it
                $entry['geo'] = ['type' => 'Point',
                    'coordinates' => [(float)$notloc->lat,
            } catch (ServerException $e) {
                $entry['geo'] = null;

            Event::handle('EndRssEntryArray', [$notice, &$entry]);

        return $entry;

    public function showTwitterRssItem($entry)
        $this->element('title', null, $entry['title']);
        $this->element('description', null, $entry['description']);
        $this->element('pubDate', null, $entry['pubDate']);
        $this->element('guid', null, $entry['guid']);
        $this->element('link', null, $entry['link']);

        // RSS only supports 1 enclosure per item
        if (array_key_exists('enclosures', $entry) and !empty($entry['enclosures'])) {
            $enclosure = $entry['enclosures'][0];
            $this->element('enclosure', ['url' => $enclosure['url'], 'type' => $enclosure['mimetype'], 'length' => $enclosure['size']]);

        if (array_key_exists('tags', $entry)) {
            foreach ($entry['tags'] as $tag) {
                $this->element('category', null, $tag);


    public function showGeoRSS($geo)
        if (!empty($geo)) {
                $geo['coordinates'][0] . ' ' . $geo['coordinates'][1]

    public function showAtomTimeline($notice, $title, $id, $link, $subtitle = null, $suplink = null, $selfuri = null, $logo = null)

        $this->element('title', null, $title);
        $this->element('id', null, $id);
        $this->element('link', ['href' => $link, 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html']);

        if (!is_null($logo)) {
            $this->element('logo', null, $logo);

        if (!is_null($suplink)) {
            // For FriendFeed's SUP protocol
            $this->element('link', ['rel' => 'http://api.friendfeed.com/2008/03#sup',
                'href' => $suplink,
                'type' => 'application/json']);

        if (!is_null($selfuri)) {
            $this->element('link', ['href' => $selfuri,
                'rel' => 'self', 'type' => 'application/atom+xml']);

        $this->element('updated', null, common_date_iso8601('now'));
        $this->element('subtitle', null, $subtitle);

        if (is_array($notice)) {
            //FIXME: make everything calling showJsonTimeline use only Notice objects
            $ids = [];
            foreach ($notice as $n) {
                $ids[] = $n->getID();
            $notice = Notice::multiGet('id', $ids);

        while ($notice->fetch()) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());


    public function showRssGroups($group, $title, $link, $subtitle)

        $this->element('title', null, $title);
        $this->element('link', null, $link);
        $this->element('description', null, $subtitle);
        $this->element('language', null, 'en-us');
        $this->element('ttl', null, '40');

        if (is_array($group)) {
            foreach ($group as $g) {
                $twitter_group = $this->twitterRssGroupArray($g);
        } else {
            while ($group->fetch()) {
                $twitter_group = $this->twitterRssGroupArray($group);


    public function twitterRssGroupArray($group)
        $entry = [];
        $entry['content'] = $group->description;
        $entry['title'] = $group->nickname;
        $entry['link'] = $group->permalink();
        $entry['published'] = common_date_iso8601($group->created);
        $entry['updated'] = common_date_iso8601($group->modified);
        $taguribase = common_config('integration', 'groupuri');
        $entry['id'] = "group:$taguribase:$entry[link]";

        $entry['description'] = $entry['content'];
        $entry['pubDate'] = common_date_rfc2822($group->created);
        $entry['guid'] = $entry['link'];

        return $entry;

    public function showTwitterAtomEntry($entry)
        $this->element('title', null, common_xml_safe_str($entry['title']));
            ['type' => 'html'],
        $this->element('id', null, $entry['id']);
        $this->element('published', null, $entry['published']);
        $this->element('updated', null, $entry['updated']);
        $this->element('link', ['type' => 'text/html',
            'href' => $entry['link'],
            'rel' => 'alternate']);
        $this->element('link', ['type' => $entry['avatar-type'],
            'href' => $entry['avatar'],
            'rel' => 'image']);

        $this->element('name', null, $entry['author-name']);
        $this->element('uri', null, $entry['author-uri']);


    public function showAtomGroups($group, $title, $id, $link, $subtitle = null, $selfuri = null)

        $this->element('title', null, common_xml_safe_str($title));
        $this->element('id', null, $id);
        $this->element('link', ['href' => $link, 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html']);

        if (!is_null($selfuri)) {
            $this->element('link', ['href' => $selfuri,
                'rel' => 'self', 'type' => 'application/atom+xml']);

        $this->element('updated', null, common_date_iso8601('now'));
        $this->element('subtitle', null, common_xml_safe_str($subtitle));

        if (is_array($group)) {
            foreach ($group as $g) {
        } else {
            while ($group->fetch()) {


    public function showJsonTimeline($notice)

        $statuses = [];

        if (is_array($notice)) {
            //FIXME: make everything calling showJsonTimeline use only Notice objects
            $ids = [];
            foreach ($notice as $n) {
                $ids[] = $n->getID();
            $notice = Notice::multiGet('id', $ids);

        while ($notice->fetch()) {
            try {
                $twitter_status = $this->twitterStatusArray($notice);
                array_push($statuses, $twitter_status);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());



    public function showJsonGroups($group)

        $groups = [];

        if (is_array($group)) {
            foreach ($group as $g) {
                $twitter_group = $this->twitterGroupArray($g);
                array_push($groups, $twitter_group);
        } else {
            while ($group->fetch()) {
                $twitter_group = $this->twitterGroupArray($group);
                array_push($groups, $twitter_group);



    public function twitterGroupArray($group)
        $twitter_group = [];

        $twitter_group['id'] = intval($group->id);
        $twitter_group['url'] = $group->permalink();
        $twitter_group['nickname'] = $group->nickname;
        $twitter_group['fullname'] = $group->fullname;

        if ($this->scoped instanceof Profile) {
            $twitter_group['member'] = $this->scoped->isMember($group);
            $twitter_group['blocked'] = Group_block::isBlocked(

        $twitter_group['admin_count'] = $group->getAdminCount();
        $twitter_group['member_count'] = $group->getMemberCount();
        $twitter_group['original_logo'] = $group->original_logo;
        $twitter_group['homepage_logo'] = $group->homepage_logo;
        $twitter_group['stream_logo'] = $group->stream_logo;
        $twitter_group['mini_logo'] = $group->mini_logo;
        $twitter_group['homepage'] = $group->homepage;
        $twitter_group['description'] = $group->description;
        $twitter_group['location'] = $group->location;
        $twitter_group['created'] = self::dateTwitter($group->created);
        $twitter_group['modified'] = self::dateTwitter($group->modified);

        return $twitter_group;

    public function showXmlGroups($group)
        $this->elementStart('groups', ['type' => 'array']);

        if (is_array($group)) {
            foreach ($group as $g) {
                $twitter_group = $this->twitterGroupArray($g);
        } else {
            while ($group->fetch()) {
                $twitter_group = $this->twitterGroupArray($group);


    public function showTwitterXmlGroup($twitter_group)
        foreach ($twitter_group as $element => $value) {
            $this->element($element, null, $value);

    public function showXmlLists($list, $next_cursor = 0, $prev_cursor = 0)
        $this->elementStart('lists', ['type' => 'array']);

        if (is_array($list)) {
            foreach ($list as $l) {
                $twitter_list = $this->twitterListArray($l);
        } else {
            while ($list->fetch()) {
                $twitter_list = $this->twitterListArray($list);


        $this->element('next_cursor', null, $next_cursor);
        $this->element('previous_cursor', null, $prev_cursor);


    public function twitterListArray($list)
        $profile = Profile::getKV('id', $list->tagger);

        $twitter_list = [];
        $twitter_list['id'] = $list->id;
        $twitter_list['name'] = $list->tag;
        $twitter_list['full_name'] = '@' . $profile->nickname . '/' . $list->tag;;
        $twitter_list['slug'] = $list->tag;
        $twitter_list['description'] = $list->description;
        $twitter_list['subscriber_count'] = $list->subscriberCount();
        $twitter_list['member_count'] = $list->taggedCount();
        $twitter_list['uri'] = $list->getUri();

        if ($this->scoped instanceof Profile) {
            $twitter_list['following'] = $list->hasSubscriber($this->scoped);
        } else {
            $twitter_list['following'] = false;

        $twitter_list['mode'] = ($list->private) ? 'private' : 'public';
        $twitter_list['user'] = $this->twitterUserArray($profile, false);

        return $twitter_list;

    public function showTwitterXmlList($twitter_list)
        foreach ($twitter_list as $element => $value) {
            if ($element == 'user') {
                $this->showTwitterXmlUser($value, 'user');
            } else {
                $this->element($element, null, $value);

    public function showJsonLists($list, $next_cursor = 0, $prev_cursor = 0)

        $lists = [];

        if (is_array($list)) {
            foreach ($list as $l) {
                $twitter_list = $this->twitterListArray($l);
                array_push($lists, $twitter_list);
        } else {
            while ($list->fetch()) {
                $twitter_list = $this->twitterListArray($list);
                array_push($lists, $twitter_list);

        $lists_list = [
            'lists' => $lists,
            'next_cursor' => $next_cursor,
            'next_cursor_str' => strval($next_cursor),
            'previous_cursor' => $prev_cursor,
            'previous_cursor_str' => strval($prev_cursor)



    public function showTwitterXmlUsers($user)
        $this->elementStart('users', ['type' => 'array',
            'xmlns:statusnet' => 'http://status.net/schema/api/1/']);

        if (is_array($user)) {
            foreach ($user as $u) {
                $twitter_user = $this->twitterUserArray($u);
        } else {
            while ($user->fetch()) {
                $twitter_user = $this->twitterUserArray($user);


    public function showJsonUsers($user)

        $users = [];

        if (is_array($user)) {
            foreach ($user as $u) {
                $twitter_user = $this->twitterUserArray($u);
                array_push($users, $twitter_user);
        } else {
            while ($user->fetch()) {
                $twitter_user = $this->twitterUserArray($user);
                array_push($users, $twitter_user);



    public function showSingleJsonGroup($group)
        $twitter_group = $this->twitterGroupArray($group);

    public function showSingleXmlGroup($group)
        $twitter_group = $this->twitterGroupArray($group);

    public function showSingleJsonList($list)
        $twitter_list = $this->twitterListArray($list);

    public function showSingleXmlList($list)
        $twitter_list = $this->twitterListArray($list);

    public function endTwitterAtom()

    public function showProfile($profile, $content_type = 'xml', $notice = null, $includeStatuses = true)
        $profile_array = $this->twitterUserArray($profile, $includeStatuses);
        switch ($content_type) {
            case 'xml':
            case 'json':
                // TRANS: Client error on an API request with an unsupported data format.
                $this->clientError(_('Not a supported data format.'));

    public function getTargetProfile($id)
        if (empty($id)) {
            // Twitter supports these other ways of passing the user ID
            if (self::is_decimal($this->arg('id'))) {
                return Profile::getKV($this->arg('id'));
            } elseif ($this->arg('id')) {
                // Screen names currently can only uniquely identify a local user.
                $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($this->arg('id'));
                $user = User::getKV('nickname', $nickname);
                return $user ? $user->getProfile() : null;
            } elseif ($this->arg('user_id')) {
                // This is to ensure that a non-numeric user_id still
                // overrides screen_name even if it doesn't get used
                if (self::is_decimal($this->arg('user_id'))) {
                    return Profile::getKV('id', $this->arg('user_id'));
            } elseif (mb_strlen($this->arg('screen_name')) > 0) {
                $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($this->arg('screen_name'));
                $user = User::getByNickname($nickname);
                return $user->getProfile();
            } else {
                // Fall back to trying the currently authenticated user
                return $this->scoped;

        if (self::is_decimal($id) && intval($id) > 0) {
            return Profile::getByID($id);

        // FIXME: check if isAcct to identify remote profiles and not just local nicknames
        $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($id);
        $user = User::getByNickname($nickname);
        return $user->getProfile();

    private static function is_decimal($str)
        return preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $str);

     * Returns query argument or default value if not found. Certain
     * parameters used throughout the API are lightly scrubbed and
     * bounds checked.  This overrides Action::arg().
     * @param string $key requested argument
     * @param string $def default value to return if $key is not provided
     * @return var $var
    public function arg($key, $def = null)
        // XXX: Do even more input validation/scrubbing?

        if (array_key_exists($key, $this->args)) {
            switch ($key) {
                case 'page':
                    $page = (int)$this->args['page'];
                    return ($page < 1) ? 1 : $page;
                case 'count':
                    $count = (int)$this->args['count'];
                    if ($count < 1) {
                        return 20;
                    } elseif ($count > 200) {
                        return 200;
                    } else {
                        return $count;
                // no break
                case 'since_id':
                    $since_id = (int)$this->args['since_id'];
                    return ($since_id < 1) ? 0 : $since_id;
                case 'max_id':
                    $max_id = (int)$this->args['max_id'];
                    return ($max_id < 1) ? 0 : $max_id;
                    return parent::arg($key, $def);
        } else {
            return $def;

    public function getTargetGroup($id)
        if (empty($id)) {
            if (self::is_decimal($this->arg('id'))) {
                return User_group::getKV('id', $this->arg('id'));
            } elseif ($this->arg('id')) {
                return User_group::getForNickname($this->arg('id'));
            } elseif ($this->arg('group_id')) {
                // This is to ensure that a non-numeric group_id still
                // overrides group_name even if it doesn't get used
                if (self::is_decimal($this->arg('group_id'))) {
                    return User_group::getKV('id', $this->arg('group_id'));
            } elseif ($this->arg('group_name')) {
                return User_group::getForNickname($this->arg('group_name'));

        if (self::is_decimal($id)) {
            return User_group::getKV('id', $id);
        } elseif ($this->arg('uri')) { // FIXME: move this into empty($id) check?
            return User_group::getKV('uri', urldecode($this->arg('uri')));

        return User_group::getForNickname($id);

    public function getTargetList($user = null, $id = null)
        $tagger = $this->getTargetUser($user);
        $list = null;

        if (empty($id)) {
            $id = $this->arg('id');

        if ($id) {
            if (is_numeric($id)) {
                $list = Profile_list::getKV('id', $id);

                // only if the list with the id belongs to the tagger
                if (empty($list) || $list->tagger != $tagger->id) {
                    $list = null;
            if (empty($list)) {
                $tag = common_canonical_tag($id);
                $list = Profile_list::getByTaggerAndTag($tagger->id, $tag);

            if (!empty($list) && $list->private) {
                if ($this->scoped->id == $list->tagger) {
                    return $list;
            } else {
                return $list;
        return null;

    public function getTargetUser($id)
        if (empty($id)) {
            // Twitter supports these other ways of passing the user ID
            if (self::is_decimal($this->arg('id'))) {
                return User::getKV($this->arg('id'));
            } elseif ($this->arg('id')) {
                $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($this->arg('id'));
                return User::getKV('nickname', $nickname);
            } elseif ($this->arg('user_id')) {
                // This is to ensure that a non-numeric user_id still
                // overrides screen_name even if it doesn't get used
                if (self::is_decimal($this->arg('user_id'))) {
                    return User::getKV('id', $this->arg('user_id'));
            } elseif ($this->arg('screen_name')) {
                $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($this->arg('screen_name'));
                return User::getKV('nickname', $nickname);
            } else {
                // Fall back to trying the currently authenticated user
                return $this->scoped->getUser();

        if (self::is_decimal($id)) {
            return User::getKV($id);

        $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($id);
        return User::getKV('nickname', $nickname);

     * Calculate the complete URI that called up this action.  Used for
     * Atom rel="self" links.  Warning: this is funky.
     * @return string URL    a URL suitable for rel="self" Atom links
    public function getSelfUri()
        $action = mb_substr(get_class($this), 0, -6); // remove 'Action'

        $id = $this->arg('id');
        $aargs = ['format' => $this->format];
        if (!empty($id)) {
            $aargs['id'] = $id;

        $user = $this->arg('user');
        if (!empty($user)) {
            $aargs['user'] = $user;

        $tag = $this->arg('tag');
        if (!empty($tag)) {
            $aargs['tag'] = $tag;

        parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $params);
        $pstring = '';
        if (!empty($params)) {
            $pstring = http_build_query($params);

        $uri = common_local_url($action, $aargs);

        if (!empty($pstring)) {
            $uri .= '?' . $pstring;

        return $uri;

     * Initialization.
     * @param array $args Web and URL arguments
     * @return boolean false if user doesn't exist
     * @throws ClientException
    protected function prepare(array $args = [])
        GNUsocial::setApi(true); // reduce exception reports to aid in debugging

        $this->format = $this->arg('format');
        $this->callback = $this->arg('callback');
        $this->page = (int)$this->arg('page', 1);
        $this->count = (int)$this->arg('count', 20);
        $this->max_id = (int)$this->arg('max_id', 0);
        $this->since_id = (int)$this->arg('since_id', 0);

        // These two are not used everywhere, mainly just AtompubAction extensions
        $this->offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->count;
        $this->limit = $this->count + 1;

        if ($this->arg('since')) {
            header('X-GNUsocial-Warning: since parameter is disabled; use since_id');

        $this->source = $this->trimmed('source');

        if (empty($this->source) || in_array($this->source, self::$reserved_sources)) {
            $this->source = 'api';

        return true;

     * Handle a request
     * @return void
    protected function handle()
        header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');