a = $a; $this->b = $b; $base = 'test' . mt_rand(1, 1000000); $this->pub = new SNTestClient($this->a, 'pub' . $base, 'pw-' . mt_rand(1, 1000000)); $this->sub = new SNTestClient($this->b, 'sub' . $base, 'pw-' . mt_rand(1, 1000000)); } function run() { $this->setup(); $this->testLocalPost(); $this->testMentionUrl(); $this->log("DONE!"); } function setup() { $this->pub->register(); $this->pub->assertRegistered(); $this->sub->register(); $this->sub->assertRegistered(); } function testLocalPost() { $post = $this->pub->post("Local post, no subscribers yet."); $this->assertNotEqual('', $post); $post = $this->sub->post("Local post, no subscriptions yet."); $this->assertNotEqual('', $post); } /** * pub posts: @b/sub */ function testMentionUrl() { $bits = parse_url($this->b); $base = $bits['host']; if (isset($bits['path'])) { $base .= $bits['path']; } $name = $this->sub->username; $post = $this->pub->post("@$base/$name should have this in home and replies"); $this->sub->assertReceived($post); } } class SNTestClient extends TestBase { function __construct($base, $username, $password) { $this->basepath = $base; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->fullname = ucfirst($username) . ' Smith'; $this->homepage = 'http://example.org/' . $username; $this->bio = 'Stub account for OStatus tests.'; $this->location = 'Montreal, QC'; } /** * Make a low-level web hit to this site, with authentication. * @param string $path URL fragment for something under the base path * @param array $params POST parameters to send * @param boolean $auth whether to include auth data * @return string * @throws Exception on low-level error conditions */ protected function hit($path, $params=array(), $auth=false, $cookies=array()) { $url = $this->basepath . '/' . $path; $http = new HTTP_Request2($url, 'POST'); if ($auth) { $http->setAuth($this->username, $this->password, HTTP_Request2::AUTH_BASIC); } foreach ($cookies as $name => $val) { $http->addCookie($name, $val); } $http->addPostParameter($params); $response = $http->send(); $code = $response->getStatus(); if ($code < '200' || $code >= '400') { throw new Exception("Failed API hit to $url: $code\n" . $response->getBody()); } return $response; } /** * Make a hit to a web form, without authentication but with a session. * @param string $path URL fragment relative to site base * @param string $form id of web form to pull initial parameters from * @param array $params POST parameters, will be merged with defaults in form */ protected function web($path, $form, $params=array()) { $url = $this->basepath . '/' . $path; $http = new HTTP_Request2($url, 'GET'); $response = $http->send(); $dom = $this->checkWeb($url, 'GET', $response); $cookies = array(); foreach ($response->getCookies() as $cookie) { // @fixme check for expirations etc $cookies[$cookie['name']] = $cookie['value']; } $form = $dom->getElementById($form); if (!$form) { throw new Exception("Form $form not found on $url"); } $inputs = $form->getElementsByTagName('input'); foreach ($inputs as $item) { $type = $item->getAttribute('type'); if ($type != 'check') { $name = $item->getAttribute('name'); $val = $item->getAttribute('value'); if ($name && $val && !isset($params[$name])) { $params[$name] = $val; } } } $response = $this->hit($path, $params, false, $cookies); $dom = $this->checkWeb($url, 'POST', $response); return $dom; } protected function checkWeb($url, $method, $response) { $dom = new DOMDocument(); if (!$dom->loadHTML($response->getBody())) { throw new Exception("Invalid HTML from $method to $url"); } $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $error = $xpath->query('//p[@class="error"]'); if ($error && $error->length) { throw new Exception("Error on $method to $url: " . $error->item(0)->textContent); } return $dom; } /** * Make an API hit to this site, with authentication. * @param string $path URL fragment for something under 'api' folder * @param string $style one of 'json', 'xml', or 'atom' * @param array $params POST parameters to send * @return mixed associative array for JSON, DOMDocument for XML/Atom * @throws Exception on low-level error conditions */ protected function api($path, $style, $params=array()) { $response = $this->hit("api/$path.$style", $params, true); $body = $response->getBody(); if ($style == 'json') { $data = json_decode($body, true); if ($data !== null) { if (!empty($data['error'])) { throw new Exception("JSON API returned error: " . $data['error']); } return $data; } else { throw new Exception("Bogus JSON data from $path:\n$body"); } } else if ($style == 'xml' || $style == 'atom') { $dom = new DOMDocument(); if ($dom->loadXML($body)) { return $dom; } else { throw new Exception("Bogus XML data from $path:\n$body"); } } else { throw new Exception("API needs to be JSON, XML, or Atom"); } } /** * Register the account. * * Unfortunately there's not an API method for registering, so we fake it. */ function register() { $this->log("Registering user %s on %s", $this->username, $this->basepath); $ret = $this->web('main/register', 'form_register', array('nickname' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password, 'confirm' => $this->password, 'fullname' => $this->fullname, 'homepage' => $this->homepage, 'bio' => $this->bio, 'license' => 1, 'submit' => 'Register')); } /** * Check that the account has been registered and can be used. * On failure, throws a test failure exception. */ function assertRegistered() { $this->log("Confirming %s is registered on %s", $this->username, $this->basepath); $data = $this->api('account/verify_credentials', 'json'); $this->assertEqual($this->username, $data['screen_name']); $this->assertEqual($this->fullname, $data['name']); $this->assertEqual($this->homepage, $data['url']); $this->assertEqual($this->bio, $data['description']); } /** * Post a given message from this account * @param string $message * @return string URL/URI of notice * @todo reply, location options */ function post($message) { $this->log("Posting notice as %s on %s: %s", $this->username, $this->basepath, $message); $data = $this->api('statuses/update', 'json', array('status' => $message)); $url = $this->basepath . '/notice/' . $data['id']; return $url; } /** * Check that this account has received the notice. * @param string $notice_uri URI for the notice to check for */ function assertReceived($notice_uri) { $timeout = 5; $tries = 6; while ($tries) { $ok = $this->checkReceived($notice_uri); if ($ok) { return true; } $tries--; if ($tries) { $this->log("Didn't see it yet, waiting $timeout seconds"); sleep($timeout); } } throw new Exception("Message $notice_uri not received by $this->username"); } /** * Pull the user's home timeline to check if a notice with the given * source URL has been received recently. * If we don't see it, we'll try a couple more times up to 10 seconds. * * @param string $notice_uri */ function checkReceived($notice_uri) { $this->log("Checking if %s on %s received notice %s", $this->username, $this->basepath, $notice_uri); $params = array(); $dom = $this->api('statuses/home_timeline', 'atom', $params); $xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom); if (!$xml->entry) { return false; } if (is_array($xml->entry)) { $entries = $xml->entry; } else { $entries = array($xml->entry); } foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry->id == $notice_uri) { $this->log("found it $notice_uri"); return true; } //$this->log("nope... " . $entry->id); } return false; } /** * Check that this account is subscribed to the given profile. * @param string $profile_uri URI for the profile to check for */ function assertHasSubscription($profile_uri) { throw new Exception('tbi'); } /** * Check that this account is subscribed to by the given profile. * @param string $profile_uri URI for the profile to check for */ function assertHasSubscriber($profile_uri) { throw new Exception('tbi'); } } $args = array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1); if (count($args) < 2) { print << url1: base URL of a StatusNet instance url2: base URL of another StatusNet instance This will register user accounts on the two given StatusNet instances and run some tests to confirm that OStatus subscription and posting between the two sites works correctly. END_HELP; exit(1); } $a = $args[0]; $b = $args[1]; $tester = new OStatusTester($a, $b); $tester->run();