<?php /** * StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool * * Form for editing an application * * PHP version 5 * * LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @category Form * @package StatusNet * @author Zach Copley <zach@status.net> * @copyright 2009 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET') && !defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); } require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/util/form.php'; /** * Form for editing an application * * @category Form * @package StatusNet * @author Zach Copley <zach@status.net> * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ * */ class ApplicationEditForm extends Form { /** * group for user to join */ var $application = null; /** * Constructor * * @param Action $out output channel * @param User_group $group group to join */ function __construct($out=null, $application=null) { parent::__construct($out); $this->application = $application; } /** * ID of the form * * @return string ID of the form */ function id() { if ($this->application) { return 'form_application_edit-' . $this->application->id; } else { return 'form_application_add'; } } /** * HTTP method used to submit the form * * For image data we need to send multipart/form-data * so we set that here too * * @return string the method to use for submitting */ function method() { $this->enctype = 'multipart/form-data'; return 'post'; } /** * class of the form * * @return string of the form class */ function formClass() { return 'form_settings'; } /** * Action of the form * * @return string URL of the action */ function action() { $cur = common_current_user(); if (!empty($this->application)) { return common_local_url('editapplication', array('id' => $this->application->id)); } else { return common_local_url('newapplication'); } } /** * Name of the form * * @return void */ function formLegend() { // TRANS: Form legend. $this->out->element('legend', null, _('Edit application')); } /** * Data elements of the form * * @return void */ function formData() { if ($this->application) { $id = $this->application->id; $icon = $this->application->icon; $name = $this->application->name; $description = $this->application->description; $source_url = $this->application->source_url; $organization = $this->application->organization; $homepage = $this->application->homepage; $callback_url = $this->application->callback_url; $this->type = $this->application->type; $this->access_type = $this->application->access_type; } else { $id = ''; $icon = ''; $name = ''; $description = ''; $source_url = ''; $organization = ''; $homepage = ''; $callback_url = ''; $this->type = ''; $this->access_type = ''; } $this->out->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); $this->out->elementStart('li', array('id' => 'application_icon')); if (!empty($icon)) { $this->out->element('img', array('src' => $icon)); } $this->out->element('input', array('name' => 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', 'type' => 'hidden', 'id' => 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', 'value' => ImageFile::maxFileSizeInt())); $this->out->element('label', array('for' => 'app_icon'), // TRANS: Form input field label for application icon. _('Icon')); $this->out->element('input', array('name' => 'app_icon', 'type' => 'file', 'id' => 'app_icon')); // TRANS: Form guide. $this->out->element('p', 'form_guide', _('Icon for this application')); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li'); $this->out->hidden('application_id', $id); // TRANS: Form input field label for application name. $this->out->input('name', _('Name'), ($this->out->arg('name')) ? $this->out->arg('name') : $name); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li'); $maxDesc = Oauth_application::maxDesc(); if ($maxDesc > 0) { // TRANS: Form input field instructions. // TRANS: %d is the number of available characters for the description. $descInstr = sprintf(_m('Describe your application in %d character','Describe your application in %d characters',$maxDesc), $maxDesc); } else { // TRANS: Form input field instructions. $descInstr = _('Describe your application'); } // TRANS: Form input field label. $this->out->textarea('description', _('Description'), ($this->out->arg('description')) ? $this->out->arg('description') : $description, $descInstr); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Form input field instructions. $instruction = _('URL of the homepage of this application'); // TRANS: Form input field label. $this->out->input('source_url', _('Source URL'), ($this->out->arg('source_url')) ? $this->out->arg('source_url') : $source_url, $instruction); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Form input field instructions. $instruction = _('Organization responsible for this application'); // TRANS: Form input field label. $this->out->input('organization', _('Organization'), ($this->out->arg('organization')) ? $this->out->arg('organization') : $organization, $instruction); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Form input field instructions. $instruction = _('URL for the homepage of the organization'); // TRANS: Form input field label. $this->out->input('homepage', _('Homepage'), ($this->out->arg('homepage')) ? $this->out->arg('homepage') : $homepage, $instruction); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li'); // TRANS: Form input field instructions. $instruction = _('URL to redirect to after authentication'); // TRANS: Form input field label. $this->out->input('callback_url', ('Callback URL'), ($this->out->arg('callback_url')) ? $this->out->arg('callback_url') : $callback_url, $instruction); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li', array('id' => 'application_types')); $attrs = array('name' => 'app_type', 'type' => 'radio', 'id' => 'app_type-browser', 'class' => 'radio', 'value' => Oauth_application::$browser); // Default to Browser if (empty($this->application) || empty($this->application->type) || $this->application->type == Oauth_application::$browser) { $attrs['checked'] = 'checked'; } $this->out->element('input', $attrs); $this->out->element('label', array('for' => 'app_type-browser', 'class' => 'radio'), // TRANS: Radio button label for application type _('Browser')); $attrs = array('name' => 'app_type', 'type' => 'radio', 'id' => 'app_type-dekstop', 'class' => 'radio', 'value' => Oauth_application::$desktop); if (!empty($this->application) && $this->application->type == Oauth_application::$desktop) { $attrs['checked'] = 'checked'; } $this->out->element('input', $attrs); $this->out->element('label', array('for' => 'app_type-desktop', 'class' => 'radio'), // TRANS: Radio button label for application type _('Desktop')); // TRANS: Form guide. $this->out->element('p', 'form_guide', _('Type of application, browser or desktop')); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementStart('li', array('id' => 'default_access_types')); $attrs = array('name' => 'default_access_type', 'type' => 'radio', 'id' => 'default_access_type-r', 'class' => 'radio', 'value' => 'r'); // default to read-only access if (empty($this->application) || empty($this->application->access_type) || $this->application->access_type & Oauth_application::$readAccess) { $attrs['checked'] = 'checked'; } $this->out->element('input', $attrs); $this->out->element('label', array('for' => 'default_access_type-ro', 'class' => 'radio'), // TRANS: Radio button label for access type. _('Read-only')); $attrs = array('name' => 'default_access_type', 'type' => 'radio', 'id' => 'default_access_type-rw', 'class' => 'radio', 'value' => 'rw'); if (!empty($this->application) && $this->application->access_type & Oauth_application::$readAccess && $this->application->access_type & Oauth_application::$writeAccess ) { $attrs['checked'] = 'checked'; } $this->out->element('input', $attrs); $this->out->element('label', array('for' => 'default_access_type-rw', 'class' => 'radio'), // TRANS: Radio button label for access type. _('Read-write')); // TRANS: Form guide. $this->out->element('p', 'form_guide', _('Default access for this application: read-only, or read-write')); $this->out->elementEnd('li'); $this->out->elementEnd('ul'); } /** * Action elements * * @return void */ function formActions() { // TRANS: Button label in the "Edit application" form. $this->out->submit('cancel', _m('BUTTON','Cancel'), 'submit form_action-primary', // TRANS: Submit button title. 'cancel', _('Cancel application changes.')); // TRANS: Button label in the "Edit application" form. $this->out->submit('save', _m('BUTTON','Save'), 'submit form_action-secondary', // TRANS: Submit button title. 'save', _('Save application changes.')); } }