// Auto-load scripts
// specify which map providers to load by using
// <script src="mxn.js?(provider1,provider2,[module1,module2])" ...
// in your HTML
// for each provider mxn.provider.module.js and mxn.module.js will be loaded
// module 'core' is always loaded
// NOTE: if you call without providers
// <script src="mxn.js" ...
// no scripts will be loaded at all and it is then up to you to load the scripts independently
(function() {
	var providers = null;
	var modules = 'core';
	var scriptBase;
	var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');

	// Determine which scripts we need to load
	for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
		var match = scripts[i].src.replace(/%20/g , '').match(/^(.*?)mxn\.js(\?\(\[?(.*?)\]?\))?$/);
		if (match != null) {
			scriptBase = match[1];
			if (match[3]) {
				var settings = match[3].split(',[');
				providers = settings[0].replace(']' , '');
				if (settings[1]) modules += ',' + settings[1];

    if (providers == null || providers == 'none') return; // Bail out if no auto-load has been found
	providers = providers.replace(/ /g, '').split(',');
	modules = modules.replace(/ /g, '').split(',');

	// Actually load the scripts
	for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
	    document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + scriptBase + 'mxn.' + modules[i] + '.js' + "'></script>");
	    for (var j = 0; j < providers.length; j++) document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + scriptBase + 'mxn.' + providers[j] + '.' + modules[i] + '.js' + "'></script>");


// holds all our implementing functions
var apis = {};

// Our special private methods
 * Calls the API specific implementation of a particular method.
 * @private
var invoke = function(sApiId, sObjName, sFnName, oScope, args){
	if(!hasImplementation(sApiId, sObjName, sFnName)) {
		throw 'Method ' + sFnName + ' of object ' + sObjName + ' is not supported by API ' + sApiId + '. Are you missing a script tag?';
	return apis[sApiId][sObjName][sFnName].apply(oScope, args);

 * Determines whether the specified API provides an implementation for the
 * specified object and function name.
 * @private
var hasImplementation = function(sApiId, sObjName, sFnName){
	if(typeof(apis[sApiId]) == 'undefined') {
		throw 'API ' + sApiId + ' not loaded. Are you missing a script tag?';
	if(typeof(apis[sApiId][sObjName]) == 'undefined') {
		throw 'Object definition ' + sObjName + ' in API ' + sApiId + ' not loaded. Are you missing a script tag?';
	return typeof(apis[sApiId][sObjName][sFnName]) == 'function';

 * @name mxn
 * @namespace
var mxn = window.mxn = /** @lends mxn */ {

	 * Registers a set of provider specific implementation functions.
	 * @function
	 * @param {String} sApiId The API ID to register implementing functions for.
	 * @param {Object} oApiImpl An object containing the API implementation.
	register: function(sApiId, oApiImpl){
			apis[sApiId] = {};
		mxn.util.merge(apis[sApiId], oApiImpl);

	 * Adds a list of named proxy methods to the prototype of a
	 * specified constructor function.
	 * @function
	 * @param {Function} func Constructor function to add methods to
	 * @param {Array} aryMethods Array of method names to create
	 * @param {Boolean} bWithApiArg Optional. Whether the proxy methods will use an API argument
	addProxyMethods: function(func, aryMethods, bWithApiArg){
		for(var i = 0; i < aryMethods.length; i++) {
			var sMethodName = aryMethods[i];
				func.prototype[sMethodName] = new Function('return this.invoker.go(\'' + sMethodName + '\', arguments, { overrideApi: true } );');
			else {
				func.prototype[sMethodName] = new Function('return this.invoker.go(\'' + sMethodName + '\', arguments);');

	checkLoad: function(funcDetails){
		if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) {
			var scope = this;
			this.onload[this.api].push( function() { funcDetails.callee.apply(scope, funcDetails); } );
			return true;
		return false;

	 * Bulk add some named events to an object.
	 * @function
	 * @param {Object} oEvtSrc The event source object.
	 * @param {String[]} aEvtNames Event names to add.
	addEvents: function(oEvtSrc, aEvtNames){
		for(var i = 0; i < aEvtNames.length; i++){
			var sEvtName = aEvtNames[i];
			if(sEvtName in oEvtSrc){
				throw 'Event or method ' + sEvtName + ' already declared.';
			oEvtSrc[sEvtName] = new mxn.Event(sEvtName, oEvtSrc);


 * Instantiates a new Event
 * @constructor
 * @param {String} sEvtName The name of the event.
 * @param {Object} oEvtSource The source object of the event.
mxn.Event = function(sEvtName, oEvtSource){
	var handlers = [];
		throw 'Event name must be provided';
	 * Add a handler to the Event.
	 * @param {Function} fn The handler function.
	 * @param {Object} ctx The context of the handler function.
	this.addHandler = function(fn, ctx){
		handlers.push({context: ctx, handler: fn});
	 * Remove a handler from the Event.
	 * @param {Function} fn The handler function.
	 * @param {Object} ctx The context of the handler function.
	this.removeHandler = function(fn, ctx){
		for(var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++){
			if(handlers[i].handler == fn && handlers[i].context == ctx){
				handlers.splice(i, 1);
	 * Remove all handlers from the Event.
	this.removeAllHandlers = function(){
		handlers = [];
	 * Fires the Event.
	 * @param {Object} oEvtArgs Event arguments object to be passed to the handlers.
	this.fire = function(oEvtArgs){
		var args = [sEvtName, oEvtSource, oEvtArgs];
		for(var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++){
			handlers[i].handler.apply(handlers[i].context, args);

 * Creates a new Invoker, a class which helps with on-the-fly
 * invocation of the correct API methods.
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} aobj The core object whose methods will make cals to go()
 * @param {String} asClassName The name of the Mapstraction class to be invoked, normally the same name as aobj's constructor function
 * @param {Function} afnApiIdGetter The function on object aobj which will return the active API ID
mxn.Invoker = function(aobj, asClassName, afnApiIdGetter){
	var obj = aobj;
	var sClassName = asClassName;
	var fnApiIdGetter = afnApiIdGetter;
	var defOpts = {
		overrideApi: false, // {Boolean} API ID is overridden by value in first argument
		context: null, // {Object} Local vars can be passed from the body of the method to the API method within this object
		fallback: null // {Function} If an API implementation doesn't exist this function is run instead

	 * Invoke the API implementation of a specific method.
	 * @param {String} sMethodName The method name to invoke
	 * @param {Array} args Arguments to pass on
	 * @param {Object} oOptions Optional. Extra options for invocation
	 * @param {Boolean} oOptions.overrideApi When true the first argument is used as the API ID.
	 * @param {Object} oOptions.context A context object for passing extra information on to the provider implementation.
	 * @param {Function} oOptions.fallback A fallback function to run if the provider implementation is missing.
	this.go = function(sMethodName, args, oOptions){

		if(typeof(oOptions) == 'undefined'){
			oOptions = defOpts;

		var sApiId = oOptions.overrideApi ? args[0] : fnApiIdGetter.apply(obj);

		if(typeof(sApiId) != 'string'){
			throw 'API ID not available.';

		if(typeof(oOptions.context) != 'undefined' && oOptions.context !== null){
			// make sure args is an array
			args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(args);

		if(typeof(oOptions.fallback) == 'function' && !hasImplementation(sApiId, sClassName, sMethodName)){
			// we've got no implementation but have got a fallback function
			return oOptions.fallback.apply(obj, args);
		else {
			return invoke(sApiId, sClassName, sMethodName, obj, args);



 * @namespace
mxn.util = {

	 * Merges properties of one object into another recursively.
	 * @param {Object} oRecv The object receiveing properties
	 * @param {Object} oGive The object donating properties
	merge: function(oRecv, oGive){
		for (var sPropName in oGive){
			if (oGive.hasOwnProperty(sPropName)) {
					oRecv[sPropName] = oGive[sPropName];
				else {
					mxn.util.merge(oRecv[sPropName], oGive[sPropName]);

	 * $m, the dollar function, elegantising getElementById()
	 * @return An HTML element or array of HTML elements
	$m: function() {
		var elements = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
			var element = arguments[i];
			if (typeof(element) == 'string') {
				element = document.getElementById(element);
			if (arguments.length == 1) {
				return element;
		return elements;

	 * loadScript is a JSON data fetcher
	 * @param {String} src URL to JSON file
	 * @param {Function} callback Callback function
	loadScript: function(src, callback) {
		var script = document.createElement('script');
		script.type = 'text/javascript';
		script.src = src;
		if (callback) {
				script.addEventListener('load', callback, true);
			else if(script.attachEvent){
				var done = false;
					if ( !done && document.readyState === "complete" ) {
						done = true;
		var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
		h.appendChild( script );

	 * @param {Object} point
	 * @param {Object} level
	convertLatLonXY_Yahoo: function(point, level) { //Mercator
		var size = 1 << (26 - level);
		var pixel_per_degree = size / 360.0;
		var pixel_per_radian = size / (2 * Math.PI);
		var origin = new YCoordPoint(size / 2 , size / 2);
		var answer = new YCoordPoint();
		answer.x = Math.floor(origin.x + point.lon * pixel_per_degree);
		var sin = Math.sin(point.lat * Math.PI / 180.0);
		answer.y = Math.floor(origin.y + 0.5 * Math.log((1 + sin) / (1 - sin)) * -pixel_per_radian);
		return answer;

	 * Load a stylesheet from a remote file.
	 * @param {String} href URL to the CSS file
	loadStyle: function(href) {
		var link = document.createElement('link');
		link.type = 'text/css';
		link.rel = 'stylesheet';
		link.href = href;

	 * getStyle provides cross-browser access to css
	 * @param {Object} el HTML Element
	 * @param {String} prop Style property name
	getStyle: function(el, prop) {
		var y;
		if (el.currentStyle) {
			y = el.currentStyle[prop];
		else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
			y = window.getComputedStyle( el, '').getPropertyValue(prop);
		return y;

	 * Convert longitude to metres
	 * http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/UsefulData/UTMFormulas.HTM
	 * "A degree of longitude at the equator is 111.2km... For other latitudes,
	 * multiply by cos(lat)"
	 * assumes the earth is a sphere but good enough for our purposes
	 * @param {Float} lon
	 * @param {Float} lat
	lonToMetres: function(lon, lat) {
		return lon * (111200 * Math.cos(lat * (Math.PI / 180)));

	 * Convert metres to longitude
	 * @param {Object} m
	 * @param {Object} lat
	metresToLon: function(m, lat) {
		return m / (111200 * Math.cos(lat * (Math.PI / 180)));

	 * Convert kilometres to miles
	 * @param {Float} km
	 * @returns {Float} miles
	KMToMiles: function(km) {
		return km / 1.609344;

	 * Convert miles to kilometres
	 * @param {Float} miles
	 * @returns {Float} km
	milesToKM: function(miles) {
		return miles * 1.609344;

	 * @param {Object} number
	 * @param {Object} base
	logN: function(number, base) {
		return Math.log(number) / Math.log(base);

	 * Returns array of loaded provider apis
	 * @returns {Array} providers
	getAvailableProviders : function () {
		var providers = [];
		for (var propertyName in apis){
			if (apis.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
		return providers;


 * Class for converting between HTML and RGB integer color formats.
 * Accepts either a HTML color string argument or three integers for R, G and B.
 * @constructor
mxn.util.Color = function() {
	if(arguments.length == 3) {
		this.red = arguments[0];
		this.green = arguments[1];
		this.blue = arguments[2];
	else if(arguments.length == 1) {

mxn.util.Color.prototype.reHex = /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/;

 * Set the color from the supplied HTML hex string.
 * @param {String} strHexColor A HTML hex color string e.g. '#00FF88'.
mxn.util.Color.prototype.setHexColor = function(strHexColor) {
	var match = strHexColor.match(this.reHex);
	if(match) {
		strHexColor = match[1];
	else {
		throw 'Invalid HEX color format, expected #000, 000, #000000 or 000000';
	if(strHexColor.length == 3) {
		strHexColor = strHexColor.replace(/\w/g, function(str){return str.concat(str);});
	this.red = parseInt(strHexColor.substr(0,2), 16);
	this.green = parseInt(strHexColor.substr(2,2), 16);
	this.blue = parseInt(strHexColor.substr(4,2), 16);

 * Retrieve the color value as an HTML hex string.
 * @returns {String} Format '00FF88' - note no preceding #.
mxn.util.Color.prototype.getHexColor = function() {
	var vals = [this.red.toString(16), this.green.toString(16), this.blue.toString(16)];
	for(var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
		vals[i] = (vals[i].length == 1) ? '0' + vals[i] : vals[i];
		vals[i] = vals[i].toUpperCase();
	return vals.join('');
