#!/usr/bin/env php . /** * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../..')); $longoptions = array('all', 'suspicious', 'quiet'); $helptext = <<isGroup()) { echo "group\n"; } else { $profile = $oprofile->localProfile(); foreach (array('nickname', 'fullname', 'bio', 'homepage', 'location') as $field) { print " $field: {$profile->$field}\n"; } } echo "\n"; } function fixProfile(Ostatus_profile $oprofile) { echo "Before:\n"; showProfileInfo($oprofile); $feedurl = $oprofile->feeduri; $client = new HTTPClient(); $response = $client->get($feedurl); if ($response->isOk()) { echo "Updating profile from feed: $feedurl\n"; $dom = new DOMDocument(); if ($dom->loadXML($response->getBody())) { if ($dom->documentElement->tagName !== 'feed') { echo " (no element in feed URL response; skipping)\n"; return false; } $actorObj = ActivityUtils::getFeedAuthor($dom->documentElement); if ($actorObj) { $oprofile->updateFromActivityObject($actorObj); echo " (ok)\n"; } else { echo " (no author on feed; skipping)\n"; return false; } } else { echo " (bad feed; skipping)\n"; return false; } } else { echo "Failed feed fetch: {$response->getStatus()} for $feedurl\n"; return false; } echo "After:\n"; showProfileInfo($oprofile); return true; } $ok = true; $validate = new Validate(); if (have_option('all')) { $oprofile = new Ostatus_profile(); $oprofile->find(); echo "Found $oprofile->N profiles:\n\n"; while ($oprofile->fetch()) { try { $ok = fixProfile($oprofile) && $ok; } catch (Exception $e) { $ok = false; echo "Failed on URI=="._ve($oprofile->uri).": {$e->getMessage()}\n"; } } } elseif (have_option('suspicious')) { $oprofile = new Ostatus_profile(); $oprofile->joinAdd(['profile_id', 'profile:id']); $oprofile->whereAdd("CHAR_LENGTH(nickname) = 1 AND nickname BETWEEN '0' AND '9'"); $oprofile->find(); echo "Found $oprofile->N matching profiles:\n\n"; while ($oprofile->fetch()) { try { $ok = fixProfile($oprofile) && $ok; } catch (Exception $e) { $ok = false; echo "Failed on URI=="._ve($oprofile->uri).": {$e->getMessage()}\n"; } } } elseif (!empty($args[0]) && $validate->uri($args[0])) { $uri = $args[0]; $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('uri', $uri); if (!$oprofile instanceof Ostatus_profile) { print "No OStatus remote profile known for URI $uri\n"; return false; } try { $ok = fixProfile($oprofile) && $ok; } catch (Exception $e) { $ok = false; echo "Failed on URI=="._ve($oprofile->uri).": {$e->getMessage()}\n"; } } else { print "$helptext"; $ok = false; } exit($ok ? 0 : 1);