. // }}} namespace Plugin\Oomox\Controller; use App\Core\Cache; use App\Core\DB\DB; use App\Core\Event; use App\Core\Form; use App\Util\Exception\ClientException; use App\Util\Exception\NotFoundException; use App\Util\Formatting; use http\Client\Curl\User; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use function App\Core\I18n\_m; use App\Util\Common; use App\Util\Exception\RedirectException; use App\Util\Exception\ServerException; use Plugin\Oomox\Entity; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ColorType; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\HiddenType; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; /** * Oomox controller * * @package GNUsocial * @category Oomox * * @author Eliseu Amaro * @copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ class Oomox { /** * Change theme colours * * @throws RedirectException * @throws ServerException * @throws \App\Util\Exception\NoLoggedInUser */ public static function oomoxSettings(Request $request): array { $user = Common::ensureLoggedIn(); $actor_id = $user->getId(); $current_oomox_settings = DB::find('profile_color', ['actor_id' => $actor_id]); $form = Form::create([ ['colour_foreground', ColorType::class, [ 'html5' => true, 'data' => $current_oomox_settings?->getColourForeground(), 'label' => _m('Foreground colour'), 'help' => _m('Choose the foreground colour'), ], ], ['colour_background_hard', ColorType::class, [ 'html5' => true, 'data' => $current_oomox_settings?->getColourBackgroundHard(), 'label' => _m('Background colour'), 'help' => _m('Choose the background colour'), ], ], ['colour_background_card', ColorType::class, [ 'html5' => true, 'data' => $current_oomox_settings?->getColourBackgroundCard(), 'label' => _m('Card background colour'), 'help' => _m('Choose the card background colour'), ], ], ['colour_border', ColorType::class, [ 'html5' => true, 'data' => $current_oomox_settings?->getColourBorder(), 'label' => _m('Border colour'), 'help' => _m('Choose colour of borders'), ], ], ['colour_accent', ColorType::class, [ 'html5' => true, 'data' => $current_oomox_settings?->getColourAccent(), 'label' => _m('Accent colour'), 'help' => _m('Choose the accent colour'), ], ], ['colour_shadow', ColorType::class, [ 'html5' => true, 'data' => $current_oomox_settings?->getColourShadow(), 'label' => _m('Shadow colour'), 'help' => _m('Choose color of shadows'), ], ], ['hidden', HiddenType::class, []], ['save_oomox_colours', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Submit')]], ]); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { if ($current_oomox_settings !== null) { DB::remove($current_oomox_settings); DB::flush(); } $data = $form->getData(); $current_oomox_settings = Entity\Oomox::create( [ 'actor_id' => $actor_id, 'colour_foreground' => $data['colour_foreground'], 'colour_background_hard' => $data['colour_background_hard'], 'colour_background_card' => $data['colour_background_card'], 'colour_border' => $data['colour_border'], 'colour_accent' => $data['colour_accent'], 'colour_shadow' => $data['colour_shadow'], ] ); DB::merge($current_oomox_settings); DB::flush(); Cache::set(\Plugin\Oomox\Oomox::cacheKey($user), $current_oomox_settings); throw new RedirectException(); } return ['_template' => 'oomox/oomoxSettings.html.twig', 'oomox' => $form->createView()]; } public function oomoxCSS() { $user = Common::ensureLoggedIn(); $actor_id = $user->getId(); try { $oomox_table = Cache::get("oomox-css-{$actor_id}", fn() => DB::findOneBy('oomox', ['actor_id' => $actor_id])); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { throw new ClientException(_m('No custom colours defined.'),404, $e); } $content = Formatting::twigRenderFile('/oomox/root_override.css.twig', ['oomox' => $oomox_table]); return new Response($content, status: 200, headers: ['content-type' => 'text/css']); } }