PasswordType::class, 'first_options' => [ 'label' => _m('Password'), 'constraints' => [ new NotBlank(['message' => _m('Please enter a password')]), new Length(['min' => Common::config('password', 'min_length'), 'minMessage' => _m(['Your password should be at least # characters'], ['count' => Common::config('password', 'min_length')]), 'max' => Common::config('password', 'max_length'), 'maxMessage' => _m(['Your password should be at most # characters'], ['count' => Common::config('password', 'max_length')]), ]), ], ], 'second_options' => [ 'label' => _m('Repeat Password'), ], 'mapped' => false, 'invalid_message' => _m('The password fields must match'), ], ]; } public static function password() { ['password', PasswordType::class, [ 'label' => _m('Password'), 'mapped' => false, 'constraints' => [ new NotBlank(['message' => _m('Please enter a password')]), new Length(['min' => Common::config('password', 'min_length'), 'minMessage' => _m(['Your password should be at least # characters'], ['count' => Common::config('password', 'min_length')]), 'max' => Common::config('password', 'max_length'), 'maxMessage' => _m(['Your password should be at most # characters'], ['count' => Common::config('password', 'max_length')]), ]), ], ], ]; } }