Enter your username into this form to log in to this server. It can be anything; this is just for demonstration purposes. For example, entering USERNAME will give you the identity URL
%s'); define('login_needed_pat', 'You must be logged in as %s to approve this request.'); function login_render($errors=null, $input=null, $needed=null) { $current_user = getLoggedInUser(); if ($input === null) { $input = $current_user; } if ($needed) { $errors[] = sprintf(login_needed_pat, link_render($needed)); } $esc_input = htmlspecialchars($input, ENT_QUOTES); $login_url = buildURL('login', true); $body = sprintf(login_form_pat, idURL('USERNAME'), $login_url, $esc_input); if ($errors) { $body = loginError_render($errors) . $body; } return page_render($body, $current_user, 'Log In', null, true); } function loginError_render($errors) { $text = ''; foreach ($errors as $error) { $text .= sprintf("