. // }}} /** * Dynamic router loader and URLMapper interface atop Symfony's router * * Converts a path into a set of parameters, and vice versa * * @package GNUsocial * @category URL * * @author Hugo Sales * @copyright 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ namespace App\Core\Router; use App\Core\Event; use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\Loader; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection; class RouteLoader extends Loader { private RouteCollection $rc; /** * Route loading entry point, called from `config/routes.php` * * Must conform to symfony's interface, but the $resource is unused * and $type must not be null */ public function load($resource, ?string $type = null): RouteCollection { $this->rc = new RouteCollection(); $route_files = glob(INSTALLDIR . '/src/Routes/*.php'); $to_load = []; foreach ($route_files as $file) { require_once $file; $ns = '\\App\\Routes\\' . basename($file, '.php'); if (\defined("{$ns}::LOAD_ORDER")) { $to_load[$ns::LOAD_ORDER] = $ns; } else { $to_load[] = $ns; } } ksort($to_load); foreach ($to_load as $ns) { $ns::load($this); } Event::handle('AddRoute', [&$this]); // Sort routes so that whichever route has the smallest accept option matches first, as it's more specific // This requires a copy, sadly, as it doesn't seem to be possible to modify the collection in-place // However, this is fine since this gets cached $it = $this->rc->getIterator(); $it->uasort(fn (Route $left, Route $right) => \count($left->getDefaults()['accept']) <=> \count($right->getDefaults()['accept'])); $this->rc = new RouteCollection(); foreach ($it as $id => $route) { $this->rc->add($id, $route); } return $this->rc; } /** * Connect a route to a controller * * @param string $id Route unique id, used to generate urls, for instance * @param string $uri_path Path, possibly with {param}s * @param mixed $target Some kind of callable, typically class with `__invoke` or [object, method] * @param null|array $param_reqs Array of {param} => regex * @param null|array $options Possible keys are ['condition', 'defaults', 'format', * 'fragment', 'http-methods', 'locale', 'methods', 'schemes', 'accept', 'is_system_path'] * 'http-methods' and 'methods' are aliases */ public function connect(string $id, string $uri_path, $target, ?array $options = [], ?array $param_reqs = []) { $this->rc->add( $id, new Route( // path -- URI path path: $uri_path, // defaults = [] -- param default values, // and special configuration options defaults: array_merge( [ '_controller' => \is_array($target) ? $target : [$target, '__invoke'], '_format' => $options['format'] ?? 'html', '_fragment' => $options['fragment'] ?? '', '_locale' => $options['locale'] ?? 'en', 'template' => $options['template'] ?? '', 'accept' => $options['accept'] ?? [], 'is_system_path' => $options['is_system_path'] ?? true, ], $options['defaults'] ?? [], ), // requirements = [] -- param => regex requirements: $param_reqs, // options = [] -- possible keys: compiler_class:, utf8 // No need for a special compiler class for now, // Enforce UTF8 options: ['utf8' => true], // host = '' -- hostname (subdomain, for instance) to match, // we don't want this host: '', // schemes = [] -- URI schemes (https, ftp and such) schemes: $options['schemes'] ?? [], // methods = [] -- HTTP methods methods: $options['http-methods'] ?? $options['methods'] ?? [], // condition = '' -- Symfony condition expression, // see https://symfony.com/doc/current/routing.html#matching-expressions condition: isset($options['accept']) ? "request.headers.get('Accept') in " . json_encode($options['accept']) : ($options['condition'] ?? ''), ), ); } /** * Whether this loader supports loading this route type * Passed the arguments from the `RoutingConfigurator::import` call from * `config/routes.php` * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function supports($resource, ?string $type = null): bool { return 'GNUsocial' === $type; } }