<?php /** * URL parser and mapper * * PHP version 5 * * LICENSE: * * Copyright (c) 2006, Bertrand Mansion <golgote@mamasam.com> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @category Net * @package Net_URL_Mapper * @author Bertrand Mansion <golgote@mamasam.com> * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version CVS: $Id: Path.plex 283937 2009-07-12 11:37:21Z mansion $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Net_URL_Mapper */ require_once 'Net/URL/Mapper/Part/Dynamic.php'; require_once 'Net/URL/Mapper/Part/Wildcard.php'; require_once 'Net/URL/Mapper/Part/Fixed.php'; class Net_URL_Mapper_Path { private $path = ''; private $N = 0; public $token; public $value; private $line = 1; private $state = 1; protected $alias; protected $rules = array(); protected $defaults = array(); protected $parts = array(); protected $rule; protected $format; protected $minKeys; protected $maxKeys; protected $fixed = true; protected $required; public function __construct($path = '', $defaults = array(), $rules = array()) { $this->path = '/'.trim(Net_URL::resolvePath($path), '/'); $this->setDefaults($defaults); $this->setRules($rules); try { $this->parsePath(); } catch (Exception $e) { // The path could not be parsed correctly, treat it as fixed $this->fixed = true; $part = self::createPart(Net_URL_Mapper_Part::FIXED, $this->path, $this->path); $this->parts = array($part); } $this->getRequired(); } /** * Called when the object is serialized * Make sure we do not store too much info when the object is serialized * and call the regular expressions generator functions so that they will * not need to be generated again on wakeup. * * @return array Name of properties to store when serialized */ public function __sleep() { $this->getFormat(); $this->getRule(); return array('alias', 'path', 'defaults', 'rule', 'format', 'parts', 'minKeys', 'maxKeys', 'fixed', 'required'); } public function getPath() { return $this->path; } protected function parsePath() { while ($this->yylex()) { } } /** * Get the path alias * Path aliases can be used instead of full path * @return null|string */ public function getAlias() { return $this->alias; } /** * Set the path name * @param string Set the path name * @see getAlias() */ public function setAlias($alias) { $this->alias = $alias; return $this; } /** * Get the path parts default values * @return null|array */ public function getDefaults() { return $this->defaults; } /** * Set the path parts default values * @param array Associative array with format partname => value */ public function setDefaults($defaults) { if (is_array($defaults)) { $this->defaults = $defaults; } else { $this->defaults = array(); } } /** * Set the path parts default values * @param array Associative array with format partname => value */ public function setRules($rules) { if (is_array($rules)) { $this->rules = $rules; } else { $this->rules = array(); } } /** * Returns the regular expression used to match this path * @return string PERL Regular expression */ public function getRule() { if (is_null($this->rule)) { $this->rule = '/^'; foreach ($this->parts as $path => $part) { $this->rule .= $part->getRule(); } $this->rule .= '$/'; } return $this->rule; } public function getFormat() { if (is_null($this->format)) { $this->format = '/^'; foreach ($this->parts as $path => $part) { $this->format .= $part->getFormat(); } $this->format .= '$/'; } return $this->format; } protected function addPart($part) { if (array_key_exists($part->content, $this->defaults)) { $part->setRequired(false); $part->setDefaults($this->defaults[$part->content]); } if (isset($this->rules[$part->content])) { $part->setRule($this->rules[$part->content]); } $this->rule = null; if ($part->getType() != Net_URL_Mapper_Part::FIXED) { $this->fixed = false; $this->parts[$part->content] = $part; } else { $this->parts[] = $part; } return $part; } public static function createPart($type, $content, $path) { switch ($type) { case Net_URL_Mapper_Part::DYNAMIC: return new Net_URL_Mapper_Part_Dynamic($content, $path); break; case Net_URL_Mapper_Part::WILDCARD: return new Net_URL_Mapper_Part_Wildcard($content, $path); break; default: return new Net_URL_Mapper_Part_Fixed($content, $path); } } /** * Checks whether the path contains the given part by name * If value parameter is given, the part also checks if the * given value conforms to the part rule. * @param string Part name * @param mixed The value to check against */ public function hasKey($partName, $value = null) { if (array_key_exists($partName, $this->parts)) { if (!is_null($value) && $value !== false) { return $this->parts[$partName]->match($value); } else { return true; } } elseif (array_key_exists($partName, $this->defaults) && $value == $this->defaults[$partName]) { return true; } return false; } public function generate($values = array(), $qstring = array(), $anchor = '') { $path = ''; foreach ($this->parts as $part) { $path .= $part->generate($values); } $path = '/'.trim(Net_URL::resolvePath($path), '/'); if (!empty($qstring)) { $path .= '?'.http_build_query($qstring); } if (!empty($anchor)) { $path .= '#'.ltrim($anchor, '#'); } return $path; } public function getRequired() { if (!isset($this->required)) { $req = array(); foreach ($this->parts as $part) { if ($part->isRequired()) { $req[] = $part->content; } } $this->required = $req; } return $this->required; } public function getMaxKeys() { if (is_null($this->maxKeys)) { $this->maxKeys = count($this->required); $this->maxKeys += count($this->defaults); } return $this->maxKeys; } /*!lex2php %input $this->path %counter $this->N %token $this->token %value $this->value %line $this->line static = /\/?([^\/:\*]+)/ variable = /([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/ dynamic = /\/?:/ wildcard = @/?\*@ grouping = /\/?\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)/ */ /*!lex2php %statename START dynamic grouping { $c = $yy_subpatterns[0]; $part = self::createPart(Net_URL_Mapper_Part::DYNAMIC, $c, $this->value); $this->addPart($part); } wildcard grouping { $c = $yy_subpatterns[0]; $part = self::createPart(Net_URL_Mapper_Part::WILDCARD, $c, $this->value); $this->addPart($part); } dynamic variable { $c = $yy_subpatterns[0]; $part = self::createPart(Net_URL_Mapper_Part::DYNAMIC, $c, $this->value); $this->addPart($part); } wildcard variable { $c = $yy_subpatterns[0]; $part = self::createPart(Net_URL_Mapper_Part::WILDCARD, $c, $this->value); $this->addPart($part); } static { $c = $yy_subpatterns[0]; $part = self::createPart(Net_URL_Mapper_Part::FIXED, $c, $this->value); $this->addPart($part); } */ } ?>