<?php /** * Phergie * * PHP version 5 * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://phergie.org/license * * @category Phergie * @package Phergie_Tests * @author Phergie Development Team <team@phergie.org> * @copyright 2008-2010 Phergie Development Team (http://phergie.org) * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Tests */ /** * Unit test suite for Pherge_Connection. * * @category Phergie * @package Phergie_Tests * @author Phergie Development Team <team@phergie.org> * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Tests */ class Phergie_ConnectionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * Associative array containing an option-to-value mapping * * @var array */ private $options = array( 'host' => 'example.com', 'port' => 4080, 'transport' => 'udp', 'encoding' => 'ASCII', 'nick' => 'MyNick', 'username' => 'MyUsername', 'realname' => 'MyRealName', 'password' => 'MyPassword', ); /** * Data provider for testGetOptionReturnsDefault(). * * @return array Enumerated array of enumerated arrays each containing a * set of parameters for a single call to * testGetOptionReturnsDefault() */ public function dataProviderTestGetOptionReturnsDefault() { return array( array('transport', 'tcp'), array('encoding', 'ISO-8859-1'), array('port', 6667), array('password', null), ); } /** * Tests that a default values are used for some options. * * @param string $option Name of the option with a default value * @param mixed $value Default value of the option * * @return void * @dataProvider dataProviderTestGetOptionReturnsDefault */ public function testGetOptionReturnsDefault($option, $value) { $connection = new Phergie_Connection; $this->assertEquals($value, $connection->{'get' . ucfirst($option)}()); } /** * Tests that a default encoding is used if one isn't specified. * * @return void */ public function testGetEncodingReturnsDefault() { $connection = new Phergie_Connection; $this->assertEquals('ISO-8859-1', $connection->getEncoding()); } /** * Tests that options can be set via the constructor. * * @return void */ public function testSetOptionsViaConstructor() { $connection = new Phergie_Connection($this->options); foreach ($this->options as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $connection->{'get' . ucfirst($key)}()); } } /** * Data provider for testGetHostmaskMissingDataGeneratesException(). * * @return array Enumerated array of enumerated arrays each containing a * set of parameters for a single call to * testGetHostmaskMissingDataGeneratesException() */ public function dataProviderTestGetHostmaskMissingDataGeneratesException() { return array( array(null, $this->options['username'], $this->options['host']), array($this->options['nick'], null, $this->options['host']), array($this->options['nick'], $this->options['username'], null), ); } /** * Tests that attempting to retrieve a hostmask without option values * for all of its constituents generates an exception. * * @param string $nick Bot nick * @param string $username Bot username * @param string $host Server hostname * * @return void * @dataProvider dataProviderTestGetHostmaskMissingDataGeneratesException */ public function testGetHostmaskMissingDataGeneratesException($nick, $username, $host) { $options = array( 'nick' => $nick, 'username' => $username, 'host' => $host, ); $connection = new Phergie_Connection($options); try { $hostmask = $connection->getHostmask(); $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown'); } catch (Phergie_Connection_Exception $e) { return; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected exception was thrown'); } } /** * Tests that attempting to retrieve a hostmask with all required * options is successful. * * @return void */ public function testGetHostmaskWithValidData() { $options = array( 'nick' => 'MyNick', 'username' => 'MyUsername', 'host' => 'example.com' ); $connection = new Phergie_Connection($options); $hostmask = $connection->getHostmask(); $this->assertType('Phergie_Hostmask', $hostmask); } /** * Data provider for testGetRequiredOptionsWithoutValuesSet(). * * @return array Enumerated array of enumerated arrays each containing a * set of parameters for a single call to * testGetRequiredOptionsWithoutValuesSet() */ public function dataProviderTestGetRequiredOptionsWithoutValuesSet() { return array( array('host'), array('nick'), array('username'), array('realname'), ); } /** * Tests that attempting to retrieve values of required options when no * values are set results in an exception. * * @param string $option Option name * * @return void * @dataProvider dataProviderTestGetRequiredOptionsWithoutValuesSet */ public function testGetRequiredOptionsWithoutValuesSet($option) { try { $connection = new Phergie_Connection; $value = $connection->{'get' . ucfirst($option)}(); $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown'); } catch (Phergie_Connection_Exception $e) { return; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected exception was thrown'); } } /** * Tests that attempting to set an invalid value for the transport * results in an exception. * * @return void */ public function testSetTransportWithInvalidValue() { $connection = new Phergie_Connection; try { $connection->setTransport('blah'); $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown'); } catch (Phergie_Connection_Exception $e) { return; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected exception was thrown'); } } /** * Tests that attempting to set an invalid value for the encoding * results in an exception. * * @return void */ public function testSetEncodingWithInvalidValue() { $connection = new Phergie_Connection; try { $connection->setEncoding('blah'); $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown'); } catch (Phergie_Connection_Exception $e) { return; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected exception was thrown'); } } /** * Tests that options can be set collectively after the connection is * instantiated. * * @return void */ public function testSetOptions() { $connection = new Phergie_Connection; $connection->setOptions($this->options); foreach ($this->options as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $connection->{'get' . ucfirst($key)}()); } } }