// identica badge -- updated to work with the native API, 12-4-2008 // Modified to point to Identi.ca, 2-20-2009 by Zach // copyright Kent Brewster 2008 // see http://kentbrewster.com/identica-badge for info ( function() { var trueName = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { trueName += String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + 97); } window[trueName] = {}; var $ = window[trueName]; $.f = function() { return { runFunction : [], init : function(target) { var theScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT'); for (var i = 0; i < theScripts.length; i++) { if (theScripts[i].src.match(target)) { $.a = {}; if (theScripts[i].innerHTML) { $.a = $.f.parseJson(theScripts[i].innerHTML); } if ($.a.err) { alert('bad json!'); } $.f.loadDefaults(); $.f.buildStructure(); $.f.buildPresentation(); theScripts[i].parentNode.insertBefore($.s, theScripts[i]); theScripts[i].parentNode.removeChild(theScripts[i]); break; } } }, parseJson : function(json) { this.parseJson.data = json; if ( typeof json !== 'string') { return {"err":"trying to parse a non-string JSON object"}; 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