int('page') ?: 1; $lang = $this->string('lang'); $results = Cache::pagedStream( key: $key, query: $query, query_args: ['canon' => $canon_single_or_multi], actor: $actor, page: $page, ); return [ '_template' => $template, 'tag_name' => $tag_single_or_multi, 'results' => $results, 'page' => $page, ]; } public function single_note_tag(string $canon) { return $this->process( canon_single_or_multi: $canon, tag_single_or_multi: $this->string('tag'), key: CompTag::cacheKeys($canon)['note_single'], query: 'select n from note n join note_tag nt with = nt.note_id where nt.canonical = :canon order by nt.created DESC, nt.note_id DESC', template: 'note_tag_feed.html.twig', ); } public function multi_note_tags(string $canons) { return $this->process( canon_single_or_multi: explode(',', $canons), tag_single_or_multi: !\is_null($this->string('tags')) ? explode(',', $this->string('tags')) : null, key: CompTag::cacheKeys(str_replace(',', '-', $canons))['note_multi'], query: 'select n from note n join note_tag nt with = nt.note_id where nt.canonical in (:canon) order by nt.created DESC, nt.note_id DESC', template: 'note_tag_feed.html.twig', ); } public function single_actor_tag(string $canon) { return $this->process( canon_single_or_multi: $canon, tag_single_or_multi: $this->string('tag'), key: CompTag::cacheKeys($canon)['actor_single'], query: 'select a from actor a join actor_tag at with = at.tagged where at.canonical = :canon order by at.modified DESC', template: 'actor_tag_feed.html.twig', ); } public function multi_actor_tag(string $canons) { return $this->process( canon_single_or_multi: explode(',', $canons), tag_single_or_multi: !\is_null($this->string('tags')) ? explode(',', $this->string('tags')) : null, key: CompTag::cacheKeys(str_replace(',', '-', $canons))['actor_multi'], query: 'select a from actor a join actor_tag at with = at.tagged where at.canonical = :canon order by at.modified DESC', template: 'actor_tag_feed.html.twig', ); } }