<?php /* * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2009, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** * @package FeedSubPlugin * @maintainer Brion Vibber <brion@status.net> */ if (!defined('STATUSNET') && !defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); } class FeedSubSettingsAction extends ConnectSettingsAction { protected $feedurl; protected $preview; protected $munger; /** * Title of the page * * @return string Title of the page */ function title() { return _m('Feed subscriptions'); } /** * Instructions for use * * @return instructions for use */ function getInstructions() { return _m('You can subscribe to feeds from other sites; ' . 'updates will appear in your personal timeline.'); } /** * Content area of the page * * Shows a form for associating a Twitter account with this * StatusNet account. Also lets the user set preferences. * * @return void */ function showContent() { $user = common_current_user(); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $fuser = null; $flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($user->id, FEEDSUB_SERVICE); if (!empty($flink)) { $fuser = $flink->getForeignUser(); } $this->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post', 'id' => 'form_settings_feedsub', 'class' => 'form_settings', 'action' => common_local_url('feedsubsettings'))); $this->hidden('token', common_session_token()); $this->elementStart('fieldset', array('id' => 'settings_feeds')); $this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); $this->elementStart('li', array('id' => 'settings_twitter_login_button')); $this->input('feedurl', _('Feed URL'), $this->feedurl, _('Enter the URL of a PubSubHubbub-enabled feed')); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementEnd('ul'); if ($this->preview) { $this->submit('subscribe', _m('Subscribe')); } else { $this->submit('validate', _m('Continue')); } $this->elementEnd('fieldset'); $this->elementEnd('form'); if ($this->preview) { $this->previewFeed(); } } /** * Handle posts to this form * * Based on the button that was pressed, muxes out to other functions * to do the actual task requested. * * All sub-functions reload the form with a message -- success or failure. * * @return void */ function handlePost() { // CSRF protection $token = $this->trimmed('token'); if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) { $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. '. 'Try again, please.')); return; } if ($this->arg('validate')) { $this->validateAndPreview(); } else if ($this->arg('subscribe')) { $this->saveFeed(); } else { $this->showForm(_('Unexpected form submission.')); } } /** * Set up and add a feed * * @return boolean true if feed successfully read * Sends you back to input form if not. */ function validateFeed() { $feedurl = trim($this->arg('feedurl')); if ($feedurl == '') { $this->showForm(_m('Empty feed URL!')); return; } $this->feedurl = $feedurl; // Get the canonical feed URI and check it try { $discover = new FeedDiscovery(); $uri = $discover->discoverFromURL($feedurl); } catch (FeedSubBadURLException $e) { $this->showForm(_m('Invalid URL or could not reach server.')); return false; } catch (FeedSubBadResponseException $e) { $this->showForm(_m('Cannot read feed; server returned error.')); return false; } catch (FeedSubEmptyException $e) { $this->showForm(_m('Cannot read feed; server returned an empty page.')); return false; } catch (FeedSubBadHTMLException $e) { $this->showForm(_m('Bad HTML, could not find feed link.')); return false; } catch (FeedSubNoFeedException $e) { $this->showForm(_m('Could not find a feed linked from this URL.')); return false; } catch (FeedSubUnrecognizedTypeException $e) { $this->showForm(_m('Not a recognized feed type.')); return false; } catch (FeedSubException $e) { // Any new ones we forgot about $this->showForm(_m('Bad feed URL.')); return false; } $this->munger = $discover->feedMunger(); $this->feedinfo = $this->munger->feedInfo(); if ($this->feedinfo->huburi == '') { $this->showForm(_m('Feed is not PuSH-enabled; cannot subscribe.')); return false; } return true; } function saveFeed() { if ($this->validateFeed()) { $this->preview = true; $this->feedinfo = Feedinfo::ensureProfile($this->munger); // If not already in use, subscribe to updates via the hub if ($this->feedinfo->sub_start) { common_log(LOG_INFO, __METHOD__ . ": double the fun! new sub for {$this->feedinfo->feeduri} last subbed {$this->feedinfo->sub_start}"); } else { $ok = $this->feedinfo->subscribe(); common_log(LOG_INFO, __METHOD__ . ": sub was $ok"); if (!$ok) { $this->showForm(_m('Feed subscription failed! Bad response from hub.')); return; } } // And subscribe the current user to the local profile $user = common_current_user(); $profile = $this->feedinfo->getProfile(); if ($user->isSubscribed($profile)) { $this->showForm(_m('Already subscribed!')); } elseif ($user->subscribeTo($profile)) { $this->showForm(_m('Feed subscribed!')); } else { $this->showForm(_m('Feed subscription failed!')); } } } function validateAndPreview() { if ($this->validateFeed()) { $this->preview = true; $this->showForm(_m('Previewing feed:')); } } function previewFeed() { $feedinfo = $this->munger->feedinfo(); $notice = $this->munger->notice(0, true); // preview if ($notice) { $this->element('b', null, 'Preview of latest post from this feed:'); $item = new NoticeList($notice, $this); $item->show(); } else { $this->element('b', null, 'No posts in this feed yet.'); } } function showScripts() { parent::showScripts(); $this->autofocus('feedurl'); } }