#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); $shortoptions = 'b:g:j:n:t:u:w:x:z:'; $longoptions = array( 'subscriptions=', 'groups=', 'joins=', 'notices=', 'tags=', 'users=', 'words=', 'prefix=', 'groupprefix=', 'faves=' ); $helptext = <<<END_OF_CREATESIM_HELP Creates a lot of test users and notices to (loosely) simulate a real server. -b --subscriptions Average subscriptions per user (default no. users/20) -g --groups Number of groups (default 20) -j --joins Number of groups per user (default 5) -f --faves Number of faves per user (default notices/10) -n --notices Average notices per user (default 100) -t --tags Number of distinct hash tags (default 10000) -u --users Number of users (default 100) -w --words Words file (default '/usr/share/dict/words') -x --prefix User name prefix (default 'testuser') -z --groupprefix Group name prefix (default 'testgroup') END_OF_CREATESIM_HELP; require_once INSTALLDIR.'/scripts/commandline.inc'; // XXX: make these command-line options function newUser($i) { global $userprefix; $user = User::register(array('nickname' => sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $i), 'password' => sprintf('password%d', $i), 'fullname' => sprintf('Test User %d', $i))); if (!empty($user)) { $user->free(); } } function newGroup($i, $j) { global $groupprefix; global $userprefix; // Pick a random user to be the admin $n = rand(0, max($j - 1, 0)); $user = User::getKV('nickname', sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $n)); $group = User_group::register(array('nickname' => sprintf('%s%d', $groupprefix, $i), 'local' => true, 'userid' => $user->id, 'fullname' => sprintf('Test Group %d', $i))); } function newNotice($i, $tagmax) { global $userprefix; $options = array('scope' => Notice::defaultScope()); $n = rand(0, $i - 1); $user = User::getKV('nickname', sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $n)); $is_reply = rand(0, 1); $content = testNoticeContent(); if ($is_reply == 0) { $stream = new InboxNoticeStream($user, $user->getProfile()); $notices = $stream->getNotices(0, 20); if ($notices->N > 0) { $nval = rand(0, $notices->N - 1); $notices->fetch(); // go to 0th for ($i = 0; $i < $nval; $i++) { $notices->fetch(); } $options['reply_to'] = $notices->id; $dont_use_nickname = rand(0, 2); if ($dont_use_nickname != 0) { $rprofile = $notices->getProfile(); $content = "@".$rprofile->nickname." ".$content; } $private_to_addressees = rand(0, 4); if ($private_to_addressees == 0) { $options['scope'] |= Notice::ADDRESSEE_SCOPE; } } } else { $is_directed = rand(0, 4); if ($is_directed == 0) { $subs = $user->getSubscriptions(0, 100)->fetchAll(); if (count($subs) > 0) { $seen = array(); $f = rand(0, 9); if ($f <= 6) { $addrs = 1; } else if ($f <= 8) { $addrs = 2; } else { $addrs = 3; } for ($m = 0; $m < $addrs; $m++) { $x = rand(0, count($subs) - 1); if ($seen[$x]) { continue; } if ($subs[$x]->id == $user->id) { continue; } $seen[$x] = true; $rprofile = $subs[$x]; $content = "@".$rprofile->nickname." ".$content; } $private_to_addressees = rand(0, 4); if ($private_to_addressees == 0) { $options['scope'] |= Notice::ADDRESSEE_SCOPE; } } } } $has_hash = rand(0, 2); if ($has_hash == 0) { $hashcount = rand(0, 2); for ($j = 0; $j < $hashcount; $j++) { $h = rand(0, $tagmax); $content .= " #tag{$h}"; } } $in_group = rand(0, 5); if ($in_group == 0) { $groups = $user->getGroups(); if ($groups->N > 0) { $gval = rand(0, $groups->N - 1); $groups->fetch(); // go to 0th for ($i = 0; $i < $gval; $i++) { $groups->fetch(); } $options['groups'] = array($groups->id); $content = "!".$groups->nickname." ".$content; $private_to_group = rand(0, 2); if ($private_to_group == 0) { $options['scope'] |= Notice::GROUP_SCOPE; } } } $private_to_site = rand(0, 4); if ($private_to_site == 0) { $options['scope'] |= Notice::SITE_SCOPE; } $notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $content, 'createsim', $options); } function newMessage($i) { global $userprefix; $n = rand(0, $i - 1); $user = User::getKV('nickname', sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $n)); $content = testNoticeContent(); $friends = $user->mutuallySubscribedUsers()->fetchAll(); if (count($friends) == 0) { return; } $j = rand(0, count($friends) - 1); $other = $friends[$j]; $message = Message::saveNew($user->id, $other->id, $content, 'createsim'); } function newSub($i) { global $userprefix; $f = rand(0, $i - 1); $fromnick = sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $f); $from = User::getKV('nickname', $fromnick); if (empty($from)) { throw new Exception("Can't find user '$fromnick'."); } $t = rand(0, $i - 1); if ($t == $f) { $t++; if ($t > $i - 1) { $t = 0; } } $tunic = sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $t); $to = User::getKV('nickname', $tunic); if (empty($to)) { throw new Exception("Can't find user '$tunic'."); } subs_subscribe_to($from, $to); $from->free(); $to->free(); } function newJoin($u, $g) { global $userprefix; global $groupprefix; $userNumber = rand(0, $u - 1); $userNick = sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $userNumber); $user = User::getKV('nickname', $userNick); if (empty($user)) { throw new Exception("Can't find user '$fromnick'."); } $groupNumber = rand(0, $g - 1); $groupNick = sprintf('%s%d', $groupprefix, $groupNumber); $group = User_group::getKV('nickname', $groupNick); if (empty($group)) { throw new Exception("Can't find group '$groupNick'."); } if (!$user->isMember($group)) { $user->joinGroup($group); } } function newFave($u) { global $userprefix; global $groupprefix; $userNumber = rand(0, $u - 1); $userNick = sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $userNumber); $user = User::getKV('nickname', $userNick); if (empty($user)) { throw new Exception("Can't find user '$userNick'."); } // NB: it's OK to like your own stuff! $otherNumber = rand(0, $u - 1); $otherNick = sprintf('%s%d', $userprefix, $otherNumber); $other = User::getKV('nickname', $otherNick); if (empty($other)) { throw new Exception("Can't find user '$otherNick'."); } $notices = $other->getNotices()->fetchAll(); if (count($notices) == 0) { return; } $idx = rand(0, count($notices) - 1); $notice = $notices[$idx]; if ($user->hasFave($notice)) { return; } Fave::addNew($user->getProfile(), $notice); } function testNoticeContent() { global $words; if (is_null($words)) { return "test notice content"; } $cnt = rand(3, 8); $ids = array_rand($words, $cnt); foreach ($ids as $id) { $parts[] = $words[$id]; } $text = implode(' ', $parts); if (mb_strlen($text) > 80) { $text = substr($text, 0, 77) . "..."; } return $text; } function main($usercount, $groupcount, $noticeavg, $subsavg, $joinsavg, $favesavg, $messageavg, $tagmax) { global $config; $config['site']['dupelimit'] = -1; $n = 0; $g = 0; // Make users first $preuser = min($usercount, 5); for ($j = 0; $j < $preuser; $j++) { printfv("$i Creating user $n\n"); newUser($n); $n++; } $pregroup = min($groupcount, 3); for ($k = 0; $k < $pregroup; $k++) { printfv("$i Creating group $g\n"); newGroup($g, $n); $g++; } // # registrations + # notices + # subs $events = $usercount + $groupcount + ($usercount * ($noticeavg + $subsavg + $joinsavg + $favesavg + $messageavg)); $events -= $preuser; $events -= $pregroup; $ut = $usercount; $gt = $ut + $groupcount; $nt = $gt + ($usercount * $noticeavg); $st = $nt + ($usercount * $subsavg); $jt = $st + ($usercount * $joinsavg); $ft = $jt + ($usercount * $favesavg); $mt = $ft + ($usercount * $messageavg); printfv("$events events ($ut, $gt, $nt, $st, $jt, $ft, $mt)\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < $events; $i++) { $e = rand(0, $events); if ($e >= 0 && $e <= $ut) { printfv("$i Creating user $n\n"); newUser($n); $n++; } else if ($e > $ut && $e <= $gt) { printfv("$i Creating group $g\n"); newGroup($g, $n); $g++; } else if ($e > $gt && $e <= $nt) { printfv("$i Making a new notice\n"); newNotice($n, $tagmax); } else if ($e > $nt && $e <= $st) { printfv("$i Making a new subscription\n"); newSub($n); } else if ($e > $st && $e <= $jt) { printfv("$i Making a new group join\n"); newJoin($n, $g); } else if ($e > $jt && $e <= $ft) { printfv("$i Making a new fave\n"); newFave($n); } else if ($e > $ft && $e <= $mt) { printfv("$i Making a new message\n"); newMessage($n); } else { printfv("No event for $i!"); } } } $defaultWordsfile = '/usr/share/dict/words'; $usercount = (have_option('u', 'users')) ? get_option_value('u', 'users') : 100; $groupcount = (have_option('g', 'groups')) ? get_option_value('g', 'groups') : 20; $noticeavg = (have_option('n', 'notices')) ? get_option_value('n', 'notices') : 100; $subsavg = (have_option('b', 'subscriptions')) ? get_option_value('b', 'subscriptions') : max($usercount/20, 10); $joinsavg = (have_option('j', 'joins')) ? get_option_value('j', 'joins') : 5; $favesavg = (have_option('f', 'faves')) ? get_option_value('f', 'faves') : max($noticeavg/10, 5); $messageavg = (have_option('m', 'messages')) ? get_option_value('m', 'messages') : max($noticeavg/10, 5); $tagmax = (have_option('t', 'tags')) ? get_option_value('t', 'tags') : 10000; $userprefix = (have_option('x', 'prefix')) ? get_option_value('x', 'prefix') : 'testuser'; $groupprefix = (have_option('z', 'groupprefix')) ? get_option_value('z', 'groupprefix') : 'testgroup'; $wordsfile = (have_option('w', 'words')) ? get_option_value('w', 'words') : $defaultWordsfile; if (is_readable($wordsfile)) { $words = file($wordsfile); } else { if ($wordsfile != $defaultWordsfile) { // user specified words file couldn't be read throw new Exception("Couldn't read words file: {$wordsfile}."); } $words = null; } try { main($usercount, $groupcount, $noticeavg, $subsavg, $joinsavg, $favesavg, $messageavg, $tagmax); } catch (Exception $e) { printfv("Got an exception: ".$e->getMessage()); }