<?php /** * GNU Social * Copyright (C) 2010, Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * PHP version 5 * * LICENCE: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @category Widget * @package GNU Social * @author Ian Denhardt <ian@zenhack.net> * @author Sean Corbett <sean@gnu.org> * @author Max Shinn <trombonechamp@gmail.com> * @copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } class PhotouploadAction extends Action { var $user = null; function prepare($args) { parent::prepare($args); $this->user = common_current_user(); return true; } function handle($args) { parent::handle($args); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $this->handlePost(); } $this->showPage(); } function title() { return _m('Upload Photos'); } function showContent() { //Upload a photo if(empty($this->user)) { $this->element('p', array(), 'You are not logged in.'); } else { //showForm() data if(!empty($this->msg)) { $class = ($this->success) ? 'success' : 'error'; $this->element('p', array('class' => $class), $this->msg); } $this->elementStart('form', array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => common_local_url('photoupload'))); $this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->element('input', array('name' => 'photofile', 'type' => 'file', 'id' => 'photofile')); $this->elementEnd('li'); //$this->element('br'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->input('phototitle', _("Title"), null, _("The title of the photo. (Optional)")); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->textarea('photo_description', _("Description"), null, _("A description of the photo. (Optional)")); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->dropdown('album', _("Album"), $this->albumList(), _("The album in which to place this photo"), false); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementEnd('ul'); $this->submit('upload', _('Upload')); $this->elementEnd('form'); $this->element('br'); //Create a new album $this->element('h3', array(), _("Create a new album")); $this->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' =>common_local_url('photoupload'))); $this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->input('album_name', _("Title"), null, _("The title of the album.")); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->textarea('album_description', _("Description"), null, _("A description of the album. (Optional)")); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementEnd('ul'); $this->submit('create', _('Create')); $this->elementEnd('form'); //Delete an album $this->element('h3', array(), _("Delete an album")); $this->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' =>common_local_url('photoupload'))); $this->elementStart('ul', 'form_data'); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->dropdown('album', _("Album"), $this->albumList(), _("The album in which to place this photo"), false); $this->elementEnd('li'); $this->elementEnd('ul'); $this->submit('deletealbum', _('Delete')); $this->elementEnd('form'); } } function handlePost() { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'handlPost()!'); // Workaround for PHP returning empty $_POST and $_FILES when POST // length > post_max_size in php.ini if (empty($_FILES) && empty($_POST) && ($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0) ) { $msg = _('The server was unable to handle that much POST ' . 'data (%s bytes) due to its current configuration.'); $this->showForm(sprintf($msg, $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])); return; } // CSRF protection /* $token = $this->trimmed('token'); if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) { $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. '. 'Try again, please.')); return; } */ if ($this->arg('upload')) { $this->uploadPhoto(); } if ($this->arg('create')) { $this->createAlbum(); } if ($this->arg('deletealbum')) { $this->deleteAlbum(); } } function showForm($msg, $success=false) { $this->msg = $msg; $this->success = $success; // $this->showPage(); } function albumList() { $cur = common_current_user(); $album = new GNUsocialPhotoAlbum(); $album->user_id = $cur->id; $albumlist = array(); if (!$album->find()) { GNUsocialPhotoAlbum::newAlbum($cur->id, 'Default'); } while ($album->fetch()) { $albumlist[$album->album_id] = $album->album_name; } return $albumlist; } function uploadPhoto() { $cur = common_current_user(); if(empty($cur)) { return; } try { $imagefile = ImageFile::fromUpload('photofile'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->showForm($e->getMessage()); return; } if ($imagefile === null) { $this->showForm(_('No file uploaded.')); return; } $title = $this->trimmed('phototitle'); $photo_description = $this->trimmed('photo_description'); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'upload path : ' . $imagefile->filepath); $filename = $cur->nickname . '-' . common_timestamp() . sha1_file($imagefile->filepath) . image_type_to_extension($imagefile->type); move_uploaded_file($imagefile->filepath, INSTALLDIR . '/file/' . $filename); photo_make_thumbnail($filename); $uri = 'http://' . common_config('site', 'server') . '/file/' . $filename; $thumb_uri = 'http://' . common_config('site', 'server') . '/file/thumb.' . $filename; $profile_id = $cur->id; $album = GNUsocialPhotoAlbum::getKV('album_id', $this->trimmed('album')); if ($album->profile_id != $profile_id) { $this->showForm(_('Error: This is not your album!')); return; } GNUsocialPhoto::saveNew($profile_id, $album->album_id, $thumb_uri, $uri, 'web', false, $title, $photo_description); } function createAlbum() { $cur = common_current_user(); if(empty($cur)) { return; } $album_name = $this->trimmed('album_name'); $album_description = $this->trimmed('album_description'); GNUsocialPhotoAlbum::newAlbum($cur->id, $album_name, $album_description); } function deleteAlbum() { $cur = common_current_user(); if(empty($cur)) return; $album_id = $this->trimmed('album'); $album = GNUsocialPhotoAlbum::getKV('album_id', $album_id); if (empty($album)) { $this->showForm(_('This album does not exist or has been deleted.')); return; } //Check if the album has any photos in it before deleting $photos = GNUsocialPhoto::getKV('album_id', $album_id); if(empty($photos)) { $album->delete(); $this->showForm(_('Album deleted'), true); } else { $this->showForm(_('Cannot delete album when there are photos in it!'), false); } } }