
declare(strict_types = 1);

// {{{ License

// This file is part of GNU social - https://www.gnu.org/software/social
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// }}}

namespace Component\Tag;

use App\Core\Cache;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\Event;
use function App\Core\I18n\_m;
use App\Core\Modules\Component;
use App\Core\Router\Router;
use App\Entity\Actor;
use App\Entity\Note;
use App\Util\Common;
use App\Util\Exception\ClientException;
use App\Util\Formatting;
use App\Util\Functional as GSF;
use App\Util\HTML;
use Component\Circle\Entity\ActorTag;
use Component\Language\Entity\Language;
use Component\Tag\Entity\NoteTag;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ExpressionBuilder;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Functional as F;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

 * Component responsible for extracting tags from posted notes, as well as normalizing them
 * @author    Hugo Sales <hugo@hsal.es>
 * @author    Diogo Peralta Cordeiro <@diogo.site>
 * @copyright 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org
 * @license   https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later
class Tag extends Component
    public const MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 64;
    public const TAG_REGEX      = '/(^|\\s)(#[\\pL\\pN_\\-]{1,64})/u'; // Brion Vibber 2011-02-23 v2:classes/Notice.php:367 function saveTags
    public const TAG_SLUG_REGEX = '[A-Za-z0-9]{1,64}';

    public function onAddRoute($r): bool
        $r->connect('single_note_tag', '/note-tag/{tag<' . self::TAG_SLUG_REGEX . '>}', [Controller\Tag::class, 'single_note_tag']);
        $r->connect('multi_note_tags', '/note-tags/{tags<(' . self::TAG_SLUG_REGEX . ',)+' . self::TAG_SLUG_REGEX . '>}', [Controller\Tag::class, 'multi_note_tags']);
        return Event::next;

     * Process note by extracting any tags present
    public function onProcessNoteContent(Note $note, string $content, string $content_type, array $extra_args): bool
        if ($extra_args['TagProcessed'] ?? false) {
            return Event::next;
        // XXX: We remove <span> because when content is in html the tag comes as #<span>hashtag</span>
        $content      = str_replace('<span>', '', $content);
        $matched_tags = [];
        preg_match_all(self::TAG_REGEX, $content, $matched_tags, \PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $matched_tags = array_unique(F\map($matched_tags, fn ($m) => $m[2]));
        foreach ($matched_tags as $match) {
            $tag = self::extract($match);
            if (!self::validate($tag)) {
                continue; // Ignore invalid tag candidates
            $canonical_tag = self::canonicalTag($tag, \is_null($lang_id = $note->getLanguageId()) ? null : Language::getById($lang_id)->getLocale());
                'tag'           => $tag,
                'canonical'     => $canonical_tag,
                'note_id'       => $note->getId(),
                'use_canonical' => $extra_args['tag_use_canonical'] ?? false,
                'language_id'   => $lang_id,
            Cache::pushList("tag-{$canonical_tag}", $note);
            foreach (self::cacheKeys($canonical_tag) as $key) {
        return Event::next;

    public function onRenderPlainTextNoteContent(string &$text, ?string $locale = null): bool
        $text = preg_replace_callback(self::TAG_REGEX, fn ($m) => $m[1] . self::tagLink($m[2], $locale), $text);
        return Event::next;

    public static function cacheKeys(string $tag_single_or_multi): array
        return [
            'note_single'  => "note-tag-feed-{$tag_single_or_multi}",
            'note_multi'   => "note-tags-feed-{$tag_single_or_multi}",
            'actor_single' => "actor-tag-feed-{$tag_single_or_multi}",
            'actor_multi'  => "actor-tags-feed-{$tag_single_or_multi}",

    private static function tagLink(string $tag, ?string $locale): string
        $tag = self::extract($tag);
        $url = Router::url('single_note_tag', !\is_null($locale) ? ['tag' => $tag, 'locale' => $locale] : ['tag' => $tag]);
        return HTML::html(['span' => ['attrs' => ['class' => 'tag'],
            '#' . HTML::html(['a' => [
                'attrs' => [
                    'href' => $url,
                    'rel'  => 'tag', // https://microformats.org/wiki/rel-tag
            ]], options: ['indent' => false]),
        ]], options: ['indent' => false, 'raw' => true]);

    public static function extract(string $tag): string
        return self::ensureLength(Formatting::removePrefix($tag, '#'));

    public static function validate(string $tag): bool
        return preg_match(self::TAG_REGEX, '#' . $tag) === 1;

    public static function sanitize(string $tag): string
        $tag = self::extract($tag);
        if (!self::validate($tag)) {
            throw new ClientException(_m('Invalid tag given: {tag}', ['{tag}' => $tag]));
        return $tag;

    public static function ensureLength(string $tag): string
        return mb_substr($tag, 0, self::MAX_TAG_LENGTH);

     * Convert a tag to its canonical representation, by splitting it
     * into words, stemming it in the given language (if enabled) and
     * sluggifying it (turning it into an ASCII representation)
    public static function canonicalTag(string $tag, ?string $language = null): string
        $result = '';
        foreach (Formatting::splitWords(str_replace('#', '', $tag)) as $word) {
            $temp_res = null;
            if (\is_null($language) || Event::handle('StemWord', [$language, $word, &$temp_res]) !== Event::stop) {
                $temp_res = $word;
            $result .= Formatting::slugify($temp_res);
        return self::ensureLength($result);

     * Populate $note_expr with an expression to match a tag, if the term looks like a tag
     * $term /^(note|tag|people|actor)/ means we want to match only either a note or an actor
    public function onCollectionQueryCreateExpression(ExpressionBuilder $eb, string $term, ?string $locale, ?Actor $actor, &$note_expr, &$actor_expr): bool
        if (!str_contains($term, ':')) {
            return Event::next;
        if (\is_null($locale)) {
            $locale = Common::currentLanguage();
        [$search_type, $search_term] = explode(':', $term);
        if (str_starts_with($search_term, '#')) {
            $search_term           = self::sanitize($search_term);
            $canonical_search_term = self::canonicalTag($search_term, $locale);
            $temp_note_expr        = $eb->eq('note_tag.canonical', $canonical_search_term);
            $temp_actor_expr       = $eb->eq('actor_tag.canonical', $canonical_search_term);
            if (Formatting::startsWith($term, ['note:', 'tag:', 'people:'])) {
                $note_expr = $temp_note_expr;
            } elseif (Formatting::startsWith($term, ['people:', 'actor:'])) {
                $actor_expr = $temp_actor_expr;
            } elseif (Formatting::startsWith($term, GSF::cartesianProduct([['people', 'actor'], ['circle', 'list'], [':']], separator: ['-', '_']))) {
                $null_tagger_expr = $eb->isNull('actor_circle.tagger');
                $tagger_expr      = \is_null($actor_expr) ? $null_tagger_expr : $eb->orX($null_tagger_expr, $eb->eq('actor_circle.tagger', $actor->getId()));
                $tags             = array_unique([$search_term, $canonical_search_term]);
                $tag_expr         = \count($tags) === 1 ? $eb->eq('actor_circle.tag', $tags[0]) : $eb->in('actor_circle.tag', $tags);
                $search_expr      = $eb->andX(
                $note_expr  = $search_expr;
                $actor_expr = $search_expr;
            } else {
                $note_expr  = $temp_note_expr;
                $actor_expr = $temp_actor_expr;
                return Event::next;
        return Event::stop;

    public function onCollectionQueryAddJoins(QueryBuilder &$note_qb, QueryBuilder &$actor_qb): bool
        $note_qb->leftJoin(NoteTag::class, 'note_tag', Expr\Join::WITH, 'note_tag.note_id = note.id');
        $actor_qb->leftJoin(ActorTag::class, 'actor_tag', Expr\Join::WITH, 'actor_tag.tagger = actor.id');
        return Event::next;

    public function onPostingAddFormEntries(Request $request, Actor $actor, array &$form_params): bool
        $form_params[] = ['tag_use_canonical', CheckboxType::class, ['required' => false, 'data' => true, 'label' => _m('Make note tags canonical'), 'help' => _m('Canonical tags will be treated as a version of an existing tag with the same root/stem (e.g. \'#great_tag\' will be considered as a version of \'#great\', if it already exists)')]];
        return Event::next;

    public function onAddExtraArgsToNoteContent(Request $request, Actor $actor, array $data, array &$extra_args): bool
        if (!isset($data['tag_use_canonical'])) {
            throw new ClientException(_m('Missing Use Canonical preference for Tags.'));
        $extra_args['tag_use_canonical'] = $data['tag_use_canonical'];
        return Event::next;