<?php /** * Phergie * * PHP version 5 * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://phergie.org/license * * @category Phergie * @package Phergie * @author Phergie Development Team <team@phergie.org> * @copyright 2008-2010 Phergie Development Team (http://phergie.org) * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie */ /** * Driver that uses the sockets wrapper of the streams extension for * communicating with the server and handles formatting and parsing of * events using PHP. * * @category Phergie * @package Phergie * @author Phergie Development Team <team@phergie.org> * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie */ class Phergie_Driver_Streams extends Phergie_Driver_Abstract { /** * Socket handlers * * @var array */ protected $sockets = array(); /** * Reference to the currently active socket handler * * @var resource */ protected $socket; /** * Amount of time in seconds to wait to receive an event each time the * socket is polled * * @var float */ protected $timeout = 0.1; /** * Handles construction of command strings and their transmission to the * server. * * @param string $command Command to send * @param string|array $args Optional string or array of sequential * arguments * * @return string Command string that was sent * @throws Phergie_Driver_Exception */ protected function send($command, $args = '') { $connection = $this->getConnection(); $encoding = $connection->getEncoding(); // Require an open socket connection to continue if (empty($this->socket)) { throw new Phergie_Driver_Exception( 'doConnect() must be called first', Phergie_Driver_Exception::ERR_NO_INITIATED_CONNECTION ); } // Add the command $buffer = strtoupper($command); // Add arguments if (!empty($args)) { // Apply formatting if arguments are passed in as an array if (is_array($args)) { $end = count($args) - 1; $args[$end] = ':' . $args[$end]; $args = implode(' ', $args); } else { $args = ':' . $args; } $buffer .= ' ' . $args; } // Transmit the command over the socket connection $attempts = $written = 0; $temp = $buffer . "\r\n"; $is_multibyte = !substr($encoding, 0, 8) === 'ISO-8859' && $encoding !== 'ASCII' && $encoding !== 'CP1252'; $length = ($is_multibyte) ? mb_strlen($buffer, '8bit') : strlen($buffer); while (true) { $written += (int) fwrite($this->socket, $temp); if ($written < $length) { $temp = substr($temp, $written); $attempts++; if ($attempts == 3) { throw new Phergie_Driver_Exception( 'Unable to write to socket', Phergie_Driver_Exception::ERR_CONNECTION_WRITE_FAILED ); } } else { break; } } // Return the command string that was transmitted return $buffer; } /** * Overrides the parent class to set the currently active socket handler * when the active connection is changed. * * @param Phergie_Connection $connection Active connection * * @return Phergie_Driver_Streams Provides a fluent interface */ public function setConnection(Phergie_Connection $connection) { // Set the active socket handler $hostmask = (string) $connection->getHostmask(); if (!empty($this->sockets[$hostmask])) { $this->socket = $this->sockets[$hostmask]; } // Set the active connection return parent::setConnection($connection); } /** * Returns a list of hostmasks corresponding to sockets with data to read. * * @param int $sec Length of time to wait for new data (seconds) * @param int $usec Length of time to wait for new data (microseconds) * * @return array List of hostmasks or an empty array if none were found * to have data to read */ public function getActiveReadSockets($sec = 0, $usec = 200000) { $read = $this->sockets; $write = null; $error = null; $active = array(); if (count($this->sockets) > 0) { $number = stream_select($read, $write, $error, $sec, $usec); if ($number > 0) { foreach ($read as $item) { $active[] = array_search($item, $this->sockets); } } } return $active; } /** * Sets the amount of time to wait for a new event each time the socket * is polled. * * @param float $timeout Amount of time in seconds * * @return Phergie_Driver_Streams Provides a fluent interface */ public function setTimeout($timeout) { $timeout = (float) $timeout; if ($timeout) { $this->timeout = $timeout; } return $this; } /** * Returns the amount of time to wait for a new event each time the * socket is polled. * * @return float Amount of time in seconds */ public function getTimeout() { return $this->timeout; } /** * Supporting method to parse event argument strings where the last * argument may contain a colon. * * @param string $args Argument string to parse * @param int $count Optional maximum number of arguments * * @return array Array of argument values */ protected function parseArguments($args, $count = -1) { return preg_split('/ :?/S', $args, $count); } /** * Listens for an event on the current connection. * * @return Phergie_Event_Interface|null Event instance if an event was * received, NULL otherwise */ public function getEvent() { // Check the socket is still active if (feof($this->socket)) { throw new Phergie_Driver_Exception( 'EOF detected on socket', Phergie_Driver_Exception::ERR_CONNECTION_READ_FAILED ); } // Check for a new event on the current connection $buffer = fgets($this->socket, 512); // If no new event was found, return NULL if (empty($buffer)) { return null; } // Strip the trailing newline from the buffer $buffer = rtrim($buffer); // If the event is from the server... if (substr($buffer, 0, 1) != ':') { // Parse the command and arguments list($cmd, $args) = array_pad(explode(' ', $buffer, 2), 2, null); $hostmask = new Phergie_Hostmask(null, null, $this->connection->getHost()); } else { // If the event could be from the server or a user... // Parse the server hostname or user hostmask, command, and arguments list($prefix, $cmd, $args) = array_pad(explode(' ', ltrim($buffer, ':'), 3), 3, null); if (strpos($prefix, '@') !== false) { $hostmask = Phergie_Hostmask::fromString($prefix); } else { $hostmask = new Phergie_Hostmask(null, null, $prefix); } } // Parse the event arguments depending on the event type $cmd = strtolower($cmd); switch ($cmd) { case 'names': case 'nick': case 'quit': case 'ping': case 'join': case 'error': $args = array(ltrim($args, ':')); break; case 'privmsg': case 'notice': $args = $this->parseArguments($args, 2); list($source, $ctcp) = $args; if (substr($ctcp, 0, 1) === "\001" && substr($ctcp, -1) === "\001") { $ctcp = substr($ctcp, 1, -1); $reply = ($cmd == 'notice'); list($cmd, $args) = array_pad(explode(' ', $ctcp, 2), 2, null); $cmd = strtolower($cmd); switch ($cmd) { case 'version': case 'time': case 'finger': if ($reply) { $args = $ctcp; } break; case 'ping': if ($reply) { $cmd .= 'Response'; } else { $cmd = 'ctcpPing'; } break; case 'action': $args = array($source, $args); break; default: $cmd = 'ctcp'; if ($reply) { $cmd .= 'Response'; } $args = array($source, $args); break; } } break; case 'oper': case 'topic': case 'mode': $args = $this->parseArguments($args); break; case 'part': case 'kill': case 'invite': $args = $this->parseArguments($args, 2); break; case 'kick': $args = $this->parseArguments($args, 3); break; // Remove the target from responses default: $args = substr($args, strpos($args, ' ') + 1); break; } // Create, populate, and return an event object if (ctype_digit($cmd)) { $event = new Phergie_Event_Response; $event ->setCode($cmd) ->setDescription($args); } else { $event = new Phergie_Event_Request; $event ->setType($cmd) ->setArguments($args); if (isset($hostmask)) { $event->setHostmask($hostmask); } } $event->setRawData($buffer); return $event; } /** * Initiates a connection with the server. * * @return void */ public function doConnect() { // Listen for input indefinitely set_time_limit(0); // Get connection information $connection = $this->getConnection(); $hostname = $connection->getHost(); $port = $connection->getPort(); $password = $connection->getPassword(); $username = $connection->getUsername(); $nick = $connection->getNick(); $realname = $connection->getRealname(); $transport = $connection->getTransport(); // Establish and configure the socket connection $remote = $transport . '://' . $hostname . ':' . $port; $this->socket = @stream_socket_client($remote, $errno, $errstr); if (!$this->socket) { throw new Phergie_Driver_Exception( 'Unable to connect: socket error ' . $errno . ' ' . $errstr, Phergie_Driver_Exception::ERR_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED ); } $seconds = (int) $this->timeout; $microseconds = ($this->timeout - $seconds) * 1000000; stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $seconds, $microseconds); // Send the password if one is specified if (!empty($password)) { $this->send('PASS', $password); } // Send user information $this->send( 'USER', array( $username, $hostname, $hostname, $realname ) ); $this->send('NICK', $nick); // Add the socket handler to the internal array for socket handlers $this->sockets[(string) $connection->getHostmask()] = $this->socket; } /** * Terminates the connection with the server. * * @param string $reason Reason for connection termination (optional) * * @return void */ public function doQuit($reason = null) { // Send a QUIT command to the server $this->send('QUIT', $reason); // Terminate the socket connection fclose($this->socket); // Remove the socket from the internal socket list unset($this->sockets[(string) $this->getConnection()->getHostmask()]); } /** * Joins a channel. * * @param string $channels Comma-delimited list of channels to join * @param string $keys Optional comma-delimited list of channel keys * * @return void */ public function doJoin($channels, $keys = null) { $args = array($channels); if (!empty($keys)) { $args[] = $keys; } $this->send('JOIN', $args); } /** * Leaves a channel. * * @param string $channels Comma-delimited list of channels to leave * * @return void */ public function doPart($channels) { $this->send('PART', $channels); } /** * Invites a user to an invite-only channel. * * @param string $nick Nick of the user to invite * @param string $channel Name of the channel * * @return void */ public function doInvite($nick, $channel) { $this->send('INVITE', array($nick, $channel)); } /** * Obtains a list of nicks of usrs in currently joined channels. * * @param string $channels Comma-delimited list of one or more channels * * @return void */ public function doNames($channels) { $this->send('NAMES', $channels); } /** * Obtains a list of channel names and topics. * * @param string $channels Comma-delimited list of one or more channels * to which the response should be restricted * (optional) * * @return void */ public function doList($channels = null) { $this->send('LIST', $channels); } /** * Retrieves or changes a channel topic. * * @param string $channel Name of the channel * @param string $topic New topic to assign (optional) * * @return void */ public function doTopic($channel, $topic = null) { $args = array($channel); if (!empty($topic)) { $args[] = $topic; } $this->send('TOPIC', $args); } /** * Retrieves or changes a channel or user mode. * * @param string $target Channel name or user nick * @param string $mode New mode to assign (optional) * * @return void */ public function doMode($target, $mode = null) { $args = array($target); if (!empty($mode)) { $args[] = $mode; } $this->send('MODE', $args); } /** * Changes the client nick. * * @param string $nick New nick to assign * * @return void */ public function doNick($nick) { $this->send('NICK', $nick); } /** * Retrieves information about a nick. * * @param string $nick Nick * * @return void */ public function doWhois($nick) { $this->send('WHOIS', $nick); } /** * Sends a message to a nick or channel. * * @param string $target Channel name or user nick * @param string $text Text of the message to send * * @return void */ public function doPrivmsg($target, $text) { $this->send('PRIVMSG', array($target, $text)); } /** * Sends a notice to a nick or channel. * * @param string $target Channel name or user nick * @param string $text Text of the notice to send * * @return void */ public function doNotice($target, $text) { $this->send('NOTICE', array($target, $text)); } /** * Kicks a user from a channel. * * @param string $nick Nick of the user * @param string $channel Channel name * @param string $reason Reason for the kick (optional) * * @return void */ public function doKick($nick, $channel, $reason = null) { $args = array($nick, $channel); if (!empty($reason)) { $args[] = $response; } $this->send('KICK', $args); } /** * Responds to a server test of client responsiveness. * * @param string $daemon Daemon from which the original request originates * * @return void */ public function doPong($daemon) { $this->send('PONG', $daemon); } /** * Sends a CTCP ACTION (/me) command to a nick or channel. * * @param string $target Channel name or user nick * @param string $text Text of the action to perform * * @return void */ public function doAction($target, $text) { $buffer = rtrim('ACTION ' . $text); $this->doPrivmsg($target, chr(1) . $buffer . chr(1)); } /** * Sends a CTCP response to a user. * * @param string $nick User nick * @param string $command Command to send * @param string|array $args String or array of sequential arguments * (optional) * * @return void */ protected function doCtcp($nick, $command, $args = null) { if (is_array($args)) { $args = implode(' ', $args); } $buffer = rtrim(strtoupper($command) . ' ' . $args); $this->doNotice($nick, chr(1) . $buffer . chr(1)); } /** * Sends a CTCP PING request or response (they are identical) to a user. * * @param string $nick User nick * @param string $hash Hash to use in the handshake * * @return void */ public function doPing($nick, $hash) { $this->doCtcp($nick, 'PING', $hash); } /** * Sends a CTCP VERSION request or response to a user. * * @param string $nick User nick * @param string $version Version string to send for a response * * @return void */ public function doVersion($nick, $version = null) { if ($version) { $this->doCtcp($nick, 'VERSION', $version); } else { $this->doCtcp($nick, 'VERSION'); } } /** * Sends a CTCP TIME request to a user. * * @param string $nick User nick * @param string $time Time string to send for a response * * @return void */ public function doTime($nick, $time = null) { if ($time) { $this->doCtcp($nick, 'TIME', $time); } else { $this->doCtcp($nick, 'TIME'); } } /** * Sends a CTCP FINGER request to a user. * * @param string $nick User nick * @param string $finger Finger string to send for a response * * @return void */ public function doFinger($nick, $finger = null) { if ($finger) { $this->doCtcp($nick, 'FINGER', $finger); } else { $this->doCtcp($nick, 'FINGER'); } } /** * Sends a raw command to the server. * * @param string $command Command string to send * * @return void */ public function doRaw($command) { $this->send('RAW', $command); } }