markTestSkipped( 'You need XSLT support disabled for this test.' ); } try { $converter = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlXsltConverter(); $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException $e ) { /* Expected */ } } /** * @group slow */ public function testConversionFailure() { if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'xsl' ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'You need XSLT support for this test.' ); } try { $doc = new ezcDocumentDocbook(); $doc->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/docbook/xhtml_xslt/s_001_empty.xml' ); $converter = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlXsltConverter(); $converter->options->failOnError = true; $converter->convert( $doc ); $this->fail( 'Expected ezcDocumentErroneousXmlException.' ); } catch ( ezcDocumentErroneousXmlException $e ) { $this->assertTrue( count( $e->getXmlErrors() ) > 0, 'Expected some conversion errors / notices.' ); } } /** * @dataProvider getTestDocuments * @group slow */ public function testLoadXmlDocumentFromFile( $from, $to ) { if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'xsl' ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'You need XSLT support for this test.' ); } if ( !is_file( $to ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "Comparision file '$to' not yet defined." ); } $doc = new ezcDocumentDocbook(); $doc->loadFile( $from ); $converter = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlXsltConverter(); $created = $converter->convert( $doc ); $this->assertTrue( $created instanceof ezcDocumentXhtml ); // Replace creator string in generated document, as this may change too // often for proper testing. $dom = $created->getDomDocument(); $domContent = $dom->saveXml(); // Just test that some kind of HTML has been created - everything is up // to the used XSL and may change any time. $this->assertTrue( strpos( $domContent, 'removeTempDir(); } } ?>