* @copyright 2008-2010 Phergie Development Team (http://phergie.org) * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Plugin_Url */ /** * Monitors incoming messages for instances of URLs and responds with messages * containing relevant information about detected URLs. * * Has an utility method accessible via * $this->getPlugin('Url')->getTitle('http://foo..'). * * @category Phergie * @package Phergie_Plugin_Url * @author Phergie Development Team * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Plugin_Url * @uses Phergie_Plugin_Http pear.phergie.org */ class Phergie_Plugin_Url extends Phergie_Plugin_Abstract { /** * Links output format * * Can use the variables %nick%, %title% and %link% in it to display * page titles and links * * @var string */ protected $baseFormat = '%message%'; protected $messageFormat = '[ %link% ] %title%'; /** * Flag indicating whether a single response should be sent for a single * message containing multiple links * * @var bool */ protected $mergeLinks = true; /** * Max length of the fetched URL title * * @var int */ protected $titleLength = 40; /** * Url cache to prevent spamming, especially with multiple bots on the * same channel * * @var array */ protected $urlCache = array(); protected $shortCache = array(); /** * Time in seconds to store the cached entries * * Setting it to 0 or below disables the cache expiration * * @var int */ protected $expire = 1800; /** * Number of entries to keep in the cache at one time per channel * * Setting it to 0 or below disables the cache limit * * @var int */ protected $limit = 10; /** * Flag that determines if the plugin will fall back to using an HTTP * stream when a URL using SSL is detected and OpenSSL support isn't * available in the PHP installation in use * * @var bool */ protected $sslFallback = true; /** * Flag that is set to true by the custom error handler if an HTTP error * code has been received * * @var boolean */ protected $errorStatus = false; protected $errorMessage = null; /** * Flag indicating whether or not to display error messages as the title * if a link posted encounters an error * * @var boolean */ protected $showErrors = true; /** * Flag indicating whether to detect schemeless URLS (i.e. "example.com") * * @var boolean */ protected $detectSchemeless = false; /** * List of error messages to return when the requested URL returns an * HTTP error * * @var array */ protected $httpErrors = array( 100 => '100 Continue', 200 => '200 OK', 201 => '201 Created', 204 => '204 No Content', 206 => '206 Partial Content', 300 => '300 Multiple Choices', 301 => '301 Moved Permanently', 302 => '302 Found', 303 => '303 See Other', 304 => '304 Not Modified', 307 => '307 Temporary Redirect', 400 => '400 Bad Request', 401 => '401 Unauthorized', 403 => '403 Forbidden', 404 => '404 Not Found', 405 => '405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => '406 Not Acceptable', 408 => '408 Request Timeout', 410 => '410 Gone', 413 => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 414 => '414 Request URI Too Long', 415 => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => '417 Expectation Failed', 500 => '500 Internal Server Error', 501 => '501 Method Not Implemented', 503 => '503 Service Unavailable', 506 => '506 Variant Also Negotiates' ); /** * An array containing a list of TLDs used for non-scheme matches * * @var array */ protected $tldList = array(); /** * Shortener object */ protected $shortener; /** * Array of renderers */ protected $renderers = array(); /** * Initializes settings, checks dependencies. * * @return void */ public function onConnect() { // make the shortener configurable $shortener = $this->getConfig('url.shortener', 'Trim'); $shortener = "Phergie_Plugin_Url_Shorten_{$shortener}"; $this->shortener = new $shortener($this->plugins->getPlugin('Http')); if (!$this->shortener instanceof Phergie_Plugin_Url_Shorten_Abstract) { $this->fail("Declared shortener class {$shortener} is not of proper ancestry"); } // Get a list of valid TLDs if (!is_array($this->tldList) || count($this->tldList) <= 6) { $tldPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Url/url.tld.txt'; $this->tldList = explode("\n", file_get_contents($tldPath)); $this->debug('Loaded ' . count($this->tldList) . ' tlds'); rsort($this->tldList); } // load config (a bit ugly, but focusing on porting): foreach ( array( 'detect_schemeless' => 'detectSchemeless', 'base_format' => 'baseFormat', 'message_format' => 'messageFormat', 'merge_links' => 'mergeLinks', 'title_length' => 'titleLength', 'show_errors' => 'showErrors', 'expire' => 'expire', ) as $config => $local) { if (isset($this->config["url.{$config}"])) { $this->$local = $this->config["uri.{$config}"]; } } } /** * Checks an incoming message for the presence of a URL and, if one is * found, responds with its title if it is an HTML document and the * shortened equivalent of its original URL if it meets length requirements. * * @todo Update this to pull configuration settings from $this->config * rather than caching them as class properties * @return void */ public function onPrivmsg() { $source = $this->getEvent()->getSource(); $user = $this->getEvent()->getNick(); $pattern = '#'.($this->detectSchemeless ? '' : 'https?://').'(?:([0-9]{1,3}(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(?![^/]) | (' .($this->detectSchemeless ? '(?getEvent()->getArgument(1), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $responses = array(); foreach ($matches as $m) { $url = trim(rtrim($m[0], ', ].?!;')); // Check to see if the URL was from an email address, is a directory, etc if (!empty($m[2])) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: URL is either an email or a directory path. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } // Parse the given URL if (!$parsed = $this->parseUrl($url)) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: Could not parse the URL. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } // allow out-of-class renderers to handle this URL foreach ($this->renderers as $renderer) { if ($renderer->renderUrl($parsed) === true) { // renderers should return true if they've fully // rendered the passed URL (they're responsible // for their own output) $this->debug('Handled by renderer: ' . get_class($renderer)); continue 2; } } // Check to see if the given IP/Host is valid if (!empty($m[1]) and !$this->checkValidIP($m[1])) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: ' . $m[1] . ' is not a valid IP address. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } // Process TLD if it's not an IP if (empty($m[1])) { // Get the TLD from the host $pos = strrpos($parsed['host'], '.'); $parsed['tld'] = ($pos !== false ? substr($parsed['host'], ($pos+1)) : ''); // Check to see if the URL has a valid TLD if (is_array($this->tldList) && !in_array(strtolower($parsed['tld']), $this->tldList)) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: ' . $parsed['tld'] . ' is not a supported TLD. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } } // Check to see if the URL is to a secured site or not and handle it accordingly if ($parsed['scheme'] == 'https' && !extension_loaded('openssl')) { if (!$this->sslFallback) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: HTTPS is an invalid scheme, OpenSSL isn\'t available. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } else { $parsed['scheme'] = 'http'; } } if (!in_array($parsed['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: ' . $parsed['scheme'] . ' is not a supported scheme. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } $url = $this->glueURL($parsed); unset($parsed); // Convert url $shortenedUrl = $this->shortener->shorten($url); if (!$shortenedUrl) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: Unable to shorten. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } // Prevent spamfest if ($this->checkUrlCache($url, $shortenedUrl)) { $this->debug('Invalid Url: URL is in the cache. (' . $url . ')'); continue; } $title = self::getTitle($url); if (!empty($title)) { $responses[] = str_replace( array( '%title%', '%link%', '%nick%' ), array( $title, $shortenedUrl, $user ), $this->messageFormat ); } // Update cache $this->updateUrlCache($url, $shortenedUrl); unset($title, $shortenedUrl, $title); } /** * Check to see if there were any URL responses, format them and handle if they * get merged into one message or not */ if (count($responses) > 0) { if ($this->mergeLinks) { $message = str_replace( array( '%message%', '%nick%' ), array( implode('; ', $responses), $user ), $this->baseFormat ); $this->doPrivmsg($source, $message); } else { foreach ($responses as $response) { $message = str_replace( array( '%message%', '%nick%' ), array( implode('; ', $responses), $user ), $this->baseFormat ); $this->doPrivmsg($source, $message); } } } } } /** * Checks a given URL (+shortened) against the cache to verify if they were * previously posted on the channel. * * @param string $url The URL to check against * @param string $shortenedUrl The shortened URL to check against * * @return bool */ protected function checkUrlCache($url, $shortenedUrl) { $source = $this->getEvent()->getSource(); /** * Transform the URL (+shortened) into a HEX CRC32 checksum to prevent potential problems * and minimize the size of the cache for less cache bloat. */ $url = $this->getUrlChecksum($url); $shortenedUrl = $this->getUrlChecksum($shortenedUrl); $cache = array( 'url' => isset($this->urlCache[$source][$url]) ? $this->urlCache[$source][$url] : null, 'shortened' => isset($this->shortCache[$source][$shortenedUrl]) ? $this->shortCache[$source][$shortenedUrl] : null ); $expire = $this->expire; $this->debug("Cache expire: {$expire}"); /** * If cache expiration is enabled, check to see if the given url has expired in the cache * If expire is disabled, simply check to see if the url is listed */ if (($expire > 0 && (($cache['url'] + $expire) > time() || ($cache['shortened'] + $expire) > time())) || ($expire <= 0 && (isset($cache['url']) || isset($cache['shortened']))) ) { unset($cache, $url, $shortenedUrl, $expire); return true; } unset($cache, $url, $shortenedUrl, $expire); return false; } /** * Updates the cache and adds the given URL (+shortened) to the cache. It * also handles cleaning the cache of old entries as well. * * @param string $url The URL to add to the cache * @param string $shortenedUrl The shortened to add to the cache * * @return bool */ protected function updateUrlCache($url, $shortenedUrl) { $source = $this->getEvent()->getSource(); /** * Transform the URL (+shortened) into a HEX CRC32 checksum to prevent potential problems * and minimize the size of the cache for less cache bloat. */ $url = $this->getUrlChecksum($url); $shortenedUrl = $this->getUrlChecksum($shortenedUrl); $time = time(); // Handle the URL cache and remove old entries that surpass the limit if enabled $this->urlCache[$source][$url] = $time; if ($this->limit > 0 && count($this->urlCache[$source]) > $this->limit) { asort($this->urlCache[$source], SORT_NUMERIC); array_shift($this->urlCache[$source]); } // Handle the shortened cache and remove old entries that surpass the limit if enabled $this->shortCache[$source][$shortenedUrl] = $time; if ($this->limit > 0 && count($this->shortCache[$source]) > $this->limit) { asort($this->shortCache[$source], SORT_NUMERIC); array_shift($this->shortCache[$source]); } unset($url, $shortenedUrl, $time); } /** * Transliterates a UTF-8 string into corresponding ASCII characters and * truncates and appends an ellipsis to the string if it exceeds a given * length. * * @param string $str String to decode * @param int $trim Maximum string length, optional * * @return string */ protected function decode($str, $trim = null) { $out = $this->decodeTranslit($str); if ($trim > 0) { $out = substr($out, 0, $trim) . (strlen($out) > $trim ? '...' : ''); } return $out; } /** * Custom error handler meant to handle 404 errors and such * * @param int $errno the error code * @param string $errstr the error string * @param string $errfile file the error occured in * @param int $errline line the error occured on * * @return bool */ public function onPhpError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if ($errno === E_WARNING) { // Check to see if there was HTTP warning while connecting to the site if (preg_match('{HTTP/1\.[01] ([0-9]{3})}i', $errstr, $m)) { $this->errorStatus = $m[1]; $this->errorMessage = (isset($this->httpErrors[$m[1]]) ? $this->httpErrors[$m[1]] : $m[1]); $this->debug('PHP Warning: ' . $errstr . 'in ' . $errfile . ' on line ' . $errline); return true; } // Safely ignore these SSL warnings so they don't appear in the log if (stripos($errstr, 'SSL: fatal protocol error in') !== false || stripos($errstr, 'failed to open stream') !== false || stripos($errstr, 'HTTP request failed') !== false || stripos($errstr, 'SSL: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host') !== false || stripos($errstr, 'Failed to enable crypto in') !== false || stripos($errstr, 'SSL: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine') !== false || stripos($errstr, 'SSL operation failed with code') !== false || stripos($errstr, 'unable to connect to') !== false ) { $this->errorStatus = true; $this->debug('PHP Warning: ' . $errstr . 'in ' . $errfile . ' on line ' . $errline); return true; } } return false; } /** * Takes a url, parses and cleans the URL without of all the junk * and then return the hex checksum of the url. * * @param string $url url to checksum * * @return string the hex checksum of the cleaned url */ protected function getUrlChecksum($url) { $checksum = strtolower(urldecode($this->glueUrl($url, true))); $checksum = preg_replace('#\s#', '', $this->decodeTranslit($checksum)); return dechex(crc32($checksum)); } /** * Parses a given URI and procceses the output to remove redundant * or missing values. * * @param string $url the url to parse * * @return array the url components */ protected function parseUrl($url) { if (is_array($url)) return $url; $url = trim(ltrim($url, ' /@\\')); if (!preg_match('&^(?:([a-z][-+.a-z0-9]*):)&xis', $url, $matches)) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } $parsed = parse_url($url); if (!isset($parsed['scheme'])) { $parsed['scheme'] = 'http'; } $parsed['scheme'] = strtolower($parsed['scheme']); if (isset($parsed['path']) && !isset($parsed['host'])) { $host = $parsed['path']; $path = ''; if (strpos($parsed['path'], '/') !== false) { list($host, $path) = array_pad(explode('/', $parsed['path'], 2), 2, null); } $parsed['host'] = $host; $parsed['path'] = $path; } return $parsed; } /** * Parses a given URI and then glues it back together in the proper format. * If base is set, then it chops off the scheme, user and pass and fragment * information to return a more unique base URI. * * @param string $uri uri to rebuild * @param string $base set to true to only return the base components * * @return string the rebuilt uri */ protected function glueUrl($uri, $base = false) { $parsed = $uri; if (!is_array($parsed)) { $parsed = $this->parseUrl($parsed); } if (is_array($parsed)) { $uri = ''; if (!$base) { $uri .= (!empty($parsed['scheme']) ? $parsed['scheme'] . ':' . ((strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'mailto') ? '' : '//') : ''); $uri .= (!empty($parsed['user']) ? $parsed['user'] . (!empty($parsed['pass']) ? ':' . $parsed['pass'] : '') . '@' : ''); } if ($base && !empty($parsed['host'])) { $parsed['host'] = trim($parsed['host']); if (substr($parsed['host'], 0, 4) == 'www.') { $parsed['host'] = substr($parsed['host'], 4); } } $uri .= (!empty($parsed['host']) ? $parsed['host'] : ''); if (!empty($parsed['port']) && (($parsed['scheme'] == 'http' && $parsed['port'] == 80) || ($parsed['scheme'] == 'https' && $parsed['port'] == 443)) ) { unset($parsed['port']); } $uri .= (!empty($parsed['port']) ? ':' . $parsed['port'] : ''); if (!empty($parsed['path']) && (!$base || $base && $parsed['path'] != '/')) { $uri .= (substr($parsed['path'], 0, 1) == '/') ? $parsed['path'] : ('/' . $parsed['path']); } $uri .= (!empty($parsed['query']) ? '?' . $parsed['query'] : ''); if (!$base) { $uri .= (!empty($parsed['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed['fragment'] : ''); } } return $uri; } /** * Checks the given string to see if its a valid IP4 address * * @param string $ip the ip to validate * * @return bool */ protected function checkValidIP($ip) { return long2ip(ip2long($ip)) === $ip; } /** * Returns the title of the given page * * @param string $url url to the page * * @return string title */ public function getTitle($url) { $http = $this->plugins->getPlugin('Http'); $options = array( 'timeout' => 3.5, 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/' ); $response = $http->get($url, array(), $options); $header = $response->getHeaders('Content-Type'); if (!preg_match('#^(text/x?html|application/xhtml+xml)(?:;.*)?$#', $header)) { $title = $header; } $content = $response->getContent(); if (empty($title)) { if (preg_match('#]*>(.*?)#is', $content, $match)) { $title = html_entity_decode(trim($match[1])); } } if (empty($title)) { if ($response->isError()) { $title = $response->getCodeAsString(); } else { $title = 'No Title'; } } return $title; } /** * Output a debug message * * @param string $msg the message to output * * @return void */ protected function debug($msg) { echo "(DEBUG:Url) $msg\n"; } /** * Placeholder/porting helper. Has no function. * * @param string $str a string to return * * @return string */ protected function decodeTranslit($str) { // placeholder/porting helper return $str; } /** * Add a renderer to the stack * * @param object $obj the renderer to add * * @return void */ public function registerRenderer($obj) { $this->renderers[] = $obj; array_unique($this->renderers); } }