 * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
 * Copyright (C) 2010, StatusNet, Inc.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

if (!defined('STATUSNET') && !defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); }

 * Extended DB_DataObject to improve a few things:
 * - free global resources from destructor
 * - remove bogus global references from serialized objects
 * - don't leak memory when loading already-used .ini files
 *   (eg when using the same schema on thousands of databases)
class Safe_DataObject extends DB_DataObject
     * Destructor to free global memory resources associated with
     * this data object when it's unset or goes out of scope.
     * DB_DataObject doesn't do this yet by itself.

    function __destruct()
        if (method_exists('DB_DataObject', '__destruct')) {

     * Magic function called at serialize() time.
     * We use this to drop a couple process-specific references
     * from DB_DataObject which can cause trouble in future
     * processes.
     * @return array of variable names to include in serialization.
    function __sleep()
        $vars = array_keys(get_object_vars($this));
        $skip = array('_DB_resultid', '_link_loaded');
        return array_diff($vars, $skip);

     * Magic function called at unserialize() time.
     * Clean out some process-specific variables which might
     * be floating around from a previous process's cached
     * objects.
     * Old cached objects may still have them.
    function __wakeup()
        // Refers to global state info from a previous process.
        // Clear this out so we don't accidentally break global
        // state in *this* process.
        $this->_DB_resultid = null;
        // We don't have any local DBO refs, so clear these out.
        $this->_link_loaded = false;

     * Work around memory-leak bugs...
     * Had to copy-paste the whole function in order to patch a couple lines of it.
     * Would be nice if this code was better factored.
     * @param optional string  name of database to assign / read
     * @param optional array   structure of database, and keys
     * @param optional array  table links
     * @access public
     * @return true or PEAR:error on wrong paramenters.. or false if no file exists..
     *              or the array(tablename => array(column_name=>type)) if called with 1 argument.. (databasename)
    function databaseStructure()

        global $_DB_DATAOBJECT;
        // Assignment code 
        if ($args = func_get_args()) {
            if (count($args) == 1) {
                // this returns all the tables and their structure..
                if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['debug'])) {
                    $this->debug("Loading Generator as databaseStructure called with args",1);
                $x = new DB_DataObject;
                $x->_database = $args[0];
                $DB = &$_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONNECTIONS'][$this->_database_dsn_md5];
                $tables = $DB->getListOf('tables');
                class_exists('DB_DataObject_Generator') ? '' : 
                    require_once 'DB/DataObject/Generator.php';
                foreach($tables as $table) {
                    $y = new DB_DataObject_Generator;
                return $_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$x->_database];            
            } else {
                $_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$args[0]] = isset($_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$args[0]]) ?
                    $_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$args[0]] + $args[1] : $args[1];
                if (isset($args[1])) {
                    $_DB_DATAOBJECT['LINKS'][$args[0]] = isset($_DB_DATAOBJECT['LINKS'][$args[0]]) ?
                        $_DB_DATAOBJECT['LINKS'][$args[0]] + $args[2] : $args[2];
                return true;
        if (!$this->_database) {
        // loaded already?
        if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$this->_database])) {
            // database loaded - but this is table is not available..
            if (
                    && !empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['proxy'])
                ) {
                if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['debug'])) {
                    $this->debug("Loading Generator to fetch Schema",1);
                class_exists('DB_DataObject_Generator') ? '' : 
                    require_once 'DB/DataObject/Generator.php';
                $x = new DB_DataObject_Generator;
            return true;
        if (empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG'])) {
        // if you supply this with arguments, then it will take those
        // as the database and links array...
        $schemas = isset($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['schema_location']) ?
            array("{$_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['schema_location']}/{$this->_database}.ini") :
            array() ;
        if (isset($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']["ini_{$this->_database}"])) {
            $schemas = is_array($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']["ini_{$this->_database}"]) ?
                $_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']["ini_{$this->_database}"] :
        $_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$this->_database] = $this->parseIniFiles($schemas);

        // now have we loaded the structure.. 
        if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'][$this->_database][$this->__table])) {
            return true;
        // - if not try building it..
        if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['proxy'])) {
            class_exists('DB_DataObject_Generator') ? '' : 
                require_once 'DB/DataObject/Generator.php';
            $x = new DB_DataObject_Generator;
            // should this fail!!!???
            return true;
        $this->debug("Cant find database schema: {$this->_database}/{$this->__table} \n".
                    "in links file data: " . print_r($_DB_DATAOBJECT['INI'],true),"databaseStructure",5);
        // we have to die here!! - it causes chaos if we dont (including looping forever!)
        $this->raiseError( "Unable to load schema for database and table (turn debugging up to 5 for full error message)", DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_INVALIDARGS, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
        return false;

    /** For parseIniFiles */
    protected static $iniCache = array();

     * When switching site configurations, DB_DataObject was loading its
     * .ini files over and over, leaking gobs of memory.
     * This refactored helper function uses a local cache of .ini files
     * to minimize the leaks.
     * @param array of .ini file names $schemas
     * @return array
    protected function parseIniFiles($schemas)
        $key = implode("|", $schemas);
        if (!isset(Safe_DataObject::$iniCache[$key])) {
            $data = array();
            foreach ($schemas as $ini) {
                if (file_exists($ini) && is_file($ini)) {
                    $data = array_merge($data, parse_ini_file($ini, true));

                    if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['debug'])) { 
                        if (!is_readable ($ini)) {
                            $this->debug("ini file is not readable: $ini","databaseStructure",1);
                        } else {
                            $this->debug("Loaded ini file: $ini","databaseStructure",1);
                } else {
                    if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['debug'])) {
                        $this->debug("Missing ini file: $ini","databaseStructure",1);
            Safe_DataObject::$iniCache[$key] = $data;

        return Safe_DataObject::$iniCache[$key];