forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
This removes most references to Google, with some remaining since they may point to things which are still relevant. References to Google Code, Google Buzz and Google Maps have been removed
482 lines
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482 lines
14 KiB
// Auto-load scripts
// specify which map providers to load by using
// <script src="mxn.js?(provider1,provider2,[module1,module2])" ...
// in your HTML
// for each provider mxn.provider.module.js and mxn.module.js will be loaded
// module 'core' is always loaded
// NOTE: if you call without providers
// <script src="mxn.js" ...
// no scripts will be loaded at all and it is then up to you to load the scripts independently
(function() {
var providers = null;
var modules = 'core';
var scriptBase;
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
// Determine which scripts we need to load
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var match = scripts[i].src.replace(/%20/g , '').match(/^(.*?)mxn\.js(\?\(\[?(.*?)\]?\))?$/);
if (match != null) {
scriptBase = match[1];
if (match[3]) {
var settings = match[3].split(',[');
providers = settings[0].replace(']' , '');
if (settings[1]) modules += ',' + settings[1];
if (providers == null || providers == 'none') return; // Bail out if no auto-load has been found
providers = providers.replace(/ /g, '').split(',');
modules = modules.replace(/ /g, '').split(',');
// Actually load the scripts
for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + scriptBase + 'mxn.' + modules[i] + '.js' + "'></script>");
for (var j = 0; j < providers.length; j++) document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + scriptBase + 'mxn.' + providers[j] + '.' + modules[i] + '.js' + "'></script>");
// holds all our implementing functions
var apis = {};
// Our special private methods
* Calls the API specific implementation of a particular method.
* @private
var invoke = function(sApiId, sObjName, sFnName, oScope, args){
if(!hasImplementation(sApiId, sObjName, sFnName)) {
throw 'Method ' + sFnName + ' of object ' + sObjName + ' is not supported by API ' + sApiId + '. Are you missing a script tag?';
return apis[sApiId][sObjName][sFnName].apply(oScope, args);
* Determines whether the specified API provides an implementation for the
* specified object and function name.
* @private
var hasImplementation = function(sApiId, sObjName, sFnName){
if(typeof(apis[sApiId]) == 'undefined') {
throw 'API ' + sApiId + ' not loaded. Are you missing a script tag?';
if(typeof(apis[sApiId][sObjName]) == 'undefined') {
throw 'Object definition ' + sObjName + ' in API ' + sApiId + ' not loaded. Are you missing a script tag?';
return typeof(apis[sApiId][sObjName][sFnName]) == 'function';
* @name mxn
* @namespace
var mxn = window.mxn = /** @lends mxn */ {
* Registers a set of provider specific implementation functions.
* @function
* @param {String} sApiId The API ID to register implementing functions for.
* @param {Object} oApiImpl An object containing the API implementation.
register: function(sApiId, oApiImpl){
apis[sApiId] = {};
mxn.util.merge(apis[sApiId], oApiImpl);
* Adds a list of named proxy methods to the prototype of a
* specified constructor function.
* @function
* @param {Function} func Constructor function to add methods to
* @param {Array} aryMethods Array of method names to create
* @param {Boolean} bWithApiArg Optional. Whether the proxy methods will use an API argument
addProxyMethods: function(func, aryMethods, bWithApiArg){
for(var i = 0; i < aryMethods.length; i++) {
var sMethodName = aryMethods[i];
func.prototype[sMethodName] = new Function('return this.invoker.go(\'' + sMethodName + '\', arguments, { overrideApi: true } );');
else {
func.prototype[sMethodName] = new Function('return this.invoker.go(\'' + sMethodName + '\', arguments);');
checkLoad: function(funcDetails){
if(this.loaded[this.api] === false) {
var scope = this;
this.onload[this.api].push( function() { funcDetails.callee.apply(scope, funcDetails); } );
return true;
return false;
* Bulk add some named events to an object.
* @function
* @param {Object} oEvtSrc The event source object.
* @param {String[]} aEvtNames Event names to add.
addEvents: function(oEvtSrc, aEvtNames){
for(var i = 0; i < aEvtNames.length; i++){
var sEvtName = aEvtNames[i];
if(sEvtName in oEvtSrc){
throw 'Event or method ' + sEvtName + ' already declared.';
oEvtSrc[sEvtName] = new mxn.Event(sEvtName, oEvtSrc);
* Instantiates a new Event
* @constructor
* @param {String} sEvtName The name of the event.
* @param {Object} oEvtSource The source object of the event.
mxn.Event = function(sEvtName, oEvtSource){
var handlers = [];
throw 'Event name must be provided';
* Add a handler to the Event.
* @param {Function} fn The handler function.
* @param {Object} ctx The context of the handler function.
this.addHandler = function(fn, ctx){
handlers.push({context: ctx, handler: fn});
* Remove a handler from the Event.
* @param {Function} fn The handler function.
* @param {Object} ctx The context of the handler function.
this.removeHandler = function(fn, ctx){
for(var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++){
if(handlers[i].handler == fn && handlers[i].context == ctx){
handlers.splice(i, 1);
* Remove all handlers from the Event.
this.removeAllHandlers = function(){
handlers = [];
* Fires the Event.
* @param {Object} oEvtArgs Event arguments object to be passed to the handlers.
| = function(oEvtArgs){
var args = [sEvtName, oEvtSource, oEvtArgs];
for(var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++){
handlers[i].handler.apply(handlers[i].context, args);
* Creates a new Invoker, a class which helps with on-the-fly
* invocation of the correct API methods.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} aobj The core object whose methods will make cals to go()
* @param {String} asClassName The name of the Mapstraction class to be invoked, normally the same name as aobj's constructor function
* @param {Function} afnApiIdGetter The function on object aobj which will return the active API ID
mxn.Invoker = function(aobj, asClassName, afnApiIdGetter){
var obj = aobj;
var sClassName = asClassName;
var fnApiIdGetter = afnApiIdGetter;
var defOpts = {
overrideApi: false, // {Boolean} API ID is overridden by value in first argument
context: null, // {Object} Local vars can be passed from the body of the method to the API method within this object
fallback: null // {Function} If an API implementation doesn't exist this function is run instead
* Invoke the API implementation of a specific method.
* @param {String} sMethodName The method name to invoke
* @param {Array} args Arguments to pass on
* @param {Object} oOptions Optional. Extra options for invocation
* @param {Boolean} oOptions.overrideApi When true the first argument is used as the API ID.
* @param {Object} oOptions.context A context object for passing extra information on to the provider implementation.
* @param {Function} oOptions.fallback A fallback function to run if the provider implementation is missing.
this.go = function(sMethodName, args, oOptions){
if(typeof(oOptions) == 'undefined'){
oOptions = defOpts;
var sApiId = oOptions.overrideApi ? args[0] : fnApiIdGetter.apply(obj);
if(typeof(sApiId) != 'string'){
throw 'API ID not available.';
if(typeof(oOptions.context) != 'undefined' && oOptions.context !== null){
// make sure args is an array
args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(args);
if(typeof(oOptions.fallback) == 'function' && !hasImplementation(sApiId, sClassName, sMethodName)){
// we've got no implementation but have got a fallback function
return oOptions.fallback.apply(obj, args);
else {
return invoke(sApiId, sClassName, sMethodName, obj, args);
* @namespace
mxn.util = {
* Merges properties of one object into another recursively.
* @param {Object} oRecv The object receiveing properties
* @param {Object} oGive The object donating properties
merge: function(oRecv, oGive){
for (var sPropName in oGive){
if (oGive.hasOwnProperty(sPropName)) {
oRecv[sPropName] = oGive[sPropName];
else {
mxn.util.merge(oRecv[sPropName], oGive[sPropName]);
* $m, the dollar function, elegantising getElementById()
* @return An HTML element or array of HTML elements
$m: function() {
var elements = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var element = arguments[i];
if (typeof(element) == 'string') {
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (arguments.length == 1) {
return element;
return elements;
* loadScript is a JSON data fetcher
* @param {String} src URL to JSON file
* @param {Function} callback Callback function
loadScript: function(src, callback) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = src;
if (callback) {
script.addEventListener('load', callback, true);
else if(script.attachEvent){
var done = false;
if ( !done && document.readyState === "complete" ) {
done = true;
var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
h.appendChild( script );
* @param {Object} point
* @param {Object} level
convertLatLonXY_Yahoo: function(point, level) { //Mercator
var size = 1 << (26 - level);
var pixel_per_degree = size / 360.0;
var pixel_per_radian = size / (2 * Math.PI);
var origin = new YCoordPoint(size / 2 , size / 2);
var answer = new YCoordPoint();
answer.x = Math.floor(origin.x + point.lon * pixel_per_degree);
var sin = Math.sin( * Math.PI / 180.0);
answer.y = Math.floor(origin.y + 0.5 * Math.log((1 + sin) / (1 - sin)) * -pixel_per_radian);
return answer;
* Load a stylesheet from a remote file.
* @param {String} href URL to the CSS file
loadStyle: function(href) {
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.type = 'text/css';
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.href = href;
* getStyle provides cross-browser access to css
* @param {Object} el HTML Element
* @param {String} prop Style property name
getStyle: function(el, prop) {
var y;
if (el.currentStyle) {
y = el.currentStyle[prop];
else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
y = window.getComputedStyle( el, '').getPropertyValue(prop);
return y;
* Convert longitude to metres
* "A degree of longitude at the equator is 111.2km... For other latitudes,
* multiply by cos(lat)"
* assumes the earth is a sphere but good enough for our purposes
* @param {Float} lon
* @param {Float} lat
lonToMetres: function(lon, lat) {
return lon * (111200 * Math.cos(lat * (Math.PI / 180)));
* Convert metres to longitude
* @param {Object} m
* @param {Object} lat
metresToLon: function(m, lat) {
return m / (111200 * Math.cos(lat * (Math.PI / 180)));
* Convert kilometres to miles
* @param {Float} km
* @returns {Float} miles
KMToMiles: function(km) {
return km / 1.609344;
* Convert miles to kilometres
* @param {Float} miles
* @returns {Float} km
milesToKM: function(miles) {
return miles * 1.609344;
* @param {Object} number
* @param {Object} base
logN: function(number, base) {
return Math.log(number) / Math.log(base);
* Returns array of loaded provider apis
* @returns {Array} providers
getAvailableProviders : function () {
var providers = [];
for (var propertyName in apis){
if (apis.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
return providers;
* Class for converting between HTML and RGB integer color formats.
* Accepts either a HTML color string argument or three integers for R, G and B.
* @constructor
mxn.util.Color = function() {
if(arguments.length == 3) {
| = arguments[0];
| = arguments[1];
| = arguments[2];
else if(arguments.length == 1) {
mxn.util.Color.prototype.reHex = /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/;
* Set the color from the supplied HTML hex string.
* @param {String} strHexColor A HTML hex color string e.g. '#00FF88'.
mxn.util.Color.prototype.setHexColor = function(strHexColor) {
var match = strHexColor.match(this.reHex);
if(match) {
strHexColor = match[1];
else {
throw 'Invalid HEX color format, expected #000, 000, #000000 or 000000';
if(strHexColor.length == 3) {
strHexColor = strHexColor.replace(/\w/g, function(str){return str.concat(str);});
| = parseInt(strHexColor.substr(0,2), 16);
| = parseInt(strHexColor.substr(2,2), 16);
| = parseInt(strHexColor.substr(4,2), 16);
* Retrieve the color value as an HTML hex string.
* @returns {String} Format '00FF88' - note no preceding #.
mxn.util.Color.prototype.getHexColor = function() {
var vals = [,,];
for(var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
vals[i] = (vals[i].length == 1) ? '0' + vals[i] : vals[i];
vals[i] = vals[i].toUpperCase();
return vals.join('');
})(); |