Brion Vibber 057a831026 Fixes for race conditions between Realtime plugin and the AJAX display of inline replies.
* keep the notice-reply-placeholder around, but hidden
* insert things before the placeholder, rather than appending to the end of the list.
* append the active form after the hidden placeholder, so things inserted before the placeholder never come after it
* Realtime: check pre-existing notice visibility a second time after loading the HTML for a notice. Fixes bug where sometimes your own post would be shown twice because the Realtime notification arrived before the AJAX posting returned, but Realtime's AJAX fetch of the notice returned after.
2011-03-17 15:54:40 -07:00

626 lines
22 KiB

* StatusNet - a distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2008, StatusNet, Inc.
* Add a notice encoded as JSON into the current timeline
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @author Sarven Capadisli <>
* @copyright 2009 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
* This is the UI portion of the Realtime plugin base class, handling
* queueing up and displaying of notices that have been received through
* other code in one of the subclassed plugin implementations such as
* Meteor or Orbited.
* Notices are passed in as JSON objects formatted per the Twitter-compatible
* API.
* @todo Currently we duplicate a lot of formatting and layout code from
* the PHP side of StatusNet, which makes it very difficult to maintain
* this package. Internationalization as well as newer features such
* as location data, customized source links for OStatus profiles,
* and image thumbnails are not yet supported in Realtime yet because
* they have not been implemented here.
RealtimeUpdate = {
_userid: 0,
_showurl: '',
_updatecounter: 0,
_maxnotices: 50,
_windowhasfocus: true,
_documenttitle: '',
* Initialize the Realtime plugin UI on a page with a timeline view.
* This function is called from a JS fragment inserted by the PHP side
* of the Realtime plugin, and provides us with base information
* needed to build a near-replica of StatusNet's NoticeListItem output.
* Once the UI is initialized, a plugin subclass will need to actually
* feed data into the RealtimeUpdate object!
* @param {int} userid: local profile ID of the currently logged-in user
* @param {String} showurl: URL for shownotice action, used when fetching formatting notices.
* This URL contains a stub value of 0000000000 which will be replaced with the notice ID.
* @access public
init: function(userid, showurl)
RealtimeUpdate._userid = userid;
RealtimeUpdate._showurl = showurl;
RealtimeUpdate._documenttitle = document.title;
$(window).bind('focus', function() {
RealtimeUpdate._windowhasfocus = true;
// Clear the counter on the window title when we focus in.
RealtimeUpdate._updatecounter = 0;
$(window).bind('blur', function() {
$('#notices_primary .notice').removeClass('mark-top');
$('#notices_primary .notice:first').addClass('mark-top');
// While we're in the background, received messages will increment
// a counter that we put on the window title. This will cause some
// browsers to also flash or mark the tab or window title bar until
// you seek attention (eg Firefox 4 pinned app tabs).
RealtimeUpdate._windowhasfocus = false;
return false;
* Accept a notice in a Twitter-API JSON style and either show it
* or queue it up, depending on whether the realtime display is
* active.
* The meat of a Realtime plugin subclass is to provide a substrate
* transport to receive data and shove it into this function. :)
* Note that the JSON data is extended from the standard API return
* with additional fields added by RealtimePlugin's PHP code.
* @param {Object} data: extended JSON API-formatted notice
* @access public
receive: function(data)
if (RealtimeUpdate.isNoticeVisible( {
// Probably posted by the user in this window, and so already
// shown by the AJAX form handler. Ignore it.
if (RealtimeUpdate._paused === false) {
else {
* Add a visible representation of the given notice at the top of
* the current timeline.
* If the notice is already in the timeline, nothing will be added.
* @param {Object} data: extended JSON API-formatted notice
* @fixme while core UI JS code is used to activate the AJAX UI controls,
* the actual production of HTML (in makeNoticeItem and its subs)
* duplicates core code without plugin hook points or i18n support.
* @access private
insertNoticeItem: function(data) {
// Don't add it if it already exists
if (RealtimeUpdate.isNoticeVisible( {
RealtimeUpdate.makeNoticeItem(data, function(noticeItem) {
// Check again in case it got shown while we were waiting for data...
if (RealtimeUpdate.isNoticeVisible( {
var noticeItemID = $(noticeItem).attr('id');
var list = $("#notices_primary .notices:first")
var prepend = true;
var threaded = list.hasClass('threaded-notices');
if (threaded && data.in_reply_to_status_id) {
// aho!
var parent = $('#notice-' + data.in_reply_to_status_id);
if (parent.length == 0) {
// @todo fetch the original, insert it, and finish the rest
} else {
// Check the parent notice to make sure it's not a reply itself.
// If so, use it's parent as the parent.
var parentList = parent.closest('.notices');
if (parentList.hasClass('threaded-replies')) {
parent = parentList.closest('.notice');
list = parent.find('.threaded-replies');
if (list.length == 0) {
list = $('<ul class="notices threaded-replies xoxo"></ul>');
prepend = false;
var newNotice = $(noticeItem);
if (prepend) {
} else {
var placeholder = list.find('li.notice-reply-placeholder')
if (placeholder.length > 0) {
} else {
* Check if the given notice is visible in the timeline currently.
* Used to avoid duplicate processing of notices that have been
* displayed by other means.
* @param {number} id: notice ID to check
* @return boolean
* @access private
isNoticeVisible: function(id) {
return ($("#notice-"+id).length > 0);
* Trims a notice off the end of the timeline if we have more than the
* maximum number of notices visible.
* @access private
purgeLastNoticeItem: function() {
if ($('#notices_primary .notice').length > RealtimeUpdate._maxnotices) {
$("#notices_primary .notice:last").remove();
* If the window/tab is in background, increment the counter of newly
* received notices and append it onto the window title.
* Has no effect if the window is in foreground.
* @access private
updateWindowCounter: function() {
if (RealtimeUpdate._windowhasfocus === false) {
RealtimeUpdate._updatecounter += 1;
document.title = '('+RealtimeUpdate._updatecounter+') ' + RealtimeUpdate._documenttitle;
* Clear the background update counter from the window title.
* @access private
* @fixme could interfere with anything else trying similar tricks
removeWindowCounter: function() {
document.title = RealtimeUpdate._documenttitle;
* Builds a notice HTML block from JSON API-style data;
* loads data from server, so runs async.
* @param {Object} data: extended JSON API-formatted notice
* @param {function} callback: function(DOMNode) to receive new code
* @access private
makeNoticeItem: function(data, callback)
var url = RealtimeUpdate._showurl.replace('0000000000',;
$.get(url, {ajax: 1}, function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
var notice = $('li.notice:first', data);
if (notice.length) {
var node = document._importNode(notice[0], true);
* Creates a favorite button.
* @param {number} id: notice ID to work with
* @param {String} session_key: session token for form CSRF protection
* @return {String} HTML fragment
* @fixme this replicates core StatusNet code, making maintenance harder
* @fixme sloppy HTML building (raw concat without escaping)
* @fixme no i18n support
* @access private
makeFavoriteForm: function(id, session_key)
var ff;
ff = "<form id=\"favor-"+id+"\" class=\"form_favor\" method=\"post\" action=\""+RealtimeUpdate._favorurl+"\">"+
"<legend>Favor this notice</legend>"+
"<input name=\"token-"+id+"\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"token-"+id+"\" value=\""+session_key+"\"/>"+
"<input name=\"notice\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"notice-n"+id+"\" value=\""+id+"\"/>"+
"<input type=\"submit\" id=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" name=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Favor\" title=\"Favor this notice\"/>"+
return ff;
* Creates a reply button.
* @param {number} id: notice ID to work with
* @param {String} nickname: nick of the user to whom we are replying
* @return {String} HTML fragment
* @fixme this replicates core StatusNet code, making maintenance harder
* @fixme sloppy HTML building (raw concat without escaping)
* @fixme no i18n support
* @access private
makeReplyLink: function(id, nickname)
var rl;
rl = "<a class=\"notice_reply\" href=\""+RealtimeUpdate._replyurl+"?replyto="+nickname+"\" title=\"Reply to this notice\">Reply <span class=\"notice_id\">"+id+"</span></a>";
return rl;
* Creates a repeat button.
* @param {number} id: notice ID to work with
* @param {String} session_key: session token for form CSRF protection
* @return {String} HTML fragment
* @fixme this replicates core StatusNet code, making maintenance harder
* @fixme sloppy HTML building (raw concat without escaping)
* @fixme no i18n support
* @access private
makeRepeatForm: function(id, session_key)
var rf;
rf = "<form id=\"repeat-"+id+"\" class=\"form_repeat\" method=\"post\" action=\""+RealtimeUpdate._repeaturl+"\">"+
"<legend>Repeat this notice?</legend>"+
"<input name=\"token-"+id+"\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"token-"+id+"\" value=\""+session_key+"\"/>"+
"<input name=\"notice\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"notice-"+id+"\" value=\""+id+"\"/>"+
"<input type=\"submit\" id=\"repeat-submit-"+id+"\" name=\"repeat-submit-"+id+"\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Yes\" title=\"Repeat this notice\"/>"+
return rf;
* Creates a delete button.
* @param {number} id: notice ID to create a delete link for
* @return {String} HTML fragment
* @fixme this replicates core StatusNet code, making maintenance harder
* @fixme sloppy HTML building (raw concat without escaping)
* @fixme no i18n support
* @access private
makeDeleteLink: function(id)
var dl, delurl;
delurl = RealtimeUpdate._deleteurl.replace("0000000000", id);
dl = "<a class=\"notice_delete\" href=\""+delurl+"\" title=\"Delete this notice\">Delete</a>";
return dl;
* Adds a control widget at the top of the timeline view, containing
* pause/play and popup buttons.
* @param {String} url: full URL to the popup window variant of this timeline page
* @param {String} timeline: string key for the timeline (eg 'public' or 'evan-all')
* @param {String} path: URL to the base directory containing the Realtime plugin,
* used to fetch resources if needed.
* @todo timeline and path parameters are unused and probably should be removed.
* @access private
initActions: function(url, timeline, path)
$('#notices_primary').prepend('<ul id="realtime_actions"><li id="realtime_playpause"></li><li id="realtime_timeline"></li></ul>');
RealtimeUpdate._pluginPath = path;
RealtimeUpdate.initAddPopup(url, timeline, RealtimeUpdate._pluginPath);
* Initialize the state of the play/pause controls.
* If the browser supports the localStorage interface, we'll attempt
* to retrieve a pause state from there; otherwise we default to paused.
* @access private
initPlayPause: function()
if (typeof(localStorage) == 'undefined') {
else {
if (localStorage.getItem('RealtimeUpdate_paused') === 'true') {
else {
* Switch the realtime UI into paused state.
* Uses SN.msg i18n system for the button label and tooltip.
* State will be saved and re-used next time if the browser supports
* the localStorage interface (via setPause).
* @access private
showPause: function()
$('#realtime_actions').prepend('<li id="realtime_playpause"><button id="realtime_pause" class="pause"></button></li>');
.attr('title', SN.msg('realtime_pause_tooltip'))
.bind('click', function() {
return false;
* Switch the realtime UI into play state.
* Uses SN.msg i18n system for the button label and tooltip.
* State will be saved and re-used next time if the browser supports
* the localStorage interface (via setPause).
* @access private
showPlay: function()
$('#realtime_actions').prepend('<li id="realtime_playpause"><span id="queued_counter"></span> <button id="realtime_play" class="play"></button></li>');
.attr('title', SN.msg('realtime_play_tooltip'))
.bind('click', function() {
return false;
* Update the internal pause/play state.
* Do not call directly; use showPause() and showPlay().
* State will be saved and re-used next time if the browser supports
* the localStorage interface.
* @param {boolean} state: true = paused, false = not paused
* @access private
setPause: function(state)
RealtimeUpdate._paused = state;
if (typeof(localStorage) != 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('RealtimeUpdate_paused', RealtimeUpdate._paused);
* Go through notices we have previously received while paused,
* dumping them into the timeline view.
* @fixme long timelines are not trimmed here as they are for things received while not paused
* @access private
showQueuedNotices: function()
$.each(RealtimeUpdate._queuedNotices, function(i, n) {
RealtimeUpdate._queuedNotices = [];
* Update the Realtime widget control's counter of queued notices to show
* the current count. This will be called after receiving and queueing
* a notice while paused.
* @access private
updateQueuedCounter: function()
$('#realtime_playpause #queued_counter').html('('+RealtimeUpdate._queuedNotices.length+')');
* Clear the Realtime widget control's counter of queued notices.
* @access private
removeQueuedCounter: function()
$('#realtime_playpause #queued_counter').empty();
* Set up event handlers on the timeline view to automatically pause
* when the mouse is over the timeline, as this indicates the user's
* desire to interact with the UI. (Which is hard to do when it's moving!)
* @access private
addNoticesHover: function()
$('#notices_primary .notices').hover(
function() {
if (RealtimeUpdate._paused === false) {
function() {
if (RealtimeUpdate._paused === true) {
* Tear down event handlers on the timeline view to automatically pause
* when the mouse is over the timeline.
* @fixme this appears to remove *ALL* event handlers from the timeline,
* which assumes that nobody else is adding any event handlers.
* Sloppy -- we should only remove the ones we add.
* @access private
removeNoticesHover: function()
$('#notices_primary .notices').unbind();
* UI initialization, to be called from Realtime plugin code on regular
* timeline pages.
* Adds a button to the control widget at the top of the timeline view,
* allowing creation of a popup window with a more compact real-time
* view of the current timeline.
* @param {String} url: full URL to the popup window variant of this timeline page
* @param {String} timeline: string key for the timeline (eg 'public' or 'evan-all')
* @param {String} path: URL to the base directory containing the Realtime plugin,
* used to fetch resources if needed.
* @todo timeline and path parameters are unused and probably should be removed.
* @access public
initAddPopup: function(url, timeline, path)
$('#realtime_timeline').append('<button id="realtime_popup"></button>');
.attr('title', SN.msg('realtime_popup_tooltip'))
.bind('click', function() {,
return false;
* UI initialization, to be called from Realtime plugin code on popup
* compact timeline pages.
* Sets up links in notices to open in a new window.
* @fixme fails to do the same for UI links like context view which will
* look bad in the tiny chromeless window.
* @access public
initPopupWindow: function()
$('.notices .entry-title a, .notices .entry-content a').bind('click', function() {, '');
return false;
$('#showstream .entity_profile').css({'width':'69%'});