forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
I used this hacky sed-command (run it from your GNU Social root, or change the first grep's path to where it actually lies) to do a rough fix on all ::staticGet calls and rename them to ::getKV sed -i -s -e '/DataObject::staticGet/I!s/::staticGet/::getKV/Ig' $(grep -R ::staticGet `pwd`/* | grep -v -e '^extlib' | grep -v DataObject:: |grep -v "function staticGet"|cut -d: -f1 |sort |uniq) If you're applying this, remember to change the Managed_DataObject and Memcached_DataObject function definitions of staticGet to getKV! This might of course take some getting used to, or modification fo StatusNet plugins, but the result is that all the static calls (to staticGet) are now properly made without breaking PHP Strict Standards. Standards are there to be followed (and they caused some very bad confusion when used with get_called_class) Reasonably any plugin or code that tests for the definition of 'GNUSOCIAL' or similar will take this change into consideration.
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* Table Definition for fave
require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/Memcached_DataObject.php';
class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
/* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */
public $__table = 'fave'; // table name
public $notice_id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $user_id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $uri; // varchar(255)
public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
/* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */
public static function schemaDef()
return array(
'fields' => array(
'notice_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'notice that is the favorite'),
'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user who likes this notice'),
'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI'),
'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
'primary key' => array('notice_id', 'user_id'),
'unique keys' => array(
'fave_uri_key' => array('uri'),
'foreign keys' => array(
'fave_notice_id_fkey' => array('notice', array('notice_id' => 'id')),
'fave_user_id_fkey' => array('profile', array('user_id' => 'id')), // note: formerly referenced, but we can now record remote users' favorites
'indexes' => array(
'fave_notice_id_idx' => array('notice_id'),
'fave_user_id_idx' => array('user_id', 'modified'),
'fave_modified_idx' => array('modified'),
* Save a favorite record.
* @fixme post-author notification should be moved here
* @param Profile $profile the local or remote user who likes
* @param Notice $notice the notice that is liked
* @return mixed false on failure, or Fave record on success
static function addNew(Profile $profile, Notice $notice) {
$fave = null;
if (Event::handle('StartFavorNotice', array($profile, $notice, &$fave))) {
$fave = new Fave();
$fave->user_id = $profile->id;
$fave->notice_id = $notice->id;
$fave->modified = common_sql_now();
$fave->uri = self::newURI($fave->user_id,
if (!$fave->insert()) {
common_log_db_error($fave, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
self::blow('fave:list-ids:notice_id:%d', $fave->notice_id);
Event::handle('EndFavorNotice', array($profile, $notice));
return $fave;
function delete()
$profile = Profile::getKV('id', $this->user_id);
$notice = Notice::getKV('id', $this->notice_id);
$result = null;
if (Event::handle('StartDisfavorNotice', array($profile, $notice, &$result))) {
$result = parent::delete();
self::blow('fave:list-ids:notice_id:%d', $this->notice_id);
if ($result) {
Event::handle('EndDisfavorNotice', array($profile, $notice));
return $result;
function pkeyGet($kv)
return Memcached_DataObject::pkeyGet('Fave', $kv);
function stream($user_id, $offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $own=false, $since_id=0, $max_id=0)
$stream = new FaveNoticeStream($user_id, $own);
return $stream->getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
function idStream($user_id, $offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $own=false, $since_id=0, $max_id=0)
$stream = new FaveNoticeStream($user_id, $own);
return $stream->getNoticeIds($offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
function asActivity()
$notice = Notice::getKV('id', $this->notice_id);
if (!$notice) {
throw new Exception("Fave for non-existent notice: " . $this->notice_id);
$profile = Profile::getKV('id', $this->user_id);
if (!$profile) {
throw new Exception("Fave by non-existent profile: " . $this->user_id);
$act = new Activity();
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::FAVORITE;
// FIXME: rationalize this with URL below
$act->id = $this->getURI();
$act->time = strtotime($this->modified);
// TRANS: Activity title when marking a notice as favorite.
$act->title = _("Favor");
// TRANS: Ntofication given when a user marks a notice as favorite.
// TRANS: %1$s is a user nickname or full name, %2$s is a notice URI.
$act->content = sprintf(_('%1$s marked notice %2$s as a favorite.'),
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($profile);
$act->objects[] = ActivityObject::fromNotice($notice);
$url = common_local_url('AtomPubShowFavorite',
array('profile' => $this->user_id,
'notice' => $this->notice_id));
$act->selfLink = $url;
$act->editLink = $url;
return $act;
* Fetch a stream of favorites by profile
* @param integer $profileId Profile that faved
* @param integer $offset Offset from last
* @param integer $limit Number to get
* @return mixed stream of faves, use fetch() to iterate
* @todo Cache results
* @todo integrate with Fave::stream()
static function byProfile($profileId, $offset, $limit)
$fav = new Fave();
$fav->user_id = $profileId;
$fav->orderBy('modified DESC');
$fav->limit($offset, $limit);
return $fav;
function getURI()
if (!empty($this->uri)) {
return $this->uri;
} else {
return self::newURI($this->user_id, $this->notice_id, $this->modified);
static function newURI($profile_id, $notice_id, $modified)
return TagURI::mint('favor:%d:%d:%s',