forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Fetching basic column data and unique indexes. Still needs detail work, multi-value indexes, foreign keys, and distinguishing the primary key. Since we don't get comments and such, for cleaner comparisons we should probably do a filtering on supported features.
433 lines
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433 lines
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* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Database schema utilities
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Database
* @package StatusNet
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @copyright 2009 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
* Class representing the database schema
* A class representing the database schema. Can be used to
* manipulate the schema -- especially for plugins and upgrade
* utilities.
* @category Database
* @package StatusNet
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @author Brenda Wallace <>
* @author Brion Vibber <>
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
class PgsqlSchema extends Schema
* Returns a table definition array for the table
* in the schema with the given name.
* Throws an exception if the table is not found.
* @param string $table Name of the table to get
* @return array tabledef for that table.
public function getTableDef($table)
$def = array();
$hasKeys = false;
// Pull column data from INFORMATION_SCHEMA
$columns = $this->fetchMetaInfo($table, 'columns', 'ordinal_position');
if (count($columns) == 0) {
throw new SchemaTableMissingException("No such table: $table");
foreach ($columns as $row) {
$name = $row['column_name'];
$field = array();
// ??
list($type, $size) = $this->reverseMapType($row['udt_name']);
$field['type'] = $type;
if ($size !== null) {
$field['size'] = $size;
if ($type == 'char' || $type == 'varchar') {
if ($row['character_maximum_length'] !== null) {
$field['length'] = intval($row['character_maximum_length']);
if ($type == 'numeric') {
// Other int types may report these values, but they're irrelevant.
// Just ignore them!
if ($row['numeric_precision'] !== null) {
$field['precision'] = intval($row['numeric_precision']);
if ($row['numeric_scale'] !== null) {
$field['scale'] = intval($row['numeric_scale']);
if ($row['is_nullable'] == 'NO') {
$field['not null'] = true;
if ($row['column_default'] !== null) {
$field['default'] = $row['column_default'];
if ($this->isNumericType($type)) {
$field['default'] = intval($field['default']);
$def['fields'][$name] = $field;
// Pull constraint data from INFORMATION_SCHEMA
// @fixme also find multi-val indexes
// @fixme distinguish the primary key
// @fixme pull foreign key references
$keyColumns = $this->fetchMetaInfo($table, 'key_column_usage', 'constraint_name,ordinal_position');
$keys = array();
foreach ($keyColumns as $row) {
$keyName = $row['constraint_name'];
$keyCol = $row['column_name'];
if (!isset($keys[$keyName])) {
$keys[$keyName] = array();
$keys[$keyName][] = $keyCol;
foreach ($keys as $keyName => $cols) {
$def['unique indexes'][$keyName] = $cols;
return $def;
* Pull some INFORMATION.SCHEMA data for the given table.
* @param string $table
* @return array of arrays
function fetchMetaInfo($table, $infoTable, $orderBy=null)
$query = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.%s " .
"WHERE table_name='%s'";
$sql = sprintf($query, $infoTable, $table);
if ($orderBy) {
$sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy;
return $this->fetchQueryData($sql);
* Creates a table with the given names and columns.
* @param string $name Name of the table
* @param array $columns Array of ColumnDef objects
* for new table.
* @return boolean success flag
public function createTable($name, $columns)
$uniques = array();
$primary = array();
$indices = array();
$onupdate = array();
$sql = "CREATE TABLE $name (\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns); $i++) {
$cd =& $columns[$i];
if ($i > 0) {
$sql .= ",\n";
$sql .= $this->_columnSql($cd);
switch ($cd->key) {
case 'UNI':
$uniques[] = $cd->name;
case 'PRI':
$primary[] = $cd->name;
case 'MUL':
$indices[] = $cd->name;
if (count($primary) > 0) { // it really should be...
$sql .= ",\n PRIMARY KEY (" . implode(',', $primary) . ")";
$sql .= "); ";
foreach ($uniques as $u) {
$sql .= "\n CREATE index {$name}_{$u}_idx ON {$name} ($u); ";
foreach ($indices as $i) {
$sql .= "CREATE index {$name}_{$i}_idx ON {$name} ($i)";
$res = $this->conn->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
throw new Exception($res->getMessage(). ' SQL was '. $sql);
return true;
* Translate the (mostly) mysql-ish column types into somethings more standard
* @param string column type
* @return string postgres happy column type
private function _columnTypeTranslation($type) {
$map = array(
'datetime' => 'timestamp',
if(!empty($map[$type])) {
return $map[$type];
return $type;
* Modifies a column in the schema.
* The name must match an existing column and table.
* @param string $table name of the table
* @param ColumnDef $columndef new definition of the column.
* @return boolean success flag
public function modifyColumn($table, $columndef)
$res = $this->conn->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
return true;
* Ensures that a table exists with the given
* name and the given column definitions.
* If the table does not yet exist, it will
* create the table. If it does exist, it will
* alter the table to match the column definitions.
* @param string $tableName name of the table
* @param array $columns array of ColumnDef
* objects for the table
* @return boolean success flag
public function ensureTable($tableName, $columns)
// XXX: DB engine portability -> toilet
try {
$td = $this->getTableDef($tableName);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (preg_match('/no such table/', $e->getMessage())) {
return $this->createTable($tableName, $columns);
} else {
throw $e;
$cur = $this->_names($td->columns);
$new = $this->_names($columns);
$toadd = array_diff($new, $cur);
$todrop = array_diff($cur, $new);
$same = array_intersect($new, $cur);
$tomod = array();
foreach ($same as $m) {
$curCol = $this->_byName($td->columns, $m);
$newCol = $this->_byName($columns, $m);
if (!$newCol->equals($curCol)) {
// stop it detecting different types and trying to modify on every page request
// $tomod[] = $newCol->name;
if (count($toadd) + count($todrop) + count($tomod) == 0) {
// nothing to do
return true;
// For efficiency, we want this all in one
// query, instead of using our methods.
$phrase = array();
foreach ($toadd as $columnName) {
$cd = $this->_byName($columns, $columnName);
$phrase[] = 'ADD COLUMN ' . $this->_columnSql($cd);
foreach ($todrop as $columnName) {
$phrase[] = 'DROP COLUMN ' . $columnName;
foreach ($tomod as $columnName) {
$cd = $this->_byName($columns, $columnName);
/* brute force */
$phrase[] = 'DROP COLUMN ' . $columnName;
$phrase[] = 'ADD COLUMN ' . $this->_columnSql($cd);
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tableName . ' ' . implode(', ', $phrase);
$res = $this->conn->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
return true;
* Return the proper SQL for creating or
* altering a column.
* Appropriate for use in CREATE TABLE or
* ALTER TABLE statements.
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $tableDef
* @param string $columnName
* @param array $cd column to create
* @return string correct SQL for that column
function columnSql($name, array $cd)
$line = array();
$line[] = parent::_columnSql($cd);
if ($table['foreign keys'][$name]) {
foreach ($table['foreign keys'][$name] as $foreignTable => $foreignColumn) {
$line[] = 'references';
$line[] = $this->quoteId($foreignTable);
$line[] = '(' . $this->quoteId($foreignColumn) . ')';
return implode(' ', $line);
function mapType($column)
$map = array('serial' => 'bigserial', // FIXME: creates the wrong name for the sequence for some internal sequence-lookup function, so better fix this to do the real 'create sequence' dance.
'numeric' => 'decimal',
'datetime' => 'timestamp',
'blob' => 'bytea');
$type = $column['type'];
if (isset($map[$type])) {
$type = $map[$type];
if (!empty($column['size'])) {
$size = $column['size'];
if ($type == 'integer' &&
in_array($size, array('small', 'big'))) {
$type = $size . 'int';
return $type;
// @fixme need name... :P
function typeAndSize($column)
if ($column['type'] == 'enum') {
$vals = array_map(array($this, 'quote'), $column['enum']);
return "text check ($name in " . implode(',', $vals) . ')';
} else {
return parent::typeAndSize($column);
* Map a native type back to an independent type + size
* @param string $type
* @return array ($type, $size) -- $size may be null
protected function reverseMapType($type)
$type = strtolower($type);
$map = array(
'int4' => array('int', null),
'int8' => array('int', 'big'),
'bytea' => array('blob', null),
if (isset($map[$type])) {
return $map[$type];
} else {
return array($type, null);