forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Starting the process of remote subscriptions. First, add the capacity to mint tags. May in the future want to allow some kind of UUID or URL for unique URIs. New config options for tag authority and date, and a function for minting tags. Store URIs in the DB. If the admin changes his/her tag config, this shouldn't change the URIs in the DB. Unless they really want to make that happen. Generate an XRDS document with the appropriate URLs for microblogging. Also, redefined some stuff in openmicroblogging.txt. And moved the file. darcs-hash:20080522183421-84dde-fe46f32e4050f2c4b6c850334103007ed7feabf7.gz
This package requires PHP 5.x and the following PHP Pear libraries: - DB_DataObject - Validate - XMLWriter - Auth_Yadis from OpenIDEnabled (not the PEAR version!). I decided to use the version since it's more widely implemented, seems to be better supported, and it may make sense to use the libraries for OpenID auth sometime in the future. Note that this is no longer distributed separately; it's only in the OpenID PHP tarball.