forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
476 lines
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476 lines
12 KiB
hKit Library for PHP5 - a generic library for parsing Microformats
Copyright (C) 2006 Drew McLellan
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Drew McLellan -
Scott Reynen -
Version 0.5, 22-Jul-2006
fixed by-ref issue cropping up in PHP 5.0.5
fixed a bug with a@title
added support for new fn=n optimisation
added support for new a.include include-pattern
Version 0.4, 23-Jun-2006
prevented nested includes from causing infinite loops
returns false if URL can't be fetched
added pre-flight check for base support level
added deduping of once-only classnames
prevented accumulation of multiple 'value' values
tuned whitespace handling and treatment of DEL elements
Version 0.3, 21-Jun-2006
added post-processor callback method into profiles
fixed minor problems raised by hcard testsuite
added support for include-pattern
added support for td@headers pattern
added implied-n optimization into default hcard profile
Version 0.2, 20-Jun-2006
added class callback mechanism
added resolvePath & resolveEmail
added basic BASE support
Version 0.1.1, 19-Jun-2006 (different timezone, no time machine)
added external Tidy option
Version 0.1, 20-Jun-2006
initial release
class hKit
public $tidy_mode = 'proxy'; // 'proxy', 'exec', 'php' or 'none'
public $tidy_proxy = ''; // required only for tidy_mode=proxy
public $tmp_dir = '/path/to/writable/dir/'; // required only for tidy_mode=exec
private $root_class = '';
private $classes = '';
private $singles = '';
private $required = '';
private $att_map = '';
private $callbacks = '';
private $processor = '';
private $url = '';
private $base = '';
private $doc = '';
public function hKit()
// pre-flight checks
$pass = true;
$required = array('dom_import_simplexml', 'file_get_contents', 'simplexml_load_string');
$missing = array();
foreach ($required as $f){
if (!function_exists($f)){
$pass = false;
$missing[] = $f . '()';
if (!$pass)
die('hKit error: these required functions are not available: <strong>' . implode(', ', $missing) . '</strong>');
public function getByURL($profile='', $url='')
if ($profile=='' || $url == '') return false;
$source = $this->loadURL($url);
if ($source){
$tidy_xhtml = $this->tidyThis($source);
$fragment = false;
if (strrchr($url, '#'))
$fragment = array_pop(explode('#', $url));
$doc = $this->loadDoc($tidy_xhtml, $fragment);
$s = $this->processNodes($doc, $this->classes);
$s = $this->postProcess($profile, $s);
return $s;
return false;
public function getByString($profile='', $input_xml='')
if ($profile=='' || $input_xml == '') return false;
$doc = $this->loadDoc($input_xml);
$s = $this->processNodes($doc, $this->classes);
$s = $this->postProcess($profile, $s);
return $s;
private function processNodes($items, $classes, $allow_includes=true){
$out = array();
foreach($items as $item){
$data = array();
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($classes); $i++){
if (!is_array($classes[$i])){
$xpath = ".//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' " . $classes[$i] . " ')]";
$results = $item->xpath($xpath);
if ($results){
foreach ($results as $result){
if (isset($classes[$i+1]) && is_array($classes[$i+1])){
$nodes = $this->processNodes($results, $classes[$i+1]);
if (sizeof($nodes) > 0){
$nodes = array_merge(array('text'=>$this->getNodeValue($result, $classes[$i])), $nodes);
$data[$classes[$i]] = $nodes;
$data[$classes[$i]] = $this->getNodeValue($result, $classes[$i]);
if (isset($data[$classes[$i]])){
if (is_array($data[$classes[$i]])){
// is already an array - append
$data[$classes[$i]][] = $this->getNodeValue($result, $classes[$i]);
// make it an array
if ($classes[$i] == 'value'){ // unless it's the 'value' of a type/value pattern
$data[$classes[$i]] .= $this->getNodeValue($result, $classes[$i]);
$old_val = $data[$classes[$i]];
$data[$classes[$i]] = array($old_val, $this->getNodeValue($result, $classes[$i]));
$old_val = false;
// set as normal value
$data[$classes[$i]] = $this->getNodeValue($result, $classes[$i]);
// td@headers pattern
if (strtoupper(dom_import_simplexml($result)->tagName)== "TD" && $result['headers']){
$include_ids = explode(' ', $result['headers']);
$doc = $this->doc;
foreach ($include_ids as $id){
$xpath = "//*[@id='$id']/..";
$includes = $doc->xpath($xpath);
foreach ($includes as $include){
$tmp = $this->processNodes($include, $this->classes);
if (is_array($tmp)) $data = array_merge($data, $tmp);
$result = false;
// include-pattern
if ($allow_includes){
$xpath = ".//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' include ')]";
$results = $item->xpath($xpath);
if ($results){
foreach ($results as $result){
$tagName = strtoupper(dom_import_simplexml($result)->tagName);
if ((($tagName == "OBJECT" && $result['data']) || ($tagName == "A" && $result['href']))
&& preg_match('/\binclude\b/', $result['class'])){
$att = ($tagName == "OBJECT" ? 'data' : 'href');
$id = str_replace('#', '', $result[$att]);
$doc = $this->doc;
$xpath = "//*[@id='$id']";
$includes = $doc->xpath($xpath);
foreach ($includes as $include){
$include = simplexml_load_string('<root1><root2>'.$include->asXML().'</root2></root1>'); // don't ask.
$tmp = $this->processNodes($include, $this->classes, false);
if (is_array($tmp)) $data = array_merge($data, $tmp);
$out[] = $data;
if (sizeof($out) > 1){
return $out;
}else if (isset($data)){
return $data;
return array();
private function getNodeValue($node, $className)
$tag_name = strtoupper(dom_import_simplexml($node)->tagName);
$s = false;
// ignore DEL tags
if ($tag_name == 'DEL') return $s;
// look up att map values
if (array_key_exists($className, $this->att_map)){
foreach ($this->att_map[$className] as $map){
if (preg_match("/$tag_name\|/", $map)){
$s = ''.$node[array_pop($foo = explode('|', $map))];
// if nothing and OBJ, try data.
if (!$s && $tag_name=='OBJECT' && $node['data']) $s = ''.$node['data'];
// if nothing and IMG, try alt.
if (!$s && $tag_name=='IMG' && $node['alt']) $s = ''.$node['alt'];
// if nothing and AREA, try alt.
if (!$s && $tag_name=='AREA' && $node['alt']) $s = ''.$node['alt'];
//if nothing and not A, try title.
if (!$s && $tag_name!='A' && $node['title']) $s = ''.$node['title'];
// if nothing found, go with node text
$s = ($s ? $s : implode(array_filter($node->xpath('child::node()'), array(&$this, "filterBlankValues")), ' '));
// callbacks
if (array_key_exists($className, $this->callbacks)){
$s = preg_replace_callback('/.*/', $this->callbacks[$className], $s, 1);
// trim and remove line breaks
if ($tag_name != 'PRE'){
$s = trim(preg_replace('/[\r\n\t]+/', '', $s));
$s = trim(preg_replace('/(\s{2})+/', ' ', $s));
return $s;
private function filterBlankValues($s){
return preg_match("/\w+/", $s);
private function tidyThis($source)
switch ( $this->tidy_mode )
case 'exec':
$tmp_file = $this->tmp_dir.md5($source).'.txt';
file_put_contents($tmp_file, $source);
exec("tidy -utf8 -indent -asxhtml -numeric -bare -quiet $tmp_file", $tidy);
return implode("\n", $tidy);
case 'php':
$tidy = tidy_parse_string($source);
return tidy_clean_repair($tidy);
return $source;
private function loadProfile($profile)
private function loadDoc($input_xml, $fragment=false)
$xml = simplexml_load_string($input_xml);
$this->doc = $xml;
if ($fragment){
$doc = $xml->xpath("//*[@id='$fragment']");
$xml = simplexml_load_string($doc[0]->asXML());
$doc = null;
// base tag
if ($xml->head->base['href']) $this->base = $xml->head->base['href'];
// xml:base attribute - PITA with SimpleXML
preg_match('/xml:base="(.*)"/', $xml->asXML(), $matches);
if (is_array($matches) && sizeof($matches)>1) $this->base = $matches[1];
return $xml->xpath("//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' $this->root_class ')]");
private function loadURL($url)
$this->url = $url;
if ($this->tidy_mode == 'proxy' && $this->tidy_proxy != ''){
$url = $this->tidy_proxy . $url;
return @file_get_contents($url);
private function postProcess($profile, $s)
$required = $this->required;
if (is_array($s) && array_key_exists($required[0], $s)){
$s = array($s);
$s = $this->dedupeSingles($s);
if (function_exists('hKit_'.$profile.'_post')){
$s = call_user_func('hKit_'.$profile.'_post', $s);
$s = $this->removeTextVals($s);
return $s;
private function resolvePath($filepath)
{ // ugly code ahoy: needs a serious tidy up
$filepath = $filepath[0];
$base = $this->base;
$url = $this->url;
if ($base != '' && strpos($base, '://') !== false)
$url = $base;
$r = parse_url($url);
$domain = $r['scheme'] . '://' . $r['host'];
if (!isset($r['path'])) $r['path'] = '/';
$path = explode('/', $r['path']);
$file = explode('/', $filepath);
$new = array('');
if (strpos($filepath, '://') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'data:') !== false){
return $filepath;
if ($file[0] == ''){
// absolute path
return ''.$domain . implode('/', $file);
// relative path
if ($path[sizeof($path)-1] == '') array_pop($path);
if (strpos($path[sizeof($path)-1], '.') !== false) array_pop($path);
foreach ($file as $segment){
if ($segment == '..'){
$new[] = $segment;
return ''.$domain . implode('/', $path) . implode('/', $new);
private function resolveEmail($v)
$parts = parse_url($v[0]);
return ($parts['path']);
private function dedupeSingles($s)
$singles = $this->singles;
foreach ($s as &$item){
foreach ($singles as $classname){
if (array_key_exists($classname, $item) && is_array($item[$classname])){
if (isset($item[$classname][0])) $item[$classname] = $item[$classname][0];
return $s;
private function removeTextVals($s)
foreach ($s as $key => &$val){
if ($key){
$k = $key;
$k = '';
if (is_array($val)){
$val = $this->removeTextVals($val);
if ($k == 'text'){
$val = '';
return array_filter($s);