forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
The code used to operate under the assumption that MariaDB doesn't support quoting identifiers. Not only is that not exactly true, but MariaDB has reserved keywords that cannot be used as table or column names unquoted.
670 lines
23 KiB
670 lines
23 KiB
// This file is part of GNU social -
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social. If not, see <>.
* Installation lib
* @package Installation
* @author Adrian Lang <>
* @author Brenda Wallace <>
* @author Brett Taylor <>
* @author Brion Vibber <>
* @author CiaranG <>
* @author Craig Andrews <>
* @author Eric Helgeson <helfire@Erics-MBP.local>
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @author Mikael Nordfeldth <>
* @author Robin Millette <>
* @author Sarven Capadisli <>
* @author Tom Adams <>
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
* @copyright 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc
* @license GNU AGPL v3 or later
abstract class Installer
/** Web site info */
public $sitename;
public $server;
public $path;
public $fancy;
public $siteProfile;
public $ssl;
/** DB info */
public $host;
public $database;
public $dbtype;
public $username;
public $password;
public $db;
/** Storage info */
public $avatarDir;
public $fileDir;
/** Administrator info */
public $adminNick;
public $adminPass;
public $adminEmail;
/** Should we skip writing the configuration file? */
public $skipConfig = false;
public static $dbModules = [
'mysql' => [
'name' => 'MariaDB 10.3+',
'check_module' => 'mysqli',
'scheme' => 'mysqli', // DSN prefix for PEAR::DB
/*'pgsql' => [
'name' => 'PostgreSQL',
'check_module' => 'pgsql',
'scheme' => 'pgsql', // DSN prefix for PEAR::DB
* Attempt to include a PHP file and report if it worked, while
* suppressing the annoying warning messages on failure.
* @param string $filename
* @return bool
private function haveIncludeFile(string $filename): bool
$old = error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_WARNING);
$ok = include_once($filename);
return $ok;
* Check if all is ready for installation
* @return bool
public function checkPrereqs(): bool
$pass = true;
$config = INSTALLDIR . '/config.php';
if (!$this->skipConfig && file_exists($config)) {
if (!is_writable($config) || filesize($config) > 0) {
if (filesize($config) == 0) {
$this->warning('Config file "config.php" already exists and is empty, but is not writable.');
} else {
$this->warning('Config file "config.php" already exists.');
$pass = false;
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0', '<')) {
$this->warning('Require PHP version 7.3.0 or greater.');
$pass = false;
$reqs = ['bcmath', 'curl', 'dom', 'gd', 'intl', 'json', 'mbstring', 'openssl', 'simplexml', 'xml', 'xmlwriter'];
foreach ($reqs as $req) {
// Checks if a php extension is both installed and loaded
if (!extension_loaded($req)) {
$this->warning(sprintf('Cannot load required extension: <code>%s</code>', $req));
$pass = false;
// Make sure we have at least one database module available
$missingExtensions = [];
foreach (self::$dbModules as $type => $info) {
if (!extension_loaded($info['check_module'])) {
$missingExtensions[] = $info['check_module'];
if (count($missingExtensions) == count(self::$dbModules)) {
$req = implode(', ', $missingExtensions);
$this->warning(sprintf('Cannot find a database extension. You need at least one of %s.', $req));
$pass = false;
// @fixme this check seems to be insufficient with Windows ACLs
if (!$this->skipConfig && !is_writable(INSTALLDIR)) {
sprintf('Cannot write config file to: <code>%s</code></p>', INSTALLDIR),
sprintf('On your server, try this command: <code>chmod a+w %s</code>', INSTALLDIR)
$pass = false;
// Check the subdirs used for file uploads
// TODO get another flag for this --skipFileSubdirCreation
if (!$this->skipConfig) {
define('GNUSOCIAL', true);
define('STATUSNET', true);
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/util/language.php';
$_server = $this->server;
$_path = $this->path; // We won't be using those so it's safe to do this small hack
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/util/util.php';
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/util/default.php';
$fileSubdirs = [
empty($this->avatarDir) ? $default['avatar']['dir'] : $this->avatarDir,
empty($this->fileDir) ? $default['attachments']['dir'] : $this->fileDir
foreach ($fileSubdirs as $fileFullPath) {
if (!file_exists($fileFullPath)) {
sprintf('GNU social was unable to create a directory on this path: %s', $fileFullPath),
'Either create that directory with the right permissions so that GNU social can use it or '.
'set the necessary permissions and it will be created.'
$pass = $pass && mkdir($fileFullPath);
} elseif (!is_dir($fileFullPath)) {
sprintf('GNU social expected a directory but found something else on this path: %s', $fileFullPath),
'Either make sure it goes to a directory or remove it and a directory will be created.'
$pass = false;
} elseif (!is_writable($fileFullPath)) {
sprintf('Cannot write to directory: <code>%s</code>', $fileFullPath),
sprintf('On your server, try this command: <code>chmod a+w %s</code>', $fileFullPath)
$pass = false;
return $pass;
* Basic validation on the database parameters
* Side effects: error output if not valid
* @return bool success
public function validateDb(): bool
$fail = false;
if (empty($this->host)) {
$this->updateStatus("No hostname specified.", true);
$fail = true;
if (empty($this->database)) {
$this->updateStatus("No database specified.", true);
$fail = true;
if (empty($this->username)) {
$this->updateStatus("No username specified.", true);
$fail = true;
if (empty($this->sitename)) {
$this->updateStatus("No sitename specified.", true);
$fail = true;
return !$fail;
* Basic validation on the administrator user parameters
* Side effects: error output if not valid
* @return bool success
public function validateAdmin(): bool
$fail = false;
if (empty($this->adminNick)) {
$this->updateStatus("No initial user nickname specified.", true);
$fail = true;
if ($this->adminNick && !preg_match('/^[0-9a-z]{1,64}$/', $this->adminNick)) {
$this->updateStatus('The user nickname "' . htmlspecialchars($this->adminNick) .
'" is invalid; should be plain letters and numbers no longer than 64 characters.', true);
$fail = true;
// @fixme hardcoded list; should use Nickname::isValid()
// if/when it's safe to have loaded the infrastructure here
$blacklist = ['main', 'panel', 'twitter', 'settings', 'rsd.xml', 'favorited', 'featured', 'favoritedrss', 'featuredrss', 'rss', 'getfile', 'api', 'groups', 'group', 'peopletag', 'tag', 'user', 'message', 'conversation', 'notice', 'attachment', 'search', 'index.php', 'doc', 'opensearch', 'robots.txt', 'xd_receiver.html', 'facebook', 'activity'];
if (in_array($this->adminNick, $blacklist)) {
$this->updateStatus('The user nickname "' . htmlspecialchars($this->adminNick) .
'" is reserved.', true);
$fail = true;
if (empty($this->adminPass)) {
$this->updateStatus("No initial user password specified.", true);
$fail = true;
return !$fail;
* Make sure a site profile was selected
* @return bool success
public function validateSiteProfile(): bool
if (empty($this->siteProfile)) {
$this->updateStatus("No site profile selected.", true);
return false;
return true;
* Set up the database with the appropriate function for the selected type...
* Saves database info into $this->db.
* @fixme escape things in the connection string in case we have a funny pass etc
* @return mixed array of database connection params on success, false on failure
* @throws Exception
public function setupDatabase()
if ($this->db) {
throw new Exception("Bad order of operations: DB already set up.");
$this->updateStatus("Starting installation...");
if (empty($this->password)) {
$auth = '';
} else {
$auth = ":$this->password";
$scheme = self::$dbModules[$this->dbtype]['scheme'];
$dsn = "{$scheme}://{$this->username}{$auth}@{$this->host}/{$this->database}";
$this->updateStatus("Checking database...");
$conn = $this->connectDatabase($dsn);
if (!$conn instanceof DB_common) {
// Is not the right instance
throw new Exception('Cannot connect to database: ' . $conn->getMessage());
// ensure database encoding is UTF8
$conn->query('SET NAMES utf8mb4');
if ($this->dbtype == 'mysql') {
$server_encoding = $conn->getRow("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_server'")[1];
if ($server_encoding != 'utf8mb4') {
$this->updateStatus("GNU social requires UTF8 character encoding. Your database is " . htmlentities($server_encoding));
return false;
} elseif ($this->dbtype == 'pgsql') {
$server_encoding = $conn->getRow('SHOW server_encoding')[0];
if ($server_encoding != 'UTF8') {
$this->updateStatus("GNU social requires UTF8 character encoding. Your database is " . htmlentities($server_encoding));
return false;
$res = $this->updateStatus("Creating database tables...");
if (!$this->createCoreTables($conn)) {
$this->updateStatus("Error creating tables.", true);
return false;
foreach (['sms_carrier' => 'SMS carrier',
'notice_source' => 'notice source',
'foreign_services' => 'foreign service']
as $scr => $name) {
$this->updateStatus(sprintf("Adding %s data to database...", $name));
$res = $this->runDbScript($scr . '.sql', $conn);
if ($res === false) {
$this->updateStatus(sprintf("Can't run %s script.", $name), true);
return false;
$db = ['type' => $this->dbtype, 'database' => $dsn];
return $db;
* Open a connection to the database.
* @param string $dsn
* @return DB|DB_Error
public function connectDatabase(string $dsn)
global $_DB;
return $_DB->connect($dsn);
* Create core tables on the given database connection.
* @param DB_common $conn
* @return bool
public function createCoreTables(DB_common $conn): bool
$schema = Schema::get($conn);
$tableDefs = $this->getCoreSchema();
foreach ($tableDefs as $name => $def) {
if (defined('DEBUG_INSTALLER')) {
echo " $name ";
$schema->ensureTable($name, $def);
return true;
* Fetch the core table schema definitions.
* @return array of table names => table def arrays
public function getCoreSchema(): array
$schema = [];
include INSTALLDIR . '/db/core.php';
return $schema;
* Return a parseable PHP literal for the given value.
* This will include quotes for strings, etc.
* @param mixed $val
* @return string
public function phpVal($val): string
return var_export($val, true);
* Return an array of parseable PHP literal for the given values.
* These will include quotes for strings, etc.
* @param mixed $map
* @return array
public function phpVals($map): array
return array_map([$this, 'phpVal'], $map);
* Write a stock configuration file.
* @return bool success
* @fixme escape variables in output in case we have funny chars, apostrophes etc
public function writeConf(): bool
$vals = $this->phpVals([
'sitename' => $this->sitename,
'server' => $this->server,
'path' => $this->path,
'ssl' => in_array($this->ssl, ['never', 'always'])
? $this->ssl
: 'never',
'db_database' => $this->db['database'],
'db_type' => $this->db['type']
// assemble configuration file in a string
$cfg = "<?php\n" .
"if (!defined('GNUSOCIAL')) { exit(1); }\n\n" .
// site name
"\$config['site']['name'] = {$vals['sitename']};\n\n" .
// site location
"\$config['site']['server'] = {$vals['server']};\n" .
"\$config['site']['path'] = {$vals['path']}; \n\n" .
"\$config['site']['ssl'] = {$vals['ssl']}; \n\n" .
// checks if fancy URLs are enabled
($this->fancy ? "\$config['site']['fancy'] = true;\n\n" : '') .
// database
"\$config['db']['database'] = {$vals['db_database']};\n\n" .
"\$config['db']['type'] = {$vals['db_type']};\n\n" .
"// Uncomment below for better performance. Just remember you must run\n" .
"// php scripts/checkschema.php whenever your enabled plugins change!\n" .
"//\$config['db']['schemacheck'] = 'script';\n\n";
// Normalize line endings for Windows servers
$cfg = str_replace("\n", PHP_EOL, $cfg);
// write configuration file out to install directory
$res = file_put_contents(INSTALLDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php', $cfg);
return $res;
* Write the site profile. We do this after creating the initial user
* in case the site profile is set to single user. This gets around the
* 'chicken-and-egg' problem of the system requiring a valid user for
* single user mode, before the intial user is actually created. Yeah,
* we should probably do this in smarter way.
* @return int res number of bytes written
public function writeSiteProfile(): int
$vals = $this->phpVals([
'site_profile' => $this->siteProfile,
'nickname' => $this->adminNick
$cfg =
// site profile
"\$config['site']['profile'] = {$vals['site_profile']};\n";
if ($this->siteProfile == "singleuser") {
$cfg .= "\$config['singleuser']['nickname'] = {$vals['nickname']};\n\n";
} else {
$cfg .= "\n";
// Normalize line endings for Windows servers
$cfg = str_replace("\n", PHP_EOL, $cfg);
// write configuration file out to install directory
$res = file_put_contents(INSTALLDIR . '/config.php', $cfg, FILE_APPEND);
return $res;
* Install schema into the database
* @param string $filename location of database schema file
* @param DB_common $conn connection to database
* @return bool - indicating success or failure
public function runDbScript(string $filename, DB_common $conn): bool
$sql = trim(file_get_contents(INSTALLDIR . '/db/' . $filename));
$stmts = explode(';', $sql);
foreach ($stmts as $stmt) {
$stmt = trim($stmt);
if (!mb_strlen($stmt)) {
try {
$res = $conn->query($stmt);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
$this->updateStatus("ERROR ($error) for SQL '$stmt'");
return false;
return true;
* Create the initial admin user account.
* Side effect: may load portions of GNU social framework.
* Side effect: outputs program info
public function registerInitialUser(): bool
// initalize hostname from install arguments, so it can be used to find
// the /etc config file from the commandline installer
$server = $this->server;
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/util/common.php';
$data = ['nickname' => $this->adminNick,
'password' => $this->adminPass,
'fullname' => $this->adminNick];
if ($this->adminEmail) {
$data['email'] = $this->adminEmail;
try {
$user = User::register($data, true); // true to skip email sending verification
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
// give initial user carte blanche
return true;
* The beef of the installer!
* Create database, config file, and admin user.
* Prerequisites: validation of input data.
* @return bool success
public function doInstall(): bool
global $config;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE);
if (!defined('GNUSOCIAL')) {
define('GNUSOCIAL', true);
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
define('STATUSNET', true);
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/util/framework.php';
GNUsocial::initDefaults($this->server, $this->path);
if ($this->siteProfile == "singleuser") {
// Until we use ['site']['profile']==='singleuser' everywhere
$config['singleuser']['enabled'] = true;
try {
$this->db = $this->setupDatabase();
if (!$this->db) {
// database connection failed, do not move on to create config file.
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Lower-level DB error!
$this->updateStatus("Database error: " . $e->getMessage(), true);
return false;
if (!$this->skipConfig) {
// Make sure we can write to the file twice
$oldUmask = umask(000);
$this->updateStatus("Writing config file...");
$res = $this->writeConf();
if (!$res) {
$this->updateStatus("Can't write config file.", true);
return false;
if (!empty($this->adminNick)) {
// Okay, cross fingers and try to register an initial user
if ($this->registerInitialUser()) {
"An initial user with the administrator role has been created."
} else {
"Could not create initial user account.",
return false;
if (!$this->skipConfig) {
$this->updateStatus("Setting site profile...");
$res = $this->writeSiteProfile();
if (!$res) {
$this->updateStatus("Can't write to config file.", true);
return false;
// Restore original umask
// Set permissions back to something decent
chmod(INSTALLDIR . '/config.php', 0644);
$scheme = $this->ssl === 'always' ? 'https' : 'http';
$link = "{$scheme}://{$this->server}/{$this->path}";
$this->updateStatus("GNU social has been installed at $link");
'<strong>DONE!</strong> You can visit your <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '">new GNU social site</a> (log in as "' . htmlspecialchars($this->adminNick) . '"). If this is your first GNU social install, make your experience the best possible by visiting our resource site to join the <a href="">mailing list or IRC</a>. <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '/doc/faq">FAQ is found here</a>.'
return true;
* Output a pre-install-time warning message
* @param string $message HTML ok, but should be plaintext-able
* @param string $submessage HTML ok, but should be plaintext-able
abstract public function warning(string $message, string $submessage = '');
* Output an install-time progress message
* @param string $status HTML ok, but should be plaintext-able
* @param bool $error true if this should be marked as an error condition
abstract public function updateStatus(string $status, bool $error = false);