Mikael Nordfeldth 2a4dc77a63 The overloaded DB_DataObject function staticGet is now called getKV
I used this hacky sed-command (run it from your GNU Social root, or change the first grep's path to where it actually lies) to do a rough fix on all ::staticGet calls and rename them to ::getKV

   sed -i -s -e '/DataObject::staticGet/I!s/::staticGet/::getKV/Ig' $(grep -R ::staticGet `pwd`/* | grep -v -e '^extlib' | grep -v DataObject:: |grep -v "function staticGet"|cut -d: -f1 |sort |uniq)

If you're applying this, remember to change the Managed_DataObject and Memcached_DataObject function definitions of staticGet to getKV!

This might of course take some getting used to, or modification fo StatusNet plugins, but the result is that all the static calls (to staticGet) are now properly made without breaking PHP Strict Standards. Standards are there to be followed (and they caused some very bad confusion when used with get_called_class)

Reasonably any plugin or code that tests for the definition of 'GNUSOCIAL' or similar will take this change into consideration.
2013-08-18 13:13:56 +02:00

1413 lines
49 KiB

* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010, StatusNet, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @package OStatusPlugin
* @maintainer Brion Vibber <brion@status.net>
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__) . '/extlib/');
class FeedSubException extends Exception
function __construct($msg=null)
$type = get_class($this);
if ($msg) {
parent::__construct("$type: $msg");
} else {
class OStatusPlugin extends Plugin
* Hook for RouterInitialized event.
* @param Net_URL_Mapper $m path-to-action mapper
* @return boolean hook return
function onRouterInitialized($m)
// Discovery actions
array('action' => 'ownerxrd'));
array('action' => 'ostatustag'));
array('action' => 'ostatustag'), array('nickname' => '[A-Za-z0-9_-]+'));
array('action' => 'ostatusinit'), array('nickname' => '[A-Za-z0-9_-]+'));
array('action' => 'ostatusinit'), array('group' => '[A-Za-z0-9_-]+'));
array('action' => 'ostatusinit'), array('tagger' => '[A-Za-z0-9_-]+',
'peopletag' => '[A-Za-z0-9_-]+'));
array('action' => 'ostatusinit'));
// Remote subscription actions
array('action' => 'ostatussub'));
array('action' => 'ostatusgroup'));
array('action' => 'ostatuspeopletag'));
// PuSH actions
$m->connect('main/push/hub', array('action' => 'pushhub'));
array('action' => 'pushcallback'),
array('feed' => '[0-9]+'));
// Salmon endpoint
array('action' => 'usersalmon'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'groupsalmon'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'peopletagsalmon'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+'));
return true;
* Set up queue handlers for outgoing hub pushes
* @param QueueManager $qm
* @return boolean hook return
function onEndInitializeQueueManager(QueueManager $qm)
// Prepare outgoing distributions after notice save.
$qm->connect('ostatus', 'OStatusQueueHandler');
// Outgoing from our internal PuSH hub
$qm->connect('hubconf', 'HubConfQueueHandler');
$qm->connect('hubprep', 'HubPrepQueueHandler');
$qm->connect('hubout', 'HubOutQueueHandler');
// Outgoing Salmon replies (when we don't need a return value)
$qm->connect('salmon', 'SalmonQueueHandler');
// Incoming from a foreign PuSH hub
$qm->connect('pushin', 'PushInQueueHandler');
return true;
* Put saved notices into the queue for pubsub distribution.
function onStartEnqueueNotice($notice, &$transports)
if ($notice->isLocal()) {
if ($notice->inScope(null)) {
// put our transport first, in case there's any conflict (like OMB)
array_unshift($transports, 'ostatus');
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Notice {$notice->id} queued for OStatus processing");
} else {
// FIXME: we don't do privacy-controlled OStatus updates yet.
// once that happens, finer grain of control here.
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Not queueing notice {$notice->id} for OStatus because of privacy; scope = {$notice->scope}");
} else {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Not queueing notice {$notice->id} for OStatus because it's not local.");
return true;
* Add a link header for LRDD Discovery
function onStartShowHTML($action)
if ($action instanceof ShowstreamAction) {
$acct = 'acct:'. $action->profile->nickname .'@'. common_config('site', 'server');
$url = common_local_url('userxrd');
$url.= '?uri='. $acct;
header('Link: <'.$url.'>; rel="'. Discovery::LRDD_REL.'"; type="application/xrd+xml"');
* Set up a PuSH hub link to our internal link for canonical timeline
* Atom feeds for users and groups.
function onStartApiAtom($feed)
$id = null;
if ($feed instanceof AtomUserNoticeFeed) {
$salmonAction = 'usersalmon';
$user = $feed->getUser();
$id = $user->id;
$profile = $user->getProfile();
} else if ($feed instanceof AtomGroupNoticeFeed) {
$salmonAction = 'groupsalmon';
$group = $feed->getGroup();
$id = $group->id;
} else if ($feed instanceof AtomListNoticeFeed) {
$salmonAction = 'peopletagsalmon';
$peopletag = $feed->getList();
$id = $peopletag->id;
} else {
return true;
if (!empty($id)) {
$hub = common_config('ostatus', 'hub');
if (empty($hub)) {
// Updates will be handled through our internal PuSH hub.
$hub = common_local_url('pushhub');
$feed->addLink($hub, array('rel' => 'hub'));
// Also, we'll add in the salmon link
$salmon = common_local_url($salmonAction, array('id' => $id));
$feed->addLink($salmon, array('rel' => Salmon::REL_SALMON));
// XXX: these are deprecated
$feed->addLink($salmon, array('rel' => Salmon::NS_REPLIES));
$feed->addLink($salmon, array('rel' => Salmon::NS_MENTIONS));
return true;
* Automatically load the actions and libraries used by the plugin
* @param Class $cls the class
* @return boolean hook return
function onAutoload($cls)
$base = dirname(__FILE__);
$lower = strtolower($cls);
$map = array('activityverb' => 'activity',
'activityobject' => 'activity',
'activityutils' => 'activity');
if (isset($map[$lower])) {
$lower = $map[$lower];
$files = array("$base/classes/$cls.php",
if (substr($lower, -6) == 'action') {
$files[] = "$base/actions/" . substr($lower, 0, -6) . ".php";
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
include_once $file;
return false;
return true;
* Add in an OStatus subscribe button
function onStartProfileRemoteSubscribe($output, $profile)
$this->onStartProfileListItemActionElements($output, $profile);
return false;
function onStartGroupSubscribe($widget, $group)
$cur = common_current_user();
if (empty($cur)) {
$widget->out->elementStart('li', 'entity_subscribe');
$url = common_local_url('ostatusinit',
array('group' => $group->nickname));
$widget->out->element('a', array('href' => $url,
'class' => 'entity_remote_subscribe'),
// TRANS: Link to subscribe to a remote entity.
return false;
return true;
function onStartSubscribePeopletagForm($output, $peopletag)
$cur = common_current_user();
if (empty($cur)) {
$output->elementStart('li', 'entity_subscribe');
$profile = $peopletag->getTagger();
$url = common_local_url('ostatusinit',
array('tagger' => $profile->nickname, 'peopletag' => $peopletag->tag));
$output->element('a', array('href' => $url,
'class' => 'entity_remote_subscribe'),
// TRANS: Link to subscribe to a remote entity.
return false;
return true;
function onStartShowTagProfileForm($action, $profile)
$action->elementStart('form', array('method' => 'post',
'id' => 'form_tag_user',
'class' => 'form_settings',
'name' => 'tagprofile',
'action' => common_local_url('tagprofile', array('id' => @$profile->id))));
// TRANS: Fieldset legend.
$action->element('legend', null, _m('List remote profile'));
$action->hidden('token', common_session_token());
$user = common_current_user();
$action->elementStart('ul', 'form_data');
// TRANS: Field label.
$action->input('uri', _m('LABEL','Remote profile'), $action->trimmed('uri'),
// TRANS: Field title.
_m('OStatus user\'s address, like nickname@example.com or http://example.net/nickname.'));
// TRANS: Button text to fetch remote profile.
$action->submit('fetch', _m('BUTTON','Fetch'));
function onStartTagProfileAction($action, $profile)
$err = null;
$uri = $action->trimmed('uri');
if (!$profile && $uri) {
try {
if (Validate::email($uri)) {
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureWebfinger($uri);
} else if (Validate::uri($uri)) {
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURL($uri);
} else {
// TRANS: Exception in OStatus when invalid URI was entered.
throw new Exception(_m('Invalid URI.'));
// redirect to the new profile.
common_redirect(common_local_url('tagprofile', array('id' => $oprofile->profile_id)), 303);
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// TRANS: Error message in OStatus plugin. Do not translate the domain names example.com
// TRANS: and example.net, as these are official standard domain names for use in examples.
$err = _m("Sorry, we could not reach that address. Please make sure that the OStatus address is like nickname@example.com or http://example.net/nickname.");
return false;
return true;
* If the field being looked for is URI look for the profile
function onStartProfileCompletionSearch($action, $profile, $search_engine) {
if ($action->field == 'uri') {
$profile->joinAdd(array('id', 'user:id'));
$profile->whereAdd('uri LIKE "%' . $profile->escape($q) . '%"');
if ($profile->N == 0) {
try {
if (Validate::email($q)) {
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureWebfinger($q);
} else if (Validate::uri($q)) {
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURL($q);
} else {
// TRANS: Exception in OStatus when invalid URI was entered.
throw new Exception(_m('Invalid URI.'));
return $this->filter(array($oprofile->localProfile()));
} catch (Exception $e) {
// TRANS: Error message in OStatus plugin. Do not translate the domain names example.com
// TRANS: and example.net, as these are official standard domain names for use in examples.
$this->msg = _m("Sorry, we could not reach that address. Please make sure that the OStatus address is like nickname@example.com or http://example.net/nickname.");
return array();
return false;
return true;
* Find any explicit remote mentions. Accepted forms:
* Webfinger: @user@example.com
* Profile link: @example.com/mublog/user
* @param Profile $sender (os user?)
* @param string $text input markup text
* @param array &$mention in/out param: set of found mentions
* @return boolean hook return value
function onEndFindMentions($sender, $text, &$mentions)
$matches = array();
// Webfinger matches: @user@example.com
if (preg_match_all('!(?:^|\s+)@((?:\w+\.)*\w+@(?:\w+\-?\w+\.)*\w+(?:\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+)!',
foreach ($wmatches[1] as $wmatch) {
list($target, $pos) = $wmatch;
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Checking webfinger '$target'");
try {
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureWebfinger($target);
if ($oprofile && !$oprofile->isGroup()) {
$profile = $oprofile->localProfile();
$matches[$pos] = array('mentioned' => array($profile),
'text' => $target,
'position' => $pos,
'url' => $profile->profileurl);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->log(LOG_ERR, "Webfinger check failed: " . $e->getMessage());
// Profile matches: @example.com/mublog/user
if (preg_match_all('!(?:^|\s+)@((?:\w+\.)*\w+(?:\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+(?:/\w+)+)!',
foreach ($wmatches[1] as $wmatch) {
list($target, $pos) = $wmatch;
$schemes = array('http', 'https');
foreach ($schemes as $scheme) {
$url = "$scheme://$target";
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Checking profile address '$url'");
try {
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURL($url);
if ($oprofile && !$oprofile->isGroup()) {
$profile = $oprofile->localProfile();
$matches[$pos] = array('mentioned' => array($profile),
'text' => $target,
'position' => $pos,
'url' => $profile->profileurl);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->log(LOG_ERR, "Profile check failed: " . $e->getMessage());
foreach ($mentions as $i => $other) {
// If we share a common prefix with a local user, override it!
$pos = $other['position'];
if (isset($matches[$pos])) {
$mentions[$i] = $matches[$pos];
foreach ($matches as $mention) {
$mentions[] = $mention;
return true;
* Allow remote profile references to be used in commands:
* sub update@status.net
* whois evan@identi.ca
* reply http://identi.ca/evan hey what's up
* @param Command $command
* @param string $arg
* @param Profile &$profile
* @return hook return code
function onStartCommandGetProfile($command, $arg, &$profile)
$oprofile = $this->pullRemoteProfile($arg);
if ($oprofile && !$oprofile->isGroup()) {
$profile = $oprofile->localProfile();
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Allow remote group references to be used in commands:
* join group+statusnet@identi.ca
* join http://identi.ca/group/statusnet
* drop identi.ca/group/statusnet
* @param Command $command
* @param string $arg
* @param User_group &$group
* @return hook return code
function onStartCommandGetGroup($command, $arg, &$group)
$oprofile = $this->pullRemoteProfile($arg);
if ($oprofile && $oprofile->isGroup()) {
$group = $oprofile->localGroup();
return false;
} else {
return true;
protected function pullRemoteProfile($arg)
$oprofile = null;
if (preg_match('!^((?:\w+\.)*\w+@(?:\w+\.)*\w+(?:\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+)$!', $arg)) {
// webfinger lookup
try {
return Ostatus_profile::ensureWebfinger($arg);
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Webfinger lookup failed for ' .
$arg . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
// Look for profile URLs, with or without scheme:
$urls = array();
if (preg_match('!^https?://((?:\w+\.)*\w+(?:\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+(?:/\w+)+)$!', $arg)) {
$urls[] = $arg;
if (preg_match('!^((?:\w+\.)*\w+(?:\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+(?:/\w+)+)$!', $arg)) {
$schemes = array('http', 'https');
foreach ($schemes as $scheme) {
$urls[] = "$scheme://$arg";
foreach ($urls as $url) {
try {
return Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURL($url);
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Profile lookup failed for ' .
$arg . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
return null;
* Make sure necessary tables are filled out.
function onCheckSchema() {
$schema = Schema::get();
$schema->ensureTable('ostatus_profile', Ostatus_profile::schemaDef());
$schema->ensureTable('ostatus_source', Ostatus_source::schemaDef());
$schema->ensureTable('feedsub', FeedSub::schemaDef());
$schema->ensureTable('hubsub', HubSub::schemaDef());
$schema->ensureTable('magicsig', Magicsig::schemaDef());
return true;
function onEndShowStatusNetStyles($action) {
return true;
function onEndShowStatusNetScripts($action) {
return true;
* Override the "from ostatus" bit in notice lists to link to the
* original post and show the domain it came from.
* @param Notice in $notice
* @param string out &$name
* @param string out &$url
* @param string out &$title
* @return mixed hook return code
function onStartNoticeSourceLink($notice, &$name, &$url, &$title)
if ($notice->source == 'ostatus') {
if ($notice->url) {
$bits = parse_url($notice->url);
$domain = $bits['host'];
if (substr($domain, 0, 4) == 'www.') {
$name = substr($domain, 4);
} else {
$name = $domain;
$url = $notice->url;
// TRANS: Title. %s is a domain name.
$title = sprintf(_m('Sent from %s via OStatus'), $domain);
return false;
return true;
* Send incoming PuSH feeds for OStatus endpoints in for processing.
* @param FeedSub $feedsub
* @param DOMDocument $feed
* @return mixed hook return code
function onStartFeedSubReceive($feedsub, $feed)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('feeduri', $feedsub->uri);
if ($oprofile) {
$oprofile->processFeed($feed, 'push');
} else {
common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "No ostatus profile for incoming feed $feedsub->uri");
* Tell the FeedSub infrastructure whether we have any active OStatus
* usage for the feed; if not it'll be able to garbage-collect the
* feed subscription.
* @param FeedSub $feedsub
* @param integer $count in/out
* @return mixed hook return code
function onFeedSubSubscriberCount($feedsub, &$count)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('feeduri', $feedsub->uri);
if ($oprofile) {
$count += $oprofile->subscriberCount();
return true;
* When about to subscribe to a remote user, start a server-to-server
* PuSH subscription if needed. If we can't establish that, abort.
* @fixme If something else aborts later, we could end up with a stray
* PuSH subscription. This is relatively harmless, though.
* @param Profile $subscriber
* @param Profile $other
* @return hook return code
* @throws Exception
function onStartSubscribe($subscriber, $other)
$user = User::getKV('id', $subscriber->id);
if (empty($user)) {
return true;
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $other->id);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
if (!$oprofile->subscribe()) {
// TRANS: Exception thrown when setup of remote subscription fails.
throw new Exception(_m('Could not set up remote subscription.'));
* Having established a remote subscription, send a notification to the
* remote OStatus profile's endpoint.
* @param Profile $subscriber
* @param Profile $other
* @return hook return code
* @throws Exception
function onEndSubscribe($subscriber, $other)
$user = User::getKV('id', $subscriber->id);
if (empty($user)) {
return true;
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $other->id);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
$sub = Subscription::pkeyGet(array('subscriber' => $subscriber->id,
'subscribed' => $other->id));
$act = $sub->asActivity();
$oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $subscriber);
return true;
* Notify remote server and garbage collect unused feeds on unsubscribe.
* @todo FIXME: Send these operations to background queues
* @param User $user
* @param Profile $other
* @return hook return value
function onEndUnsubscribe($profile, $other)
$user = User::getKV('id', $profile->id);
if (empty($user)) {
return true;
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $other->id);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
// Drop the PuSH subscription if there are no other subscribers.
$act = new Activity();
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::UNFOLLOW;
$act->id = TagURI::mint('unfollow:%d:%d:%s',
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for unfollowing a remote profile.
$act->title = _m('TITLE','Unfollow');
// TRANS: Success message for unsubscribe from user attempt through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the unsubscriber's name, %2$s is the unsubscribed user's name.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s stopped following %2$s.'),
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($profile);
$act->object = ActivityObject::fromProfile($other);
$oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $profile);
return true;
* When one of our local users tries to join a remote group,
* notify the remote server. If the notification is rejected,
* deny the join.
* @param User_group $group
* @param Profile $profile
* @return mixed hook return value
function onStartJoinGroup($group, $profile)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('group_id', $group->id);
if ($oprofile) {
if (!$oprofile->subscribe()) {
// TRANS: Exception thrown when setup of remote group membership fails.
throw new Exception(_m('Could not set up remote group membership.'));
// NOTE: we don't use Group_member::asActivity() since that record
// has not yet been created.
$act = new Activity();
$act->id = TagURI::mint('join:%d:%d:%s',
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($profile);
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::JOIN;
$act->object = $oprofile->asActivityObject();
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for joining a remote groep.
$act->title = _m('TITLE','Join');
// TRANS: Success message for subscribe to group attempt through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the member name, %2$s is the subscribed group's name.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s has joined group %2$s.'),
if ($oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $profile)) {
return true;
} else {
// TRANS: Exception thrown when joining a remote group fails.
throw new Exception(_m('Failed joining remote group.'));
* When one of our local users leaves a remote group, notify the remote
* server.
* @fixme Might be good to schedule a resend of the leave notification
* if it failed due to a transitory error. We've canceled the local
* membership already anyway, but if the remote server comes back up
* it'll be left with a stray membership record.
* @param User_group $group
* @param Profile $profile
* @return mixed hook return value
function onEndLeaveGroup($group, $profile)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('group_id', $group->id);
if ($oprofile) {
// Drop the PuSH subscription if there are no other subscribers.
$member = $profile;
$act = new Activity();
$act->id = TagURI::mint('leave:%d:%d:%s',
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($member);
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::LEAVE;
$act->object = $oprofile->asActivityObject();
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for leaving a remote group.
$act->title = _m('TITLE','Leave');
// TRANS: Success message for unsubscribe from group attempt through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the member name, %2$s is the unsubscribed group's name.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s has left group %2$s.'),
$oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $member);
* When one of our local users tries to subscribe to a remote peopletag,
* notify the remote server. If the notification is rejected,
* deny the subscription.
* @param Profile_list $peopletag
* @param User $user
* @return mixed hook return value
function onStartSubscribePeopletag($peopletag, $user)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('peopletag_id', $peopletag->id);
if ($oprofile) {
if (!$oprofile->subscribe()) {
// TRANS: Exception thrown when setup of remote list subscription fails.
throw new Exception(_m('Could not set up remote list subscription.'));
$sub = $user->getProfile();
$tagger = Profile::getKV($peopletag->tagger);
$act = new Activity();
$act->id = TagURI::mint('subscribe_peopletag:%d:%d:%s',
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($sub);
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::FOLLOW;
$act->object = $oprofile->asActivityObject();
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for following a remote list.
$act->title = _m('TITLE','Follow list');
// TRANS: Success message for remote list follow through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the subscriber name, %2$s is the list, %3$s is the lister's name.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s is now following people listed in %2$s by %3$s.'),
if ($oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $sub)) {
return true;
} else {
// TRANS: Exception thrown when subscription to remote list fails.
throw new Exception(_m('Failed subscribing to remote list.'));
* When one of our local users unsubscribes to a remote peopletag, notify the remote
* server.
* @param Profile_list $peopletag
* @param User $user
* @return mixed hook return value
function onEndUnsubscribePeopletag($peopletag, $user)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('peopletag_id', $peopletag->id);
if ($oprofile) {
// Drop the PuSH subscription if there are no other subscribers.
$sub = Profile::getKV($user->id);
$tagger = Profile::getKV($peopletag->tagger);
$act = new Activity();
$act->id = TagURI::mint('unsubscribe_peopletag:%d:%d:%s',
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($member);
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::UNFOLLOW;
$act->object = $oprofile->asActivityObject();
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for unfollowing a remote list.
$act->title = _m('Unfollow list');
// TRANS: Success message for remote list unfollow through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the subscriber name, %2$s is the list, %3$s is the lister's name.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s stopped following the list %2$s by %3$s.'),
$oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $user);
* Notify remote users when their notices get favorited.
* @param Profile or User $profile of local user doing the faving
* @param Notice $notice being favored
* @return hook return value
function onEndFavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice)
$user = User::getKV('id', $profile->id);
if (empty($user)) {
return true;
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $notice->profile_id);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
$fav = Fave::pkeyGet(array('user_id' => $user->id,
'notice_id' => $notice->id));
if (empty($fav)) {
// That's weird.
return true;
$act = $fav->asActivity();
$oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $profile);
return true;
* Notify remote user it has got a new people tag
* - tag verb is queued
* - the subscription is done immediately if not present
* @param Profile_tag $ptag the people tag that was created
* @return hook return value
function onEndTagProfile($ptag)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $ptag->tagged);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
$plist = $ptag->getMeta();
if ($plist->private) {
return true;
$act = new Activity();
$tagger = $plist->getTagger();
$tagged = Profile::getKV('id', $ptag->tagged);
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::TAG;
$act->id = TagURI::mint('tag_profile:%d:%d:%s',
$plist->tagger, $plist->id,
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for listing a remote profile.
$act->title = _m('TITLE','List');
// TRANS: Success message for remote list addition through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the list creator's name, %2$s is the added list member, %3$s is the list name.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s listed %2$s in the list %3$s.'),
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($tagger);
$act->objects = array(ActivityObject::fromProfile($tagged));
$act->target = ActivityObject::fromPeopletag($plist);
$oprofile->notifyDeferred($act, $tagger);
// initiate a PuSH subscription for the person being tagged
if (!$oprofile->subscribe()) {
// TRANS: Exception thrown when subscribing to a remote list fails.
throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not complete subscription to remote '.
'profile\'s feed. List %s could not be saved.'), $ptag->tag));
return false;
return true;
* Notify remote user that a people tag has been removed
* - untag verb is queued
* - the subscription is undone immediately if not required
* i.e garbageCollect()'d
* @param Profile_tag $ptag the people tag that was deleted
* @return hook return value
function onEndUntagProfile($ptag)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $ptag->tagged);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
$plist = $ptag->getMeta();
if ($plist->private) {
return true;
$act = new Activity();
$tagger = $plist->getTagger();
$tagged = Profile::getKV('id', $ptag->tagged);
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::UNTAG;
$act->id = TagURI::mint('untag_profile:%d:%d:%s',
$plist->tagger, $plist->id,
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for unlisting a remote profile.
$act->title = _m('TITLE','Unlist');
// TRANS: Success message for remote list removal through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the list creator's name, %2$s is the removed list member, %3$s is the list name.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s removed %2$s from the list %3$s.'),
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($tagger);
$act->objects = array(ActivityObject::fromProfile($tagged));
$act->target = ActivityObject::fromPeopletag($plist);
$oprofile->notifyDeferred($act, $tagger);
// unsubscribe to PuSH feed if no more required
return true;
* Notify remote users when their notices get de-favorited.
* @param Profile $profile Profile person doing the de-faving
* @param Notice $notice Notice being favored
* @return hook return value
function onEndDisfavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice)
$user = User::getKV('id', $profile->id);
if (empty($user)) {
return true;
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $notice->profile_id);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
$act = new Activity();
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::UNFAVORITE;
$act->id = TagURI::mint('disfavor:%d:%d:%s',
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for unliking a remote notice.
$act->title = _m('Unlike');
// TRANS: Success message for remove a favorite notice through OStatus.
// TRANS: %1$s is the unfavoring user's name, %2$s is URI to the no longer favored notice.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%1$s no longer likes %2$s.'),
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($profile);
$act->object = ActivityObject::fromNotice($notice);
$oprofile->notifyActivity($act, $profile);
return true;
function onStartGetProfileUri($profile, &$uri)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $profile->id);
if (!empty($oprofile)) {
$uri = $oprofile->uri;
return false;
return true;
function onStartUserGroupHomeUrl($group, &$url)
return $this->onStartUserGroupPermalink($group, $url);
function onStartUserGroupPermalink($group, &$url)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('group_id', $group->id);
if ($oprofile) {
// @fixme this should probably be in the user_group table
// @fixme this uri not guaranteed to be a profile page
$url = $oprofile->uri;
return false;
function onStartShowSubscriptionsContent($action)
return true;
function onStartShowUserGroupsContent($action)
$this->showEntityRemoteSubscribe($action, 'ostatusgroup');
return true;
function onEndShowSubscriptionsMiniList($action)
return true;
function onEndShowGroupsMiniList($action)
$this->showEntityRemoteSubscribe($action, 'ostatusgroup');
return true;
function showEntityRemoteSubscribe($action, $target='ostatussub')
$user = common_current_user();
if ($user && ($user->id == $action->profile->id)) {
$action->elementStart('div', 'entity_actions');
$action->elementStart('p', array('id' => 'entity_remote_subscribe',
'class' => 'entity_subscribe'));
$action->element('a', array('href' => common_local_url($target),
'class' => 'entity_remote_subscribe'),
// TRANS: Link text for link to remote subscribe.
* Ping remote profiles with updates to this profile.
* Salmon pings are queued for background processing.
function onEndBroadcastProfile(Profile $profile)
$user = User::getKV('id', $profile->id);
// Find foreign accounts I'm subscribed to that support Salmon pings.
// @fixme we could run updates through the PuSH feed too,
// in which case we can skip Salmon pings to folks who
// are also subscribed to me.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ostatus_profile " .
"WHERE profile_id IN " .
"(SELECT subscribed FROM subscription WHERE subscriber=%d) " .
"OR group_id IN " .
"(SELECT group_id FROM group_member WHERE profile_id=%d)";
$oprofile = new Ostatus_profile();
$oprofile->query(sprintf($sql, $profile->id, $profile->id));
if ($oprofile->N == 0) {
common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "No OStatus remote subscribees for $profile->nickname");
return true;
$act = new Activity();
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::UPDATE_PROFILE;
$act->id = TagURI::mint('update-profile:%d:%s',
$act->time = time();
// TRANS: Title for activity.
$act->title = _m('Profile update');
// TRANS: Ping text for remote profile update through OStatus.
// TRANS: %s is user that updated their profile.
$act->content = sprintf(_m('%s has updated their profile page.'),
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($profile);
$act->object = $act->actor;
while ($oprofile->fetch()) {
$oprofile->notifyDeferred($act, $profile);
return true;
function onStartProfileListItemActionElements($item, $profile=null)
if (!common_logged_in()) {
$profileUser = User::getKV('id', $item->profile->id);
if (!empty($profileUser)) {
if ($item instanceof Action) {
$output = $item;
$profile = $item->profile;
} else {
$output = $item->out;
// Add an OStatus subscribe
$output->elementStart('li', 'entity_subscribe');
$url = common_local_url('ostatusinit',
array('nickname' => $profileUser->nickname));
$output->element('a', array('href' => $url,
'class' => 'entity_remote_subscribe'),
// TRANS: Link text for a user to subscribe to an OStatus user.
$output->elementStart('li', 'entity_tag');
$url = common_local_url('ostatustag',
array('nickname' => $profileUser->nickname));
$output->element('a', array('href' => $url,
'class' => 'entity_remote_tag'),
// TRANS: Link text for a user to list an OStatus user.
return true;
function onPluginVersion(&$versions)
$versions[] = array('name' => 'OStatus',
'author' => 'Evan Prodromou, James Walker, Brion Vibber, Zach Copley',
'homepage' => 'http://status.net/wiki/Plugin:OStatus',
// TRANS: Plugin description.
'rawdescription' => _m('Follow people across social networks that implement '.
'<a href="http://ostatus.org/">OStatus</a>.'));
return true;
* Utility function to check if the given URI is a canonical group profile
* page, and if so return the ID number.
* @param string $url
* @return mixed int or false
public static function localGroupFromUrl($url)
$group = User_group::getKV('uri', $url);
if ($group) {
$local = Local_group::getKV('group_id', $group->id);
if ($local) {
return $group->id;
} else {
// To find local groups which haven't had their uri fields filled out...
// If the domain has changed since a subscriber got the URI, it'll
// be broken.
$template = common_local_url('groupbyid', array('id' => '31337'));
$template = preg_quote($template, '/');
$template = str_replace('31337', '(\d+)', $template);
if (preg_match("/$template/", $url, $matches)) {
return intval($matches[1]);
return false;
public function onStartProfileGetAtomFeed($profile, &$feed)
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('profile_id', $profile->id);
if (empty($oprofile)) {
return true;
$feed = $oprofile->feeduri;
return false;
function onStartGetProfileFromURI($uri, &$profile)
// Don't want to do Web-based discovery on our own server,
// so we check locally first.
$user = User::getKV('uri', $uri);
if (!empty($user)) {
$profile = $user->getProfile();
return false;
// Now, check remotely
$oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURI($uri);
if (!empty($oprofile)) {
$profile = $oprofile->localProfile();
return false;
// Still not a hit, so give up.
return true;
function onEndXrdActionLinks(&$xrd, $user)
$xrd->links[] = array('rel' => Discovery::UPDATESFROM,
'href' => common_local_url('ApiTimelineUser',
array('id' => $user->id,
'format' => 'atom')),
'type' => 'application/atom+xml');
// Salmon
$salmon_url = common_local_url('usersalmon',
array('id' => $user->id));
$xrd->links[] = array('rel' => Salmon::REL_SALMON,
'href' => $salmon_url);
// XXX : Deprecated - to be removed.
$xrd->links[] = array('rel' => Salmon::NS_REPLIES,
'href' => $salmon_url);
$xrd->links[] = array('rel' => Salmon::NS_MENTIONS,
'href' => $salmon_url);
// Get this user's keypair
$magickey = Magicsig::getKV('user_id', $user->id);
if (!$magickey) {
// No keypair yet, let's generate one.
$magickey = new Magicsig();
$xrd->links[] = array('rel' => Magicsig::PUBLICKEYREL,
'href' => 'data:application/magic-public-key,'. $magickey->toString(false));
// TODO - finalize where the redirect should go on the publisher
$url = common_local_url('ostatussub') . '?profile={uri}';
$xrd->links[] = array('rel' => 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe',
'template' => $url );
return true;