forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
The core plugins whose version was attached to GS's were reseted to 2.0.0. 2.0.0 was chosen as reset version for plugins because it is higher than the one that was set by inheriting GS version. Furthermore, it's a major change from prior plugin versioning system thus it also makes semantic sense. Justification for version bump: == GS == 9a4ab31f26 1.19.0 c13b935201 1.18.3 c13b935201 1.18.2 18fc39d2cf 1.18.1 c083a8bcc2 1.18.0 e8783d46d0 1.17.1 d9a42550ff 1.17.0 1536d3ef29 1.16.0 c03ed457a6 1.15.0 d2e6519bad 1.14.2 fe411e8138 1.14.1 b17e0b4169 1.14.0 daa5f87fd4 1.13.0 d75b5d2f4a 1.11.7 f6dbf66983 1.11.6 6cf674f8f8 1.11.5 7845a09b34 1.11.4 e4d432295d 1.11.3 339204f1ee 1.11.2 a4e679a118 1.11.1 7967db6ff5 1.11.0 bc030da320 1.10.1 9cc7df51d6 1.10.0 bf7f17474d 1.9.2 8a07edec5f 1.9.1 0042971d74 1.9.0 6b5450b7e6 1.8.0 5dcc98d1c6 1.7.0 e6667db0cd 1.6.0 3290227b50 1.5.0 a59c439b46 1.4.0 496ab8c920 1.3.10 986030060b 1.3.9 1d529c021a 1.3.8 f89c052cf8 1.3.7 38f2ecefac 1.3.6 e473937cb9 1.3.5 9a39ebe66f 1.3.4 ddc3cecfc0 1.3.3 2b43d484eb 1.3.2 e8e487187e 1.3.1 == Plugins == XMPP plugin e0887220b0 bump patch e186ad57d0 bump patch OStatus e186ad57d0 bump patch Nodeinfo ceae66a30f bump minor 586fb5a517 bump major 195296846e bump minor
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if (!defined('GNUSOCIAL')) { exit(1); }
class OembedPlugin extends Plugin
const PLUGIN_VERSION = '2.0.0';
// settings which can be set in config.php with addPlugin('Oembed', array('param'=>'value', ...));
// WARNING, these are _regexps_ (slashes added later). Always escape your dots and end your strings
public $domain_whitelist = array( // hostname => service provider
'^i\d*\.ytimg\.com$' => 'YouTube',
'^i\d*\.vimeocdn\.com$' => 'Vimeo',
public $append_whitelist = array(); // fill this array as domain_whitelist to add more trusted sources
public $check_whitelist = false; // security/abuse precaution
protected $imgData = array();
// these should be declared protected everywhere
public function initialize()
$this->domain_whitelist = array_merge($this->domain_whitelist, $this->append_whitelist);
public function onCheckSchema()
$schema = Schema::get();
$schema->ensureTable('file_oembed', File_oembed::schemaDef());
return true;
public function onRouterInitialized(URLMapper $m)
$m->connect('main/oembed', array('action' => 'oembed'));
public function onGetRemoteUrlMetadataFromDom($url, DOMDocument $dom, stdClass &$metadata)
try {
common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Trying to discover an oEmbed endpoint using link headers.');
$api = oEmbedHelper::oEmbedEndpointFromHTML($dom);
common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Found oEmbed API endpoint ' . $api . ' for URL ' . $url);
$params = array(
'maxwidth' => common_config('thumbnail', 'width'),
'maxheight' => common_config('thumbnail', 'height'),
$metadata = oEmbedHelper::getOembedFrom($api, $url, $params);
// Facebook just gives us javascript in its oembed html,
// so use the content of the title element instead
if(strpos($url,'') === 0) {
$metadata->html = @$dom->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
// Wordpress sometimes also just gives us javascript, use og:description if it is available
$xpath = new DomXpath($dom);
$generatorNode = @$xpath->query('//meta[@name="generator"][1]')->item(0);
if ($generatorNode instanceof DomElement) {
// when wordpress only gives us javascript, the html stripped from tags
// is the same as the title, so this helps us to identify this (common) case
if(strpos($generatorNode->getAttribute('content'),'WordPress') === 0
&& trim(strip_tags($metadata->html)) == trim($metadata->title)) {
$propertyNode = @$xpath->query('//meta[@property="og:description"][1]')->item(0);
if ($propertyNode instanceof DomElement) {
$metadata->html = $propertyNode->getAttribute('content');
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Could not find an oEmbed endpoint using link headers, trying OpenGraph from HTML.');
// Just ignore it!
$metadata = OpenGraphHelper::ogFromHtml($dom);
if (isset($metadata->thumbnail_url)) {
// sometimes sites serve the path, not the full URL, for images
// let's "be liberal in what you accept from others"!
// add protocol and host if the thumbnail_url starts with /
if(substr($metadata->thumbnail_url,0,1) == '/') {
$thumbnail_url_parsed = parse_url($metadata->url);
$metadata->thumbnail_url = $thumbnail_url_parsed['scheme']."://".$thumbnail_url_parsed['host'].$metadata->thumbnail_url;
// some wordpress opengraph implementations sometimes return a white blank image
// no need for us to save that!
if($metadata->thumbnail_url == '') {
public function onEndShowHeadElements(Action $action)
switch ($action->getActionName()) {
case 'attachment':
array('format'=>'json', 'url'=>
array('attachment' => $action->attachment->getID())))),
array('attachment' => $action->attachment->getID())))),
case 'shownotice':
if (!$action->notice->isLocal()) {
try {
} catch (InvalidUrlException $e) {
// The notice is probably a share or similar, which don't
// have a representational URL of their own.
return true;
public function onEndShowStylesheets(Action $action) {
return true;
* Save embedding information for a File, if applicable.
* Normally this event is called through File::saveNew()
* @param File $file The newly inserted File object.
* @return boolean success
public function onEndFileSaveNew(File $file)
$fo = File_oembed::getKV('file_id', $file->getID());
if ($fo instanceof File_oembed) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Strangely, a File_oembed object exists for new file {$file->getID()}", __FILE__);
return true;
if (isset($file->mimetype)
&& (('text/html' === substr($file->mimetype, 0, 9)
|| 'application/xhtml+xml' === substr($file->mimetype, 0, 21)))) {
try {
$oembed_data = File_oembed::_getOembed($file->url);
if ($oembed_data === false) {
throw new Exception('Did not get oEmbed data from URL');
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf(__METHOD__.': %s thrown when getting oEmbed data: %s', get_class($e), _ve($e->getMessage())));
return true;
File_oembed::saveNew($oembed_data, $file->getID());
return true;
public function onEndShowAttachmentLink(HTMLOutputter $out, File $file)
$oembed = File_oembed::getKV('file_id', $file->getID());
if (empty($oembed->author_name) && empty($oembed->provider)) {
return true;
$out->elementStart('div', array('id'=>'oembed_info', 'class'=>'e-content'));
if (!empty($oembed->author_name)) {
$out->elementStart('div', 'fn vcard author');
if (empty($oembed->author_url)) {
} else {
$out->element('a', array('href' => $oembed->author_url,
'class' => 'url'),
if (!empty($oembed->provider)) {
$out->elementStart('div', 'fn vcard');
if (empty($oembed->provider_url)) {
} else {
$out->element('a', array('href' => $oembed->provider_url,
'class' => 'url'),
public function onFileEnclosureMetadata(File $file, &$enclosure)
// Never treat generic HTML links as an enclosure type!
// But if we have oEmbed info, we'll consider it golden.
$oembed = File_oembed::getKV('file_id', $file->getID());
if (!$oembed instanceof File_oembed || !in_array($oembed->type, array('photo', 'video'))) {
return true;
foreach (array('mimetype', 'url', 'title', 'modified', 'width', 'height') as $key) {
if (isset($oembed->{$key}) && !empty($oembed->{$key})) {
$enclosure->{$key} = $oembed->{$key};
return true;
public function onStartShowAttachmentRepresentation(HTMLOutputter $out, File $file)
try {
$oembed = File_oembed::getByFile($file);
} catch (NoResultException $e) {
return true;
// Show thumbnail as usual if it's a photo.
if ($oembed->type === 'photo') {
return true;
$out->elementStart('article', ['class'=>'h-entry oembed']);
try {
$thumb = $file->getThumbnail(128, 128);
$out->element('img', $thumb->getHtmlAttrs(['class'=>'u-photo oembed']));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$out->element('div', ['class'=>'error'], $e->getMessage());
$out->elementStart('h5', ['class'=>'p-name oembed']);
$out->element('a', ['class'=>'u-url', 'href'=>$file->getUrl()], common_strip_html($oembed->title));
$out->elementStart('div', ['class'=>'p-author oembed']);
if (!empty($oembed->author_name)) {
// TRANS: text before the author name of oEmbed attachment representation
// FIXME: The whole "By x from y" should be i18n because of different language constructions.
$out->text(_('By '));
$attrs = ['class'=>'h-card p-author'];
if (!empty($oembed->author_url)) {
$attrs['href'] = $oembed->author_url;
$tag = 'a';
} else {
$tag = 'span';
$out->element($tag, $attrs, $oembed->author_name);
if (!empty($oembed->provider)) {
// TRANS: text between the oEmbed author name and provider url
// FIXME: The whole "By x from y" should be i18n because of different language constructions.
$out->text(_(' from '));
$attrs = ['class'=>'h-card'];
if (!empty($oembed->provider_url)) {
$attrs['href'] = $oembed->provider_url;
$tag = 'a';
} else {
$tag = 'span';
$out->element($tag, $attrs, $oembed->provider);
$out->elementStart('div', ['class'=>'p-summary oembed']);
return false;
public function onShowUnsupportedAttachmentRepresentation(HTMLOutputter $out, File $file)
try {
$oembed = File_oembed::getByFile($file);
} catch (NoResultException $e) {
return true;
// the 'photo' type is shown through ordinary means, using StartShowAttachmentRepresentation!
switch ($oembed->type) {
case 'video':
case 'link':
if (!empty($oembed->html)
&& (GNUsocial::isAjax() || common_config('attachments', 'show_html'))) {
require_once INSTALLDIR.'/extlib/HTMLPurifier/';
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier();
// FIXME: do we allow <object> and <embed> here? we did that when we used htmLawed, but I'm not sure anymore...
return false;
return true;
public function onCreateFileImageThumbnailSource(File $file, &$imgPath, $media=null)
// If we are on a private node, we won't do any remote calls (just as a precaution until
// we can configure this from config.php for the private nodes)
if (common_config('site', 'private')) {
return true;
// All our remote Oembed images lack a local filename property in the File object
if (!is_null($file->filename)) {
common_debug(sprintf('Filename of file id==%d is not null (%s), so nothing oEmbed should handle.', $file->getID(), _ve($file->filename)));
return true;
try {
// If we have proper oEmbed data, there should be an entry in the File_oembed
// and File_thumbnail tables respectively. If not, we're not going to do anything.
$file_oembed = File_oembed::getByFile($file);
$thumbnail = File_thumbnail::byFile($file);
} catch (NoResultException $e) {
// Not Oembed data, or at least nothing we either can or want to use.
common_debug('No oEmbed data found for file id=='.$file->getID());
return true;
try {
} catch (AlreadyFulfilledException $e) {
// aw yiss!
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_debug(sprintf('oEmbed encountered an exception (%s) for file id==%d: %s', get_class($e), $file->getID(), _ve($e->getMessage())));
throw $e;
$imgPath = $thumbnail->getPath();
return false;
* @return boolean false on no check made, provider name on success
* @throws ServerException if check is made but fails
protected function checkWhitelist($url)
if (!$this->check_whitelist) {
return false; // indicates "no check made"
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
foreach ($this->domain_whitelist as $regex => $provider) {
if (preg_match("/$regex/", $host)) {
return $provider; // we trust this source, return provider name
throw new ServerException(sprintf(_('Domain not in remote thumbnail source whitelist: %s'), $host));
protected function storeRemoteFileThumbnail(File_thumbnail $thumbnail)
if (!empty($thumbnail->filename) && file_exists($thumbnail->getPath())) {
throw new AlreadyFulfilledException(sprintf('A thumbnail seems to already exist for remote file with id==%u', $thumbnail->getFileId()));
$remoteUrl = $thumbnail->getUrl();
$http = new HTTPClient();
// First see if it's too large for us
common_debug(__METHOD__ . ': '.sprintf('Performing HEAD request for remote file id==%u to avoid unnecessarily downloading too large files. URL: %s', $thumbnail->getFileId(), $remoteUrl));
$head = $http->head($remoteUrl);
if (!$head->isOk()) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'HEAD request returned HTTP failure, so we will abort now and delete the thumbnail object.');
return false;
} else {
common_debug('HEAD request returned HTTP success, so we will continue.');
$remoteUrl = $head->getEffectiveUrl(); // to avoid going through redirects again
$headers = $head->getHeader();
$filesize = isset($headers['content-length']) ? $headers['content-length'] : null;
// FIXME: I just copied some checks from StoreRemoteMedia, maybe we should have other checks for thumbnails? Or at least embed into some class somewhere.
if (empty($filesize)) {
// file size not specified on remote server
common_debug(sprintf('%s: Ignoring remote thumbnail because we did not get a content length for thumbnail for file id==%u', __CLASS__, $thumbnail->getFileId()));
return true;
} elseif ($filesize > common_config('attachments', 'file_quota')) {
// file too big according to site configuration
common_debug(sprintf('%s: Skip downloading remote thumbnail because content length (%u) is larger than file_quota (%u) for file id==%u', __CLASS__, intval($filesize), common_config('attachments', 'file_quota'), $thumbnail->getFileId()));
return true;
// Then we download the file to memory and test whether it's actually an image file
// FIXME: To support remote video/whatever files, this needs reworking.
common_debug(sprintf('Downloading remote thumbnail for file id==%u (should be size %u) with effective URL: %s', $thumbnail->getFileId(), $filesize, _ve($remoteUrl)));
$imgData = HTTPClient::quickGet($remoteUrl);
$info = @getimagesizefromstring($imgData);
if ($info === false) {
throw new UnsupportedMediaException(_('Remote file format was not identified as an image.'), $remoteUrl);
} elseif (!$info[0] || !$info[1]) {
throw new UnsupportedMediaException(_('Image file had impossible geometry (0 width or height)'));
$ext = File::guessMimeExtension($info['mime']);
$filename = sprintf('oembed-%d.%s', $thumbnail->getFileId(), $ext);
$fullpath = File_thumbnail::path($filename);
// Write the file to disk. Throw Exception on failure
if (!file_exists($fullpath) && file_put_contents($fullpath, $imgData) === false) {
throw new ServerException(_('Could not write downloaded file to disk.'));
// Get rid of the file from memory
// Updated our database for the file record
$orig = clone($thumbnail);
$thumbnail->filename = $filename;
$thumbnail->width = $info[0]; // array indexes documented on
$thumbnail->height = $info[1]; //
// Throws exception on failure.
public function onPluginVersion(array &$versions)
$versions[] = array('name' => 'Oembed',
'version' => self::PLUGIN_VERSION,
'author' => 'Mikael Nordfeldth',
'homepage' => '',
'description' =>
// TRANS: Plugin description.
_m('Plugin for using and representing Oembed data.'));
return true;