forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
After doublechecking two identities so that they match (like one that was previously http:// but now is https://) we update the URI in our database to match. This has to be verified so it's not easy to fool our script and thus make us replace legitimate URIs with fake ones. I believe the callback method is safe, but I'm not sure how well it handles HTTP MITM attacks etc.
Plugin to support importing and exporting notices through Atom and RSS feeds. The OStatus plugin concentrates on user-to-user cases for federating StatusNet and similar social networking / microblogging / blogging sites, but includes low-level feed subscription systems which are used by some other plugins. Uses PubSubHubbub for push feed updates; currently non-PuSH feeds cannot be subscribed unless an external PuSH hub proxy is used. Configuration options available: $config['ostatus']['hub'] (default internal hub) Set to URL of an external PuSH hub to use it instead of our internal hub for sending outgoing updates in user and group feeds. $config['ostatus']['hub_retries'] (default 0) Number of times to retry a PuSH send to consumers if using internal hub Settings controlling incoming feed subscription: $config['feedsub']['fallback_hub'] To subscribe to feeds that don't have a hub, an external PuSH proxy hub such as Superfeedr may be used. Any feed without a hub of its own will be subscribed through the specified hub URL instead. If the external hub has usage charges, be aware that there is no restriction placed to how many feeds may be subscribed! $config['feedsub']['fallback_hub'] = ''; $config['feedsub']['hub_user'] $config['feedsub']['hub_password'] If using the fallback hub mode, these settings may be used to provide HTTP authentication credentials for contacting the hub. Default hubs specified from feeds are assumed to not require For testing, shouldn't be used in production: $config['ostatus']['skip_signatures'] (default use signatures) Disable generation and validation of Salmon magicenv signatures $config['feedsub']['nohub'] (default require hub) Allow low-level feed subscription setup for feeds without hubs. Not actually usable at this stage, OStatus will check for hubs too and we have no polling backend. (The fallback hub option can be used with a 3rd-party service to provide such polling.) Todo: * better support for feeds that aren't natively oriented at social networking * make use of tags/categories from feeds * better repeat handling