forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
"blob" is practically used with the expectation of unlimited length, which is true with PostgreSQL's bytea, but not with MariaDB's BLOB, which is limited to 64KiB. So instead use LONGBLOB, which has a maximum of 4GiB, effectively unlimited.
519 lines
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519 lines
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// This file is part of GNU social -
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social. If not, see <>.
* Database schema for PostgreSQL
* @category Database
* @package GNUsocial
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @author Brenda Wallace <>
* @author Brion Vibber <>
* @copyright 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc
* @license GNU AGPL v3 or later
defined('GNUSOCIAL') || die();
* Class representing the database schema for PostgreSQL
* A class representing the database schema. Can be used to
* manipulate the schema -- especially for plugins and upgrade
* utilities.
* @copyright 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc
* @license GNU AGPL v3 or later
class PgsqlSchema extends Schema
public static $_single = null;
* Main public entry point. Use this to get
* the singleton object.
* @param object|null $conn
* @param string|null dummy param
* @return Schema the (single) Schema object
public static function get($conn = null, $_ = 'pgsql')
if (empty(self::$_single)) {
self::$_single = new Schema($conn, 'pgsql');
return self::$_single;
* Returns a table definition array for the table
* in the schema with the given name.
* Throws an exception if the table is not found.
* @param string $table Name of the table to get
* @return array tabledef for that table.
* @throws SchemaTableMissingException
public function getTableDef($table)
$def = [];
$hasKeys = false;
// Pull column data from INFORMATION_SCHEMA
$columns = $this->fetchMetaInfo($table, 'columns', 'ordinal_position');
if (count($columns) == 0) {
throw new SchemaTableMissingException("No such table: $table");
// Get information on the emulated "enum" type
$enum_info = $this->fetchEnumInfo($table);
foreach ($columns as $row) {
$name = $row['column_name'];
$field = [];
$field['type'] = $type = $row['udt_name'];
if (in_array($type, ['char', 'bpchar', 'varchar'])) {
if ($row['character_maximum_length'] !== null) {
$field['length'] = intval($row['character_maximum_length']);
if ($type == 'numeric') {
// Other int types may report these values, but they're irrelevant.
// Just ignore them!
if ($row['numeric_precision'] !== null) {
$field['precision'] = intval($row['numeric_precision']);
if ($row['numeric_scale'] !== null) {
$field['scale'] = intval($row['numeric_scale']);
if ($row['is_nullable'] == 'NO') {
$field['not null'] = true;
$col_default = $row['column_default'];
if (!is_null($col_default)) {
if ($this->isNumericType($field)) {
$field['default'] = (int) $col_default;
} elseif ($type === 'bool') {
$field['default'] = ($col_default === 'true') ? true : false;
} else {
$match = "/^'(.*)'(::.+)*$/";
if (preg_match($match, $col_default)) {
$field['default'] = preg_replace(
} else {
$field['default'] = $col_default;
if (
$row['is_identity'] === 'YES'
&& $row['identity_generation'] = 'BY DEFAULT'
) {
$field['auto_increment'] = true;
} elseif (array_key_exists($name, $enum_info)) {
$field['type'] = $type = 'enum';
$field['enum'] = $enum_info[$name];
$def['fields'][$name] = $field;
$key_info = $this->fetchKeyInfo($table);
foreach ($key_info as $row) {
$key_name = $row['key_name'];
$cols = $row['cols'];
switch ($row['key_type']) {
case 'primary':
$def['primary key'] = $cols;
case 'unique':
$def['unique keys'][$key_name] = $cols;
case 'gin':
// @fixme Way too magical.
$cols = array_values(preg_grep(
preg_split('(COALESCE\(|,)', $cols[0]),
$def['fulltext indexes'][$key_name] = $cols;
$def['indexes'][$key_name] = $cols;
$foreign_key_info = $this->fetchForeignKeyInfo($table);
foreach ($foreign_key_info as $row) {
$key_name = $row['key_name'];
$cols = $row['cols'];
$ref_table = $row['ref_table'];
$def['foreign keys'][$key_name] = [$ref_table, $cols];
return $def;
* Pull some INFORMATION.SCHEMA data for the given table.
* @param string $table
* @param $infoTable
* @param null $orderBy
* @return array of arrays
* @throws PEAR_Exception
public function fetchMetaInfo($table, $infoTable, $orderBy = null)
$catalog = $this->conn->dsn['database'];
return $this->fetchQueryData(sprintf(
SELECT * FROM information_schema.%1$s
WHERE table_catalog = '%2$s' AND table_name = '%3$s'%4$s;
($orderBy ? " ORDER BY {$orderBy}" : '')
* Pull index and keys information for the given table.
* @param string $table
* @return array of arrays
* @throws PEAR_Exception
private function fetchKeyInfo(string $table): array
$data = $this->fetchQueryData(sprintf(
SELECT "rel"."relname" AS "key_name",
WHEN "idx"."indisprimary" IS TRUE THEN 'primary'
WHEN "idx"."indisunique" IS TRUE THEN 'unique'
ELSE "am"."amname"
END AS "key_type",
WHEN "cols"."attname" IS NOT NULL THEN "cols"."attname"
ELSE pg_get_indexdef("idx"."indexrelid",
CAST("col_nums"."pos" AS INTEGER),
END AS "col"
FROM pg_index AS "idx"
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest("idx"."indkey")
WITH ORDINALITY AS "col_nums" ("num", "pos")
INNER JOIN pg_class AS "rel"
ON "idx"."indexrelid" = "rel".oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute AS "cols"
ON "idx"."indrelid" = "cols"."attrelid"
AND "col_nums"."num" = "cols"."attnum"
LEFT JOIN pg_am AS "am"
ON "rel"."relam" = "am".oid
WHERE "idx"."indrelid" = CAST('%s' AS REGCLASS)
ORDER BY "key_type", "key_name", "col_nums"."pos";
$rows = [];
foreach ($data as $row) {
$name = $row['key_name'];
if (!array_key_exists($name, $rows)) {
$row['cols'] = [$row['col']];
$rows[$name] = $row;
} else {
$rows[$name]['cols'][] = $row['col'];
return array_values($rows);
* Pull foreign key information for the given table.
* @param string $table
* @return array array of arrays
* @throws PEAR_Exception
private function fetchForeignKeyInfo(string $table): array
$data = $this->fetchQueryData(sprintf(
SELECT "con"."conname" AS "key_name",
"cols"."attname" AS "col",
"ref_rel"."relname" AS "ref_table",
"ref_cols"."attname" AS "ref_col"
FROM pg_constraint AS "con"
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest("con"."conkey", "con"."confkey")
WITH ORDINALITY AS "col_nums" ("num", "ref_num", "pos")
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute AS "cols"
ON "con"."conrelid" = "cols"."attrelid"
AND "col_nums"."num" = "cols"."attnum"
LEFT JOIN pg_class AS "ref_rel"
ON "con"."confrelid" = "ref_rel".oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute AS "ref_cols"
ON "con"."confrelid" = "ref_cols"."attrelid"
AND "col_nums"."ref_num" = "ref_cols"."attnum"
WHERE "con"."contype" = 'f'
AND "con"."conrelid" = CAST('%s' AS REGCLASS)
ORDER BY "key_name", "col_nums"."pos";
$rows = [];
foreach ($data as $row) {
$name = $row['key_name'];
if (!array_key_exists($name, $rows)) {
$row['cols'] = [$row['col'] => $row['ref_col']];
$rows[$name] = $row;
} else {
$rows[$name]['cols'][$row['col']] = $row['ref_col'];
return array_values($rows);
* Pull information about the emulated enum columns
* @param string $table
* @return array of arrays
* @throws PEAR_Exception
private function fetchEnumInfo($table)
$data = $this->fetchQueryData(
SELECT "cols"."attname" AS "col", "con"."consrc" AS "check"
FROM pg_constraint AS "con"
INNER JOIN pg_attribute AS "cols"
ON "con"."conrelid" = "cols"."attrelid"
AND "con"."conkey"[1] = "cols"."attnum"
WHERE "cols".atttypid = CAST('text' AS REGTYPE)
AND "con"."contype" = 'c'
AND cardinality("con"."conkey") = 1
AND "con"."conrelid" = CAST('{$table}' AS REGCLASS);
$rows = [];
foreach ($data as $row) {
// PostgreSQL can show either
$name_regex = '(' . preg_quote($this->quoteIdentifier($row['col']))
. '|' . preg_quote($row['col']) . ')';
$enum = explode("'::text, '", preg_replace(
"/^\({$name_regex} = ANY \(ARRAY\['(.+)'::text]\)\)$/D",
$rows[$row['col']] = $enum;
return $rows;
private function isNumericType(array $cd): bool
$ints = ['int', 'numeric', 'serial'];
return in_array(strtolower($cd['type']), $ints);
* Return the proper SQL for creating or
* altering a column.
* Appropriate for use in CREATE TABLE or
* ALTER TABLE statements.
* @param string $name column name to create
* @param array $cd column to create
* @return string correct SQL for that column
public function columnSql(string $name, array $cd)
$line = [];
$line[] = parent::columnSql($name, $cd);
// This'll have been added from our transform of 'serial' type
if (!empty($cd['auto_increment'])) {
} elseif (!empty($cd['enum'])) {
foreach ($cd['enum'] as &$val) {
$vals[] = "'" . $val . "'";
$line[] = 'CHECK (' . $name . ' IN (' . implode(',', $vals) . '))';
return implode(' ', $line);
public function appendAlterDropPrimary(array &$phrase, string $tableName)
// name hack -- is this reliable?
$phrase[] = 'DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $this->quoteIdentifier($tableName . '_pkey');
public function buildFulltextIndexList($table, array $def)
foreach ($def as &$val) {
$cols[] = $this->buildFulltextIndexItem($table, $val);
return "(to_tsvector('english', " . implode(" || ' ' || ", $cols) . '))';
public function buildFulltextIndexItem($table, $def)
return sprintf(
"COALESCE(%s.%s, '')",
public function mapType($column)
$map = [
'integer' => 'int',
'char' => 'bpchar',
'datetime' => 'timestamp',
'blob' => 'bytea'
$type = $column['type'];
if (array_key_exists($type, $map)) {
$type = $map[$type];
$size = $column['size'] ?? null;
switch ($type) {
case 'int':
if (in_array($size, ['tiny', 'small'])) {
$type = 'int2';
} elseif ($size === 'big') {
$type = 'int8';
} else {
$type = 'int4';
case 'float':
$type = ($size !== 'big') ? 'float4' : 'float8';
return $type;
* Append an SQL statement with an index definition for a full-text search
* index over one or more columns on a table.
* @param array $statements
* @param string $table
* @param string $name
* @param array $def
public function appendCreateFulltextIndex(array &$statements, $table, $name, array $def)
$statements[] = "CREATE INDEX {$name} ON {$table} USING gin "
. $this->buildFulltextIndexList($table, $def);
* Filter the given table definition array to match features available
* in this database.
* This lets us strip out unsupported things like comments, foreign keys,
* or type variants that we wouldn't get back from getTableDef().
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $tableDef
* @return array
public function filterDef(string $tableName, array $tableDef)
$tableDef = parent::filterDef($tableName, $tableDef);
foreach ($tableDef['fields'] as $name => &$col) {
// No convenient support for field descriptions
// @fixme Nor for MariaDB-specific collations
if ($col['type'] === 'serial') {
$col['type'] = 'int';
$col['auto_increment'] = true;
$col['type'] = $this->mapType($col);
if (!empty($tableDef['primary key'])) {
$tableDef['primary key'] = $this->filterKeyDef($tableDef['primary key']);
if (!empty($tableDef['unique keys'])) {
foreach ($tableDef['unique keys'] as $i => $def) {
$tableDef['unique keys'][$i] = $this->filterKeyDef($def);
return $tableDef;
* Filter the given key/index definition to match features available
* in this database.
* @param array $def
* @return array
public function filterKeyDef(array $def)
// PostgreSQL doesn't like prefix lengths specified on keys...?
foreach ($def as $i => $item) {
if (is_array($item)) {
$def[$i] = $item[0];
return $def;