forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
For reference (raised by rozzin in IRC): * * * As noted by XRevan86, modules are not necessarily non-essential. As we will keep the modules directory in GS root [therefore, near to plugins/], it is evidenced the difference between both. This is a simple yet fundamental structural change. It doesn't change functionality but makes clearer the way we understand GNU social's internals.
The DomainStatusNetwork plugin adds tools to map one status_network to one email domain in a multi-site installation. Relates to "status_network": * /scripts/setup.cfg.sample * /scripts/ * /scripts/settag.php * /scripts/ * /scripts/ Installation ============ add "addPlugin('DomainStatusNetwork');" to the bottom of your config.php Settings ======== none Example ======= addPlugin('DomainStatusNetwork');