forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
New plugins: * LRDD LRDD implements client-side RFC6415 and RFC7033 resource descriptor discovery procedures. I.e. LRDD, host-meta and WebFinger stuff. OStatus and OpenID now depend on the LRDD plugin (XML_XRD). * WebFinger This plugin implements the server-side of RFC6415 and RFC7033. Note: WebFinger technically doesn't handle XRD, but we serve both that and JRD (JSON Resource Descriptor), depending on Accept header and one ugly hack to check for old StatusNet installations. WebFinger depends on LRDD. We might make this even prettier by using Net_WebFinger, but it is not currently RFC7033 compliant (no /.well-known/webfinger resource GETs). Disabling the WebFinger plugin would effectively render your site non- federated (which might be desired on a private site). Disabling the LRDD plugin would make your site unable to do modern web URI lookups (making life just a little bit harder).
1213 lines
40 KiB
1213 lines
40 KiB
* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, StatusNet, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
if (!defined('STATUSNET') && !defined('LACONICA')) {
* Table Definition for user
require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/Memcached_DataObject.php';
require_once 'Validate.php';
class User extends Managed_DataObject
/* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */
public $__table = 'user'; // table name
public $id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $nickname; // varchar(64) unique_key
public $password; // varchar(255)
public $email; // varchar(255) unique_key
public $incomingemail; // varchar(255) unique_key
public $emailnotifysub; // tinyint(1) default_1
public $emailnotifyfav; // tinyint(1) default_1
public $emailnotifynudge; // tinyint(1) default_1
public $emailnotifymsg; // tinyint(1) default_1
public $emailnotifyattn; // tinyint(1) default_1
public $emailmicroid; // tinyint(1) default_1
public $language; // varchar(50)
public $timezone; // varchar(50)
public $emailpost; // tinyint(1) default_1
public $sms; // varchar(64) unique_key
public $carrier; // int(4)
public $smsnotify; // tinyint(1)
public $smsreplies; // tinyint(1)
public $smsemail; // varchar(255)
public $uri; // varchar(255) unique_key
public $autosubscribe; // tinyint(1)
public $subscribe_policy; // tinyint(1)
public $urlshorteningservice; // varchar(50)
public $inboxed; // tinyint(1)
public $private_stream; // tinyint(1) default_0
public $created; // datetime() not_null
public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
/* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */
public static function schemaDef()
return array(
'description' => 'local users',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'foreign key to profile table'),
'nickname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'nickname or username, duped in profile'),
'password' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'salted password, can be null for OpenID users'),
'email' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'email address for password recovery etc.'),
'incomingemail' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'email address for post-by-email'),
'emailnotifysub' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of subscriptions'),
'emailnotifyfav' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of favorites'),
'emailnotifynudge' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of nudges'),
'emailnotifymsg' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of direct messages'),
'emailnotifyattn' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Notify by email of @-replies'),
'emailmicroid' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'whether to publish email microid'),
'language' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'preferred language'),
'timezone' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'timezone'),
'emailpost' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 1, 'description' => 'Post by email'),
'sms' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'description' => 'sms phone number'),
'carrier' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'foreign key to sms_carrier'),
'smsnotify' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'whether to send notices to SMS'),
'smsreplies' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'whether to send notices to SMS on replies'),
'smsemail' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'built from sms and carrier'),
'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI'),
'autosubscribe' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'automatically subscribe to users who subscribe to us'),
'subscribe_policy' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 0, 'description' => '0 = anybody can subscribe; 1 = require approval'),
'urlshorteningservice' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'default' => 'internal', 'description' => 'service to use for auto-shortening URLs'),
'inboxed' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'has an inbox been created for this user?'),
'private_stream' => array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny', 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'whether to limit all notices to followers only'),
'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was created'),
'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
'primary key' => array('id'),
'unique keys' => array(
'user_nickname_key' => array('nickname'),
'user_email_key' => array('email'),
'user_incomingemail_key' => array('incomingemail'),
'user_sms_key' => array('sms'),
'user_uri_key' => array('uri'),
'foreign keys' => array(
'user_id_fkey' => array('profile', array('id' => 'id')),
'user_carrier_fkey' => array('sms_carrier', array('carrier' => 'id')),
'indexes' => array(
'user_smsemail_idx' => array('smsemail'),
protected $_profile = -1;
* @return Profile
function getProfile()
if (is_int($this->_profile) && $this->_profile == -1) { // invalid but distinct from null
$this->_profile = Profile::getKV('id', $this->id);
if (empty($this->_profile)) {
throw new UserNoProfileException($this);
return $this->_profile;
function isSubscribed($other)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->isSubscribed($other);
function hasPendingSubscription($other)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->hasPendingSubscription($other);
// 'update' won't write key columns, so we have to do it ourselves.
function updateKeys(&$orig)
$parts = array();
foreach (array('nickname', 'email', 'incomingemail', 'sms', 'carrier', 'smsemail', 'language', 'timezone') as $k) {
if (strcmp($this->$k, $orig->$k) != 0) {
$parts[] = $k . ' = ' . $this->_quote($this->$k);
if (count($parts) == 0) {
// No changes
return true;
$toupdate = implode(', ', $parts);
$table = common_database_tablename($this->tableName());
$qry = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . $toupdate .
' WHERE id = ' . $this->id;
$result = $this->query($qry);
if ($result) {
return $result;
* Check whether the given nickname is potentially usable, or if it's
* excluded by any blacklists on this system.
* @param string $nickname
* @return boolean true if clear, false if blacklisted
static function allowed_nickname($nickname)
// XXX: should already be validated for size, content, etc.
$blacklist = common_config('nickname', 'blacklist');
//all directory and file names should be blacklisted
$d = dir(INSTALLDIR);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
//all top level names in the router should be blacklisted
$router = Router::get();
foreach(array_keys($router->m->getPaths()) as $path){
return !in_array($nickname, $blacklist);
* Get the most recent notice posted by this user, if any.
* @return mixed Notice or null
function getCurrentNotice()
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->getCurrentNotice();
function getCarrier()
return Sms_carrier::getKV('id', $this->carrier);
function hasBlocked($other)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->hasBlocked($other);
* Register a new user account and profile and set up default subscriptions.
* If a new-user welcome message is configured, this will be sent.
* @param array $fields associative array of optional properties
* string 'bio'
* string 'email'
* bool 'email_confirmed' pass true to mark email as pre-confirmed
* string 'fullname'
* string 'homepage'
* string 'location' informal string description of geolocation
* float 'lat' decimal latitude for geolocation
* float 'lon' decimal longitude for geolocation
* int 'location_id' geoname identifier
* int 'location_ns' geoname namespace to interpret location_id
* string 'nickname' REQUIRED
* string 'password' (may be missing for eg OpenID registrations)
* string 'code' invite code
* ?string 'uri' permalink to notice; defaults to local notice URL
* @return mixed User object or false on failure
static function register(array $fields) {
// MAGICALLY put fields into current scope
$profile = new Profile();
$email = common_canonical_email($email);
$nickname = common_canonical_nickname($nickname);
$profile->nickname = $nickname;
if(! User::allowed_nickname($nickname)){
common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Attempted to register a nickname that is not allowed: %s", $profile->nickname),
return false;
$profile->profileurl = common_profile_url($nickname);
if (!empty($fullname)) {
$profile->fullname = $fullname;
if (!empty($homepage)) {
$profile->homepage = $homepage;
if (!empty($bio)) {
$profile->bio = $bio;
if (!empty($location)) {
$profile->location = $location;
$loc = Location::fromName($location);
if (!empty($loc)) {
$profile->lat = $loc->lat;
$profile->lon = $loc->lon;
$profile->location_id = $loc->location_id;
$profile->location_ns = $loc->location_ns;
$profile->created = common_sql_now();
$user = new User();
$user->nickname = $nickname;
$invite = null;
// Users who respond to invite email have proven their ownership of that address
if (!empty($code)) {
$invite = Invitation::getKV($code);
if ($invite && $invite->address && $invite->address_type == 'email' && $invite->address == $email) {
$user->email = $invite->address;
if(isset($email_confirmed) && $email_confirmed) {
$user->email = $email;
// This flag is ignored but still set to 1
$user->inboxed = 1;
// Set default-on options here, otherwise they'll be disabled
// initially for sites using caching, since the initial encache
// doesn't know about the defaults in the database.
$user->emailnotifysub = 1;
$user->emailnotifyfav = 1;
$user->emailnotifynudge = 1;
$user->emailnotifymsg = 1;
$user->emailnotifyattn = 1;
$user->emailmicroid = 1;
$user->emailpost = 1;
$user->jabbermicroid = 1;
$user->created = common_sql_now();
if (Event::handle('StartUserRegister', array($profile))) {
$id = $profile->insert();
if (empty($id)) {
common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
$user->id = $id;
if (!empty($uri)) {
$user->uri = $uri;
} else {
$user->uri = common_user_uri($user);
if (!empty($password)) { // may not have a password for OpenID users
$user->password = common_munge_password($password, $id);
$result = $user->insert();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($user, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
// Everyone gets an inbox
$inbox = new Inbox();
$inbox->user_id = $user->id;
$inbox->notice_ids = '';
$result = $inbox->insert();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($inbox, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
// Everyone is subscribed to themself
$subscription = new Subscription();
$subscription->subscriber = $user->id;
$subscription->subscribed = $user->id;
$subscription->created = $user->created;
$result = $subscription->insert();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($subscription, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
// Mark that this invite was converted
if (!empty($invite)) {
if (!empty($email) && !$user->email) {
$confirm = new Confirm_address();
$confirm->code = common_confirmation_code(128);
$confirm->user_id = $user->id;
$confirm->address = $email;
$confirm->address_type = 'email';
$result = $confirm->insert();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($confirm, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
if (!empty($code) && $user->email) {
// Default system subscription
$defnick = common_config('newuser', 'default');
if (!empty($defnick)) {
$defuser = User::getKV('nickname', $defnick);
if (empty($defuser)) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Default user %s does not exist.", $defnick),
} else {
Subscription::start($profile, $defuser->getProfile());
if (!empty($email) && !$user->email) {
mail_confirm_address($user, $confirm->code, $profile->nickname, $email);
// Welcome message
$welcome = common_config('newuser', 'welcome');
if (!empty($welcome)) {
$welcomeuser = User::getKV('nickname', $welcome);
if (empty($welcomeuser)) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Welcome user %s does not exist.", $defnick),
} else {
$notice = Notice::saveNew($welcomeuser->id,
// TRANS: Notice given on user registration.
// TRANS: %1$s is the sitename, $2$s is the registering user's nickname.
sprintf(_('Welcome to %1$s, @%2$s!'),
common_config('site', 'name'),
Event::handle('EndUserRegister', array($profile));
return $user;
// Things we do when the email changes
function emailChanged()
$invites = new Invitation();
$invites->address = $this->email;
$invites->address_type = 'email';
if ($invites->find()) {
while ($invites->fetch()) {
try {
$other = Profile::getKV('id', $invites->user_id);
if (!($other instanceof Profile)) { // remove when getKV throws exceptions
Subscription::start($other, $this->getProfile());
} catch (Exception $e) {
function hasFave($notice)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->hasFave($notice);
function mutuallySubscribed($other)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->mutuallySubscribed($other);
function mutuallySubscribedUsers()
// 3-way join; probably should get cached
$UT = common_config('db','type')=='pgsql'?'"user"':'user';
$qry = "SELECT $UT.* " .
"FROM subscription sub1 JOIN $UT ON sub1.subscribed = $ " .
"JOIN subscription sub2 ON $ = sub2.subscriber " .
'WHERE sub1.subscriber = %d and sub2.subscribed = %d ' .
"ORDER BY $UT.nickname";
$user = new User();
$user->query(sprintf($qry, $this->id, $this->id));
return $user;
function getReplies($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
return Reply::stream($this->id, $offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
function getTaggedNotices($tag, $offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0) {
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->getTaggedNotices($tag, $offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
function getNotices($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
function favoriteNotices($own=false, $offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $max_id=0)
return Fave::stream($this->id, $offset, $limit, $own, $since_id, $max_id);
function noticeInbox($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
$stream = new InboxNoticeStream($this);
return $stream->getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
// DEPRECATED, use noticeInbox()
function noticesWithFriends($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
return $this->noticeInbox($offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
// DEPRECATED, use noticeInbox()
function noticesWithFriendsThreaded($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
return $this->noticeInbox($offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
// DEPRECATED, use noticeInbox()
function noticeInboxThreaded($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
return $this->noticeInbox($offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
// DEPRECATED, use noticeInbox()
function friendsTimeline($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
return $this->noticeInbox($offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
// DEPRECATED, use noticeInbox()
function ownFriendsTimeline($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $before_id=0)
$this->noticeInbox($offset, $limit, $since_id, $before_id);
function blowFavesCache()
$profile = $this->getProfile();
function getSelfTags()
return Profile_tag::getTagsArray($this->id, $this->id, $this->id);
function setSelfTags($newtags, $privacy)
return Profile_tag::setTags($this->id, $this->id, $newtags, $privacy);
function block(Profile $other)
// Add a new block record
// no blocking (and thus unsubbing from) yourself
if ($this->id == $other->id) {
"Profile ID %d (%s) tried to block themself.",
return false;
$block = new Profile_block();
// Begin a transaction
$block->blocker = $this->id;
$block->blocked = $other->id;
$result = $block->insert();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($block, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
return false;
$self = $this->getProfile();
if (Subscription::exists($other, $self)) {
Subscription::cancel($other, $self);
if (Subscription::exists($self, $other)) {
Subscription::cancel($self, $other);
return true;
function unblock(Profile $other)
// Get the block record
$block = Profile_block::exists($this->getProfile(), $other);
if (!$block) {
return false;
$result = $block->delete();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($block, 'DELETE', __FILE__);
return false;
return true;
function isMember($group)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->isMember($group);
function isAdmin($group)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->isAdmin($group);
function getGroups($offset=0, $limit=null)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->getGroups($offset, $limit);
* Request to join the given group.
* May throw exceptions on failure.
* @param User_group $group
* @return Group_member
function joinGroup(User_group $group)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->joinGroup($group);
* Leave a group that this user is a member of.
* @param User_group $group
function leaveGroup(User_group $group)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->leaveGroup($group);
function getSubscribed($offset=0, $limit=null)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->getSubscribed($offset, $limit);
function getSubscribers($offset=0, $limit=null)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->getSubscribers($offset, $limit);
function getTaggedSubscribers($tag, $offset=0, $limit=null)
$qry =
'SELECT profile.* ' .
'FROM profile JOIN subscription ' .
'ON = subscription.subscriber ' .
'JOIN profile_tag ON (profile_tag.tagged = subscription.subscriber ' .
'AND profile_tag.tagger = subscription.subscribed) ' .
'WHERE subscription.subscribed = %d ' .
"AND profile_tag.tag = '%s' " .
'AND subscription.subscribed != subscription.subscriber ' .
'ORDER BY subscription.created DESC ';
if ($offset) {
$qry .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OFFSET ' . $offset;
$profile = new Profile();
$cnt = $profile->query(sprintf($qry, $this->id, $profile->escape($tag)));
return $profile;
function getTaggedSubscriptions($tag, $offset=0, $limit=null)
$qry =
'SELECT profile.* ' .
'FROM profile JOIN subscription ' .
'ON = subscription.subscribed ' .
'JOIN profile_tag on (profile_tag.tagged = subscription.subscribed ' .
'AND profile_tag.tagger = subscription.subscriber) ' .
'WHERE subscription.subscriber = %d ' .
"AND profile_tag.tag = '%s' " .
'AND subscription.subscribed != subscription.subscriber ' .
'ORDER BY subscription.created DESC ';
$qry .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OFFSET ' . $offset;
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->query(sprintf($qry, $this->id, $profile->escape($tag)));
return $profile;
function hasRight($right)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->hasRight($right);
function delete()
try {
$profile = $this->getProfile();
} catch (UserNoProfileException $unp) {
common_log(LOG_INFO, "User {$this->nickname} has no profile; continuing deletion.");
$related = array('Fave',
Event::handle('UserDeleteRelated', array($this, &$related));
foreach ($related as $cls) {
$inst = new $cls();
$inst->user_id = $this->id;
function _deleteTags()
$tag = new Profile_tag();
$tag->tagger = $this->id;
function _deleteBlocks()
$block = new Profile_block();
$block->blocker = $this->id;
// XXX delete group block? Reset blocker?
function hasRole($name)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->hasRole($name);
function grantRole($name)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->grantRole($name);
function revokeRole($name)
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->revokeRole($name);
function isSandboxed()
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->isSandboxed();
function isSilenced()
$profile = $this->getProfile();
return $profile->isSilenced();
function repeatedByMe($offset=0, $limit=20, $since_id=null, $max_id=null)
$stream = new RepeatedByMeNoticeStream($this);
return $stream->getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
function repeatsOfMe($offset=0, $limit=20, $since_id=null, $max_id=null)
$stream = new RepeatsOfMeNoticeStream($this);
return $stream->getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
function repeatedToMe($offset=0, $limit=20, $since_id=null, $max_id=null)
// TRANS: Exception thrown when trying view "repeated to me".
throw new Exception(_('Not implemented since inbox change.'));
function shareLocation()
$cfg = common_config('location', 'share');
if ($cfg == 'always') {
return true;
} else if ($cfg == 'never') {
return false;
} else { // user
$share = common_config('location', 'sharedefault');
// Check if user has a personal setting for this
$prefs = User_location_prefs::getKV('user_id', $this->id);
if (!empty($prefs)) {
$share = $prefs->share_location;
return $share;
static function siteOwner()
$owner = self::cacheGet('user:site_owner');
if ($owner === false) { // cache miss
$pr = new Profile_role();
$pr->role = Profile_role::OWNER;
if ($pr->find(true)) {
$owner = User::getKV('id', $pr->profile_id);
} else {
$owner = null;
self::cacheSet('user:site_owner', $owner);
if (!($owner instanceof User)) {
throw new ServerException(_('No site owner configured.'));
return $owner;
* Pull the primary site account to use in single-user mode.
* If a valid user nickname is listed in 'singleuser':'nickname'
* in the config, this will be used; otherwise the site owner
* account is taken by default.
* @return User
* @throws ServerException if no valid single user account is present
* @throws ServerException if called when not in single-user mode
static function singleUser()
if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) {
$user = null;
$nickname = common_config('singleuser', 'nickname');
if (!empty($nickname)) {
$user = User::getKV('nickname', $nickname);
// if there was no nickname or no user by that nickname,
// try the site owner.
if (empty($user)) {
try {
$user = User::siteOwner();
return $user;
} catch (ServerException $e) {
// TRANS: Server exception.
throw new ServerException(_('No single user defined for single-user mode.'));
} else {
// TRANS: Server exception.
throw new ServerException(_('Single-user mode code called when not enabled.'));
* This is kind of a hack for using external setup code that's trying to
* build single-user sites.
* Will still return a username if the config singleuser/nickname is set
* even if the account doesn't exist, which normally indicates that the
* site is horribly misconfigured.
* At the moment, we need to let it through so that router setup can
* complete, otherwise we won't be able to create the account.
* This will be easier when we can more easily create the account and
* *then* switch the site to 1user mode without jumping through hoops.
* @return string
* @throws ServerException if no valid single user account is present
* @throws ServerException if called when not in single-user mode
static function singleUserNickname()
try {
$user = User::singleUser();
return $user->nickname;
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled') && common_config('singleuser', 'nickname')) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: code attempting to pull single-user nickname when the account does not exist. If this is not setup time, this is probably a bug.");
return common_config('singleuser', 'nickname');
throw $e;
* Find and shorten links in the given text using this user's URL shortening
* settings.
* By default, links will be left untouched if the text is shorter than the
* configured maximum notice length. Pass true for the $always parameter
* to force all links to be shortened regardless.
* Side effects: may save file and file_redirection records for referenced URLs.
* @param string $text
* @param boolean $always
* @return string
public function shortenLinks($text, $always=false)
return common_shorten_links($text, $always, $this);
* Get a list of OAuth client applications that have access to this
* user's account.
function getConnectedApps($offset = 0, $limit = null)
$qry =
'SELECT u.* ' .
'FROM oauth_application_user u, oauth_application a ' .
'WHERE u.profile_id = %d ' .
'AND = u.application_id ' .
'AND u.access_type > 0 ' .
'ORDER BY u.created DESC ';
if ($offset > 0) {
if (common_config('db','type') == 'pgsql') {
$qry .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OFFSET ' . $offset;
} else {
$qry .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $limit;
$apps = new Oauth_application_user();
$cnt = $apps->query(sprintf($qry, $this->id));
return $apps;
* Magic function called at serialize() time.
* We use this to drop a couple process-specific references
* from DB_DataObject which can cause trouble in future
* processes.
* @return array of variable names to include in serialization.
function __sleep()
$vars = parent::__sleep();
$skip = array('_profile');
return array_diff($vars, $skip);
static function recoverPassword($nore)
$user = User::getKV('email', common_canonical_email($nore));
if (!$user) {
try {
$user = User::getKV('nickname', common_canonical_nickname($nore));
} catch (NicknameException $e) {
// invalid
// See if it's an unconfirmed email address
if (!$user) {
// Warning: it may actually be legit to have multiple folks
// who have claimed, but not yet confirmed, the same address.
// We'll only send to the first one that comes up.
$confirm_email = new Confirm_address();
$confirm_email->address = common_canonical_email($nore);
$confirm_email->address_type = 'email';
if ($confirm_email->fetch()) {
$user = User::getKV($confirm_email->user_id);
} else {
$confirm_email = null;
} else {
$confirm_email = null;
if (!$user) {
// TRANS: Information on password recovery form if no known username or e-mail address was specified.
throw new ClientException(_('No user with that email address or username.'));
// Try to get an unconfirmed email address if they used a user name
if (!$user->email && !$confirm_email) {
$confirm_email = new Confirm_address();
$confirm_email->user_id = $user->id;
$confirm_email->address_type = 'email';
if (!$confirm_email->fetch()) {
$confirm_email = null;
if (!$user->email && !$confirm_email) {
// TRANS: Client error displayed on password recovery form if a user does not have a registered e-mail address.
throw new ClientException(_('No registered email address for that user.'));
// Success! We have a valid user and a confirmed or unconfirmed email address
$confirm = new Confirm_address();
$confirm->code = common_confirmation_code(128);
$confirm->address_type = 'recover';
$confirm->user_id = $user->id;
$confirm->address = (!empty($user->email)) ? $user->email : $confirm_email->address;
if (!$confirm->insert()) {
common_log_db_error($confirm, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
// TRANS: Server error displayed if e-mail address confirmation fails in the database on the password recovery form.
throw new ServerException(_('Error saving address confirmation.'));
// @todo FIXME: needs i18n.
$body = "Hey, $user->nickname.";
$body .= "\n\n";
$body .= 'Someone just asked for a new password ' .
'for this account on ' . common_config('site', 'name') . '.';
$body .= "\n\n";
$body .= 'If it was you, and you want to confirm, use the URL below:';
$body .= "\n\n";
$body .= "\t".common_local_url('recoverpassword',
array('code' => $confirm->code));
$body .= "\n\n";
$body .= 'If not, just ignore this message.';
$body .= "\n\n";
$body .= 'Thanks for your time, ';
$body .= "\n";
$body .= common_config('site', 'name');
$body .= "\n";
$headers = _mail_prepare_headers('recoverpassword', $user->nickname, $user->nickname);
// TRANS: Subject for password recovery e-mail.
mail_to_user($user, _('Password recovery requested'), $body, $headers, $confirm->address);
function streamModeOnly()
if (common_config('oldschool', 'enabled')) {
$osp = Old_school_prefs::getKV('user_id', $this->id);
if (!empty($osp)) {
return $osp->stream_mode_only;
return false;
function conversationTree()
if (common_config('oldschool', 'enabled')) {
$osp = Old_school_prefs::getKV('user_id', $this->id);
if (!empty($osp)) {
return $osp->conversation_tree;
return false;
function streamNicknames()
if (common_config('oldschool', 'enabled')) {
$osp = Old_school_prefs::getKV('user_id', $this->id);
if (!empty($osp)) {
return $osp->stream_nicknames;
return false;
function registrationActivity()
$profile = $this->getProfile();
$service = new ActivityObject();
$service->type = ActivityObject::SERVICE;
$service->title = common_config('site', 'name');
$service->link = common_root_url();
$service->id = $service->link;
$act = new Activity();
$act->actor = ActivityObject::fromProfile($profile);
$act->verb = ActivityVerb::JOIN;
$act->objects[] = $service;
$act->id = TagURI::mint('user:register:%d',
$act->time = strtotime($this->created);
$act->title = _("Register");
$act->content = sprintf(_('%1$s joined %2$s.'),
return $act;