forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Lost dependency of OStatus plugin for lib/microappplugin.php, whoo! also noting which plugins should be upgraded to new saveActivity support. Favorite plugin won't work with the new system just yet, it doesn't have the necessary functions to extract activity objects, but that's coming in the next (few) commits.
Unfinished basic stuff: * make pretty graphs for response counts * ActivityStreams output of poll data is temporary; the interfaces need more flexibility * ActivityStreams input not done yet * need link -> show results in addition to showing results if you already voted * way to change/cancel your vote Known issues: * HTTP caching needs fixing on show-poll; may show you old data if you voted after Things todo: * should we allow anonymous responses? or ways for remote profiles to respond locally? Fancier things todo: * make sure backup/restore work * make sure ostatus transfer works * a way to do poll responses over ostatus directly? * allow links, tags, @-references in poll question & answers? or not? Storage todo: * probably separate the options into a table instead of squishing them in a text blob