forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
For reference (raised by rozzin in IRC): * * * As noted by XRevan86, modules are not necessarily non-essential. As we will keep the modules directory in GS root [therefore, near to plugins/], it is evidenced the difference between both. This is a simple yet fundamental structural change. It doesn't change functionality but makes clearer the way we understand GNU social's internals.
StatusNet AutoSandbox plugin 0.1 03/16/10 ========================================= Automatically sandboxes newly registered users as a spam-management technique. Only really suits small sites where all users can be hand-moderated. A moderator will then have to unbox legimate users, using the following built-in script: ./scripts/userrole.php -n username -r moderator (replace 'username' with the nickname of the user you wish to make a moderator). The following note will be added to the top of the Registration form: "Note you will initially be "sandboxed" so your posts will not appear in the public timeline." This can be followed by the following extra information if a contact user (denoted here by XXX) is specified: "Send a message to @XXX to speed up the unsandboxing process." If no contact user is specified, it will default to the "Default subscription" user who automatically subscribes to new users (set in Admin -> User). Use: 1. Add plugin: Default usage: addPlugin('AutoSandbox'); Specify a contact user (replace 'someuser' with appropriate username): addPlugin('AutoSandbox', array('contact' => 'someuser')); Stop contact user from defaulting to the Defaul subscription: addPlugin('AutoSandbox', array('contact' => '')); Changelog ========= 0.1 initial release